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English abbreviation dictionary - cue


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mil. abbr.
Component Uncertainty Evaluation airport code Cuenca, Ecuador ocean sc. abbr.
Coastal Upwelling Experiment univ. abbr.
Computer Using Educators file ext. abbr.
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  ~1 n 1 an action or event that provides a signal  (The fall in interest rates may be a cue for an upturn in consumer spending.) 2 a word, phrase, or action in a play that is a signal for the next person to speak or act  (She stood nervously in the wings waiting for her cue. | miss your cue (=not speak or act when you are supposed to)) 3 (right) on cue happening or done at exactly the right moment  (I had just suggested Philip's name when he walked in, right on cue.) 4 take your cue from to copy what someone else does, especially in order to behave in the right way  (With interest rates, the smaller banks will take their cue from the Federal Bank.) 5 a long straight wooden stick used for hitting the ball in games such as billiards and snooker1 ~2 v to give someone a sign that it is the right moment for them to speak or do something especially during a performance  (The studio manager will cue you when it's your turn to come on.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (cues, cueing, cued) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. In the theatre or in a musical performance, a performer’s cue is something another performer says or does that is a signal for them to begin speaking, playing, or doing something. I had never known him miss a cue. N-COUNT: oft with poss 2. If one performer cues another, they say or do something which is a signal for the second performer to begin speaking, playing, or doing something. He read the scene, with Seaton cueing him. VERB: V n 3. If you say that something that happens is a cue for an action, you mean that people start doing that action when it happens. That was the cue for several months of intense bargaining... N-COUNT: oft N for n, N to-inf 4. A cue is a long, thin wooden stick that is used to hit the ball in games such as snooker, billiards, and pool. N-COUNT 5. If you say that something happened on cue or as if on cue, you mean that it happened just when it was expected to happen, or just at the right time. Kevin arrived right on cue to care for Harry... PHRASE 6. If you take your cue from someone or something, you do something similar in a particular situation. Taking his cue from his companion, he apologized for his earlier display of temper. PHRASE: V inflects, usu PHR from n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English cu half a farthing (spelled form of q, abbreviation for Latin quadrans quarter of an as)  Date: circa 1755 the letter q  II. noun  Etymology: probably from qu, abbreviation (used as a direction in actors' copies of plays) of Latin quando when  Date: 1553  1.  a. a signal (as a word, phrase, or bit of stage business) to a performer to begin a specific speech or action  b. something serving a comparable purpose ; hint  2. a feature indicating the nature of something perceived  3. archaic the part one has to perform in or as if in a play  4. archaic mood, humor  III. transitive verb  (~d; cuing or ~ing)  Date: 1922  1. to give a ~ to ; prompt  2. to insert into a continuous performance ~ in sound effects  IV. noun  Etymology: French queue, literally, tail, from Old French ~, coe, queue, from Latin cauda  Date: circa 1749  1.  a. a leather-tipped tapering rod for striking the ~ ball (as in billiards and pool)  b. a long-handled instrument with a concave head for shoving disks in shuffleboard  2. queue 2  V. verb  (~d; cuing or ~ing)  Date: circa 1784  transitive verb  1. queue  2. to strike with a ~  intransitive verb  1. queue  2. to use a ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a the last words of an actor's speech serving as a signal to another actor to enter or speak. b a similar signal to a singer or player etc. 2 a a stimulus to perception etc. b a signal for action. c a hint on how to behave in particular circumstances. 3 a facility for or an instance of cueing audio equipment (see sense 2 of v.). --v.tr. (cues, cued, cueing or cuing) 1 give a cue to . 2 put (a piece of audio equipment, esp. a record-player or tape recorder) in readiness to play a particular part of the recorded material. Phrases and idioms cue-bid Bridge an artificial bid to show a particular card etc. in the bidder's hand. cue in 1 insert a cue for. 2 give information to. on cue at the correct moment. take one's cue from follow the example or advice of. Etymology: 16th c.: orig. unkn. 2. n. & v. Billiards etc. --n. a long straight tapering rod for striking the ball. --v. (cues, cued, cueing or cuing) 1 tr. strike (a ball) with a cue. 2 intr. use a cue. Phrases and idioms cue-ball the ball that is to be struck with the cue. Derivatives cueist n. Etymology: var. of QUEUE ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) сигнал 2) вчт. команда вызова подпрограммы 3) метка (на фильме) 4) поисковая точка, точка поиска (на фонограмме или видеофонограмме) останавливаться в поисковой точке 5) условный знак (телеоператору) 6) титры; надписи; вставка; заставка вводить титры или вставки - flight visual cue ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) (монтажная) метка 2) сигнал 3) команда, вызов ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1. театр. реплика to miss one's cue —- пропустить реплику; не откликнуться вовремя; упустить возможность 2. сигнал light cue —- световой сигнал an offstage door slam was his cue to enter —- стук захлопнутой за спиной двери был для него сигналом к выходу 3. пример to take one's cue from smb. —- равняться на кого-л. his comrades kept behind him, tacking their cue from his conduct —- его товарищи стояли за ним и по его поведению решали, что надо делать 4. намек to give smb. a cue —- намекнуть кому-л. (что делать или говорить) 5. тел. рад. сигнал 6. уст. настроение nobody was in the cue to dance —- ни у кого не было настроения танцевать 7. ключевая, опорная информация 8. театр. подавать реплики или сигналы 9. кий cue ball —- бильярдный шар 10. косичка 11. хвост (животного) 12. очередь Id: to drop a cue —- сыграть в ящик, умереть 13. заплетать в косичку 14. кью, название буквы Q ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I  1. noun  1) theatr. реплика  2) намек to give smb. the cue - намекнуть, подсказать кому-л. to take ones cue from smb. - воспользоваться чьим-л. намеком, указанием  3) teleph.; radio сигнал  4) attr. cue card tv; cin. - текст роли, лежащий перед глазами диктора/исполнителя  2. v. - cue in II noun кий CUE in  а) давать сигнал о вступлении The director will cue you in when its your turn to sing.  б) вставлять в сценарий The new song is cued in here. ...
Англо-русский словарь


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