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English abbreviation dictionary - nod


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U.S. gov. abbr.
Notice Of Default airport code Norden, Germany network. abbr.
NETS/OSG/DSG file ext. abbr.
No Obvious Direction non-prof. org. abbr.
National Organization on Disability account. abbr.
Notice Of Default
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  ~1 v nodded, nodding 1 to move your head up and down, especially in order to show agreement or understanding  (I asked her if she was ready to go, and she nodded. | nod your head)  (Jane nodded her head sympathetically. | nod your approval/agreement etc)  (show your approval etc by nodding) 2 to move your head down and up again once in order to greet someone or give someone a sign to do something + at/to  (The judge nodded at the foreman to proceed. | She nodded to us as she walked by.) 3 be on nodding terms (with)/have a nodding acquaintance (with) to know someone slightly or know a little about a subject  (Burke was already on nodding terms with a number of senators. | a nodding acquaintance with local history) nod off phr v to begin to sleep, when you do not intend to  (I missed the movie because I'd nodded off.) ~2 n 1 an act of nodding  (The woman greeted us with a nod of the head. | give a nod)  (I showed the doorman my card and he gave a friendly nod.) 2 give sb the nod BrE informal to give someone permission to do something  (We're waiting for the boss to give us the nod on this one.) 3 a nod's as good as a wink humorous used to tell someone that you have understood something, although it was said in an indirect way 4 on the nod BrE informal by general agreement and without discussion  (The chairman's proposals are usually passed on the nod.)  (- see also the land of nod land1 (9)) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (nods, nodding, nodded) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If you nod, you move your head downwards and upwards to show that you are answering ‘yes’ to a question, or to show agreement, understanding, or approval. ‘Are you okay?’ I asked. She nodded and smiled... Jacques tasted one and nodded his approval... ‘Oh, yes,’ she nodded. ‘I understand you very well.’ VERB: no passive, V, V n, V with quote • Nod is also a noun. She gave a nod and said, ‘I see’... He gave Sabrina a quick nod of acknowledgement. N-COUNT: usu a N 2. If you nod in a particular direction, you bend your head once in that direction in order to indicate something or to give someone a signal. ‘Does it work?’ he asked, nodding at the piano... He lifted the end of the canoe, nodding to me to take up mine. VERB: no passive, V prep, V to n to-inf 3. If you nod, you bend your head once, as a way of saying hello or goodbye. All the girls nodded and said ‘Hi’... Tom nodded a greeting but didn’t say anything... Both of them smiled and nodded at friends... They nodded goodnight to the security man. VERB: no passive, V, V n, V at/to n, V n to n 4. In football, if a player nods the ball in a particular direction, they hit the ball there with their head. (BRIT INFORMAL) Taylor leapt up to nod the ball home... = head VERB: V n adv/prep ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  (~ded; ~ding)  Etymology: Middle English ~den; perhaps akin to Old High German hnoton to shake  Date: 14th century  intransitive verb  1. to make a quick downward motion of the head whether deliberately (as in expressing assent or salutation) or involuntarily (as from drowsiness)  2. to incline or sway from the vertical as though ready to fall  3. to bend or sway the upper part gently downward or forward ; bob gently  4. to make a slip or error in a moment of abstraction  transitive verb  1. to incline (as the head) downward or forward  2. to bring, invite, or send by a ~ ~ded us in  3. to signify by a ~ ~ded their approval  • ~der noun  II. noun  Date: circa 1541  1. the act or an instance of ~ding gave a ~ of greeting  2. an indication especially of approval or recognition received the party's ~ as candidate for governor ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v. (nodded, nodding) 1 intr. incline one's head slightly and briefly in greeting, assent, or command. 2 intr. let one's head fall forward in drowsiness; be drowsy. 3 tr. incline (one's head). 4 tr. signify (assent etc.) by a nod. 5 intr. (of flowers, plumes, etc.) bend downwards and sway, or move up and down. 6 intr. make a mistake due to a momentary lack of alertness or attention. 7 intr. (of a building etc.) incline from the perpendicular (nodding to its fall). --n. a nodding of the head. Phrases and idioms get the nod US be chosen or approved. nodding acquaintance (usu. foll. by with) a very slight acquaintance with a person or subject. nod off colloq. fall asleep. nod through colloq. 1 approve on the nod. 2 Brit. Parl. formally count (a Member of Parliament) as if having voted when unable to do so. on the nod colloq. 1 with merely formal assent and no discussion. 2 on credit. Derivatives noddingly adv. Etymology: ME nodde, of unkn. orig. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1. кивок (знак согласия или приветствия) to give a nod —- кивнуть головой he gave my plans the nod —- он одобрил мои планы to be dependent on smb.'s nod, to be at smb.'s nod —- быть в полной зависимости от кого-л., слепо подчиняться кому-л. to have smb. at one's nod —- командовать кем-л. I have him at my nod —- мне стоит пальцем пошевельнуть, как он выполняет все to obey on the nod —- слушаться с первого слова, подчиняться кивку головы to get the nod —- получить одобрение начальства, оказаться назначенным (на должность и т. п.); попасть в число избранных he received the party's nod as a candidate for governor —- (его) партия выдвинула его кандидатуру на пост губернатора 2. клевание носом; дремота Id: the land of N. —- царство сна Id: on the nod —- без формальностей, без церемоний; по (простой) договоренности; без проволочек; в кредит Id: to pass a motion on the nod —- принять решение (резолюцию) без голосования Id: to get smth. on the nod —- получить что-л. даром или в кредит Id: a nod is as good as a wink (to a blind horse) —- намек понятен; умейте понять намек; не будьте слепы 3. кивать головой to nod to smb. —- кивнуть кому-л. to nod and smile to smb. —- приветствовать кого-л. кивком и улыбкой to nod assent —- утвердительно кивнуть головой to nod approval —- кивком выразить одобрение (согласие) he nodded comprehension —- кивком головы...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) кивок; - give smth. the nod  2) клевание носом; дремота to give (to get) smth. on the nod amer. - дать (получить) что-л. в кредит a nod is as good as a wink (to a blind horse) -  а) намек понятен;  б) умейте понять намек  2. v.  1) кивать головой (в знак согласия, приветствия и т.п.)  2) дремать, клевать носом (тж. nod off); to catch smb. nodding - застать кого-л. врасплох  3) прозевать (что-л.)  4) наклоняться, качаться (о деревьях)  5) покоситься, грозить обвалом (о зданиях) Homer sometimes nods prov. - на всякого мудреца довольно простоты; каждый может ошибиться ...
Англо-русский словарь
  See: LAND OF NOD. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - c.1390, of unknown origin, probably an O.E. word, but not recorded; perhaps related to O.H.G. hnoton "to shake," from P.Gmc. *khnudojanan. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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