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English abbreviation dictionary - ram


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physiol. abbr.
Reticular Action Model physiol. abbr.
Repetitive Assistance Malfunction polit. abbr.
Republican Attack Machine NASA abbr.
Random Access Memory transport. abbr.
Ridiculous Amount Of Mileage mil. abbr.
Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability ( New version = RMA) mil. abbr.
Reliablity Availability And Maintainability airport code Ramingining, Northern Territory, Australia mathem. abbr.
Rectangular Approximation Method mathem. abbr.
Really Amazing Mathematics electron. abbr.
Reliability And Maintainability months abbr.
Radon Action Month funny abbr.
Retarded Ass Moron SMS abbr.
Retrieving Away Messages gen. comp. abbr.
Random Access Memory comp. assem. abbr.
Read Alternate Memory network. abbr.
Random Access Memory sec. abbr.
Random Authorization Mechanism sec. abbr.
Remote Authorization Mechanism file ext. abbr.
RealAudio Metafile media abbr.
Real Audio Movie educ. abbr.
Removing A Mistake educ. abbr.
Recreational Activities For Motivation law abbr.
Reaching The Age Of Majority NYSE symbols Royal Appliance Manufacturing Company st. exc. abbr.
Relationship Asset Management st. exc. abbr.
Reverse Annuity Mortgage firm name abbr.
Royal Air Maroc
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  ~1 v rammed, ramming 1 to run or drive into something very hard  (I was waiting at the traffic lights when a car rammed me from behind.) 2 always + adv/prep to push something into a position using great force  (ram sth into/down)  (First, you'll have to ram the posts into the ground.) 3 ram sth down sb's throat to try to make someone accept an idea or opinion by continually repeating it, especially when they are not interested ram sth home phr v to make sure someone fully understands something by emphasizing it and by providing a lot of examples, proof etc  (He rammed his points home with graphic pictures of neglect.) ~2 n 1 an adult male sheep  (- compare ewe) 2 a battering ram 3 technical a machine that hits something again and again to force it into a position RAM ~ n Random Access Memory; the memory in a computer system that is used as a temporary store for information, usually the software that organizes the data ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (rams, ramming, rammed) 1. If a vehicle rams something such as another vehicle, it crashes into it with a lot of force, usually deliberately. The thieves fled, ramming the policeman’s car... VERB: V n 2. If you ram something somewhere, you push it there with great force. He rammed the key into the lock and kicked the front door open. VERB: V n adv/prep 3. A ram is an adult male sheep. N-COUNT 4. see also battering ram 5. If something rams home a message or a point, it makes it clear in a way that is very forceful and that people are likely to listen to. The report by Marks & Spencer’s chairman will ram this point home... to ram something down someone’s throat: see throat PHRASE: V inflects RAM RAM is the part of a computer in which information is stored while you are using it. RAM is an abbreviation for ‘Random Access Memory’. (COMPUTING) ...a PC with 256k RAM minimum... N-UNCOUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   noun  Etymology: random-access memory  Date: 1957 a computer memory on which data can be both read and written and on which the location of data does not affect the speed of its retrieval; especially ~ that acts as the main storage available to the user for programs and data — called also random-access memory — compare ROM RAM  I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ~m; akin to Old High German ~  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a male sheep  b. capitalized Aries  2.  a. battering ~  b. a warship with a heavy beak at the prow for piercing an enemy ship  3. any of various guided pieces for exerting pressure or for driving or forcing something by impact: as  a. the plunger of a hydrostatic press or force pump  b. the weight that strikes the blow in a pile driver  II. verb  (~med; ~ming)  Etymology: Middle English ~men, probably from ~, noun  Date: 14th century  intransitive verb  1. to strike with violence ; crash  2. to move with extreme rapidity  transitive verb  1. to force in by or as if by driving  2.  a. to make compact (as by pounding)  b. c~, crowd  3. to force passage or acceptance of ~ home an idea  4. to strike against violently  • ~mer noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  abbr. 1 (in the UK) Royal Academy of Music. 2 Computing random-access memory. RAM n. & v. --n. 1 an uncastrated male sheep, a tup. 2 (the Ram) the zodiacal sign or constellation Aries. 3 hist. a = battering ram (see BATTER(1)). b a beak projecting from the bow of a battleship, for piercing the sides of other ships. c a battleship with such a beak. 4 the falling weight of a pile-driving machine. 5 a a hydraulic water-raising or lifting machine. b the piston of a hydrostatic press. c the plunger of a force-pump. --v.tr. (rammed, ramming) 1 force or squeeze into place by pressure. 2 (usu. foll. by down, in, into) beat down or drive in by heavy blows. 3 (of a ship, vehicle, etc.) strike violently, crash against. 