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English abbreviation dictionary - shock


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  ~1 n 1 »SHOCKING EVENT/SITUATION« C usually singular an unexpected and unpleasant event, situation, or piece of news that surprises and upsets you  (It was a real shock to hear that the factory would have to close. | come as a shock (=be a shock))  (We knew Rob had cancer, but it still came as a shock when he died.) 2 »UNEXPECTED UNPLEASANT FEELING« singular the feeling of surprise and disbelief you have when something very unpleasant happens unexpectedly  (I was numb with shock when I found out Graham was having an affair. | get a shock)  (They'll get a shock when they get this bill. | in a state of shock (=extremely shocked by something and unable to think or react normally))  (Several hours after we had heard we were still in a state of shock that Cobain was dead.) 3 »MEDICAL« a medical condition in which someone looks pale and their heart and lungs are not working correctly, usually after a sudden very unpleasant experience  (suffer from shock)  (Several witnesses were taken to hospital suffering from shock. | in (a state of) shock)  (Paul's in shock, but otherwise his injuries are not serious.) 4 »ELECTRICITTY« also electric shock a sharp, painful feeling caused by a dangerous flow of electricity passing through your body  (get a shock)  (I got a shock off the toaster this morning.) 5 »SHAKING« violent shaking caused for example by an explosion or earthquake etc  (The shock of the explosion was felt miles away.)  (- see also shock wave) 6 a shock of hair a very thick mass of hair  (- see also shocked, shell shock, toxic shock syndrome)  ( USAGE NOTE: SHOCK WORD CHOICE shock, surprise, shocking Shock and shocking are both fairly strong words and you may have to think whether they are the words you really need to express your meaning. If something is, comes as, or gives you a shock it is unexpected and often very bad It came as a great shock to hear she was leaving home. | He'll be OK once he gets over the shock. A surprise is something that is unexpected, but is not necessarily bad What a nice surprise! I...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (shocks, shocking, shocked) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you have a shock, something suddenly happens which is unpleasant, upsetting, or very surprising. The extent of the violence came as a shock... He has never recovered from the shock of your brother’s death... N-COUNT 2. Shock is a person’s emotional and physical condition when something very frightening or upsetting has happened to them. She’s still in a state of shock. N-UNCOUNT 3. If someone is in shock, they are suffering from a serious physical condition in which their blood is not flowing round their body properly, for example because they have had a bad injury. They escaped the blaze but were rushed to hospital suffering from shock. N-UNCOUNT: oft in N 4. If something shocks you, it makes you feel very upset, because it involves death or suffering and because you had not expected it. After forty years in the police force nothing much shocks me... VERB: V n • shocked This was a nasty attack and the woman is still very shocked. ADJ 5. If someone or something shocks you, it upsets or offends you because you think it is rude or morally wrong. You can’t shock me... They were easily shocked in those days... We were always trying to be creative and to shock. VERB: V n, be V-ed, V • shocked Don’t look so shocked. ADJ 6. A shock announcement or event is one which shocks people because it is unexpected. (JOURNALISM) ...the shock announcement that she is to resign. ...a shock defeat. ADJ: ADJ n 7. A shock is the force of something suddenly hitting or pulling something else. Steel barriers can bend and absorb the shock. N-VAR 8. A shock is the same as an electric shock. N-COUNT 9. A shock of hair is a very thick mass of hair on a person’s head. (WRITTEN) ...a very old priest with a shock of white hair. N-COUNT: N of n 10. see also shocking, culture shock, electric shock, shell shock ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English; akin to Middle High German schoc heap  Date: 14th century a pile of sheaves of grain or stalks of Indian corn set up in a field with the butt ends down  II. transitive verb  Date: 15th century to collect into ~s  III. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle French choc, from choquer to strike against, from Old French choquier, probably of Germanic origin; akin to Middle Dutch schocken to jolt  Date: 1565  1. the impact or encounter of individuals or groups in combat  2.  a. a violent shake or jar ; concussion  b. an effect of such violence  3.  a.  (1) a disturbance in the equilibrium or permanence of something  (2) a sudden or violent mental or emotional disturbance  b. something that causes such disturbance the loss came as a ~  c. a state of being so disturbed were in ~ after they heard the news  4. a state of profound depression of the vital processes associated with reduced blood volume and pressure and caused usually by severe especially crushing injuries, hemorrhage, or burns  5. sudden stimulation of the nerves and convulsive contraction of the muscles caused by the discharge of electricity through the animal body  6.  a. stroke 5  b. coronary thrombosis  7. ~ absorber  Synonyms: see impact  IV. verb  Date: 1656  transitive verb  1.  a. to strike with surprise, terror, horror, or disgust  b. to cause to undergo a physical or nervous ~  c. to subject to the action of an electrical discharge  2. to drive by or as if by a ~  intransitive verb  1. to meet with a ~ ; collide  2. to cause surprise or ~ an exhibit meant to ~  • ~able adjective  V. adjective  Etymology: perhaps from 1~  Date: 1681 bushy, shaggy  VI. noun  Date: 1819 a thick bushy mass (as of hair) ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a violent collision, impact, tremor, etc. 2 a sudden and disturbing effect on the emotions, physical reactions, etc. (the news was a great shock). 