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English abbreviation dictionary - fuck


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am. radio. abbr.
Fornication Under The Crowns Knowledge univ. abbr.
Friends University of Central Kansas univ. abbr.
Furman University Christian Knights univ. abbr.
French University of Canadian Kings funny abbr.
Fishing Under Cheese Kills funny abbr.
Friendship U Can Keep funny abbr.
Friend U Can Keep funny abbr.
Fornicate Under Command of the King adult abbr.
For Unlawful Carnal Knoledge adult abbr.
Fucked Up College Kids adult abbr.
Fornication Under the Command of the King. adult abbr.
Fornication Under Consent of the King adult abbr.
Friends U Can Kiss adult abbr.
Foul Understanding Of Carnal Knowledge adult abbr.
Freindship U Can Keep adult abbr.
Fornication Under Consent Of King adult abbr.
Fools U Can Kick adult abbr.
Flying Umbrelas Cause Kissing adult abbr.
Fuck Ur Cunting Kitchen adult abbr.
Found Under Carnal Knowledge adult abbr.
Fuck Ups Can't Kspell adult abbr.
Flamings Unicorns Cracker King adult abbr.
Fornicate Under Consent Of The King adult abbr.
Fuck U Contineously Kuy adult abbr.
Fuck U Clown Kisser adult abbr.
Fornicating Under Carnal Knowledge adult abbr.
Forced Unlawful Carnal Knowledge adult abbr.
For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge music abbr.
For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge
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  ~1 v taboo spoken 1 Fuck off! an offensive way of telling someone to go away  (Fuck off you stupid bastard!) 2 to have sex with someone 3 fuck it/you/her/John! used to emphasize that you are annoyed or angry at someone or something  (Oh fuck it! I'm going home early!) fuck around also fuck about BrE phr v taboo spoken to waste time or behave in a silly or careless way fuck sb around also fuck sb about BrE phr v taboo spoken to make someone angry or annoyed by wasting their time  (The telephone company has been fucking me around all week.) fuck sb off phr v taboo spoken to make someone feel annoyed or angry  (Steve really fucks me off when he doesn't write down my phone messages.) fuck sb over phr v AmE taboo to treat someone very badly  (Bev had been fucked over so many times she no longer expected life to be fair.) fuck sb up phr v taboo spoken to make someone very unhappy and confused so that they cannot control their life  (Heroin fucks you up.) fuck up phr v taboo spoken T fuck something up) to make a mistake or do something badly  (You really fucked up this time.) fuck with sb phr v taboo spoken to annoy someone or make them angry  (I wouldn't fuck with Alfie if I were you.) ~2 interjection taboo used when you are annoyed about something  (Fuck! I forgot my keys!) ~3 n taboo spoken 1 C usually singular the act of having sex 2 the fuck used when you are angry to emphasize what you are saying  (Get the fuck out of here! | who/why/what etc the fuck)  (What the fuck do you think you're doing?) 3 not care/give a fuck to not care at all what happens ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (fucks, fucking, fucked) Note: 'Fuck' is a rude and offensive word which you should avoid using. 1. Fuck is used to express anger or annoyance. ([c red](!) VERY RUDE) EXCLAM c darkgreen]feelings 2. To fuck someone means to have sex with them. ([c red](!) VERY RUDE) V-RECIP • Fuck is also a noun. N-COUNT 3. Fuck all is used to mean ‘nothing at all’. ([c red](!) VERY RUDE) PHRASE c darkgreen]emphasis ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  Etymology: akin to Dutch fokken to breed (cattle), Swedish dialect fokka to copulate  Date: circa 1503  intransitive verb  1. usually obscene copulate  2. usually vulgar mess 3 — used with with  transitive verb  1. usually obscene to engage in coitus with — sometimes used interjectionally with an object (as a personal or reflexive pronoun) to express anger, contempt, or disgust  2. usually vulgar to deal with unfairly or harshly ; cheat, screw  II. noun  Date: 1680  1. usually obscene an act of copulation  2. usually obscene a sexual partner  3.  a. usually vulgar damn 2  b. usually vulgar — used especially with the as a meaningless intensive what the ~ do they want from me  4. usually vulgar ~er ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v., int., & n. coarse sl. --v. 1 tr. & intr. have sexual intercourse (with). 