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English abbreviation dictionary - long


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  ~1 adj 1 »OBJECT/LINE« measuring a great length or a greater length than usual from one end to the other  (Cher used to have really long hair. | The line to get into the movie was so long we gave up. | The Aleutian Islands form the longest archipelago in the world.)  (- opposite short1 (1)) 2 »TIME« continuing for a large amount of time  (I thought the play was a little too long. | recovering from a long illness | People who exercise regularly generally live longer, healthier lives. | a long time)  (They've been married a long time. | get longer)  (The days are beginning to get longer. | for the longest time AmE spoken (=for a very long time))  (I thought for the longest time that his name was Don, but it's really Ron.)  (- opposite short1 (4)) 3 »DISTANCE« continuing or travelling a great distance from one place to another  (a long distance runner | long walk/flight/drive)  (It's a long walk to the shops from here. | a long way)  (We're still a long way from Aberdeen.)  (- opposite short1 (1)) 4 »HOW LONG« (usually after n having a particular length or continuing for a particular amount of time  (How long is the concert going to be? | an hour/two metres/three pages etc long)  (The room is about metres long and metres wide. | The article should be about words long.) 5 »BOOKS/NAMES/LISTS ETC« books, lists etc that are long contain a lot of pages, details etc  (War and Peace is one of the longest novels I've ever read. | He has a long, unpronounceable last name.)  (- opposite short1 (16)) 6 »CLOTHING« long dresses, trousers, sleeves etc cover your body to the ankles or wrists  (a long ballgown) 7 all day/year/summer etc long during all of the day etc 8 »SEEMING TOO LONG« spoken seeming to continue for a longer time or distance than is usual, especially because you are bored, tired etc  (It's been a long week and all I want to do is go home.) 9 »WORK« if you work long hours or a long day, you work for more time than is usual  (Doctors often work long hours.) 10 go a long way/have come a long way to be...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  I. [c red]TIME (longer, longest) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Long means a great amount of time or for a great amount of time. Repairs to the cable did not take too long... Have you known her parents long?... I learned long ago to avoid these invitations... The railway had obviously been built long after the house... ...long-established social traditions. ADV: ADV with v, oft ADV adv/prep • The expression for long is used to mean ‘for a great amount of time’. ‘Did you live there?’—‘Not for long.’... Developing countries won’t put up with the situation for much longer... For too long there was a huge gap in the market. PHRASE: PHR after v 2. A long event or period of time lasts for a great amount of time or takes a great amount of time. We had a long meeting with the attorney general... They sat looking at each other for a long while... He must have started writing his book a long time ago. ? short ADJ: usu ADJ n 3. You use long to ask or talk about amounts of time. How long have you lived around here?... He has been on a diet for as long as any of his friends can remember... She reflected no longer than a second before she decisively slit the envelope. ADV: how ADV, as ADV as, ADV compar than • Long is also an adjective. How long is the usual stay in hospital?... The average commuter journey there is five hours long. ADJ: how ADJ, amount ADJ 4. A long speech, book, film, or list contains a lot of information or a lot of items and takes a lot of time to listen to, read, watch, or deal with. He was making quite a long speech... This is a long film, three hours and seven minutes. ? short ADJ: usu ADJ n 5. If you describe a period of time or work as long, you mean it lasts for more hours or days than is usual, or seems to last for more time than it actually does. Go to sleep. I’ve got a long day tomorrow... She was a TV reporter and worked long hours... This has been the longest week of my...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adjective  (~er; ~est)  Etymology: Middle English ~, lang, from Old English; akin to Old High German lang ~, Latin ~us  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. extending for a considerable distance  b. having greater length than usual a ~ corridor  c. having greater height than usual ; tall  d. having a greater length than breadth ; e~ated  e. having a greater length than desirable or necessary the column is one line too ~  f. full-length ~ pants  2.  a. having a specified length six feet ~  b. forming the chief linear dimension the ~ side of the room  3.  a. extending over a considerable time a ~ friendship  b. having a specified duration two hours ~  c. pro~ed beyond the usual time a ~ look  d. lasting too ~ ; tedious a ~ explanation  4.  a. containing many items in a series a ~ list  b. having a specified number of units 300 pages ~  c. consisting of a greater number or amount than usual ; large  5.  a. of a speech sound having a relatively ~ duration  b. being the member of a pair of similarly spelled vowel or vowel-containing sounds that is descended from a vowel ~ in duration ~ a in fate ~ i in sign  c. of a syllable in prosody  (1) of relatively extended duration  (2) bearing a stress or accent  6. having the capacity to reach, extend, or travel a considerable distance a ~ left jab tried to hit the ~ ball  7. larger or ~er than the standard a ~ count by the referee  8.  a. extending far into the future the thoughts of youth are ~, ~ thoughts — H. W. Longfellow  b. extending beyond what is known a ~ guess  c. payable after a considerable period a ~ note  9. possessing a high degree or a great deal of something specified ; strong ~ on common sense  10.  a. of an unusual degree of difference between the amounts wagered on each side ~ odds  b. of or relating to the larger amount wagered take the ~ end of the bet  11. subject to great odds  12. owning or accumulating securities or goods especially in anticipation of an advance in prices they...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  comb. form forming adjectives and adverbs: 1 for the duration of (lifelong). 