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English abbreviation dictionary - lost


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  ~1 adj 1 »CANNOT BE FOUND« something that is lost is something you had but cannot now find; missing  (The lost file eventually turned up among Branson's papers.) 2 »CANNOT FIND YOUR WAY« unable to find your way or not knowing where you are  (Police are generally happy to give directions to lost tourists. | get lost (=become lost))  (I got thoroughly lost on the way here.) 3 »WASTED« only before noun not used properly; wasted  (It'll be impossible to make up the lost time. | lost opportunities/chances etc)  (lost market opportunities) 4 feel/be lost (in the crowd) to not feel confident about what to do or how to behave, especially among people you do not know  (Will your child feel lost at a nursery?) 5 Get lost! spoken used to tell someone rudely to go away 6 »IN THOUGHT ETC« thinking so hard about something or being so interested in something that you do not notice what is happening around you + in  (I was lost in the beauty of the scenery.) lost in thought  (Poirot remained lost in thought. | lost to the world)  (Alex sat reading, lost to the world.) 7 get lost (in sth) to be forgotten or not noticed in a complicated process or busy time  (It's easy for your main points to get lost in a long speech.) 8 »NOT UNDERSTAND« be lost to be completely confused by a complicated explanation  ("Did you understand the instructions?" "No, I'm totally lost.") 9 be lost on sb if something is lost on someone, they do not understand or want to accept it  (All my warnings were completely lost on Beth.) 10 be lost for words to be unable to say anything because you are very surprised, upset etc  (It's not often Glenda's lost for words.) 11 »NOT EXISTING« not existing or owned any more  (the lost dreams of her youth) 12 »DESTROYED/KILLED« destroyed, ruined, or killed  (lost at sea/lost in battle etc)  (The whole crew was lost at sea.) 13 a lost cause something that has no chance of succeeding  (Trying to interest my son in classical music is a lost cause.) 14 lost soul often humorous someone who does not seem know where they...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Lost is the past tense and past participle of lose. 2. If you are lost or if you get lost, you do not know where you are or are unable to find your way. Barely had I set foot in the street when I realised I was lost... I took a wrong turn and we got lost in the mountains. ADJ: usu v-link ADJ 3. If something is lost, or gets lost, you cannot find it, for example because you have forgotten where you put it. ...a lost book... My paper got lost... He was scrabbling for his pen, which had got lost somewhere under the sheets of paper. ADJ 4. If you feel lost, you feel very uncomfortable because you are in an unfamiliar situation. Of the funeral he remembered only the cold, the waiting, and feeling very lost... I feel lost and lonely in a strange town alone. ADJ: usu v-link ADJ 5. If you describe a person or group of people as lost, you think that they do not have a clear idea of what they want to do or achieve. They are a lost generation in search of an identity. ADJ 6. If you describe something as lost, you mean that you no longer have it or it no longer exists. ...a lost job or promotion... The sense of community is lost... The riots will also mean lost income for Los Angeles County. ADJ 7. You use lost to refer to a period or state of affairs that existed in the past and no longer exists. He seemed to pine for his lost youth... ...the relics of a lost civilisation. ADJ: ADJ n 8. If something is lost, it is not used properly and is considered wasted. Fox is not bitter about the lost opportunity to compete in the Games... The advantage is lost. ADJ: usu v-link ADJ 9. If advice or a comment is lost on someone, they do not understand it or they pay no attention to it. The meaning of that was lost on me... PHRASE: V inflects, PHR n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   adjective  Etymology: past participle of lose  Date: 15th century  1. not made use of, won, or claimed  2.  a. no longer possessed  b. no longer known  3. ruined or destroyed physically or morally ; desperate  4.  a. taken away or beyond reach or attainment ; denied regions ~ to the faith  b. insensible, hardened ~ to shame  5.  a. unable to find the way  b. no longer visible  c. lacking assurance or self-confidence ; helpless  6. rapt, absorbed ~ in reverie  7. not appreciated or understood ; wasted their jokes were ~ on me  8. obscured or overlooked during a process or activity ~ in translation  9. hopelessly unattainable ; futile a ~ cause  • ~ness noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  past and past part. of LOSE. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  утерянный, потерянный lost motion time — время холостого хода lost telephone call — потерянный телефонный вызов - lost by evaporation - lost call - lost count - lost observation - lost solution - lost time - lost wax method - traffic lost ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. потерянный, утраченный, пропавший lost art —- утраченное (забытое) искусство lost happiness —- утраченное счастье lost soul —- пропащий человек lost property office —- бюро находок an isle lost in the fog —- скрывшийся в тумане остров 2. напрасный; даром потраченный lost effort —- тщетное усилие lost motion —- тех. мертвый ход to make up for lost time —- наверстать даром потраченное (упущенное) время this is all lost trouble —- это все напрасный труд 3. погибший lost ship —- погибший корабль lost woman —- погибшая женщина to give smb. up for lost —- считать кого-л. погибшим; поставить крест на ком-л. 4. заблудившийся the lost sheep —- заблудшая овца 5. неиспользованный, пропущенный lost opportunity —- упущенная возможность 6. (in) забывшийся lost in astonishment —- растерявшийся от изумления lost in reverie —- погруженный в мечты 7. (to) безразличный lost to shame —- не чувствующий стыда; бессовестный 8. проигранный lost battle —- проигранная битва 9. потерпевший поражение, разбитый Id: what's lost is lost —- потерянного не воротишь; что с возу упало, то пропало Id: better lost than found —- ирон. невелика потеря Id: that is not lost that comes at last —- посл. лучше поздно, чем никогда Id: get lost! —- отстань!, убирайся! 10. p. и p-p. от lose ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  labour тщетные, бесполезные усилия LOST adj. потерянный и пр. [см. lose ]; lost effort - напрасное усилие; to give smb. up for lost - считать кого-л. погибшим the Lost and Found - бюро находок whats lost is lost - что с возу упало, то пропало LOT  1. noun  1) жребий; fig. участь, доля, судьба; to cast/throw in ones lot with smb. - связать, разделить (свою) судьбу с кем-л.; the lot fell upon (или came to) me - жребий пал на меня - cast lots - draw lots - settle by lot  2) участок (земли); - across lots - parking lot  3) вещь, продаваемая на аукционе или несколько предметов, продаваемых одновременно  4) coll. группа, кучка (людей); компания  5) много, масса; a lot (of), lots of - уйма, много; многие; lots and lots of coll. - громадное количество, масса  6) партия (изделий); well send you the textbooks in three different lots - мы пошлем вам учебники тремя отдельными партиями  7) налог, пошлина  8) территория при киностудии а bad lot coll. - дурной, плохой человек Syn: see destiny  2. v.  1) делить, дробить на участки, части (часто lot out)  2) rare бросать жребий  3) сортировать; разбивать на партии (для аукционной продажи)  4) amer.; coll. рассчитывать (on, upon - на что-л.)  3. adv. гораздо, намного; a lot better (more) - гораздо лучше (больше) ...
Англо-русский словарь
Английский словарь американских идиом


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