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English abbreviation dictionary - thrust


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  ~1 v past tense and past participle thrust 1 to push something somewhere with a sudden or violent movement  (thrust sth into/back)  (The man thrust a package into Jake's hand and ran away.) 2 have sth thrust upon you to be forced to accept something that you did not expect or want 3 I + a to make a sudden movement forward with a sword or knife thrust sth aside phr v to refuse to think about something  (Our complaints were thrust aside and ignored.) ~2 n 1 a sudden strong movement that pushes forward  (the quick thrust of his sword) 2 the thrust the main meaning or most important part of what someone says or does  (the main thrust of Clinton's healthcare reforms) 3 technical the force of an engine that pushes something such as a plane forward ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (thrusts, thrusting, thrust) 1. If you thrust something or someone somewhere, you push or move them there quickly with a lot of force. They thrust him into the back of a jeep... = shove VERB: V n prep/adv • Thrust is also a noun. Two of the knife thrusts were fatal. N-COUNT 2. If you thrust your way somewhere, you move there, pushing between people or things which are in your way. She thrust her way into the crowd... = push VERB: V way prep/adv 3. If something thrusts up or out of something else, it sticks up or sticks out in a noticeable way. (LITERARY) An aerial thrust up from the grass verge... A ray of sunlight thrust out through the clouds. VERB: V adv/prep, V adv/prep 4. Thrust is the power or force that is required to make a vehicle move in a particular direction. It provides the thrust that makes the craft move forward. N-UNCOUNT 5. The thrust of an activity or of an idea is the main or essential things it expresses. The main thrust of the research will be the study of the early Universe and galaxy formation... N-SING: adj N, usu N of n 6. cut and thrust: see cut ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  (~; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English ~en, thristen, from Old Norse thry?sta; probably akin to Old Norse thrjota to tire, Old English threat coercion — more at threat  Date: 13th century  transitive verb  1. to push or drive with force ; shove  2. to cause to enter or pierce something by or as if by pushing ~ a dagger into his heart  3. extend, spread  4. stab, pierce  5.  a. to put (as an unwilling person) forcibly into a course of action or position was ~ into the job  b. to introduce often improperly into a position ; interpolate  6. to press, force, or impose the acceptance of upon someone ~ new responsibilities upon her  intransitive verb  1.  a. to force an entrance or passage  b. to push forward ; press onward  c. to push upward ; project  2. to make a ~, stab, or lunge with or as if with a pointed weapon ~ at them with a knife  II. noun  Date: 14th century  1.  a. a push or lunge with a pointed weapon  b.  (1) a verbal attack  (2) a military assault  2.  a. a strong continued pressure  b. the sideways force or pressure of one part of a structure against another part (as of an arch against an abutment)  c. the force produced by a propeller or by a jet or rocket engine that drives a vehicle (as an aircraft) forward  d. a nearly horizontal geological fault  3.  a. a forward or upward push  b. a movement (as by a group of people) in a specified direction  4.  a. salient or essential element or meaning the ~ of the argument  b. principal concern or objective the plan's major ~ is testing — Ryan Lizza ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v. (past and past part. thrust) 1 tr. push with a sudden impulse or with force (thrust the letter into my pocket). 2 tr. (foll. by on) impose (a thing) forcibly; enforce acceptance of (a thing) (had it thrust on me). 3 intr. (foll. by at, through) pierce or stab; make a sudden lunge. 4 tr. make (one's way) forcibly. 5 intr. (foll. by through, past, etc.) force oneself (thrust past me abruptly). --n. 1 a sudden or forcible push or lunge. 2 the propulsive force developed by a jet or rocket engine. 3 a strong attempt to penetrate an enemy's line or territory. 4 a remark aimed at a person. 5 the stress between the parts of an arch etc. 6 (often foll. by of) the chief theme or gist of remarks etc. 7 an attack with the point of a weapon. 