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English abbreviation dictionary - clip


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mil. abbr.
Crew List Index Project ac. degr. abbr.
Computational Linguistics And Information Processing network. abbr.
Cell Loss Integration Period telec. abbr.
Caller Line Identification Presentation educ. abbr.
Continuous Library Improvement Program law abbr.
Colorado Legal Initiatives Project
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  ~1 n 1 »FOR FASTENING« a small metal or plastic object for holding or fastening things together  (Fasten the microphone clip to your shirt front. | hair clip (=a piece of metal or plastic for keeping hair in the right place))  (- see also bulldog-clip, paperclip) 2 »CUT« a process in which you make something shorter or tidier by cutting it  (I'll have to give that hedge a clip.) 3 »FILM« a short part of a film that is shown by itself  (Clips from Mel Gibson's new movie) 4 a clip round the ear/earhole BrE informal a short blow on the side of someone's head 5 »GUN« a container for bullets which passes them rapidly into the gun so that they can be fired 6 »NEWSPAPER« an article that is cut from a newspaper or magazine for a particular reason 7 $100/50 cents etc a clip AmE informal if things cost $100, 50 cents etc a clip, they cost that amount of money each 8 at a good/fair etc clip quickly  (Traffic was going by at a fair clip.) 9 »WOOL« AustrE, NZE the total amount of wool that is taken from a group of sheep at one time ~2 v clipped, clipping 1 »FASTEN« I always + adv/prep, to fasten something together or to be fastened together using a clip1 (1)  (clip sth into/onto/together etc)  (The invoices had been carefully clipped together.) + on/to etc  (The keys will clip onto your belt.) 2 »CUT« to cut small amounts of something in order to make it tidier  (clipping the hedge) 3 »CUT FROM NEWSPAPER« T always + adv/prep to cut an article or picture from newspaper, magazine etc  (clip sth out of/from)  (Elsa clipped the article out of the evening paper.) 4 »HIT« to hit the surface of something quickly but hard  (The bullet clipped the car's side mirror.) 5 »REDUCE« to slightly reduce an amount, quantity etc  (Gunnell clipped a second off the world record.) 6 clip sb's wings to restrict someone's freedom, activities, or power  (Getting married has really clipped his wings.) 7 clip sb round the ear/earhole BrE informal to hit someone quickly on the side of the head 8 »TICKET« to make a hole in a bus or...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (clips, clipping, clipped) 1. A clip is a small device, usually made of metal or plastic, that is specially shaped for holding things together. She took the clip out of her hair. N-COUNT 2. When you clip things together or when things clip together, you fasten them together using a clip or clips. He clipped his safety belt to a fitting on the deck... He clipped his cufflinks neatly in place. ...an electronic pen which clips to the casing... His flashlight was still clipped to his belt. VERB: V n to/on n, V n prep/adv, V to n, V-ed 3. A clip from a film or a radio or television programme is a short piece of it that is broadcast separately. ...a clip from the movie ‘Shane’. N-COUNT: oft n N, N from/of n 4. If you clip something, you cut small pieces from it, especially in order to shape it. I saw an old man out clipping his hedge... VERB: V n 5. If you clip something out of a newspaper or magazine, you cut it out. Kids in his neighborhood clipped his picture from the newspaper and carried it around. VERB: V n from/out of n 6. If something clips something else, it hits it accidentally at an angle before moving off in a different direction. The lorry clipped the rear of a tanker and then crashed into a second truck. VERB: V n 7. see also clipping, clipped, bulldog clip, paper clip ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. transitive verb  (~ped; ~ping)  Etymology: Middle English ~pen, from Old English clyppan; akin to Old High German klaftra fathom, Lithuanian globti to embrace  Date: before 12th century  1. encompass  2.  a. to hold in a tight grip ; clutch  b. to clasp, fasten, or secure with a ~  II. noun  Date: 15th century  1. any of various devices that grip, clasp, or hook  2. a device to hold cartridges for charging the magazines of some rifles; also a magazine from which ammunition is fed into the chamber of a firearm  3. a piece of jewelry held in position by a ~  III. verb  (~ped; ~ping)  Etymology: Middle English ~pen, from Old Norse klippa  Date: 13th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to cut or cut off with or as if with shears ~ a dog's hair ~ an hour off traveling time  b. to cut off the distal or outer part of  c.  (1) excise III  (2) to cut items out of (as a newspaper)  2.  a. curtail, diminish  b. to abbreviate in speech or writing  3. hit, punch; especially to strike in passing the car skidded off the road and ~ped a lamppost  4. to illegally block (an opposing player) in football  5. to take money from unfairly or dishonestly especially by overcharging the nightclub ~ped the tourist for $200  intransitive verb  1. to ~ something  2. to travel or pass rapidly  3. to ~ an opposing player in football  IV. noun  Date: 15th century  1.  a. plural, Scottish shears  b. a 2-bladed instrument for cutting especially the nails  2. something that is ~ped: as  a. the product of a single shearing (as of sheep)  b. a crop of wool of a sheep, a flock, or a region  c. a section of filmed, videotaped, or recorded material  d. a ~ping especially from a newspaper  3. an act of ~ping  4. a sharp blow  5. rate 4a continues at a brisk ~  6. a single instance or occasion ; time he charged $10 a ~ — often used in the phrase at a ~ trained 1000 workers at a ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a device for holding things together or for attachment to an object as a marker, esp. a paper-clip or a device worked by a spring. 