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English abbreviation dictionary - compass


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physiol. abbr.
COMPuter ASSurance Conference NASA abbr.
Computerized Model for Predicting and Analyzing Support Structures U.S. gov. abbr.
COMPuter ASSurance Conference transport. abbr.
COMPuter ASSurance Conference mil. abbr.
Computerized Movement Planning and Status System mil. abbr.
Computerized Model for Predicting and Analyzing Support Structures physics abbr.
COMPuter ASSurance Conference ocean sc. abbr.
COMPuter ASSurance Conference mathem. abbr.
COMPuter ASSurance Conference softw. abbr.
COMPuter ASSurance Conference softw. abbr.
Computerized Model for Predicting and Analyzing Support Structures hardw. abbr.
COMPuter ASSurance Conference network. abbr.
COMPuter ASSurance Conference sec. abbr.
COMPuter ASSurance Conference non-prof. org. abbr.
COMPuter ASSurance Conference non-prof. org. abbr.
COMPrehensive Addiction Service Systems conf. abbr.
COMPuter ASSurance Conference gen. bus. abbr.
COMPuter ASSurance Conference gen. bus. abbr.
Culture And Operations Model Plan And Surety System account. abbr.
Comprehensive Online Management Personnel And Accounting System For Sacramento
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См. в других словарях

  ~ n 1 an instrument that shows directions  (a map and compass | compass point (=one of the 32 marks on a compass that shows you the exact direction)) 2 an instrument that you use to draw circles or measure distances on maps 3 formal the area or range of subjects that someone is responsible for or that is discussed in a book + of  (Within the brief compass of a single page the author covers most of the major points.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (compasses) 1. A compass is an instrument that you use for finding directions. It has a dial and a magnetic needle that always points to the north. We had to rely on a compass and a lot of luck to get here. N-COUNT 2. Compasses are a hinged V-shaped instrument that you use for drawing circles. N-PLURAL: also a pair of N ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. transitive verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French cumpasser to measure, from Vulgar Latin *~are to pace off, from Latin com- + passus pace  Date: 14th century  1. to devise or contrive often with craft or skill ; plot persons…who have ~ed my destruction — Charles Dickens  2. en~  3.  a. bring about, achieve  b. to get into one's possession or power ; obtain  4. comprehend  • ~able adjective  II. noun  Date: 14th century  1.  a. boundary, circumference within the ~ of the city walls  b. a circumscribed space within the narrow ~ of 21 pages — V. L. Parrington  c. range, scope the ~ of my voice  2. a curved or roundabout course a ~ of seven days' journey — 2 Kings 3:9(Authorized Version)  3.  a. a device for determining directions by means of a magnetic needle or group of needles turning freely on a pivot and pointing to the magnetic north  b. any of various nonmagnetic devices that indicate direction  c. an instrument for describing circles or transferring measurements that consists of two pointed branches joined at the top by a pivot — usually used in plural; called also pair of ~es  4. direction 6c his moral ~  Synonyms: see range  III. adjective  Date: 1523 forming a curve ; curved a ~ timber ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 (in full magnetic compass) an instrument showing the direction of magnetic north and bearings from it. 2 (usu. in pl.) an instrument for taking measurements and describing circles, with two arms connected at one end by a movable joint. 3 a circumference or boundary. 4 area, extent; scope (e.g. of knowledge or experience) (beyond my compass). 5 the range of tones of a voice or a musical instrument. --v.tr. literary 1 hem in. 2 grasp mentally. 3 contrive, accomplish. 4 go round. Phrases and idioms compass card a circular rotating card showing the 32 principal bearings, forming the indicator of a magnetic compass. compass rose a circle of the principal directions marked on a chart. compass-saw a saw with a narrow blade, for cutting curves. compass window a bay window with a semi-circular curve. Derivatives compassable adj. Etymology: ME f. OF compas ult. f. L passus PACE(1) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  сокр. от Cut Order Marker Planning and Spreading System система планирования изготовления раскладки, настила и раскроя по заказу COMPASS 1) компас 2) обвод (криволинейный); круг; окружность 3) замкнутое пространство 4) буссоль 5) (мн) циркуль by means of compasses and ruler — с помощью циркуля и линейки; to adjust (to compensate) compass — устранять (списывать) девиацию компаса; to hold the heading on compass — выдерживать курс (полёта) по компасу; to swing the compass — устранять (списывать) девиацию компаса путём разворота воздушного судна - aperiodic-type compass - automatic radio compass - auxiliary compass - azimuth compass - bar compass - beam compass - bearing compass - boat compass - bow compass - Brunton compass - cabin compass - celestial compass - distant-reading compass - diving compass - drawing compass - drop bow compass - fixed loop radio compass - floating-card compass - fluxgate compass - gyro fluxgate compass - gyromagnetic compass - gyroscopic compass - hanging compass - immersed compass - induction compass - lengthening bar compass - magnesyn compass - magnetic compass - mariner's compass - marine compass - master compass - mining compass - navigating compass - prismatic compass - pump compass - radio compass - remote-indicating compass - remote-reading magnetic compass - repeater compass - ship compass - sighting compass - sky compass - spirit compass - standard compass - stecring compass - surveying compass - tailor compass - wireless compass ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  буссоль, компас beam compass Brunton compass magnetic compass prismatic compass surveyor's compass ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  (радио)компас – radio compass ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) компас; буссоль 2) обходной путь 3) циркуль 4) тонкий изогнутый радиальный стержень 5) полукруглый 6) двигаться по кругу compass of base point — азимут основного направления lag error of compass — застой картушки компаса point of the compass — топогр. румб to align the compass — выверять компас to compensate compass — устранять девиацию компаса - azimuth compass - beam compass - bisecting compass - box compass - declination compass - dip compass - distant-reading compass - divider compass - earth-inductor compass - gyro compass - gyro-magnetic compass - magnetostrictive compass - mariner's compass - miner's compass - mirror compass - pencil compass - plane-table compass - proportional compass - radio compass - remote-indicating induction compass - remote-reading compass - sight compass - spring compass - steering compass - striding compass - sun compass - suspension compass - swing compass - triangular compass ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. компас; буссоль points of the compass —- страны света wireless compass —- радиокомпас 2. окружность, круг to fetch (to cast, to go, to set, to take) a compass —- идти обходным путем, делать крюк 3. предел, граница within the compass of prison walls —- за тюремными стенами within the compass of a lifetime —- в пределах человеческой жизни to keep one's desires within compass —- сдерживать свои желания within one's compass —- в пределах чьих-л возможностей 4. pl. циркуль (также pair of compasses) 5. муз. диапазон (голоса или инструмента) 6. полукруглый compass window —- стрельчатое окно; полукруглый эркер 7. спец. компасный compass bearing —- пеленг по компасу compass card —- картушка компаса compass course —- компасный курс compass point —- румб 8. окружать the lake is compassed by a ring of mountains —- озеро лежит в кольце гор 9. воен. осаждать 10. обращаться, делать витки the cosmonauts compassed the Earth many times —- космонавты сделали много витков вокруг Земли the ship wherein Magellan compassed world —- корабль, на котором Магеллан совершил кругосветное путешествие 11. книж. достигать, осуществлять to compass one's purpose —- достичь цели 12. книж. замышлять, затевать to compass murder —- замышлять убийство 13. книж. схватывать, понимать forebodings of ill that cannot be compassed —- дурные предчувствия, которые ничем нельзя объяснить; смутное предчувствие беды ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) компас (тж. mariners compass); буссоль - wireless compass  2) окружность; круг - fetch a compass - go a compass  3) объем, обхват; диапазон - voice of great compass  4) граница; предел(ы) within the compass of a lifetime - в пределах человеческой жизни beyond ones compass - за пределами чьих-л. возможностей, чьего-л. понимания to keep ones desires within compass - сдерживать свои желания  5) oft. pl. циркуль  2. adj.  1) компасный - compass bearing  2) полукруглый - compass window  3. v.  1) достигать, осуществлять to compass ones purpose - достичь цели  2) понимать, схватывать  3) замышлять (что-л. дурное)  4) обходить кругом; окружать; осаждать COMPASS window archit. полукруглое окно; полукруглый эркер COMPASS bearing компасный пеленг ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - early 14c., from O.Fr. compas, from compasser "to go around, measure, divide equally," from V.L. *compassare "to pace out," from L. com- "together" + passus "a step." The directional tool (so called since early 15c.) took the name, perhaps, because it's round and has a point. The word is in most European languages, with a mathematical sense in Romance, a nautical sense in Gmc., and both in Eng. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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