2 intr. (foll. by about, around) mess about; fool around. 3 tr. (usu. as an exclam.) curse, confound (fuck the thing!). 4 intr. (as fucking adj., adv.) used as an intensive to express annoyance etc. --int. expressing anger or annoyance. --n. 1 a an act of sexual intercourse. b a partner in sexual intercourse. 2 the slightest amount (don't give a fuck). Phrases and idioms fuck all nothing. fuck off go away. fuck up make a mess of. fuck-up n. a mess or muddle. Usage A highly taboo word. Derivatives fucker n. (often as a term of abuse). Etymology: 16th c.: orig. unkn. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1. неприст. половой акт, траханье 2. неприст. партнер по половой связи 3. неприст. эмоц-усил. черт (выражает досаду, гнев, презрение) not to care (to give) a fuck —- мне на это наплевать! what the fuck! —- черт с ним! 4. неприст. совершать половой акт, трахаться 5. неприст. возиться; заниматься пустяками to fuck around; !to fuck with smth. —- возиться с чем-л Id: fuck off! —- убирайся!; пошел ты знаешь куда! Id: to fuck smth. up —- испортить что-л; запутать Id: they fucked everything up —- они напортачили ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  v. rude совокупляться - fuck about - fuck around - fuck about with - fuck off - fuck up FUCK about  а) sl. слоняться, бить баклуши What have you been doing today? Oh, nothing, just fucking around.  б) sl. плохо обойтись с кем-л. I cant forgive him for fucking me about like that. FUCK about with sl. устраивать беспорядок Whos been fucking about with these papers? Theyre all out of order! FUCK around  а) sl. слоняться, бить баклуши What have you been doing today? Oh, nothing, just fucking around.  б) sl. плохо обойтись с кем-л. I cant forgive him for fucking me about like that. FUCK off sl.  а) слоняться, бить баклуши What have you been doing today? Oh, nothing, just fucking off.  б) уходить; переставать Oh, fuck off! Im tired of your complaints. FUCK up sl. портить We had great hopes of our team, but they fucked up again today. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - a difficult word to trace, in part because it was too taboo for the original O.E.D. Written form only attested from early 16c. (O.E.D. supplement cites 1503 in the form fukkit; earliest appearance of current spelling is 1535), but presumably a much more ancient word than that, simply one that wasn't likely to be written in the kind of texts that have survived from O.E. and M.E. (or later: the word wasn't in a single English language dictionary from 1795 to 1965). Buck cites proper name John le Fucker from 1278. It apparently is hinted at in a scurrilous 15c. poem written in bastard L. and M.E., titled "Flen flyys." The relevant line reads: Non sunt in celi quia fuccant uuiuys of heli "They [the monks] are not in heaven because they fuck the wives of Ely." Fuccant is pseudo-L., and in the original it is written in cipher. The earliest examples of the word otherwise are from Scot., which suggests a Scand. origin, perhaps akin to Norw. dial. fukka "copulate," or Swed. dial. focka "copulate, strike, push," and fock "penis." Another theory traces it to M.E. fkye, fike "move restlessly, fidget," also "dally, flirt." This is in line with the common M.E. slang term for "have sexual intercourse," swive, from O.E. swifan "to move lightly over, sweep" (related to swift), and Ger. ficken "make quick movements to and fro, flick," earlier "itch, scratch," the vulgar sense attested from 16c. Fr. foutre and It. fottere derive from L. futuere, of unknown origin but probably unrelated to the Eng. word. The O.E. word was hжman, from ham "dwelling, home," with a sense of "take home, co-habit." In 1948, the publishers of "The Naked and the Dead" persuaded Norman Mailer to use the euphemism fug instead. When Mailer later was introduced to Dorothy Parker, she greeted him with, "So you're the man who can't spell 'fuck.' " Intensive form mother-fucker suggested from 1928; motherfucking is from 1933. Fuck-all "nothing" first recorded 1960. fuck up (v.) "to ruin, spoil, destroy" first attested c.1916. A widespread group of Slavic words (cf. Rus. blud, Pol. blad)...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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