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English abbreviation dictionary - score


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univ. abbr.
Students Choosing Other Recreational Endeavors univ. abbr.
Standing Committee On Research Exchange univ. abbr.
Student Course Online Registration Engine educ. abbr.
Strategic Construction Organizing Representative Education educ. abbr.
Schools Of California Online Resources For Education educ. abbr.
Schools Of California Online Resources For Educators educ. abbr.
South Carolina Organization Of Residential Education sport abbr.
Sports Consulting For Optimised Results And Efficiency sport abbr.
Southern California Off Road Enthusiasts law abbr.
Selective Crime Occurrence Reduction Enforcement music abbr.
Strings Choral Orff And Recorder Ensemble music abbr.
String Chorus Orff Recorder Ensemble gen. bus. abbr.
Standardized Comparison Of Risk And Expectation gen. bus. abbr.
Seek Conditions To Optimize And Reward Efficiency gen. bus. abbr.
System on Computerised Order Routing and Execution gen. bus. abbr.
Symptoms Causes Outcome Resources And Effects pos. abbr.
Senior Core Of Retired Executives st. exc. abbr.
Special Claim On Residual Equity
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См. в других словарях

  ~1 n 1 »IN A GAME« the number of points that each team or player has won in a game or competition  (the score)  (What's the score? | keep (the) score (=make a record of the score))  (Is anybody keeping score? | final score)  (The final score was Everton 2, Spurs 4.) 2 »MUSIC« a written or printed copy of a piece of music, especially for a large group of performers  (a vocal score | Who wrote the score for the movie?) 3 »IN A TEST« AmE the number of points a student has earned for correct answers in a test 4 on that score spoken concerning the particular thing you have just mentioned  (As for the cost, you don't need to worry on that score.) 5 know the score informal to know the real facts of a situation, including any unpleasant ones  (John won't do anything risky - he knows the score.) 6 settle a score to do something to harm or hurt someone who has harmed or hurt you in the past  (Jack came back after five years to settle some old scores.) 7 »MARK« a mark that has been cut onto a surface with a sharp tool  (deep scores in the wood) ~2 v 1 »WIN POINTS« to win a point in a sport, game, or competition  (Arsenal scored in the final minute of the game. | score a goal/point/run)  (Which player has scored the most runs this season?) 2 »RECORD POINTS« to record the number of points someone has in a game or competition as it is played  (Will you score for us?) 3 »GIVE POINTS« a) to give someone a particular number of points in a game or competition  (score sb 6/8 etc)  (The Canadian judge scored her 15.) b) to be worth a particular number of points in a game or competition  (A bull's-eye scores 50 points.) 4 score points also score off sb to argue with someone in order to prove that you are better than they are 5 »SUCCEED« informal to be very successful in something you do  (Atwood has scored again with another popular book. | score a success)  (The Green party scored some successes in the north west.) 6 »HAVE SEX« slang to have sex with someone you have just met  (Did you score, then?) 7 »PAPER« to...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (scores, scoring, scored) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. Note: In meaning 9, the plural form is 'score'. 1. In a sport or game, if a player scores a goal or a point, they gain a goal or point. Against which country did Ian Wright score his first international goal?... England scored 282 in their first innings... Gascoigne almost scored in the opening minute. VERB: V n, V n, V 2. If you score a particular number or amount, for example as a mark in a test, you achieve that number or amount. Kelly had scored an average of 147 on three separate IQ tests... Congress as an institution scores low in public opinion polls. VERB: V n, V adv 3. Someone’s score in a game or test is a number, for example, a number of points or runs, which shows what they have achieved or what level they have reached. The U.S. Open golf tournament was won by Ben Hogan, with a score of 287... There was also a strong link between children’s low maths scores and parents’ numeracy problems. N-COUNT 4. The score in a game is the result of it or the current situation, as indicated by the number of goals, runs, or points obtained by the two teams or players. 