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English abbreviation dictionary - trip


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transport. abbr.
Transportation Reimbursement And Information Program univ. abbr.
Turning Research Into Practice univ. abbr.
Tuition Reduction Incentive Program network. abbr.
Token Ring Interface Processor media abbr.
Television Radio Interviews Performances gen. bus. abbr.
Training Responsibility Involvement And Preparation int. bus. abbr.
Trade Related Intellectual Property int. bus. abbr.
Trade- Related aspects of Intellectual Property Rights pos. abbr.
Tailored Relocation Individualized Program
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  ~1 n 1 a journey to a place and back again  (Did you have a good trip? | make a trip)  (I couldn't carry everything at once, so I had to make several trips. | go on/take a trip)  (We're thinking of taking a trip to the mountains. | coach/boat trip)  (a boat trip up the Thames | business/school/skiing etc)  (a business trip to Japan | day trip (=a pleasure trip done in one day))  (- see travel1) 2 slang the experiences someone has while their mind is affected by a drug such as LSD  (a bad trip) 3 an act of falling as a result of hitting something with your foot 4 AmE slang a person or experience that is amusing and very different from normal  (She's a real trip.)  (- see also round trip) ~2 v 1 »FALL« also trip up to hit something with your foot while you are walking or running so that you fall or almost fall  (I didn't push him, he tripped.) + over  (Pick up that box or someone will trip over it.) 2 »MAKE SB FALL« also trip sb up to make someone fall by putting your foot in front of them when they are moving  (Baggio was clearly tripped inside the penalty area.) 3 »WALK/DANCE« literary to walk or run with quick light steps as if you are dancing  (trip along/over/down etc)  (a little girl tripping along the lane) 4 trip off the tongue to be easy to say or pronounce  (Monofluorophosphate! It doesn't exactly trip off the tongue, does it?) 5 trip a switch/wire to accidentally make an electrical system operate by moving part of it  (Alarm bells were ringing so I must have tripped a switch on my way in.) 6 »DRUG« also trip out slang to experience the effects of an illegal drug such as LSD 7 trip the light fantastic humorous to dance trip up phr v 1 T trip someone up) to trick someone into making a mistake  (The questions look simple, but they're designed to trip you up.) 2 T trip someone up) to make someone fall by putting your foot in front of them when they are walking 3 to hit something with your foot while you are walking so that you fall 4 to make a mistake + over  (It's easy to trip up over some of the...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (trips, tripping, tripped) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A trip is a journey that you make to a particular place. On the Thursday we went out on a day trip... Mark was sent to the Far East on a business trip. N-COUNT see also round trip 2. If you trip when you are walking, you knock your foot against something and fall or nearly fall. She tripped and fell last night and broke her hip... He tried to follow Jack’s footsteps in the snow and tripped on a rock... VERB: V, V on/over n • Trip up means the same as trip. I tripped up and hurt my foot... Make sure trailing flexes are kept out of the way so you don’t trip up over them. PHRASAL VERB: V P, V P on/over n 3. If you trip someone who is walking or running, you put your foot or something else in front of them, so that they knock their own foot against it and fall or nearly fall. One guy stuck his foot out and tried to trip me. VERB: V n • Trip up means the same as trip. He made a sudden dive for Uncle Jim’s legs to try to trip him up... PHRASAL VERB: V n P 4. If you say that someone is, for example, on a power trip, a guilt trip, or a nostalgia trip, you mean that their behaviour is motivated by power, guilt, or nostalgia. (INFORMAL) There’s such pressure to be happy in Hawaii, if you’re unhappy you’re on a guilt trip... The biggest star perk, and the biggest power trip, must be the private plane. N-COUNT: usu on n N c darkgreen]disapproval 5. A trip is an experience that someone has when their mind is affected by a drug such as LSD. (INFORMAL) N-COUNT 6. If someone is tripping, they are having an experience in which their mind is affected by a drug such as LSD. (INFORMAL) One night I was tripping on acid. VERB: usu cont, V on n, also V 7. If someone trips somewhere, they walk there with light, quick steps. (LITERARY) A girl in a red smock tripped down the hill... VERB: V prep/adv ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  (~ped; ~ping)  Etymology: Middle English ~pen, from Anglo-French treper, ~er, of Germanic origin; akin to Old English treppan to tread — more at trap  Date: 14th century  intransitive verb  1.  