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English abbreviation dictionary - cheer


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  ~1 n 1 a shout of happiness, praise, approval, or encouragement  (a cheer rises/goes up)  (A deafening cheer rose from the crowd as the band walked onto the stage. | give a cheer)  (Everyone gave a cheer when Gilmore crawled out of the wreck, unhurt.) 2 three cheers for sb! used to tell a group of people to shout three times as a way of showing support, happiness, thanks etc  (Three cheers for the birthday girl!) 3 formal or literary a feeling of happiness and confidence  (Christmas cheer)  (- see also cheers) 4 a special chant (=kind of poem) that the crowds at a US sports game shout in order to encourage their team to win ~2 v 1 to shout as a way of showing happiness, praise, approval, or support of someone or something  (Everybody cheered when the firemen arrived. | cheer sb)  (It says here that thousands packed the city centre to cheer her.) 2 T usually passive to make someone feel more hopeful when they are worried  (cheering news | Kerrie was visibly cheered when we finally saw a light in the distance.) cheer up phr v 1 to become less sad, or to make someone feel less sad  (He'll cheer up if you get him a beer. | cheer sb up)  (I'm taking Angie out to cheer her up.) 2 cheer up! spoken used to tell someone not to be so sad  ("Cheer up, Mandy!" "Oh, I'm all right, really.") 3 cheering up the act of trying to make someone feel less sad  (need/want cheering up)  (Craig needs cheering up. What should we do? | All I want is a little cheering up.) cheer sb/sth on phr v to shout encouragement at a person or team to help them do well in a race or competition  (They were behind by two touchdowns and she was still cheering them on!) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (cheers, cheering, cheered) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. When people cheer, they shout loudly to show their approval or to encourage someone who is doing something such as taking part in a game. The crowd cheered as Premier Wayne Goss unveiled a lifesize statue of poet Banjo Paterson... Swiss fans cheered Jakob Hlasek during yesterday’s match with Courier. ...the Irish Americans who came to the park to cheer for their boys... Cheering crowds lined the route. ? boo, jeer VERB: V, V n, V for n, V-ing • Cheer is also a noun. The colonel was rewarded with a resounding cheer from the men. N-COUNT 2. If you are cheered by something, it makes you happier or less worried. Stephen noticed that the people around him looked cheered by his presence... The weather was perfect for a picnic, he told himself, but the thought did nothing to cheer him. = hearten ? sadden VERB: be V-ed, V n • cheering ...very cheering news... = heartening ? disheartening ADJ 3. People sometimes say ‘Cheers’ to each other just before they drink an alcoholic drink. (mainly BRIT) CONVENTION c darkgreen]formulae 4. Some people say ‘Cheers’ as a way of saying ‘thank you’ or ‘goodbye’. (BRIT INFORMAL) CONVENTION c darkgreen]formulae ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English chere face, ~, from Anglo-French, face, from Medieval Latin cara, probably from Greek kara head, face — more at cerebral  Date: 13th century  1.  a. obsolete face  b. archaic facial expression  2. state of mind or heart ; spirit be of good ~ — Matthew 9:2(Authorized Version)  3. lightness of mind and feeling ; animation, gaiety  4. hospitable entertainment ; welcome  5. food and drink for a feast ; fare  6. something that gladdens words of ~  7. a shout of applause or encouragement  II. verb  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to instill with hope or courage ; comfort — usually used with up  b. to make glad or happy — usually used with up  2. to urge on or encourage especially by shouts ~ed the team on  3. to applaud with shouts  intransitive verb  1. obsolete to be mentally or emotionally disposed  2. to grow or be ~ful ; rejoice — usually used with up  3. to utter a shout of applause or triumph  • ~er noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a shout of encouragement or applause. 2 mood, disposition (full of good cheer). 3 (in pl.; as int.) Brit. colloq. a expressing good wishes on parting or before drinking. b expressing gratitude. --v. 1 tr. a applaud with shouts. b (usu. foll. by on) urge or encourage with shouts. 2 intr. shout for joy. 3 tr. gladden; comfort. Phrases and idioms cheer-leader a person who leads cheers of applause etc. cheer up make or become less depressed. three cheers three successive hurrahs for a person or thing honoured. Etymology: ME f. AF chere face etc., OF chiere f. LL cara face f. Gk kara head ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1. одобрительное или приветственное восклицание three cheers for our visitors! —- да здравствуют наши гости! the result was received with cheers and counter-cheers —- результат был встречен возгласами одобрения и возмущения 2. аплодисменты 3. веселье; оживление; радость with good cheer —- сердечно, тепло to make cheer —- вносить оживление 4. ободрение, поддержка; утешение words of cheer —- ободряющие слова, слова утешения 5. настроение (преим. хорошее); расположение духа to be of good cheer —- быть в хорошем настроении be of good cheer —- библ. не бойтесь; мужайтесь; не падайте духом what cheer? —- уст. как поживаете? 6. (хорошее) угощение, еда to make good cheer —- пировать, угощаться to feed on simple cheer —- питаться просто the fewer the better cheer —- чем меньше ртов, тем больше еды 7. уст. выражение лица 8. аплодировать; приветствовать или награждать одобрительными возгласами и аплодисментами the speaker was cheered loudly —- оратору громко аплодировали to cheer a hero —- устроить герою овацию the people all cheered when he rode past —- весь народ приветствовал его, когда он проезжал everyone cheered the news that peace had come —- весть о мире вызвала всеобщее (бурное) ликование 9. подбадривать, воодушевлять, ободрять (возгласами, свистом - участников состязания, драки) 10. улюлюкать (собакам)...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) одобрительное/приветственное восклицание words of cheer - ободряющие слова - cheers  2) pl. аплодисменты, одобрительные возгласы  3) настроение to be of good (bad) cheer - быть в хорошем (плохом) настроении  4) веселье  5) хорошее угощение - make good cheer  2. v.  1) приветствовать громкими возгласами  2) ободрять; поощрять одобрительными восклицаниями кого-л. (for) Lets go to the football game and cheer for our favourite team. - cheer on  3) аплодировать - cheer up Syn: encourage, exhilarate, gladden, warm Ant: chill, depress, discourage, dispirit, ridicule, sadden CHEER on ободрять (особенно команду и т.д.) Please come to the sports meeting to cheer our team on. CHEER up утешить(ся); ободрить(ся) cheer up! не унывай(те)!, не падайте духом! ...
Англо-русский словарь
  See: BRONX CHEER. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 12c., from Anglo-Norm. chere "the face," from O.Fr. chiere, from L.L. cara "face," from Gk. kara "head," from PIE base *ker- "head." Already by M.E. meaning had extended metaphorically to "mood, demeanor, mental condition" as reflected in the face. Meaning "shout of encouragement" first recorded 1720, perhaps nautical slang. Cheers as a salute or toast when taking a drink is British, 1919. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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