8 (in full thrust fault) Geol. a low-angle reverse fault, with older strata displaced horizontally over newer. Phrases and idioms thrust-block a casting or frame carrying or containing the bearings on which the collars of a propeller shaft press. thrust oneself (or one's nose) in obtrude, interfere. thrust stage a stage extending into the audience. Etymology: ME thruste etc. f. ON thr|sta ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) осевое давление; осевое усилие; осевая нагрузка; 2) (реактивная) сила; противодействие; противодавление 3) удар; толчок толкать 4) нажим; напор нажимать 5) строит. распор 6) упор упираться 7) тяга, сила тяги создавать тягу; развивать тягу to develop thrust — развивать тягу; to regain thrust — восстанавливать тягу (путём регулировки); to return to forward thrust — переключать (двигатель) на прямую тягу, выключать реверс - thrust of earth - active lateral thrust - actual specific thrust - arch thrust - asymmetrical reversal thrust - axial thrust - cutting thrust - drilling thrust - end thrust - forward thrust - horizontal thrust - impulse thrust - lateral earth thrust - passive lateral thrust - pneumatic thrust - pump end thrust - ram thrust - reverse thrust - takeoff thrust ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  распор (горизонтальная составляющая опорной реакции) напор, нажим внутреннее сжимающее усилие удар; толчок; нажим упор тяга; сила тяги arch thrust axial thrust blade thrust earth thrust end thrust frost thrust lateral thrust ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) набыль 2) надвиг 3) нажим 4) напор 5) опора 6) оседавление 7) осенагрузка 8) протискиваться 9) распор 10) распорка 11) распорный 12) распорочный 13) машиностр. сила тяги 14) толкать 15) толчок 16) физ. траст 17) тяга 18) удар 19) упор 20) упорный rolling thrust bearing — подпятник качения sliding thrust bearing — подпятник скольжения thrust vector control — управление вектором тяги - available thrust - controllable thrust - directional thrust - full thrust - jet thrust - lateral thrust - propeller thrust - radial thrust - reverse thrust - rotor thrust - specific thrust - standard thrust - take-off thrust - thrust augmentation - thrust augmenter - thrust block - thrust coefficient - thrust journal - thrust line - thrust loading - thrust margin - thrust misalignment - thrust moment - thrust plate - thrust reversal - thrust reverser - thrust ring - thrust shaft - thrust spoiler - thrust washer - vectored thrust - volumetric thrust ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. толчок thrust with the elbow —- толчок локтем 2. всовывание, засовывание she hid the book under the pillow with a quick thrust —- быстрым движением она сунула (спрятала) книгу под подушку 3. колющий удар; тычок; выпад thrust weapon —- колющее оружие with a (one) thrust —- одним ударом thrust and parry —- выпад и отбив (фехтование); пикировка, обмен колкостями; воен. разг. бой с переменным успехом 4. колкое замечание, колкость; выпад the thrust went home —- замечание попало в цель that was a thrust at you —- это было замечание по вашему адресу, это камешек в ваш огород 5. удар to make a major thrust at the city —- нанести главный удар (продвинуться) в направлении города to deliver a thrust —- наносить удар to mount a thrust —- наносить удар; воен. организовать удар to open a thrust —- воен. начинать наступление to parry a thrust —- парировать выпад (также перен.); воен. разг. отражать удар the thrust went home —- удар достиг цели 6. направление, уклон the main thrust of office automation —- главное направление в автоматизации канцелярской службы thrust toward ardent nationalism —- (резкий) сдвиг в сторону яростного национализма 7. пафос the thrust of his teachings —- пафос его учения 8. дух; напористость to lose political thrust —- утратить политическую напористость (боевитость) the new era lost the thrust of the previous years —- новая эпоха...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  out  а) выгонять, выселять; вышвыривать; to thrust smb. out of the house вытолкать кого-л. из дому; изгнать кого-л. из дому;  б) высовывать; to thrust out ones head высовывать голову;  в) протягивать; to thrust out ones hand протянуть руку;  г) выпячивать; to thrust out ones chest выпятить грудь THRUST  1. noun  1) толчок  2) удар, выпад  3) резкое выступление (против кого-л.); выпад, колкость  4) вооруженное нападение, атака  5) tech. опора, упор  6) tech. осевая нагрузка  7) geol. горизонтальное или боковое давление; надвиг  2. v.  1) толкать; тыкать  2) колоть, пронзать  3) совать, засовывать; to thrust ones hands into ones pockets - засунуть руки в карманы  4) протискиваться, лезть, пролезать; to thrust ones way - пробивать себе дорогу; to thrust oneself into a well-paid position - пролезть на хорошо оплачиваемую должность; to thrust oneself into smb. s society - втереться в чье-л. общество  5) навязывать (кому-л.); I dont want such things thrust on me - я не хочу, чтобы мне навязывали такие вещи - thrust against - thrust aside - thrust at - thrust away - thrust back - thrust forth - thrust forward - thrust in - thrust into - thrust out - thrust through - thrust up - thrust upon to thrust oneself forward - обращать на себя внимание Syn: see propel THRUST against (при)двинуть; толкнуть; to thrust the chair against the door резко придвинуть стул к двери THRUST aside отталкивать, отбрасывать, отодвигать; to thrust...
Англо-русский словарь
  - 12c., from O.N. юrysta "to thrust, force," from P.Gmc. *thrustijanan, from PIE *trud- "push, press." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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