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English abbreviation dictionary - copy


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  ~1 n 1 something that is made to be exactly like another thing  (I haven't got the original letter, but I have got a copy.) + of  (Please send a copy of your marriage certificate.) make a copy  (I made a copy of the ad and sent it to my brother.) 2 one of many books, magazines etc that are all exactly the same + of  (He was reading a copy of the daily newspaper.) 3 technical written material that is to be printed in a newspaper, magazine etc  (All copy must be on my desk by Monday morning.) 4 make good copy informal to be interesting news  (- see also fair copy, hard copy, soft copy) ~2 v 1 to make something exactly like another thing  (Could you copy this letter and send it out, please?) 2 to deliberately do things that someone else has done, or do things in the same way that someone else does them  (Street fashion tends to copy the ideas of the top fashion designers.) 3 to cheat in an examination, school work etc by looking at someone else's work and writing the same thing that they have + off  (If I catch anyone copying off their neighbor, they'll be sent to the principal's office!) + from  (Jeremy had copied from the girl next to him.) copy sth out phr v BrE to write something again exactly as it written somewhere else  (The monks copied their manuscripts out by hand. | Just copy out of the book.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (copies, copying, copied) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you make a copy of something, you produce something that looks like the original thing. The reporter apparently obtained a copy of Steve’s resignation letter... = duplicate N-COUNT: usu N of n 2. If you copy something, you produce something that looks like the original thing. She never participated in obtaining or copying any classified documents for anyone. ...top designers, whose work has been widely copied... He copied the chart from a book. VERB: V n, V n, V n from n 3. If you copy a piece of writing, you write it again exactly. He would allow John slyly to copy his answers to impossibly difficult algebra questions... He copied the data into a notebook... We’re copying from textbooks because we don’t have enough to go round. VERB: V n, V n into n, V from n • Copy out means the same as copy. He wrote the title on the blackboard, then copied out the text sentence by sentence... ‘Did he leave a phone number?’—‘Oh, yes.’ She copied it out for him. PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron), V n P 4. If you copy a person or what they do, you try to do what they do or try to be like them, usually because you admire them or what they have done. Children can be seen to copy the behaviour of others whom they admire or identify with... ...the coquettish gestures she had copied from actresses in soap operas. = imitate VERB: V n, V n from n • copying Children learn by copying. N-UNCOUNT 5. A copy of a book, newspaper, or CD is one of many that are exactly the same. I bought a copy of ‘USA Today’ from a street-corner machine... You can obtain a copy for $2 from New York Central Art Supply. N-COUNT: oft N of n 6. In journalism, copy is written material that is ready to be printed or read in a broadcast. (TECHNICAL) ...his ability to write the most lyrical copy in the history of sports television. ...advertising copy. N-UNCOUNT 7. In journalism, copy is...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  (plural copies)  Etymology: Middle English copie, from Anglo-French, from Medieval Latin copia, from Latin, abundance — more at copious  Date: 14th century  1. an imitation, transcript, or reproduction of an original work (as a letter, a painting, a table, or a dress)  2. one of a series of especially mechanical reproductions of an original impression; also an individual example of such a reproduction  3. archaic something to be imitated ; model  4.  a. matter to be set especially for printing  b. something considered printable or newsworthy — used without an article remarks that make good ~ — Norman Cousins  c. text especially of an advertisement  5. duplicate 1a a ~ of a computer file a ~ of a gene  Synonyms: see reproduction  II. verb  (copied; ~ing)  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to make a ~ or duplicate of ~ a document ~ a computer file  2. to model oneself on  intransitive verb  1. to make a ~  2. to undergo ~ing the document did not ~ well Synonyms:  ~, imitate, mimic, ape, mock mean to make something so that it resembles an existing thing. ~ suggests duplicating an original as nearly as possible copied the painting and sold the fake as an original. imitate suggests following a model or a pattern but may allow for some variation imitate a poet's style. mimic implies a close ~ing (as of voice or mannerism) often for fun, ridicule, or lifelike imitation pupils mimicking their teacher. ape may suggest presumptuous, slavish, or inept imitating of a superior original American fashion designers aped their European colleagues. mock usually implies imitation with derision mocking a vain man's pompous manner. ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 a thing made to imitate or be identical to another. 2 a single specimen of a publication or issue (ordered twenty copies). 3 a matter to be printed. b material for a newspaper or magazine article (scandals make good copy). c the text of an advertisement. 4 a a model to be copied. b a page written after a model (of penmanship). --v. (-ies, -ied) 1 tr. a make a copy of. b (often foll. by out) transcribe. 2 intr. make a copy, esp. clandestinely. 