3 an acute state of prostration following a wound, pain, etc., esp. when much blood is lost (died of shock). 4 = electric shock. 5 a disturbance in stability causing fluctuations in an organization, monetary system, etc. --v. 1 tr. a affect with shock; horrify; outrage; disgust; sadden. b (absol.) cause shock. 2 tr. (esp. in passive) affect with an electric or pathological shock. 3 intr. experience shock (I don't shock easily). 4 intr. archaic collide violently. Phrases and idioms shock absorber a device on a vehicle etc. for absorbing shocks, vibrations, etc. shock-brigade (or -workers) a body of esp. voluntary workers in the USSR engaged in an especially arduous task. shock stall excessive strain produced by air resistance on an aircraft approaching the speed of sound. shock tactics 1 sudden and violent action. 2 Mil. a massed cavalry charge. shock therapy (or treatment) Psychol. a method of treating depressive patients by electric shock or drugs inducing coma and convulsions. shock troops troops specially trained for assault. shock wave a sharp change of pressure in a narrow region travelling through air etc. caused by explosion or by a body moving faster than sound. Derivatives shockable adj. shockability n. Etymology: F choc, choquer, of unkn. orig. 2. n. & v. --n. a group of usu. twelve corn-sheaves stood up with their heads together in a field. --v.tr. arrange (corn) in shocks. Etymology: ME, perh. repr. OE sc(e)oc (unrecorded) 3. n. an unkempt or shaggy mass of hair. Etymology: cf. obs. shock(-dog), earlier shough, shaggy-haired poodle ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) удар; толчок 2) ударное воздействие; ударная нагрузка 3) ударная волна; скачок уплотнения 4) амортизатор - applied shock - chilling-heat shock - compression shock - ecological shock - electric shock - heat shock - hydraulic shock - low-temperature shock - mechanical shock - normal shock - oblique shock - osmotic shock - overload shock - physical shock - planar shock - road shock - static shock - temperature shock ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  удар; толчок; ударное воздействие hydraulic shock thermal shock ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) ударное воздействие 2) нагрузка – static shock ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) амортизаторный 2) внезапный 3) разрыв 4) физ. скачок 5) толчок 6) ударная волна 7) ударный 8) шоковый compression of shock strut — усадка амортизационной стойки diagonal shock diffusor — ракетн. диффузор с косым скачком уплотнения initial shock spectrum — текущий ударный спектр intensity of a shock wave — интенсивность ударной волны oblique shock wave — физ. скачок уплотнения косой oleo-pneumatic shock absorber — аэро амортизатор жидкостно-воздушный pregressing shock wave — акуст. волна ударная автомодельная residual shock spectrum — ударный спектр последействия shock absorber arm — плечо амортизатора shock absorber body — корпус амортизатора shock absorber liquid — амортизаторная жидкость Vieille shock tube — физ. труба диафрагменная, трубка ударная Вьеля pertaining to shock — ударный to absorb a shock — обладать противоударным свойством; поглощать удар - attached shock - compression shock - detached shock - heat shock - hydraulic shock - local shock - mine shock - oblique shock - shock tube - terminal shock ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) импульс, толчок 2) нарушение (экономического равновесия) - monetary shock - supply shock 2. гл. 1) потрясать, поражать 2) ударять ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) шок; вызывать шок 2) удар; толчок – allergic shock – electroconvulsive shock – heat shock – hypotonic shock – osmotic shock – serum shock – thermal shock ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. удар; толчок terrific shock —- ужасный удар to absorb a shock —- смягчить удар 2. толчок, удар (при землетрясении) the cars collided with a great shock —- удар при столкновении машин был большой силы 3. электрический удар (также electric shock) 4. воен. отдача (также shock of discharge) 5. потрясение, удар shock of laughter —- приступ смеха mental shock —- психологическое потрясение his death was a shock to me —- меня потрясла его смерть his departure was a sad shock to his mother —- его отъезд был боьшим ударом для его матери the news came to me with a rude shock —- эта новость совершенно ошеломила меня 6. мед. шок he's suffering from shock —- он (находится) в шоке 7. разг. (апоплексический) удар he died of shock —- он умер от удара 8. физ. ударная волна 9. ам. тех. амортизатор 10. поражать, потрясать to shock profoungly —- глубоко потрясти to be shocked at the news —- быть потрясенным новостью 11. возмущать, шокировать to shock the ear —- резать слух to be shocked to hear smth. —- с возмущением услышать о чем-либо I am shocked at his conduct —- я нахожу его поведение возмутительным I'm not easily shocked, but... —- меня трудно шокировать, но... 12. спец. ударять 13. спец. вызывать шок 14. сталкиваться, приходить в столкновение 15. с-х. копна; бабка (хлеба, льна); скирда 16. толпа 17. масса, уйма 18. копна волос 19. косматый, лохматый ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  adsorber амортизатор SHOCK I  1. noun  1) удар, толчок; сотрясение; shocks of earthquake - подземные толчки (при землетрясении); to collide/clash with a tremendous shock - столкнуться со страшной силой  2) потрясение; the news came upon him with a shock - новость потрясла его  3) med. шок  4) attr. ударный; сокрушительный - shock wave - shock adsorber - shock tactics - shock troops  5) attr.; med. шоковый - shock treatment  2. v.  1) потрясать, поражать  2) возмущать, шокировать  3) poet. сталкиваться - shock into Syn: see impact II  1. noun копна, скирда (из снопов)  2. v. ставить в копны, скирды III noun  1) копна волос  2) мохнатая собака (тж. shock dog) SHOCK wave phys. ударная взрывная волна SHOCK into возмущать и заставить сделать (что-л.) Janes last school report shocked her parents into action. SHOCK tactics mil. тактика сокрушительных ударов SHOCK treatment шокотерапия SHOCK troops mil. ударные войска ...
Англо-русский словарь


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