2 a piece of jewellery fastened by a clip. 3 a set of attached cartridges for a firearm. --v.tr. (clipped, clipping) 1 fix with a clip. 2 grip tightly. 3 surround closely. Phrases and idioms clip-on attached by a clip. Etymology: OE clyppan embrace f. WG 2. v. & n. --v.tr. (clipped, clipping) 1 cut with shears or scissors, esp. cut short or trim (hair, wool, etc.). 2 trim or remove the hair or wool of (a person or animal). 3 colloq. hit smartly. 4 a omit (a letter etc.) from a word. b omit letters or syllables of (words pronounced). 5 Brit. remove a small piece of (a ticket) to show that it has been used. 6 cut (an extract) from a newspaper etc. 7 sl. swindle, rob. 8 pare the edge of (a coin). --n. 1 an act of clipping, esp. shearing or hair-cutting. 2 colloq. a smart blow, esp. with the hand. 3 a short sequence from a motion picture. 4 the quantity of wool clipped from a sheep, flock, etc. 5 colloq. speed, esp. rapid. Phrases and idioms clip-joint sl. a club etc. charging exorbitant prices. clip a person's wings prevent a person from pursuing ambitions or acting effectively. Derivatives clippable adj. Etymology: ME f. ON klippa, prob. imit. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) скоба; серьга; хомут 2) (пружинный) зажим зажимать 3) фиксатор крепить; фиксировать; ограничивать 4) отрубать; обрезать 5) половинка кирпича (расколотого по длине) 6) кляммера (элемент крепления металлической кровли) 7) клемма 8) зажим "крокодил"; контактный клипс 9) обойма (трансформатора) 10) электрон., вчт. (односторонне) ограничивать; отсекать, отбрасывать 11) вчт. вырезать (изображение на экране дисплея) 12) (видео)клип 13) швейн. надсечка 14) средство крепления ручки к таре 15) (канцелярская) скрепка - alligator clip - anchor clip - angle clip - attachment clip - ball clip - battery clip - binding clip - blade safety clip - brake clip - brake hose clip - cable-retaining clip - catenary clip - contact clip - deck clip - earthing clip - fineline garment clip - fuse clips - grazing clip - hinged clip - hose clip - innerspring clip - intermediate clip - joint clip - leaf spring clip - pinch clip - pipe clip - rail clip - rigid clip - rigid field clip - saddle clip - spring clip - spring steel clip - test clip - toggle clip - tubing clip - W-clip - wire clip ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  зажим; крепление; деталь крепления; хомут; скоба angle clip back clip beam clip cable clip deck clip glazing clip pipe-jointing clip rail clip rail-fastening clip rebar clip reed clip splice clip switch clip wire rope clip ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) фиксатор 2) хомут 3) пружинный зажим 4) ограничитель 5) клип, фрагмент радио- или ТВ-передачи 6) (электронная) музыкальная картотека мультидисковых программ – alligator clip – audio clip – dark clip – grounding clip – lanyard clip – music clip – video clip ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) скоба; хомут 2) клипса, зажим зажимать 3) усечение (изображения) отсекать (изображение) 4) серьга 5) защёлка 6) крепление; деталь крепления 7) скрепка скреплять 8) клип 9) полигр. замок для крепления стереотипов 10) ограничивать; отсекать; срезать (импульс) 11) делать вырезки из газет - alligator clip - ball clip - catch clip - colter clip - hose clip - pipe clip - spring clip - timber clip ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. зажим; скрепка paper clip —- канцелярская скрепка 2. скрепа; скоба 3. зажимные клещи; щипцы 4. клипс (брошь) 5. воен. обойма 6. зажимать, сжимать; захватывать 7. скреплять (скрепкой) to clip sheets of paper together —- скреплять листы бумаги 8. стрижка his hair needs a clip —- ему нужно постричься 9. настриг шерсти 10. преим. шотл. ножницы (для стрижки овец) 11. разг. сильный удар; тумак, затрещина he hit him a clip —- он дал ему тумака 12. разг. быстрота (движения) to go at a good clip —- идти быстрым шагом 13. вырезка (из газеты) 14. отрывок из фильма 15. случай, раз at one clip —- одним ударом he charged $10 at a clip —- за одни раз он брал десять долларов he trained 1000 workers at a clip —- он сразу подготовил 1000 рабочих 16. сокращенное слово shoptalk has many clips —- в профессиональном жаргоне много сокращений 17. стричь; подрезать, обрезать, отрезать (ножницами) to clip the hedge —- подрезать изгороть to clip sheep —- стричь овец 18. урезать, сокращать to clip powers —- урезать права или полномочия the agenda had to be clipped —- пришлось сократить повестку дня 19. делать вырезки (из газет, журналов) to clip an article from a newspaper —- вырезать статью из газеты 20. проглатывать, пропускать (буквы, слова) 21. сокращать (слова) 22. пробивать, компостировать (билет) 23. разг. ударить...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  the coin обрезать край монеты CLIP ones wings подрезать крылья/крылышки, лишить активности, не дать развернуться CLIP I  1. noun  1) tech. зажимные клещи; зажимная скоба  2) скрепка; зажим; хомутик - clip of cartridges  3) клипс (брошь, серьга)  2. v.  1) зажимать, сжимать, крепко обхватывать (тж. clip on) This hairpiece clips on. Please help me to clip this tie on, its rather awkward.  2) скреплять (бумаги) II  1. noun  1) стрижка  2) настриг шерсти  3) pl.; scot. ножницы (для стрижки овец)  4) coll. сильный удар  2. v.  1) стричь (особ. овец)  2) обрезать; отрезать; отсекать; обрывать - clip the coin  3) надрывать (билет в трамвае и т.п.); компостировать  4) делать вырезки (из газет и т.п.) (тж. clip out) May I clip out the report on my performance?  5) глотать, сокращать (слова) III  1. noun  1) coll. быстрая походка at a fast clip - очень быстро  2) amer. дерзкая, нахальная девчонка  2. v. coll. быстро идти, бежать CLIP of cartridges патронная обойма ...
Англо-русский словарь


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