4-1 was the final score... They beat the Giants by a score of 7 to 3... N-COUNT 5. If you score a success, a victory, or a hit, you are successful in what you are doing. (WRITTEN) In recent months, the rebels have scored some significant victories... VERB: V n 6. The score of a film, play, or similar production is the music which is written or used for it. The dance is accompanied by an original score by Henry Torgue. N-COUNT 7. The score of a piece of music is the written version of it. He recognizes enough notation to be able to follow a score. N-COUNT 8. If you refer to scores of things or people, you are emphasizing that there are very many of them. (WRITTEN) Campaigners lit scores of bonfires in ceremonies to mark the anniversary. QUANT: QUANT of pl-n c darkgreen]emphasis 9. A score is twenty or...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  (plural ~s)  Etymology: Middle English scor, from Old Norse skor notch, tally, twenty; akin to Old English scieran to cut — more at shear  Date: 14th century  1. or plural ~  a. twenty  b. a group of 20 things — often used in combination with a cardinal number four~  c. an indefinitely large number  2.  a. a line (as a scratch or incision) made with or as if with a sharp instrument  b.  (1) a mark used as a starting point or goal  (2) a mark used for keeping account  3.  a. an account or reckoning originally kept by making marks on a tally  b. amount due ; indebtedness  4. grudge a ~ to settle  5.  a. reason, ground was accepted on the ~ of high academic achievement  b. subject, topic has nothing to say on that ~  6.  a. the copy of a musical composition in written or printed notation  b. a musical composition; specifically the music for a movie or theatrical production  c. a complete description of a dance composition in choreographic notation  7.  a. a number that expresses accomplishment (as in a game or test) or excellence (as in quality) either absolutely in points gained or by comparison to a standard  b. an act (as a goal, run, or touchdown) in any of various games or contests that gains points  8. success in obtaining something (as money or drugs) especially through illegal or irregular means  9. the stark inescapable facts of a situation knows the ~  II. verb  (~d; scoring)  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to keep a record or account of by or as if by notches on a tally ; record  b. to enter in a record  c. to mark with significant lines or notches (as in keeping account)  2. to mark with lines, grooves, scratches, or notches  3. berate, scold; also denounce  4.  a.  (1) to make (a ~) in a game or contest ~d a touchdown ~d three points  (2) to enable (a base runner) to make a ~  (3) to have as a value in a game or contest ; count a touchdown ~s six points  b.  (1) achieve, attain ~d a dazzling success  (2) acquire...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a the number of points, goals, runs, etc., made by a player, side, etc., in some games. b the total number of points etc. at the end of a game (the score was five-nil). c the act of gaining esp. a goal (a superb score there!). 2 (pl. same or scores) twenty or a set of twenty. 3 (in pl.) a great many (scores of people arrived). 4 a a reason or motive (rejected on the score of absurdity). b topic, subject (no worries on that score). 5 Mus. a a usu. printed copy of a composition showing all the vocal and instrumental parts arranged one below the other. b the music composed for a film or play, esp. for a musical. 6 colloq. a a piece of good fortune. b the act or an instance of scoring off another person. 7 colloq. the state of affairs; the present situation (asked what the score was). 8 a notch, line, etc. cut or scratched into a surface. 9 a an amount due for payment. b a running account kept by marks against a customer's name. 10 Naut. a groove in a block or dead-eye to hold a rope. --v. 1 tr. a win or gain (a goal, run, points, etc., or success etc.) (scored a century). b count for a score of (points in a game etc.) (a bull's-eye scores most points). c allot a score to (a competitor etc.). d make a record of (a point etc.). 2 intr. a make a score in a game (failed to score). b keep the tally of points, runs, etc. in a game. 3 tr. mark with notches, incisions, lines, etc.; slash; furrow (scored his name on the desk). 4 intr. secure an advantage by luck, cunning, etc. (that is where he scores). 5 tr. Mus. a orchestrate (a piece of music). b (usu. foll. by for) arrange for an instrument or instruments. c write the music for (a film, musical, etc.). d write out in a score. 6 tr. a (usu. foll. by up) mark (a total owed etc.) in a score (see sense 9b of n.). b (usu. foll. by against, to) enter (an item of debt to a customer). 7 intr. sl. a obtain drugs illegally. b (of a man) make a sexual conquest. 8 tr. (usu. foll. by against, to) mentally record (an offence etc.). 9 tr. US criticize (a person) severely....
