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English abbreviation dictionary - flow


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transport. abbr.
Florida Licensing On Wheels sport abbr.
Fishing Ladies Outdoor Weekend NASDAQ abbr.
Flow International Corporation
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  ~1 n 1 »MOVEMENT OF LIQUID« C usually singular a smooth steady movement or supply of liquid  (Smoking affects the flow of blood to the brain.) 2 »SUPPLY/MOVEMENT« C usually singular a continuous supply or movement of something from one place to another + of  (the flow of arms into Bosnia) 3 in full flow if someone is in full flow, they are busy talking about something and seem likely to continue for a long time 4 »WORDS/IDEAS« the continuous stream of words or ideas when someone is speaking, writing, or thinking about something  (break/interrupt sb's flow)  (You've interrupted my flow now - I don't know what I was going to say next.) 5 »OF THE SEA« the movement of the tide1 (1) towards the land  (the ebb and flow of the tide) 6 go with the flow to decide to do the same thing as other people, and not ask if you can do something different  (I don't mind, I'll just go with the flow.) 7 go against the flow to do something very different from what other people are doing  (- see also cash flow, ebb and flow ebb1 (3)) ~2 v 1 »LIQUID« if a liquids flows, it moves in a steady continuous stream + over/down/through etc  (A great river flowed along the valley.) 2 »GOODS/INFORMATION/PEOPLE ETC« if goods, information, people etc flow, they move or are supplied continuously in large numbers from one place to another + in/out/through/from etc  (Money has been flowing into the country from Western aid agencies.) 3 »TRAFFIC« if traffic flows, it moves easily from one place to another 4 »ALCOHOL« if alcohol flows at a party, people drink a lot and there is a lot available  (flow freely)  (The champagne flowed freely and everyone had a good time.) 5 »WORDS/IDEAS« if conversation or ideas flow, people talk or have ideas steadily and continuously, without anything stopping or interrupting them  (flow easily/freely)  (The wine loosened our tongues, and conversation flowed freely.) 6 flow from to come from a particular idea, place, or person  (the political wrangle that has flowed from this decision) 7 »FEELINGS« if an...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (flows, flowing, flowed) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If a liquid, gas, or electrical current flows somewhere, it moves there steadily and continuously. A stream flowed gently down into the valley... The current flows into electric motors that drive the wheels. ...compressor stations that keep the gas flowing. VERB: V adv/prep, V adv/prep, V • Flow is also a noun. It works only in the veins, where the blood flow is slower. N-VAR: with supp 2. If a number of people or things flow from one place to another, they move there steadily in large groups, usually without stopping. Large numbers of refugees continue to flow from the troubled region into the no-man’s land... VERB: V prep/adv • Flow is also a noun. She watched the frantic flow of cars and buses along the street... N-VAR: with supp 3. If information or money flows somewhere, it moves freely between people or organizations. A lot of this information flowed through other police departments... An interest rate reduction is needed to get more money flowing and create jobs. VERB: V prep/adv, V • Flow is also a noun. ...the opportunity to control the flow of information. N-VAR: with supp see also cash flow 4. Someone who is in full flow is talking easily and continuously and seems likely to go on talking for some time. He had been replying for some 40 minutes already and was still in full flow. PHRASE: v-link PHR 5. If you say that an activity, or the person who is performing the activity, is in full flow, you mean that the activity has started and is being carried out with a great deal of energy and enthusiasm. Lunch at Harry’s Bar was in full flow when Irene made a splendid entrance... PHRASE: v-link PHR 6. If you go with the flow, you let things happen or let other people tell you what to do, rather than trying to control what happens yourself. There’s nothing I can do about the problem, so I might as well go with the flow. PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English flowan; akin to Old High German flouwen to rinse, wash, Latin pluere to rain, Greek plein to sail, float  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1.  a.  (1) to issue or move in a stream  (2) circulate  b. to move with a continual change of place among the constituent particles molasses ~s slowly  2. rise the tide ebbs and ~s  3. abound a land ~ing with natural resources  4.  a. to proceed smoothly and readily conversation ~ed easily  b. to have a smooth continuity  5. to hang loose and billowing her gown ~ed around her  6. to derive from a source ; come the wealth that ~s from trade  7. to deform under stress without cracking or rupturing — used especially of minerals and rocks  8. menstruate  transitive verb  1. to cause to ~  2. to discharge in a ~  Synonyms: see spring  • ~ingly adverb  II. noun  Date: 15th century  1. an act of ~ing  2.  