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English abbreviation dictionary - clear


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  ~1 adj 1 »EASY TO UNDERSTAND« expressed in a simple and direct way so that people understand  (clear instructions | You must never do that again. Is that clear? | be clear on)  (The rules are quite clear on the point. | clear to sb)  (Is all this clear to you? | make sth clear (=express something strongly))  (Taylor's book makes the subject exquisitely clear. | make it clear (that))  (Mr Tate made it clear there was to be no compromise. | make yourself clear (=express something well))  (To make yourself clear without using facial expressions can be very difficult. | get sth clear)  (Let's get one thing clear; you have my whole-hearted support. | Do I make myself clear? (=used when you are angry and are telling someone to do or not to do something))  (If I catch you smoking again you're grounded. Do I make myself clear? | a clear picture/idea (=a good understanding) | crystal clear (=very easy to understand)) 2 »IMPOSSIBLE TO DOUBT« impossible to doubt, question, or be mistaken about  (clear evidence of guilt | They won by a clear majority. | clear whether/why/how etc)  (It is not yet clear whether we will benefit or not. | it is clear that)  (It is clear that this situation cannot last much longer. | become clear)  (It has become increasingly clear that privileges have been abused. | a clear case/example of sth)  (a clear case of theft) 3 »CERTAIN« be clear to feel certain that you know or understand something + about/on  (Are you all clear now about what you have to do? | clear whether/what/how etc)  (I'm still not really clear how this machine works.) 4 »SUBSTANCE/LIQUID« transparent  (a clear gel) 5 »WATER/AIR« clean and fresh  (a crystal clear mountain lake) 6 clear sky/day etc without clouds, mist, smoke etc 7 »EYES« very pure in colour and without any redness 8 »SKIN« smooth and without any red spots 9 »EASY TO SEE« easy to see  (The photo was fuzzy, not clear at all) 10 »EASY TO HEAR« easy to hear, and therefore easy to understand  (a clear speaking voice | The radio reception isn't very...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (clearer, clearest, clears, clearing, cleared) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Something that is clear is easy to understand, see, or hear. The book is clear, readable and adequately illustrated... The space telescope has taken the clearest pictures ever of Pluto... He repeated his answer, this time in a clear, firm tone of voice. ? unclear ADJ • clearly Whales journey up the coast of Africa, clearly visible from the beach... It was important for children to learn to express themselves clearly. ADV: usu ADV -ed/adj, also ADV after v 2. Something that is clear is obvious and impossible to be mistaken about. It was a clear case of homicide... The clear message of the scientific reports is that there should be a drastic cut in car use... A spokesman said the British government’s position is perfectly clear... It’s not clear whether the incident was an accident or deliberate. ? unclear ADJ: oft it v-link ADJ that/wh • clearly Clearly, the police cannot break the law in order to enforce it... = obviously ADV: ADV with cl/group 3. If you are clear about something, you understand it completely. It is important to be clear about what Chomsky is doing here... People use scientific terms with no clear idea of their meaning. ADJ: usu v-link ADJ about/on n/wh 4. If your mind or your way of thinking is clear, you are able to think sensibly and reasonably, and you are not affected by confusion or by a drug such as alcohol. She needed a clear head to carry out her instructions. ADJ • clearly The only time I can think clearly is when I’m alone. ADV: ADV after v 5. To clear your mind or your head means to free it from confused thoughts or from the effects of a drug such as alcohol. He walked up Fifth Avenue to clear his head... Our therapists will show you how to clear your mind of worries. VERB: V n, V n of n 6. A clear substance is one which you can see through and which has no colour, like clean water. ...a clear glass...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English clere, from Anglo-French cler, from Latin clarus ~, bright; akin to Latin calare to call — more at low  Date: 13th century  1.  a. bright, luminous  b. cloudless; specifically less than one-tenth covered a ~ sky  c. free from mist, haze, or dust a ~ day  d. untroubled, serene a ~ gaze  2. clean, pure: as  a. free from blemishes ~ skin  b. easily seen through ; transparent ~ glass  c. free from abnormal sounds on auscultation  3.  a. easily heard a loud and ~ sound  b. easily visible ; plain a ~ signal  c. free from obscurity or ambiguity ; easily understood ; unmistakable a ~ explanation  4.  