4 (foll. by against, at, on, into) dash or violently impel. Phrases and idioms ram home stress forcefully (an argument, lesson, etc.). Derivatives rammer n. Etymology: OE ram(m), perh. rel. to ON rammr strong ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  I сокр. от radar absorbing material материал, поглощающий излучение РЛС II сокр. от random access memory ЗУ с произвольной выборкой, ЗУПВ; оперативная память; оперативное ЗУ, ОЗУ III сокр. от resident access method резидентный метод доступа RAM 1) свайный копёр забивать [погружать] сваю 2) баба (молота) 3) трамбовка трамбовать 4) гидравлический таран 5) нефт. плашка (противовыбросового превентора) 6) пресс-шток; пресс-штемпель; пуансон 7) толкатель (печи); выталкиватель 8) хобот (завалочной машины) 9) ползун; поршень; скалка; плунжер 10) вертикальные салазки (станка) 11) (силовой) цилиндр 12) гидроподъёмник 13) долбяк долбить 14) горн. толкач 15) таран (подводный ледяной выступ) to ram in — трамбовать; производить набивку advancing ram — гидродомкрат для передвижки (крепи) - base-lifting ram - blind ram - broach ram - chock homing ram - clay ram - coke-pushing ram - compression ram - door extractor ram - dump ram - electrode ram - end ram - floating ram - flux-melting ram - hydraulic ram - pipe ram - pneumatic ram - pusher ram - shear ram - steam ram - track press ram - traveling ram - water ram ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  баба, механический молот (копра) копёр цилиндр; плунжер (насоса) ползун корпус-цилиндр (паровоздушного молота) backhoe bucket hydraulic ram boom extension ram boom lift ram dipper arm hydraulic ram hydraulic ram hydraulic derricking ram jib extension ram pile-driver ram water ram ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  оперативное запоминающее устройство, ОЗУ – magnetic RAM ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) баба, трамбовка 2) лобовое давление 3) плунжер 4) скалка 5) таран 6) утрамбовывать to ram bottom in place — набивать днище конвертера to ram the refractory in place — набивать огнеупор - elevating ram - hand ram - hydraulic ram - table control ram - table lift ram ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  (random-access memory) запоминающее устройство с произвольной выборкой, оперативное запоминающее устройство RAM 1) фин. сокр. от reverse annuity mortgage 2) комп. сокр. от random access memory 3) упр. сокр. от Responsibility Assignment Matrix ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  баран ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. баран 2. (the R.) Овен (созвездие и знак зодиака) 3. тех. баба (молота) 4. гидравлический таран 5. дор. подбойка (для шпал); трамбовка 6. тех. шток, плунжер; ползун 7. коксовыталкиватель 8. спец. гидравлический домкрат 9. мор. ист. таранное судно 10. таранить to ram one's way through the hedge —- лезть напролом через зеленую изгородь to ram ahead —- воен. продвигаться вперед; пробиваться вперед; продвигаться, сокрушая сопротивление противника 11. (at, against, into) налететь на (что-л.), расшибиться обо (что-л.) he rammed his head against the wall —- он расшиб голову об стену his car was rammed into from behind by a lorry —- сзади в его машину врезался грузовик 12. забивать, вколачивать; втискивать; вдалбливать to ram a charge home in a gun —- забить заряд в пушку to ram an argument home —- убедить (кого-л.); доказать свою правоту to ram smth. into smb. —- вбивать что-л. кому-л. в голову, вдалбливать что-л. кому-л. he rammed his clothes into a bag —- он втиснул (кое-как запихал) одежду в чемодан I tried to ram a little sense into hi, —- я старался вбить в него немного здравого смысла 13. воен. сокрушать 14. воен. пробивать оборону противника 15. воен. досылать (снаряд) 16. тех. трамбовать, утрамбовывать Id: to ram smth. down smb.'s throat —- прожужжать кому-л. уши; пристать с чем-л. как с ножом к горлу Id: he's...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) баран  2) (the Ram) Овен (созвездие и знак зодиака)  3) aeron. таран  4) tech. баба (молота); гидравлический таран  5) metal. коксовыталкиватель  6) tech. ползун, плунжер  7) подъемник, силовой цилиндр  2. v.  1) таранить  2) налететь на что-л., расшибиться обо что-л. (at, against, into); The only way that I could stop the car was to ram the wheels into the edge of the road. I didnt cause the damage; I was rammed into from behind.  3) забивать, вколачивать; втискивать; вдалбливать; to ram into smb. - вбивать кому-л. в голову; to ram it home - убедить, доказать; Advertisers keep repeating the name of the product in order to ram the message home.  4) трамбовать, утрамбовывать - ram down - ram through RAM through coll. заставить принять (закон законодательным органом), протащить (через законодательный орган); Changes in the law were rammed through Parliament by unprincipled politicians. RAM down  а) утрамбовывать; The men are using a heavy machine to ram down the surface of the newly mended road.  б) забивать, вколачивать; We had to ram the pipe down a narrow hole to get it through. to ram smth. down smb. s throat пристать с чем-л. как с ножом к горлу; заставлять (кого-л.) помнить (о чем-л. неприятном); I do not like having our lack of money rammed down my throat every time I want some new clothes. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - O.E. ramm "male sheep," also "battering ram," earlier rom "male sheep," a W.Gmc. word, of unknown origin. Rammy is attested from 1607. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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