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English abbreviation dictionary - echo


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lab. abbr.
Echocardiography hosp. abbr.
Economic Clinical And Humanistic Outcomes hosp. abbr.
Experience Of Care And Health Outcomes hosp. abbr.
Energy Conservation Health Opportunity hosp. abbr.
Emergency Call Help Out hosp. abbr.
Executive Council Of Health Organizations physiol. abbr.
Extreme Care Humane Options physiol. abbr.
Echocardiogram physiol. abbr.
Exfoliation Cleansing Hydration And Oxygenation st. & loc. abbr.
East Coast Hang Out NASA abbr.
Educational Concerns For Hunger Organization environ. abbr.
Environmental Camp For Helping Others environ. abbr.
Ecology Culture History And Opportunity univ. abbr.
Education Careers Health Opportunities univ. abbr.
Extended Campus Health Occupations toastm. abbr.
Every Communication Has Opportunity sc. fict. abbr.
Enteric Cytopathic Human Orphan hardw. abbr.
Enhanced Computer To Human Output non-prof. org. abbr.
English Carp Heritage Organization non-prof. org. abbr.
Educational Charitable And Humanitarian Organization educ. abbr.
Educationally Constructed Housing Opportunities educ. abbr.
Each Comes Hearing And Observing educ. abbr.
Every Child Has Opportunities sport abbr.
English Carp Heritage Organisation religion abbr.
Every Church Helps Others religion abbr.
Evening Christian Homemakers Organization religion abbr.
Ecumenical Community Helping Others gen. bus. abbr.
Every Contact Has Opportunity gen. bus. abbr.
Exchanging Contacts Helps Opportunities gen. bus. abbr.
Entrepreneurial Concepts Hands On NASDAQ abbr.
Electronic Clearing House
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  ~1 v present tense echoespast tense and past participle echoed 1 I often + adv/prep) if a sound echoes, you hear it again because it was made near something such as a wall or hill  (The thunder echoed over the mountains. | Our shouts echoed through the silent streets.) 2 if a place echoes, it is filled with sounds that are repeated or are similar to each other  (The hall echoed with laughter and stamping feet.) 3 literary to repeat what someone else has just said  ("Paula's dead!" "Dead?" echoed Teri, stunned.) 4 to repeat an idea or opinion because you agree with it  (The article simply echoed the NRA's arguments against gun control.) ~2 n plural echoes 1 a sound that you hear again after a loud noise, because it was made near something such as a wall  (The echo of the bells died away, and the valley was quiet again.) 2 something that is very similar to something that has happened or been said before + of  (This crash has chilling echoes of the Lockerbie disaster.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (echoes, echoing, echoed) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. An echo is a sound which is caused by a noise being reflected off a surface such as a wall. He heard nothing but the echoes of his own voice. N-COUNT: oft N of n 2. If a sound echoes, it is reflected off a surface and can be heard again after the original sound has stopped. His feet echoed on the bare board floor... The bang came suddenly, echoing across the buildings, shattering glass. = reverberate VERB: V, V prep/adv 3. In a place that echoes, a sound is reflected off a surface, and is repeated after the original sound has stopped. The room echoed... The corridor echoed with the barking of a dozen dogs. ...the bare stone floors and the echoing hall. VERB: V, V with/in n, V-ing 4. If you echo someone’s words, you repeat them or express agreement with their attitude or opinion. Their views often echo each other... VERB: V n 5. A detail or feature which reminds you of something else can be referred to as an echo. The accident has echoes of past disasters. N-COUNT: usu N of n 6. If one thing echoes another, the first is a copy of a particular detail or feature of the other. Pinks and beiges were chosen to echo the colours of the ceiling. = repeat VERB: V n 7. If something echoes, it continues to be discussed and remains important or influential in a particular situation or among a particular group of people. The old fable continues to echo down the centuries. VERB: V prep ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  (plural ~es; also ~s)  Etymology: Middle English ecco, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French ~, from Latin, from Greek echo; akin to Latin vagire to wail, Greek eche sound  Date: 14th century  1.  a. the repetition of a sound caused by reflection of sound waves  b. the sound due to such reflection  2.  a. a repetition or imitation of another ; reflection  b. repercussion, result  c. trace, vestige  d. response  3. one who closely imitates or repeats another's words, ideas, or acts  4. a soft repetition of a musical phrase  5.  a. the repetition of a received radio signal due especially to reflection of part of the wave from an ionized layer of the atmosphere  b.  (1) the reflection of transmitted radar signals by an object  (2) the visual indication of this reflection on a radarscope  • ~ey adjective  II. verb  (~ed; ~ing)  Date: 1596  intransitive verb  1. to resound with ~es  2. to produce an ~  transitive verb  1.  