a. capable of sharp discernment ; keen a ~ thinker  b. free from doubt ; sure not ~ on how to proceed  5. free from guile or guilt ; innocent a ~ conscience  6. unhampered by restriction or limitation: as  a. unencumbered by debts or charges a ~ estate  b. net a ~ profit  c. unqualified, absolute a ~ victory  d. free from obstruction ~ passage  e. emptied of contents or cargo  f. free from entanglement or contact staying ~ of controversy keep ~ of the boundary  g. bare, denuded ~ ground  • ~ness noun Synonyms:  ~, transparent, translucent, limpid mean capable of being seen through. ~ implies absence of cloudiness, haziness, or muddiness ~ water. transparent implies being so ~ that objects can be seen distinctly a transparent sheet of film. translucent implies the passage of light but not a ~ view of what lies beyond translucent frosted glass. limpid suggests the soft ~ness of pure water her eyes were limpid pools of blue. Synonyms:  ~, perspicuous, lucid mean quickly and easily understood. ~ implies freedom from obscurity, ambiguity, or undue complexity ~ instructions. perspicuous applies to a style that is simple and elegant as well as ~ a perspicuous style. lucid suggests a ~ logical coherence and evident order of arrangement a lucid explanation.  Synonym: see in addition evident.  II. adverb  Date: 14th century  1. in a ~...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj., adv., & v. --adj. 1 free from dirt or contamination. 2 (of weather, the sky, etc.) not dull or cloudy. 3 a transparent. b lustrous, shining; free from obscurity. 4 (of soup) not containing solid ingredients. 5 (of a fire) burning with little smoke. 6 a distinct, easily perceived by the senses. b unambiguous, easily understood (make a thing clear; make oneself clear). c manifest; not confused or doubtful (clear evidence). 7 that discerns or is able to discern readily and accurately (clear thinking; clear-sighted). 8 (usu. foll. by about, on, or that + clause) confident, convinced, certain. 9 (of a conscience) free from guilt. 10 (of a road etc.) unobstructed, open. 11 a net, without deduction (a clear {pound}1000). b complete (three clear days). 12 (often foll. by of) free, unhampered; unencumbered by debt, commitments, etc. 13 (foll. by of) not obstructed by. --adv. 1 clearly (speak loud and clear). 2 completely (he got clear away). 3 apart, out of contact (keep clear; stand clear of the doors). 4 (foll. by to) US all the way. --v. 1 tr. & intr. make or become clear. 2 a tr. (often foll. by of) free from prohibition or obstruction. b tr. & intr. make or become empty or unobstructed. c tr. free (land) for cultivation or building by cutting down trees etc. d tr. cause people to leave (a room etc.). 3 tr. (often foll. by of) show or declare (a person) to be innocent (cleared them of complicity). 4 tr. approve (a person) for special duty, access to information, etc. 5 tr. pass over or by safely or without touching, esp. by jumping. 6 tr. make (an amount of money) as a net gain or to balance expenses. 7 tr. pass (a cheque) through a clearing-house. 8 tr. pass through (a customs office etc.). 9 tr. remove (an obstruction, an unwanted object, etc.) (clear them out of the way). 10 tr. (also absol.) Football send (the ball) out of one's defensive zone. 11 intr. (often foll. by away, up) (of physical phenomena) disappear, gradually diminish (mist cleared by lunchtime; my cold has cleared up). 12 tr. (often foll. by off) discharge (a...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) осветлять(ся); становиться прозрачным светлый, прозрачный 2) очищать(ся) чистый 3) обесцвечивать(ся) бесцветный 4) устранять (дефект, повреждение) 5) обесточивать (линию) 6) вчт. очистка; установка в исходное состояние; установка на "0"; сброс очищать; устанавливать в исходное состояние; устанавливать на "0"; сбрасывать 7) стирание (записи, информации) стирать (запись, информацию) 8) разъединение, отбой разъединять (в телефонии) 9) бездефектный пиломатериал 10) свободное пространство 11) перерабатывать (груз, почтовые отправления) 12) снимать шкуру in the clear — 1. в свету (о размере) 2. в незашифрованном виде, открытым (незашифрованным) текстом; to clear away — разбирать (набор); to clear fractions — освобождаться от дробей ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) тлф. разъединение, отбой; разъединять 2) очистка; очищать, устанавливать на "0" 3) возвращать в исходное положение 4) свободный (о канале связи) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) светлый, ясный 2) чистый 3) прозрачный 4) яркий, блестящий 5) чёткий, отчётливый 6) ясный, понятный 7) явный, очевидный 8) ясно, чётко, отчётливо 9) совершенно, совсем, полностью 10) очищать(ся) 11) осветлять 12) обесцвечивать 13) устанавливать в исходное состояние; сбрасывать 14) вчт. стирание (информации) стирать (информацию) 15) телефон. разъединение, отбой разъединять 16) перерабатывать (напр., почтовую корреспонденцию) clear of clouds — безоблачный to clear a fault — устранять неисправность to clear a fraction — матем. освобождаться от знаменателя to clear a register — вчт. очищать регистр to clear away — полигр. разбирать (напр., шрифтовую форму) to clear counter — сбрасывать счётчик to clear obstacle —преодолевать препятствие to clear of fractions — матем. освобождаться от дробей to clear polish — полировать до блеска to clear the line — освобождать линию (связи) to clear the runway — освобождать взлётно-посадочную полосу to give clear display — давать четкую индикацию ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. прил. 1) чистый (о прибыли) 2) свободный, лишенный