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English abbreviation dictionary - owe


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  ~ v 1 »MONEY« to have to pay someone for something that they have done for you or sold to you, or to have to give someone back money that they have lent you  (owe sb sth)  (I owe my brother $50. | owe sb for sth)  (We still owe the garage for those repairs. | owe sth)  (How much do you owe?) 2 »STH DONE/GIVEN« to feel that you should do something for someone, give someone something etc because they have done something for you or given something to you  (owe sb a drink/letter etc)  (I'll write and tell Marie; I owe her a letter anyway. | owe sb a favour)  (One of the neighbours owes me a favor, I'm sure they'll take care of the cat. | I owe you one (=used when saying thank you, when they have helped you and you are willing to help them))  (Thanks a lot for being so understanding about all this - I owe you one! | owe sb informal (=be in a position in which someone has help you, so that you should help them))  (Let's go and see Joe - he owes me!) 3 owe sb an explanation/apology to feel that you should give someone an explanation of why you did something, or say you are sorry  ("I owe you an apology, Margaret," he said sheepishly.) 4 »STH YOU HAVE/ACHIEVE« a) to have something or achieve something because of what someone else has done  (owe sth to sb)  (Helena probably owed her rapid recovery to her husband's devoted care. | owe sb sth)  (I knew that I owed Shanklin my life.) b) to know that someone's help has been important to you in achieving something  (owe sb a lot/owe sb a great deal)  ("I owe my parents a lot," he admitted. | He owes a great deal to his publishers. | owe it all to/owe everything to)  (I owe it all to you. | owe sb a debt (of gratitude))  (the debt that we owe to our teachers) 5 owe it to sb to do sth to feel you should do something for someone because they have helped you or given you support  (You owe it to your supporters not to give up now.) 6 owe it to yourself to do sth to feel you should try to achieve something because it is what you deserve  (You owe it to yourself to take some time...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (owes, owing, owed) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If you owe money to someone, they have lent it to you and you have not yet paid it back. You can also say that the money is owing. The company owes money to more than 60 banks... Blake already owed him nearly ?50... I’m broke, Livy, and I owe a couple of million dollars... He could take what was owing for the rent. VERB: V n to n, V n n, V n, V 2. If someone or something owes a particular quality or their success to a person or thing, they only have it because of that person or thing. He owed his survival to his strength as a swimmer... I owe him my life. VERB: no passive, V n to n, V n n 3. If you say that you owe a great deal to someone or something, you mean that they have helped you or influenced you a lot, and you feel very grateful to them. As a professional composer I owe much to Radio 3... He’s been fantastic. I owe him a lot. VERB: V amount to n, V n amount 4. If you say that something owes a great deal to a person or thing, you mean that it exists, is successful, or has its particular form mainly because of them. The island’s present economy owes a good deal to whisky distilling... VERB: V amount to n 5. If you say that you owe someone gratitude, respect, or loyalty, you mean that they deserve it from you. (FORMAL) Perhaps we owe these people more respect... I owe you an apology. You must have found my attitude very annoying... I owe a big debt of gratitude to her. VERB: V n n, V n n, V n to n 6. If you say that you owe it to someone to do something, you mean that you should do that thing because they deserve it. I can’t go. I owe it to him to stay... You owe it to yourself to get some professional help... Of course she would have to send a letter; she owed it to the family. VERB: no passive, V it to n to-inf, V it to pron-refl to-inf, V it to n 7. You use owing to when you are introducing the reason for something. Owing to staff shortages, there was no...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   verb  (~d; owing)  Etymology: Middle English, to possess, own, ~, from Old English agan; akin to Old High German eigun (1st & 3d plural present indicative) possess, Sanskrit ise he possesses  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1.  