2 = -LING(2) (headlong). LONG 1. adj., n., & adv. --adj. (longer; longest) 1 measuring much from end to end in space or time; not soon traversed or finished (a long line; a long journey; a long time ago). 2 (following a measurement) in length or duration (2 metres long; the vacation is two months long). 3 relatively great in extent or duration (a long meeting). 4 a consisting of a large number of items (a long list). b seemingly more than the stated amount; tedious, lengthy (ten long miles; tired after a long day). 5 of elongated shape. 6 a lasting or reaching far back or forward in time (a long friendship). b (of a person's memory) retaining things for a long time. 7 far-reaching; acting at a distance; involving a great interval or difference. 8 Phonet. & Prosody of a vowel or syllable: a having the greater of the two recognized durations. b stressed. c (of a vowel in English) having the pronunciation shown in the name of the letter (as in pile and cute which have a long i and u, as distinct from pill and cut) (cf. SHORT adj. 6). 9 (of odds or a chance) reflecting or representing a low level of probability. 10 Stock Exch. a (of stocks) bought in large quantities in advance, with the expectation of a rise in price. b (of a broker etc.) buying etc. on this basis. 11 (of a bill of exchange) maturing at a distant date. 12 (of a cold drink) large and refreshing. 13 colloq. (of a person) tall. 14 (foll. by on) colloq. well supplied with. --n. 1 a long interval or period (shall not be away for long; it will not take long). 2 Phonet. a a long syllable or vowel. b a mark indicating that a vowel is long. 3 a long-dated stock. b a person who buys this. --adv. (longer; longest) 1 by or for a long time (long before; long ago; long live the king!). 2 (following nouns of duration) throughout a specified time (all day long). 3 (in compar.; with neg.) after an implied point of time (shall not wait any longer). Phrases and idioms as (or so) long as 1 during the whole...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  сокр. от longitude (логарифмическая) долгота ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) давно 2) длинный 3) длительный 4) долгий 5) долго 6) долголетний 7) продолжительный 8) продольный 9) широкий for a long time — надолго grain long paper — долевая бумага infinitely long expression — бесконечно длинное выражение land airplane long — сажать самолет с перелетом long base-line interferometer — интерферометр с большой базой long focal-length lens — длиннофокусный объектив pneumatic long line — пневматический кабель - infinitely long - long flame - long haul - long hundredweight - long line - long measure - long multiplication - long neuron - long number - long odds - long oil varnish - long pitch - long precision - long radius - long root - long shot - long sight - long term - long vacation - long wave - long wavelength - long waves - so long as ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  прил. 1) длинный 2) длительный, долгий 3) долгосрочный • - at a long date - be long - be long in smth. - be long of smth. - be long of the market - be long of the securities - long account - long range project planning - long service bonus ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. долгий срок; длительный период; большой промежуток времени for long —- надолго, на большой срок I shan't be away for long —- я уезжаю ненадолго, я скоро вернусь before long —- скоро, в ближайшее время we shall see you before long —- мы увидимся с вами в скором времени it is long since we saw him —- мы уже давно его не видели, прошло много времени с тех пор, как мы его видели it will not take long —- это не займет много времени he did not take long to answer —- он не замедлил ответить will you take long over it? —- вы скоро кончите? 2. стих. долгий слог four longs and six shorts —- четыре долгих слога и шесть коротких longs and shorts —- стих, стихотворная строчка (особ. латинская) 3. фон. долгий гласный 4. муз. лонга 5. (the L.) разг. сокр. от long vacation 6. бирж. покупатель ценных бумаг 7. бирж. спекулянт, играющий на повышение 8. (длинные) брюки 9. большие роста (мужской одежды) Id: the long and the short of smth. —- самая суть, самое главное (в чем-л.) Id: the long and the short of it is that they won —- короче говоря (все дело в том, что) они выиграли 10. длинный long hair —- длинные волосы long distance —- большое (далекое) расстояние long journey —- дальний (долгий) путь a long way off —- далеко from a long way off —- издалека a long way to go —- далеко (докуда-л.) at long range —- на большом расстоянии; с большого расстояния a long way about...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I  1. adj.  1) длинный; - long measures - at long range - long mile - long waves  2) долгий; длительный; давно существующий; a friendship (an illness) of long standing - старинная дружба (застарелая болезнь); - long look - long custom - long farewell - long vacation  3) медленный; медлительный; how long he is! - как он копается!  4) имеющий такую-то длину/продолжительность; a mile long - длиной в одну милю; an hour long - продолжающийся в течение часа  5) обширный, многочисленный; - long family - long bill - long price - long shillings  6) удлиненный, продолговатый  7) скучный, многословный  8) phon.; prosody долгий (о гласном звуке)  9) fin. долгосрочный - long ears to make/pull a long face помрачнеть to make a long nose показать нос - long greens - long head - long nine - long odds - Long Tom - Long Parliament long in the teeth старый to get a long start over smb. значительно опередить кого-л.  2. adv.  1) долго; as long as - пока; stay for as long as you like - оставайтесь столько, сколько вам будет угодно; long live... - да здравствует...  2) давно; долгое время (перед, спустя); - long before - long after - long since  3) his life long - в течение всей его жизни, всю его жизнь  3. noun  1) долгий срок, долгое время; will not take long - не займет много времени - for long - before long  2) pl. мужская одежда больших размеров  3) phon. долгий гласный  4) (the longs) = long vacation [см. long I  1.  2) ] the long and the short of it - короче говоря, словом II...
Англо-русский словарь
Английский словарь американских идиом


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