чего-л. • - clear checks - clear oneself - clear out - clear the court - clear title - clear up 2. гл. 1) очищать(ся) 2) распродавать 3) получать чистую прибыль 4) уплачивать долги/пошлины 5) производить расчет - clear debts - clear goods CLEAR 1. прил. 1) общ. ясный, светлый clear day — ясный день 2) общ. чистый, прозрачный clear glass — прозрачное стекло 3) общ. отчетливый, ясный clear view — хорошая видимость 4) а) общ. звонкий, отчетливый, чистый (о звуке) б) общ. внятный, четкий (о речи и т. п.) 5) общ. понятный, ясный; не вызывающий сомнений to have a clear idea — иметь ясное представление 6) общ. свободный, незанятый; беспрепятственный clear passage — свободный проход проезд 7) общ. чистый, здоровый clear skin — чистая кожа 8) общ. свободный (от чего-л.) clear of debt of worry — не обремененный долгами заботами 9) общ. полный, целый, весь clear month — целый месяц 10) эк. чистый (о доходе) a hundred pounds clear profit — сто фунтов чистой прибыли I get a clear ?50 a week. — Я получаю ?50 в неделю чистыми. See: gross 11) общ. абсолютный, совершенный, полный a clear victory — полная победа 2. гл. 1) общ. очищать(ся); осветлять(ся); делать(ся) прозрачным 2) общ. объяснять, разъяснять, прояснять, проливать свет, истолковывать 3) общ. освобождать, очищать;...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  – antenna clear ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. ясный, светлый clear day —- ясный день clear sky —- чистое небо 2. чистый, прозрачный clear water of the lake —- чистая вода озера clear glass —- прозрачное стекло 3. зеркальный (о поверхности) 4. отчетливый, ясный clear outline —- ясное очертание clear sight —- хорошее зрение clear reflection in the water —- ясное отражение в воде clear view —- хорошая видимость 5. звонкий, отчетливый, чистый (о звуке) clear tone —- чистый звук clear voices of the children —- звонкие детские голоса 6. отчетливый, внятный, четкий his delivery was clear and distinct —- он говорил внятно и отчетливо 7. ясный, понятный; не вызывающий сомнений clear conclusion —- ясный вывод a clear case of murder —- явное убийство to make a clear statement —- высказаться ясно и определенно to have a clear idea —- иметь ясное представление it is clear to me what he is driving at —- разг. мне понятно, к чему он клонит I am not clear on the point —- мне этот вопрос не ясен I am not clear about... —- я не уверен, что... 8. светлый, ясный, логический (об уме) clear intellect —- ясный ум clear head —- светлая голова 9. свободный, незанятый; беспрепятственный clear passage —- свободный проход clear line —- ж-д. свободный путь; свободный перегон clear opening —- тех. просвет; свободное сечение clear way —- мор. фарватер next week is clear, let's meet then —- будущая неделя у меня не занята, давай...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  ones mind of стараться забыть что-л. CLEAR ones expenses покрыть свои расходы CLEAR off  а) отделываться от чего-л.  б) проясняться (о погоде) In the afternoon, the mist cleared off and the rest of the day was fine.  в) coll. убираться just clear off at once! убирайтесь немедленно!  г) убирать, устранять кого-л., что-л. Please clear your papers off so that I can serve dinner.  д) убирать со стола Please help your mother to clear off. Please help your mother to clear off the table.  е) полностью заплатить долг Im glad Ive cleared off the money I owed my mother.  ж) дешево продать товар The shop decided to clear off the summer clothes when the new winter fashions arrived.  з) заканчивать что-л. Id like to clear off the rest of the work which was waiting for me after my holiday. CLEAR of debts свободный от долгов CLEAR line railways свободный перегон (между станциями) CLEAR out  а) очищать  б) coll. разорять  в) coll. внезапно уехать, уйти Clear out! shouted the angry farmer to the boys in his field. The thieves took the jewels and then cleared out. The police cleared all the people out of the hotel after the bomb threat.  г) выбрасывать I hope youve cleared out all those sticky old sweet papers and empty envelopes from your drawer this time.  д) уходить из дома When I was eighteen, I decided that it was time I cleared out. CLEAR conscience чистая совесть CLEAR breach волна, перекатившаяся через судно не разбившись CLEAR away  а) убирать Please clear your papers away so that I can serve dinner. Does the letter clear away your difficulty? The police cleared the crowd away.  б) рассеивать (сомнения)  в)...
Англо-русский словарь
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - c.1280, from O.Fr. cler, from L. clarus "clear, bright, distinct," related to clamare "call out," hence with an original sense of "clear-sounding." An O.E. word for this was sweotol. Sense of "free from encumbrance," apparently nautical, developed c.1500. The verb meaning "to leap clear over" is first attested 1791. Clearance is from 1563; clearing "land cleared of wood" is from 1823. Clearing house is 1832, the original one established in London by the bankers for the adjustment of their mutual claims for checks and bills, later extended to similar institutions. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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