3 tr. (foll. by to) send a copy of (a letter) to a third party. Phrases and idioms copy-edit edit (copy) for printing. copy editor a person who edits copy for printing. copy-typist a person who makes typewritten transcripts of documents. Etymology: ME f. OF copie, copier, ult. f. L copia abundance (in med.L = transcript) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) экземпляр 2) копия; оттиск, отпечаток копировать; изготовлять оттиски 3) рукопись 4) оригинал 5) фотокопия; фотоотпечаток; фильмокопия 6) шаблон; копир; копировальная линейка 7) бтх реплицировать copy on approval — контрольный экземпляр; to follow copy — считывать с рукописи - advance copy - authorized copy - backup copy - black-and-white copy - bromide copy - camera-ready copy - carbon copy - clean copy - cold composition copy - color-separated copy - compulsory copy - contact copy - continuous tone copy - cutting copy - direct copy - dummy copy - editorial copy - final copy - fine-grained copy - first printed copy - flat copy - free copy - hard copy - line copy - master copy - microfilm copy - mirror copy - monochrome copy - multichrome copy - negative copy - original copy - photographic copy - positive copy - proof copy - recorded copy - reflection copy - replicated copy - reproducible copy - reproduction copy - right-reading copy - rough copy - sample copy - scanned copy - snapshot copy - soft copy - struck copy - subject copy - top copy - transparent copy - typed copy - typeset copy - typewriter copy - working copy ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) копия; копировать 2) фотокопия 3) сообщение – archive copy – continuous-tone copy – line copy – soft copy ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) экземпляр 2) копия копировать, изготовлять копию 3) список to authenticate a copy — заверять копию - black-and-white copy - color-separated copy - diazo copy - dye-line copy - guide copy - home copy - monitor copy - subject copy ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) общ. копия, копия, дубликат 2) общ. экземпляр 3) общ. устное или письменное сообщение 4) рекл. текстовая реклама; рекламный текст advertizing copy - текстовая часть рекламы (в отличие от изображения), hard copy - "жесткий" рекламный текст COPY 1) копия; копировать 2) экземпляр 3) устное или письменное сообщение 4) рекламный текст – copy of an international application under the PCT – copy of application – copy of specification – added copy – advance copy – carbon copy – certified copy – certified copy of the application – check copy – chinese copy – compulsory copy – deposit copy – duplicate copy – fair copy – hard copy – home copy – identical copy – mandatory copy – manuscript copy – multiple copy – notarized copy – obligatory presentation copy – official copy – original copy – ostensible copy – patent copy – pirate copy – printed uncertified copy – record copy – rough copy – search copy – slavery copy – specimen copy – true copy – work copy ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. СМИ текст В отличие от заголовка, иллюстративного материала и пр. 2. СМИ рукопись Авторская рукопись, над которой может работать редактор 3. рекламный текст ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. экземпляр to have several copies of a book —- иметь несколько экземпляров книги advance copy —- сигнальный экземпляр author's copy —- авторский экземпляр издания rough copy —- черновик fair copy —- беловик, окончательный вариант acting copy —- театр. суфлерский экземпляр 2. копия; дубликат copy of a letter —- копия письма attested copy —- засвидетельствованная копия true copy —- верная копия to take (to make) a copy of a document —- снять копию с документа 3. микрофотокопия; ксерокопия 4. репродукция или копия original marble statues and their plaster copies —- оригиналы мраморных статуй и их гипсовые копии 5. рукопись; материал для печатания good copy —- интересный материал this event will make good copy —- это событие - интересный материал для читателя the printers demand copy at once —- типография срочно требует материал 6. текст рекламного объявления 7. образец, с которого снимается копия to write from a copy —- писать с образца to paint from a copy —- срисовывать 8. пропись 9. штука (изделия) 10. юр. ист. копия протокола манориального суда об условиях аренды 11. снимать копию; копировать; воспроизводить to copy a document —- снять копию с документа to copy from a model —- воспроизвести образец 12. переписывать, списывать 13. подражать, следовать образцу, имитировать the little boy copied him —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) экземпляр - advance copy  2) рукопись - fair copy - clean copy - rough copy - foul copy  3) копия  4) репродукция  5) материал для статьи, книги this makes good copy - это хороший материал (для печати)  6) образец  7) hist.; leg. копия протокола манориального (поместного) суда, формулирующего условия аренды земельного участка Syn: duplicate, facsimile, model, replica, reproduction Ant: prototype  2. v.  1) снимать копию; копировать; воспроизводить; делать по шаблону (тж. copy down) While youre in the hall, copy down the dates of the concert practices.  2) списывать; переписывать (тж. copy down) Copy out the article in your best handwriting, including all the corrections I have made.  3) подражать, брать за образец Syn: see imitate ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - early 14c., from O.Fr. copie, from M.L. copia "reproduction, transcript," from L. copia "plenty, means." Originally "written transcript," sense extended 15c. to any specimen of writing (especially MS for a printer) and any reproduction or immitation. The verb, in the figurative sense of "to imitate" is attested from 1647. Copyright is 1735. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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