a. to dance, skip, or caper with light quick steps  b. to walk with light quick steps  2. to catch the foot against something so as to stumble  3. to make a mistake or false step (as in morality or accuracy)  4. to stumble in articulation when speaking  5. to make a journey  6.  a. to actuate a mechanism  b. to become operative  7.  a. to get high on a psychedelic drug (as LSD) ; turn on — often used with out  b. slang freak 3b  transitive verb  1.  a. to cause to stumble — often used with up  b. to cause to fail ; obstruct — often used with up  2. to detect in a misstep, fault, or blunder; also expose — usually used with up  3. archaic to perform (as a dance) lightly or nimbly  4. to raise (an anchor) from the bottom so as to hang free  5.  a. to pull (a yard) into a perpendicular position for lowering  b. to hoist (a topmast) far enough to enable the fid to be withdrawn preparatory to housing or lowering  6. to release or operate (a mechanism) especially by releasing a catch or detent ~ the fire alarm  II. noun  Date: 14th century  1. a stroke or catch by which a wrestler is made to lose footing  2.  a. voyage, journey  b. a single round or tour on a business errand  3. error, misstep  4. a quick light step  5. a faltering step caused by stumbling  6.  a. the action of ~ping mechanically  b. a device for ~ping a mechanism (as a catch or detent)  7.  a. an intense visionary experience undergone by a person who has taken a psychedelic drug (as LSD)  b. an exciting or unusual experience the party was a ~  8. absorption in or obsession with an interest, attitude, or state of mind a guilt ~ on a nostalgia ~  9. scene, lifestyle ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v.intr. & tr. (tripped, tripping) 1 intr. a walk or dance with quick light steps. b (of a rhythm etc.) run lightly. 2 a intr. & tr. (often foll. by up) stumble or cause to stumble, esp. by catching or entangling the feet. b intr. & tr. (foll. by up) make or cause to make a slip or blunder. 3 tr. detect (a person) in a blunder. 4 intr. make an excursion to a place. 5 tr. release (part of a machine) suddenly by knocking aside a catch etc. 6 a release and raise (an anchor) from the bottom by means of a cable. b turn (a yard etc.) from a horizontal to a vertical position for lowering. 7 intr. colloq. have a hallucinatory experience caused by a drug. --n. 1 a journey or excursion, esp. for pleasure. 2 a a stumble or blunder. b the act of tripping or the state of being tripped up. 3 a nimble step. 4 colloq. a hallucinatory experience caused by a drug. 5 a contrivance for a tripping mechanism etc. Phrases and idioms trip-hammer a large tilt-hammer operated by tripping. trip-wire a wire stretched close to the ground, operating an alarm etc. when disturbed. Etymology: ME f. OF triper, tripper, f. MDu. trippen skip, hop TRIPARTITE adj. 1 consisting of three parts. 2 shared by or involving three parties. 3 Bot. (of a leaf) divided into three segments almost to the base. Derivatives tripartitely adv. tripartition n. Etymology: ME f. L tripartitus (as TRI-, partitus past part. of partiri divide) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) поездка 2) рейс; пробег 3) полёт; (орбитальный) перелёт 4) оборот (тары) 5) нефт. рейс; спуск-подъём (бурового инструмента, скважинного прибора) 6) собачка; защёлка спускать собачку; отпускать защёлку 7) расцепляющее [отключающее] устройство, расцепитель 8) расцепление; размыкание; отключение; расчленение расцеплять; размыкать; отключать; расчленять 9) горн. состав (вагонеток) 10) поднимать якорь 11) отпускание (реле, контактов) отпускать (реле, контакты) 12) прохождение сигнала 13) молот (пресса); баба 14) опрокидывать to trip in — спускать (бурильную колонну в скважину), to make a trip — производить рейс (бурового долота); to make a round trip — производить спускоподъёмные операции; to trip out — поднимать (бурильную колонну из скважины) - trip of package - active trip - aircraft return trip - aircraft round trip - aircraft single trip - clean-up trip - door trip - impression trip - instantaneous trip - LEO-GEO trip - LEO-GEO-LEO trip - loaded trip - mechanical trip - misfeed trip - one-way trip - overspeed trip - overvoltage trip - return trip - reverse-current trip - short trip - shunt trip - single-pole trip - two-way trip - undervoltage trip - wire-line trip ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  поездка; рейс; пробег собачка; защёлка home-based trip nonwork trip over-the-road trip shopping trip social trip transit trip work trip ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) расцепление; отключение; расцеплять; отключать 2) расцепитель; выключатель – ring trip ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) ездка 2) защелка 3) перелет 4) перемещение 5) переход 6) пролет 7) расцеп 8) расцепитель 9) расцепить 10) машиностр. расцеплять 11) расцепляющее приспособление 12) рейс 13) сцепить trip of a container — оборот тары - mechanical trip - trip button - trip circuit-breaker - trip coil - trip in hole ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. 1) поездка 2) рейс 3) плаванье 4) путешествие - business trip - dollar trip - holiday trip - peddle trip - round trip - single trip ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. поездка, путешествие; экскурсия; рейс pleasure trip —- увеселительная поездка business trip —- деловая поездка, командировка round trip —- поездка туда и обратно a trip abroad —- заграничная поездка, поездка за границу honeymoon trip —- свадебное путешествие maiden trip —- первое путешествие to take a trip —- съездить, проехаться to have a bad trip —- плохо съездить to go for a trip, to make trips —- курсировать extra trips were scheduled by railroad companies —- железнодорожные компании запланировали (предусмотрели) дополнительные рейсы 2. поход, визит a trip to the dentist —- визит к зубному врачу, посещение зубного врача 3. расстояние, покрываемое в ходе одной поездки the village was one day's mule trip —- до деревни был один день езды верхом 4. быстрая, легкая походка, легкий шаг I know her by her trip —- я узнаю ее по походке I heard the trip of her feet in the corridor —- я услышал ее легкие шаги в коридоре 5. спотыкание; падение (споткнувшись обо что-л.) to make a trip —- споткнуться, упасть 6. ложный шаг, ошибка; обмолвка; ляпсус a trip in one point would have spoiled all —- одна ошибка испортила бы все 7. сл. отключка; галлюцинирование под влиянием наркотика (особ. ЛСД) 8. переживание; ощущение; испытание that was a bad trip —- мне плохо пришлось to lay a bad trip on smb. —- испортить кому-л. настроение 9....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) путешествие; поездка, экскурсия, рейс - round trip - business trip - take a trip  2) быстрая легкая походка, легкий шаг  3) спотыкание, падение (зацепившись за что-л.)  4) ложный шаг, ошибка, обмолвка  5) sport подножка  6) tech. расцепляющее устройство  7) mining состав (вагонеток) Syn: see journey  2. v.  1) идти быстро и легко, бежать вприпрыжку  2) спотыкаться, падать (зацепившись за что-л.); опрокинуть(ся) (тж. trip over, trip up)  3) сделать ложный шаг, обмолвиться, ошибиться, споткнуться; all are apt to trip - всем свойственно ошибаться  4) запутать, сбить с толку; to trip (up) a witness by artful questions - запутать свидетеля хитро поставленными вопросами  5) ставить подножку also fig.  6) поймать, уличить во лжи и т.п. (часто trip up)  7) obs. отправляться в путешествие, совершать экскурсию  8) tech. расцеплять; выключать  9) naut. выворачивать из грунта (якорь) - trip out - trip over - trip up TRIP out sl. отключаться под влиянием наркотика, начинать галлюцинировать; быть в отключке; Have you ever tripped out? TRIP over спотыкаться; падать (споткнувшись обо что-л.); tripover a stone споткнуться о камень TRIP up запинаться, произносить с запинкой; спотыкаться ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - c.1390, "tread or step lightly, skip, caper," from O.Fr. tripper "strike with the feet," from a Gmc. source (e.g. Low Ger. trippeln, M.Du. trepelen "to trip," related to trap). The sense of "strike with the foot and cause to stumble" is first recorded c.1425. The sense of "a short journey or voyage" is from 1691, originally a nautical term, the connection is uncertain. The meaning "psychedelic drug experience" is first recorded 1959 as a noun; the verb in this sense is from 1966, from the noun. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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