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) зарубка; надрез делать зарубку или надрез 2) царапина; зазубрина образовывать царапины или зазубрины 3) задир образовывать задиры 4) устраивать борозды (напр. в бетонной поверхности) 5) (от)метка делать отметку, ставить метку 6) пищ. скор 7) подрез (на шкуре) 8) полигр. биг; рубчик биговать; окатывать рубчик 9) два десятка 10) количественный показатель; сумма баллов; балльная оценка проводить балльную оценку - articulation score - correlation score - cumulative score - fatigue score - intelligibility score ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) оценка 2) метка; положение 3) таблица кадров – articulation score ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) биг 2) вести счет 3) выигрыш 4) делать отметку 5) доля 6) метка 7) множество 8) надпил 9) положение 10) причина 11) счет on the score of — по причине technological advance score — машиностр. уровень технологической новизны - cumulative score - efficient score - expected score - exponential score - factor score - numerical score - score a wire - score bar - score insulation - score rule - score statistic - score wire - test score - total score ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) счет 2) задолженность, долг 3) два десятка 4) балл - on the score of - pay scores - run up a score - total score - wipe off scores 2. гл. 1) подсчитывать очки 2) получать, набирать очки 3) выигрывать, получать преимущество; достигать - score a success - score an advance - score an advantage ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. счет; долг, задолженность (обыкн. в баре и т. п.) to run up a score at a grocery —- задолжать бакалейной лавке to pay (to settle) a score —- расплачиваться, платить долги to reckon the score —- подсчитать долги (за что-л., взятое в кредит) 2. счеты to pay (off) (to settle, to wipe off) a score —- свести счеты с кем-л. to quit scores with smb. —- расквитаться с кем-л. to pay off (to settle) old scores —- свести счеты (с кем-л.), отплатить за старые обиды I have some old scores to settle with that fellow —- у меня старые счеты с этим человеком 3. спорт. счет; количество набранных очков an even (tied) score —- ничейный счет a close score —- счет при незначительном преимуществе одной стороны what's the score now? —- какой сейчас счет? to keep (the) score —- вести счет to make a good score —- сыграть с хорошим счетом there was no score —- счет не был открыт his best score this season —- его лучший результат в этом сезоне the score in the tennis final was 6 to 4 —- финальная партия по теннису закончилась со счетом 6:4 4. разг. реальное положение вещей; истинные факты; точная информация to know the score —- знать истинное положение; знать что к чему what's the score on finding a cancer cure? —- каковы перспективы открытия способа излечения рака? 5. ам. оценка, отметка (на экзамене и т. п.) 6. причина, основание on what score? —- по какой причине?, в какой связи? on the...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  over одержать верх (над кем-л.) We can certainly score over them, they dont know whats what. SCORE the bulls-eye попадать в цель SCORE  1. noun  1) зарубка, бороздка, метка; черта  2) счет, задолженность (в лавке, ресторане и т.п.)  3) счет очков (в игре); to keep the score - вести счет  4) sl. острота на чужой счет; he is given to making scores - он любит острить на чужой счет  5) удача - what a score!  6) два десятка; three score and ten - семьдесят лет (в библии - нормальная продолжительность человеческой жизни); a score or two of instances - несколько десятков примеров  7) pl. множество - scores of times  8) причина, основание; on the score of - по причине; on that score - на этот счет, в этом отношении  9) mus. партитура to go off at full score, to start off from score - ринуться, с жаром начинать (что-л.) to make a score off ones own bat - сделать что-л. без помощи других - pay off old scores - settle old scores - wipe off scores - score off - score out - score over - score under - score up SCORE off coll. одержать верх (над кем-л.), победить; посадить (кого-л.) в калошу; осадить (в споре) Its not difficult to score off Jim in an argument. SCORE out вычеркивать Score out that last name SCORE up  а) подсчитывать очки, вести счёт Now we can score up another victory for our team.  б) засчитывать, записывать на чей-л. счёт, (в магазине и т.п.) Score up a debt to Tom. SCORE under подчеркивать ...
Англо-русский словарь
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. scoru "twenty," from O.N. skor "mark, tally," also, in Icelandic, "twenty," from PIE base *(s)ker- "to cut." The connection notion is perhaps from counting (sheep, etc.) with a notch in a stick for each 20. This is the origin of the modern sense in sports (1742). Meaning "printed piece of music" first recorded 1701, from the practice of connecting related staves by scores of lines. Meaning "achieve intercourse" first recorded 1960. In O.Fr., "twenty" (vint) or a multiple of it could be used as a base, cf. vint et doze ("32"), dous vinz et diz ("50"). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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