a. archaic possess, own  b. to have or bear (an emotion or attitude) to someone or something ~s the boss a grudge  2.  a.  (1) to be under obligation to pay or repay in return for something received ; be indebted in the sum of ~s me $5  (2) to be under obligation to render (as duty or service) I ~ you a favor  b. to be indebted to ~s the grocer for supplies  3. to be indebted for ~d his wealth to his father ~s much to good luck  intransitive verb  1. to be in debt ~s for his house  2. to be attributable an idea that ~s to Greek philosophy ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v.tr. 1 a be under obligation (to a person etc.) to pay or repay (money etc.) (we owe you five pounds; owe more than I can pay). b (absol., usu. foll. by for) be in debt (still owe for my car). 2 (often foll. by to) render (gratitude etc., a person honour, gratitude, etc.) (owe grateful thanks to). 3 (usu. foll. by to) be indebted to a person or thing for (we owe to Newton the principle of gravitation). Phrases and idioms owe a person a grudge cherish resentment against a person. owe it to oneself (often foll. by to + infin.) need (to do) something to protect one's own interests. Etymology: OE agan (see OUGHT(1)) f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) быть в долгу 2) быть должным 3) обязанным ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  гл. 1) эк. быть должным, задолжать (деньги), быть в долгу перед кем-л. to owe smb. ?10 for (smth.) — задолжать кому-л. ?10 за (что-л.) See: debt 2) а) общ. быть обязанным, быть в долгу перед кем-л., иметь моральный долг to owe no thanks to — не иметь причин для благодарности I owe you my best thanks. — Я вам чрезвычайно благодарен. б) общ. иметь, питать (какие-л. чувства по отношению к кому-л., чему-л.) to owe smb. a grudge — иметь зуб на кого-л. 3) общ. приписывать (успех, открытие, изобретение и т. п.) to owe the increase of exports to (smth.) — объяснять увеличение экспорта (чем-л.) 4) общ. быть обязанным (чем-л. чему-л., кому-л.) I owe it to you that I am still alive. — Я обязан вам жизнью. OWE гл. 1) быть должным, быть в долгу перед кем-л. 2) быть обязанным 3) задолжать (деньги) 4) иметь моральный долг ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. быть должным, задолжать (кому-либо) to owe smb. 10 dollars —- задолжать кому-либо 10 долларов he still owes for what he bought last summer —- он все еще не расплатился за покупки прошлого лета I have paid all that was owing —- я заплатил все, что с меня причиталось 2. иметь моральный долг (по отношению к кому-либо); быть в долгу (перед кем-либо) to owe reverence and obedience to —- быть обязанным почитать и повиноваться to owe no thanks to —- не иметь причин для благодарности you owe it to yourself to take a vacation —- вам необходимо взять отпуск I owe you my best thanks —- я приношу вам свою глубокую благодарность 3. испытывать какое-либо чувство he owed ill will —- он был настроен недоброжелательно 4. приписывть (успех) to owe the increase of exports to (smth.) —- объяснять увеличение экспорта (чем-либо) to what qualities of character do they owe this remarkable recovery? —- какими свойствами организма они объясняют это чудесное выздоровление? he owes his success to good luck —- он приписывает успех счастливому случаю 5. быть обязанным (чем-либо кому-либо) he owes his success to luck more than to capacity —- своим успехом он больше обязан везению, чем способностям I owe it to you that I am still alive —- я обязан вам жизнью to what do I owe this honour? —- чему я обязан такой чести? Id: to owe smb. a grudge —- иметь зуб против кого-либо, затаить злобу...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  v.  1) быть должным (кому-л.); быть в долгу (перед кем-л.)  2) быть обязанным; we owe to Newton the principle of gravitation - открытием закона тяготения мы обязаны Ньютону ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - O.E. agan (pt. ahte) "to have, own," from P.Gmc. *aiganan "to possess," from PIE *aik- "to be master of, possess." New past tense form owed arose 15c. to replace oughte, which developed into ought (1). Sense of "have to repay" began to emerge 12c., as own (v.) took over this word's original sense. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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