a. repeat, imitate children ~ing their teacher's words  b. to restate in support or agreement his successor ~ed his opinion  c. to be reminiscent of ; evoke music that ~es an earlier time  2. to send back (a sound) by the reflection of sound waves ECHO  I. noun  Etymology: Greek Echo  Date: 1595 a nymph in Greek mythology who pines away for love of Narcissus until nothing is left of her but her voice  II. Date: 1952 — a communications code word for the letter e ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. (pl. -oes) 1 a the repetition of a sound by the reflection of sound waves. b the secondary sound produced. 2 a reflected radio or radar beam. 3 a close imitation or repetition of something already done. 4 a person who slavishly repeats the words or opinions of another. 5 (often in pl.) circumstances or events reminiscent of or remotely connected with earlier ones. 6 Bridge etc. a conventional mode of play to show the number of cards held in the suit led etc. --v. (-oes, -oed) 1 intr. a (of a place) resound with an echo. b (of a sound) be repeated; resound. 2 tr. repeat (a sound) by an echo. 3 tr. a repeat (another's words). b imitate the words, opinions, or actions of (a person). Phrases and idioms echo chamber an enclosure with sound-reflecting walls. echo location the location of objects by reflected sound. echo-sounder sounding apparatus for determining the depth of the sea beneath a ship by measuring the time taken for an echo to be received. echo-sounding the use of an echo-sounder. echo verse a verse form in which a line repeats the last syllables of the previous line. Derivatives echoer n. echoless adj. Etymology: ME f. OF or L f. Gk ekho, rel. to ekhe a sound ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) эхо 2) тлв повторное (паразитное) изображение, "повтор" 3) отражённый сигнал, эхо-сигнал, эхо отражать - angel echoes - artificial echo - back echo - chaff echo - clutter echo - coherent echo - decoy echo - delayed echo - dot echoes - earth echo - false echo - fixed echo - flutter echo - fog echo - ghost echo - ground echo - lightning echo - multipath echo - multiple echo - permanent echo - precipitation echo - radar echo - radio echo - radio meteor-burst echo - radio meteor echo - rain echo - residual echo - returning echo - sea echo - secondary echo - side echo - simulated echo - spread echo - storm echoes - target echo - terrain echo - transient echo - unwanted echo ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) эхо; эхо-сигнал 2) сигнал, задержанный в линии задержки 3) тлв. двойное изображение – artificial echo – auroral echo – back-lobe echo – cloud echo – electric echo – flutter echo – long-delayed echo – multiple echo – musical echo – phonon echo – photon echo – radio echo – side-lobe echo – spread echo – talker echo ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) рлк засветка, отметка 2) отражённый импульс 3) радиоэхо 4) отражённый сигнал, эхо-сигнал 5) отражать - blurred target echo - forward round-the-world echo - ground echo - listener echo - radar echo - second-trip echo - spin echo - talker echo ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) эхоотображение (на экране), эхоотражение 2) эхопередача ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  – photon echo ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. эхо; отраженный звук to arouse an echo —- вызвать эхо 2. спец. отражение ground echo —- отражение от наземных предметов intermittent echo —- прерывистый след 3. отклик this opinion will find an echo in every man's heart —- это мнение отзовется в сердцах всех людей 4. пренебр. подражатель, эпигон 5. пренебр. подражание, эпигонство 6. ам. сл. плпгиатор 7. сл. прихлебатель, приспешник 8. спец. эхосигнал; отраженный сигнал 9. греч. миф. Эхо Id: to applaud to the echo —- бурно аплодировать; разразиться громом аплодисментов 10. повторять, отражать звук; оглашаться эхом the valley echoed as he sang —- эхо долины вторило его песне 11. повторяться эхом, отражаться the shot echoed through the woods —- эхо от выстрела прокатилось по всему лесу the sound of the cannon echoed around —- прогремел пушечный выстрел the applause echoed through the hall —- по залу прокатились аплодисменты 12. вторить, подражать, поддакивать they echoed every word of their master —- они без конца поддакивали своему хозяину to echo smb.'s manner —- подражать чьим-л. повадкам ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  sounder эхолот ECHO  1. noun; pl. -oes  1) эхо to the echo - громко; восторженно  2) отголосок, подражание faint echo - слабый отголосок  3) подражатель  4) amer.; coll. плагиатор  5) attr. - echo sounder - echo sounding  2. v.  1) отдаваться эхом; отражаться (о звуке) (with) The whole room echoed with his ringing voice.  2) вторить, подражать, поддакивать (тж. echo back) This cave echoes back every word you speak. ECHO sounding измерение глубины эхолотом ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - 1340, from L. echo, from Gk. echo, personified as a nymph, from ekhe "sound." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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