a. flood 1a  b. flood 2 the tide's ebb and ~  3.  a. a smooth uninterrupted movement or progress a ~ of information  b. stream; also a mass of material which has ~ed when molten an old lava ~  c. the direction of movement or development go with the ~  4. the quantity that ~s in a certain time a gauge that measures fuel ~  5. menstruation  6.  a. the motion characteristic of fluids  b. a continuous transfer of energy ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v.intr. 1 glide along as a stream (the Thames flows under London Bridge). 2 a (of a liquid, esp. water) gush out; spring. b (of blood, liquid, etc.) be spilt. 3 (of blood, money, electric current, etc.) circulate. 4 (of people or things) come or go in large numbers or smoothly (traffic flowed down the hill). 5 (of talk, literary style, etc.) proceed easily and smoothly. 6 (of a garment, hair, etc.) hang easily or gracefully; undulate. 7 (often foll. by from) result from; be caused by (his failure flows from his diffidence). 8 (esp. of the tide) be in flood; run full. 9 (of wine) be poured out copiously. 10 (of a rock or metal) undergo a permanent change of shape under stress. 11 (foll. by with) archaic be plentifully supplied with (land flowing with milk and honey). --n. 1 a a flowing movement in a stream. b the manner in which a thing flows (a sluggish flow). c a flowing liquid (couldn't stop the flow). d a copious outpouring; a stream (a continuous flow of complaints). 2 the rise of a tide or a river (ebb and flow). 3 the gradual deformation of a rock or metal under stress. 4 Sc. a bog or morass. Phrases and idioms flow chart (or diagram or sheet) 1 a diagram of the movement or action of things or persons engaged in a complex activity. 2 a graphical representation of a computer program in relation to its sequence of functions (as distinct from the data it processes). flow of spirits habitual cheerfulness. flow-on Austral. a wage or salary adjustment made as a consequence of one already made in a similar or related occupation. Etymology: OE flowan f. Gmc, rel. to FLOOD ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) течение; поток течь 2) сток 3) расход, дебит 4) растекание; расплыв(ание) растекаться; расплываться 5) пластическая деформация претерпевать пластическую деформацию 6) текучесть 7) нефт. фонтанирование фонтанировать 8) нефт. добыча 9) подвижность (напр. бетонной смеси) 10) технологический маршрут; последовательность операций 11) гидр. движение 12) непрерывная подача энергии (электрической, тепловой) 13) наводнение; затопление; разлив 14) отводная труба 15) сбегание (стружки) 16) разлив (лакокрасочного покрытия) 17) выпрессовка, грат (в прессовании пластмасс, резины) to bypass flows — гидр. 1. пропускать строительные расходы по обводному каналу 2. пропускать паводок в обход сооружения flow of catchment — сток водосброса flow of control — 1. процесс управления 2. алгоритм управления; поток (команд) управления flow of electricity — электрический ток flow of ground — пластическая деформация грунта - adiabatic flow - air flow - air-mass flow - airport traffic flow - air-water flow - all-gas flow - annual flow - annular flow - annular-dispersed flow - annular two-phase flow - approach flow - artesian flow - available flow - average annual flow - axial flow - backward flow - back flow - base flow - bearing form oil flow - behind-the-casing flow - blade-to-blade flow - boiling channel flow - boundary layer flow - break flow - bubble flow - bubbly flow - bulk flow - bypass flow - cascade flow - channel flow -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  поток, течение; сток расход подвижность (бетонной смеси); пластическое течение (материала) air flow воздушный поток расход воздуха air freight flow air transport flow annual flow average flow average annual flow base flow bimodal flow channel flow concentrated flow concurrent flow controlled flow convective flow critical flow design flow direct flow displacement flow diversion flow drainage flow drowned flow dry weather flow elastic flow estimated flow fire flow flood flow free flow free-surface flow ground-water flow heat flow hypercritical flow incident flow laminar flow low flow mass flow multiple retrogressive flow natural flow nonstationary flow nonuniform flow normal flow open-channel flow overland flow peak traffic flow pedestrian flow pipe flow plastic flow pulsating flow regulated flow return flow reverse flow river flow seepage flow sheet flow shooting flow skin flow space air flow specific heat flow straight flow streaming flow subcritical flow subsurface flow swirling flow temperature-driven flow tortuous flow tranquil flow transient heat flow transition flow turbulent flow two-phase flow uniform flow unit flow unsteady flow viscous flow volume flow vortex flow wastewater flow ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) поток (данных) 2) тракт – average-speed digital flow – data flow – determined calls flow – digital flow – document flow – high-speed digital flow – level-off flow – line flow – low-speed digital flow – nonordinary flow – ordinary flow – Palm flow – Poisson flow – power flow – primary flow – random calls flow – repeated calls flow – restricted aftereffect flow – simplest flow – stationary calls flow – tailed flow – tailless flow ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) водяной 2) гидравлический 3) движение жидкости 4) дотекать 5) дотечь 6) затек 7) затекать 8) изменяться 9) истекать 10) истечение 11) обтекание 12) обтекать 13) перетекание 14) перетекать 15) поток 16) прилив 17) протекать 18) расход 19) режим течения 20) реологический 21) струиться 22) струя 23) текущий 24) технологический 25) течение 26) течь 27) ход almost periodic flow — почти периодический поток axial axisymmetric flow — осесимметричный поток cause current to flow — вызывать ток chip flow angle — угол схода стружки common terminal flow — поток с общим стоком continuous flow test — испытание проточное data flow control — управление потоком данных emf causes current to flow — эдс вызывает ток flow flux vector — вектор потока flow about the airfoil — обтекание профиля крыла flow along the plate — обтекание пластины flow augmenting algorithm — алгоритм поиска увеличивающей поток цепи flow augmenting path — путь, увеличивающий поток flow conservation equation — уравнение сохранения потока flow dividing valve — делитель потока flow summarizing valve — сумматор потоков flow with aftereffect — поток с последействием flow with gains — поток с приращениями; поток с выигрышами flow with limited aftereffect — поток с ограниченным последействием flow without aftereffect — поток без последействия fuel flow meter — измеритель расхода топлива mass flow...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) течение; ход; течь 2) поток 3) деформация 4) проистекать, происходить FLOW сущ. 1) течение, поток 2) изобилие • - annual flow - capital flow - cash flow forecast - cash flow matching - cash flow projection - current cash flow - discounted cash flow - discounted cash flow method - flow block - flow line - flow line production - flow of credit - flow of documentation - flow of income - flow of investment - flow of payments - flow of real resources - flowing out - international capital flows - money flowing out - negative cash flow - smooth production flow - smooth production flows Syn: course, occurrence ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  течение, ток; проток – blood flow – continuous flow – energy flow – gene flow – honey flow – placentofetal flow – retrograde blood flow – saliva flow – stopped flow – subsoil flow – surface flow – surplus blood flow – transpiration flow – urinary flow ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. течение, истечение; излияние a constant flow of water —- постоянное вытекание воды flow of gum —- камедетечение, гуммоз (у древесных и др. растений) flow of metal —- текучесть металла под давлением free flow —- свободное течение flow rate —- расход жидкости или газа 2. поток, струя a steady flow —- непрерывный поток flow of lava —- поток лавы a rapid flow of words —- быстрый поток слов 3. ход, течение flow of conversation —- плавное течение беседы the flow of time —- течение времени 4. прилив (морской) 5. наплыв, прилив, изобилие flow of spirits —- жизнерадостность flow of soul —- сердечный разговор 6. плавность линий (платья, фигуры) a graceful flow of draperies —- изящные линии драпировки 7. гидр. дебит воды annual flow —- годовой сток 8. пчел. медосбор, взяток 9. спец. циркуляция в замкнутой системе 10. тех. деформация, коробление 11. физиол. менструация 12. течь; литься to flow into the sea —- впадать в море (о реке) rivers flow from springs and lakes —- реки берут свое начало в родниках и озерах tears flowed from her eyes —- слезы потекли из ее глаз to flow down smth. —- стекать с чего-л. to flow out of smth. —- вытекать из чего-л. (о реке и т. п.) to flow by heads —- течь прерывистой струей (с перебоями) 13. течь, протекать (о времени, беседе и т. п.) conversation began to flow —- разговор стал непринужденным 14....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) течение, поток, струя  2) прилив the tide is on the flow - вода прибывает  3) изобилие - flow of spirits  4) плавность (речи, линий)  5) hydr. дебит воды  6) med. менструация  2. v.  1) течь, литься, струиться; плавно переходить от одного к другому (о линиях, очертаниях и т.п.)  2) ниспадать  3) проистекать, происходить (from) Crime flows from many causes.  4) хлынуть; разразиться потоком; fig. уплывать gold flows from the country - происходит утечка золота за границу to flow in/to - хлынуть потоком (о деньгах)  5) obs. изобиловать (with) - flow out - flow over Syn: gush, pour, run, spout, spurt, squirt, stream Ant: congeal, freeze, stagnate FLOW out тратить в большом количестве (о деньгах) The taxpayers are complaining that their money is flowing out through government spending. FLOW over не влиять All her complaints just flowed over him, leaving him quite unconcerned. FLOW sheet noun карта технологического процесса FLOW of spirits жизнерадостность FLOW down стекать ...
Англо-русский словарь


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