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English abbreviation dictionary - reserve


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  ~1 v 1 to arrange for a place in a hotel, restaurant, plane etc to be kept for you  (Do you have to reserve tickets in advance? | I'd like to reserve a table for two.) 2 to keep something so that it can be used by a particular person or for a particular purpose  (reserve sth for sb)  (These seats are reserved for the elderly and disabled. | Reserve a little of the mixture to sprinkle over the top of the pie.) 3 to use or show something only in one particular situation  (reserve sth for)  (a tone of voice she usually reserved for dealing with officials) 4 reserve the right to do sth formal an expression meaning that you will do something if you think it is necessary, used especially in notices or official documents  (The management reserves the right to refuse admission.) ~2 n 1 also reserves plural an amount of something kept for future use, especially for difficult or dangerous situations + of  (reserves of food | an inner reserve of strength) 2 in reserve ready to be used if needed unexpectedly  (We always keep some money in reserve, just in case.) 3 a quality in someone's character that makes them not like expressing their emotions or talking about their problems  (His characteristic detachment and reserve made it difficult to guess his thoughts.) 4 someone who will play in a sports team if one of the other players is injured or ill 5 a price limit below which something will not be sold, especially in an auction 6 also reserves a military force that a country has in addition to its usual army ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (reserves, reserving, reserved) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If something is reserved for a particular person or purpose, it is kept specially for that person or purpose. A double room with a balcony overlooking the sea had been reserved for him... = set aside VERB: usu passive, be V-ed for n 2. If you reserve something such as a table, ticket, or magazine, you arrange for it to be kept specially for you, rather than sold or given to someone else. I’ll reserve a table for five... VERB: V n 3. A reserve is a supply of something that is available for use when it is needed. The Gulf has 65 per cent of the world’s oil reserves... N-COUNT: usu with supp 4. In sports, a reserve is someone who is available to play as part of a team if one of the members is ill or cannot play. (mainly BRIT; in AM, use substitute) He ended up as a reserve, but still qualified for a team gold medal. = substitute N-COUNT 5. A nature reserve is an area of land where the animals, birds, and plants are officially protected. Marine biologists are calling for Cardigan Bay to be created a marine nature reserve to protect the dolphins. N-COUNT: usu supp N 6. If someone shows reserve, they keep their feelings hidden. His natural reserve made him appear self-conscious. N-UNCOUNT 7. If you have something in reserve, you have it available for use when it is needed. ...the bottle of whisky that he kept in reserve... PHRASE: PHR after v 8. to reserve judgment: see judgment to reserve the right: see right ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. transitive verb  (~d; reserving)  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ~r, from Latin reservare, literally, to keep back, from re- + servare to keep — more at conserve  Date: 14th century  1.  a. to hold in ~ ; keep back ~ grain for seed  b. to set aside (part of the consecrated elements) at the Eucharist for future use  c. to retain or hold over to a future time or place ; defer ~ one's judgment on a plan  d. to make legal reservation of  2. to set or have set aside or apart ~ a hotel room  Synonyms: see keep  • reservable adjective  II. noun  Usage: often attributive  Date: 1648  1. something ~d or set aside for a particular purpose, use, or reason: as  a.  (1) a military force withheld from action for later decisive use — usually used in plural  (2) forces not in the field but available  (3) the military forces of a country not part of the regular services; also reservist  b. a tract (as of public land) set apart ; reservation  2. something stored or kept available for future use or need ; stock  3. an act of reserving ; qualification  4.  a. restraint, closeness, or caution in one's words and actions  b. forbearance from making a full explanation, complete disclosure, or free expression of one's mind  5. archaic secret  6.  a. money or its equivalent kept in hand or set apart usually to meet liabilities  b. the liquid resources of a nation for meeting international payments  7. substitute  8. ~ price  9. a wine made from select grapes, bottled on the maker's premises, and aged differently from the maker's other wines of the same vintage ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v.tr. 1 postpone, put aside, keep back for a later occasion or special use. 2 order to be specially retained or allocated for a particular person or at a particular time. 3 retain or secure, esp. by formal or legal stipulation (reserve the right to). 4 postpone delivery of (judgement etc.) (reserved my comments until the end). --n. 1 a thing reserved for future use; an extra stock or amount (a great reserve of strength; huge energy reserves). 2 a limitation, qualification, or exception attached to something (accept your offer without reserve). 3 a self-restraint; reticence; lack of cordiality (difficult to overcome his reserve). b (in artistic or literary expression) absence from exaggeration or ill-proportioned effects. 4 a company's profit added to capital. 5 (in sing. or pl.) assets kept readily available as cash or at a central bank, or as gold or foreign exchange (reserve currency). 6 (in sing. or pl.) a troops withheld from action to reinforce or protect others. b forces in addition to the regular army, navy, airforce, etc., but available in an emergency. 7 a member of the military reserve. 8 an extra player chosen to be a possible substitute in a team. 9 a place reserved for special use, esp. as a habitat for a native tribe or for wildlife (game reserve; nature reserve). 10 the intentional suppression of the truth (exercised a certain amount of reserve). 