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English abbreviation dictionary - tour


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  ~1 n 1 a journey for pleasure, during which you visit several different towns, areas etc  (a bicycle tour) + round/around/of  (a 10-day tour of China)  (- see also package tour) 2 a short trip through a place to see it + of/round/around  (a guided tour around the Kennedy Space Center) 3 a planned journey made by musicians, a sports team etc in order to perform or play in several places + of  (the England cricket team's tour of India) on tour  (The Moscow Symphony Orchestra is here on tour. | a leg of a tour (=one part of it))  (the first leg of U2's European tour) 4 a period during which you go to live somewhere, usually abroad, to do your job, especially military work  (a two-year tour in Vietnam) 5 tour of inspection an official visit to a place, institution, group etc in order to check its quality or performance ~2 v to visit somewhere on a tour  (We're touring the Greek islands this summer.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (tours, touring, toured) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A tour is an organized trip that people such as musicians, politicians, or theatre companies go on to several different places, stopping to meet people or perform. The band are currently on a two-month tour of Europe... ...a presidential campaign tour in Illinois. N-COUNT: usu with supp • When people are travelling on a tour, you can say that they are on tour. The band will be going on tour... PHRASE: PHR after v, v-link PHR 2. When people such as musicians, politicians, or theatre companies tour, they go on a tour, for example in order to perform or to meet people. A few years ago they toured the country in a roadshow... He toured for nearly two years and played 500 sell-out shows... VERB: V n, V 3. A tour is a journey during which you visit several places that interest you. It was week five of my tour of the major cities of Europe. N-COUNT: oft N of n 4. A tour is a short trip that you make round a place, for example round a historical building, so that you can look at it. ...a guided tour of a ruined Scottish castle. N-COUNT: oft N of n 5. If you tour a place, you go on a journey or trip round it. You can also tour the site on modern coaches equipped with videos... VERB: V n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French tur, ~n turning, circuit, journey — more at turn  Date: 14th century  1.  a. one's turn in an orderly schedule ; shift  b. a period during which an individual or unit is on a specific duty or at one place a ~ of duty  2.  a. a journey for business, pleasure, or education often involving a series of stops and ending at the starting point; also something resembling such a ~ a ~ of the history of philosophy  b. a brief turn ; round  c. a series of professional ~naments (as in golf or tennis)  II. verb  Date: 1708  intransitive verb to make a ~  transitive verb  1. to make a ~ of  2. to present (as a theatrical production) on a ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a a journey from place to place as a holiday. b an excursion, ramble, or walk (made a tour of the garden). 2 a a spell of duty on military or diplomatic service. b the time to be spent at a particular post. 3 a series of performances, matches, etc., at different places on a route through a country etc. --v. 1 intr. (usu. foll. by through) make a tour (toured through India). 2 tr. make a tour of (a country etc.). Phrases and idioms on tour (esp. of a team, theatre company, etc.) touring. touring-car a car with room for passengers and much luggage. tour operator a travel agent specializing in package holidays. Etymology: ME f. OF to(u)r f. L tornus f. Gk tornos lathe ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) поездка; путешествие 2) перевозка (туристов) 3) смена (на производстве) 4) дежурство; наряд - bulk tour - bulk inclusive tour - contract tour - group tour - individual tour ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  сущ. 1) объезд 2) рейс 3) обход 4) рабочая смена 5) цикл (в задаче коммивояжера) - optimal tour - partial tour - store shopping tour ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. путешествие; поездка; турне wedding tour —- свадебное путешествие organized tour —- организованная поездка conducted tour —- путешествие с гидом goodwill tour —- поездка доброй воли tour of Europe, European tour —- поездка по Европе world tour, tour round the world —- кругосветное путешествие the grand tour —- ист. путешествие по Франции, Италии, Швейцарии и другим странам для завершения образования to make a tour of Western Europe —- совершить турне по Западной Европе to start on a tour —- отправляться в путешествие to be on a tour —- путешествовать we were on a tour through England —- мы путешествовали по Англии 2. театр. гастрольная поездка, турне to be on tour —- гастролировать 3. обзор to make a tour of all the problems confronting the West —- обозреть (рассмотреть) все проблемы, стоящие перед Западом 4. прогулка, экскурсия sight-seeing tour —- экскурсия с целью осмотра достопримечательностей walking tour —- пешеходная экскурсия a tour of the new school —- осмотр новой школы to make a tour of the old castle —- осмотреть старый замок to set out on a walking tour —- выйти на прогулку 5. тур, объезд; рейс tour of inspection —- инспекторский объезд 6. обход караула 7. спец. обращение, оборот, цикл 8. круг (обязанностей) 9. смена (на фабрике); вахта 10. срок tour of duty —- пребывание в должности; срок службы; дежурство; наряд 11....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) путешествие, поездка; турне; экскурсия; to make a tour of the Soviet Union - путешествовать по Советскому Союзу; a foreign tour - путешествие за границу; the grand tour hist. - путешествие по Франции, Италии, Швейцарии и др. странам для завершения образования  2) тур, объезд  3) обход караула  4) обращение, оборот; цикл  5) круг (обязанностей)  6) смена (на фабрике и т.п.)  7) tour of duty -  а) стажировка; пребывание в должности;  б) дежурство; наряд Syn: see journey  2. v.  1) совершать путешествие, театральное и т.п. турне (through, about, of); to tour (through) a country - путешествовать по стране  2) совершать объезд, обход  3) theatr. показывать (спектакль) на гастролях; they toured Othello - они играли Отелло на гастролях ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - c.1300, "a turn, revolution," from O.Fr. tour, tourn "a turn, trick, round, circuit, circumference," from torner, tourner "to turn," from L. tornare "to polish, round off, fashion, turn on a lathe." Sense of "a traveling around, journey" is first recorded 1643. Tourist is first attested 1780; tourist trap attested from 1939; tourism is from 1811. Tour de force "feat of strength" is 1805, from Fr. force "strength." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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