11 (in the decoration of ceramics or textiles) an area which still has the original colour of the material or the colour of the background. Phrases and idioms in reserve unused and available if required. reserve grade Austral. a second-grade team. reserve price the lowest acceptable price stipulated for an item sold at an auction. with all (or all proper) reserve without endorsing. Derivatives reservable adj. reserver n. Etymology: ME f. OF reserver f. L reservare (as RE-, servare keep) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) запас; резерв запасать; резервировать 2) мор. заповедник, резерват 3) полоса отчуждения (напр. канала) - reserve of buoyancy - additional proved reserves - alkaline reserve - aromatic reserve - coal reserves - cold reserve - developed proved reserves - ecological reserve - electrical reserve - emergency reserve - enhanced recovery reserves - explored reserves - forest reserve - fuel reserve - gas reserves - hot reserve - ignition reserve - immediate reserve - indicated reserves - inferred reserve - in-situ reserves - instantaneous reserve - known reserves - mineable reserves - nature reserve - nonspinning reserve - oil reserves - open-cut reserves - operating reserve - pedal reserve - possible reserves - power reserve - primary reserves - probable reserves - proven reserves - reactive-power reserve - recoverable reserves - secondary reserves - special nature reserve - spinning reserve - standing reserve - strict nature reserve - system reserve - temporary reserve - thrust reserve - timber reserve - underground reserves - undeveloped proved reserves - undrainable fuel reserve - unrecoverable reserves - unusable fuel reserve ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  запас; резерв заповедник central reserve strength reserve structural strength reserve ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  запас; резерв; запасать; резервировать – emergency reserve – operating reserve – power reserve ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) запас 2) запасать 3) запасной 4) запасти 5) коммутировать 6) компенсационный 7) парк 8) резерв 9) резервировать 10) машиностр. резервный 11) резервный фонд 12) резервуарный 13) сберегать - power reserve - reserve buoyancy - reserve bus - reserve equipment - reserve face - reserve route ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) запас, резерв 2) резервный фонд 3) оговорка 4) ограничение 5) сдержанность 6) незначительная активность 7) заповедник 8) резервированная цена 9) низшая, отправная цена 10) ресурсы • - Federal Reserve Notes - Federal Reserve System - Federal Reserve district - Reserve Requirements - actual reserves - annuity reserve - asset and liability reserves - bad debt reserve - bad debts reserve - bank reserve - borrowed reserve - burried reserve - capital reserve - cash reserve - contingency reserve - currency reserve - depreciation reserve - dollar reserves - draw on the reserves - excess reserves - exchange reserve - foreign exchange reserve - fractional reserve - funded reserve - gold reserves - goods reserves - government reserve - in reserve - industrial reserves - keep a reserve - latent reserves - legal reserve - liquid reserve - loan loss reserve - manpower reserves - member of the Federal Reserve System - monetary reserves - official reserves - required reserve - reserve capital - reserve for debt redemption - reserve for doubtful accounts - reserve for extensions - reserve notes - reserve the right to - statutory reserve - sterling reserves - surplus reserve - total stocks of international reserves - untapped reserves - without reserve 2. гл. 1) запасать, сберегать 2) откладывать 3) резервировать 4) сохранять за собой (право) 5) предназначать 6) заранее заказывать, бронировать RESERVE 1. сущ. 1) а) общ. запас, резерв Syn: stockpile, stock б) фин., тж. мн. резервный фонд, резерв, резервы (средства, которые не используются, оставлены для будущих платежей (напр., резерв по безнадежным долгам, банковский резерв, золотовалютные...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) запас; запасать 2) заповедник; резерват – biosphere reserve – food reserve – gare reserve – nature reserve – state reserve ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. запас, резерв the gold reserve —- золотой запас bank reserve —- резерв банка a reserve of food —- запас продовольствия in reserve —- в запасе to keep a reserve —- иметь запас 2. обыкн. pl. экономические запасы, ресурсы explored reserves —- разведанные запасы (ископаемого 3. фин. резервный фонд 4. воен. часто pl. запас, резерв reserve officer —- офицер запаса reserve duty —- служба в запасе reserve platoon —- взвод 2-го эшелона reserve ammunition —- запас боеприпасов, боезапас 5. воен. 2-й эшелон 6. воен. резервист; состоящий в запасе 7. воен. ядро, главные силы (авангарда) 8. спорт. запасной игрок 9. заповедник game reserve —- охотничье угодье 10. оговорка tacit reserve —- мысленная (молчаливая) оговорка without reserve —- безоговорочно, без оговорок; полностью; без резервированной цены (на аукционе) 11. сдержанность reserve of manner —- сдержанные манеры to break through smb.'s reserve —- заставить кого-л. оттаять, разговориться и т. п. 12. скрытность; осторожность 13. умолчание without reserve —- откровенно, ничего не скрывая 14. ком. резервированная цена, низшая отправная цена (также reserve price) to place a reserve upon a picture —- установить низшую отправную цену на картину (на аукционе) 15. условное присуждение награды (на выставке животных) 16. запасный, запасной; резервный reserve...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) запас, резерв; the gold reserve - золотой запас; in reserve - в запасе; to keep a reserve - иметь запас  2) also pl.; mil.; naut. резерв; запас  3) заповедник  4) оговорка, условие, исключение, изъятие; ограничение; without reserve - безоговорочно, полностью [ср. тж. reserve  6) ]  5) сдержанность, скрытность; осторожность  6) умолчание; without reserve - откровенно, ничего не скрывая [ср. тж. reserve  4) ]  7) fin. резервный фонд  8) sport запасной игрок  9) attr. запасный, запасной, резервный  10) attr. - reserve price  2. v.  1) сберегать, приберегать; откладывать; запасать; to reserve oneself for - беречь свои силы для чего-л.; Runners learn to reserve their strength for the last few yards.  2) резервировать, бронировать, заказывать заранее; - reserve a seat  3) предназначать (for); a great future is reserved for you - вас ожидает большое будущее  4) откладывать (на будущее), переносить (на более отдаленное время)  5) leg. сохранять за собой (право владения или контроля); оговаривать; to reserve the right - оговаривать право; сохранять право; резервировать право RESERVE a seat  а) заранее взять или заказать билет;  б) занять или обеспечить место RESERVE price резервированная цена; низшая отправная цена (ниже которой продавец отказывается продать свой товар на аукционе) ...
Англо-русский словарь


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