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English abbreviation dictionary - but


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  ~1 conjunction 1 in spite of something, or not as you would expect  (The situation looked desperate but they didn't give up hope. | The car was very cheap but it's been extremely reliable.) 2 used to add another statement to one that you have already made, to say that both things are true  (These changes will cost quite a lot, but they will save us money in the long run. | an expensive but immensely useful book) 3 used like however, to explain why something did not happen, why you did not do something etc  (He would have won easily, but he fell and broke his leg. | I'd like to go but I'm too busy.) 4 used after a negative to emphasize that it is the second part of the sentence that it is true  (They own not one but three houses. | The purpose of the scheme is not to help the employers but to provide work for young people. | no choice/alternative etc but to...)  (We had no alternative but to fire him. | no question/doubt but that... (=used to say that you are sure that something is true))  (There's no doubt but that Evans is guilty.) 5 but for without  (But for these interruptions the meeting would have finished half an hour ago.) 6 but then (again) spoken a) used before a statement that makes what you have just said seem less true, useful, or valuable  (We could ask John to help again, but then I don't want to bother him.) b) used before a statement that may seem surprising, to say that it is not really surprising  (Apparently Dinah hasn't been to work all week, but then she always was unreliable wasn't she?) 7 used to express strong feelings such as anger, surprise etc  (But that's marvellous news!) 8 you cannot but.../you could not but... formal used to say that you have to do something or cannot stop yourself from doing it  (I could not but admire her.) 9 used to emphasize a word or statement  (It'll be a great party - everyone, but everyone, is coming.) 10 used to change the subject of a conversation  (But now to the main question.) 11 (usually in negatives) literary used to emphasize that a statement includes every...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. You use but to introduce something which contrasts with what you have just said, or to introduce something which adds to what you have just said. ‘You said you’d stay till tomorrow.’—‘I know, Bel, but I think I would rather go back.’... Place the saucepan over moderate heat until the cider is very hot but not boiling... He not only wants to be taken seriously as a musician, but as a poet too. CONJ 2. You use but when you are about to add something further in a discussion or to change the subject. They need to recruit more people into the prison service. But another point I’d like to make is that many prisons were built in the nineteenth century. CONJ 3. You use but after you have made an excuse or apologized for what you are just about to say. Please excuse me, but there is something I must say... I’m sorry, but it’s nothing to do with you... Forgive my asking, but you’re not very happy, are you? CONJ 4. You use but to introduce a reply to someone when you want to indicate surprise, disbelief, refusal, or protest. ‘I don’t think I should stay in this house.’—‘But why?’... ‘Somebody wants you on the telephone’—‘But no one knows I’m here!’ CONJ c darkgreen]feelings 5. But is used to mean ‘except’. Europe will be represented in all but two of the seven races... He didn’t speak anything but Greek... The crew of the ship gave them nothing but bread to eat. PREP: n PREP n 6. But is used to mean ‘only’. (FORMAL) This is but one of the methods used to try and get alcoholics to give up drink. ...Napoleon and Marie Antoinette, to name but two who had stayed in the great state rooms. ADV: ADV n, ADV num 7. You use buts in expressions like ‘no buts’ and ‘ifs and buts’ to refer to reasons someone gives for not doing something, especially when you do not think that they are good reasons. ‘B-b-b-b-but’ I stuttered.—‘Never mind the buts,’ she...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. conjunction  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English butan, preposition & conjunction, outside, without, except, except that; akin to Old High German buzan without, except; akin to Old English be by, ut out — more at by, out  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. except for the fact would have protested ~ that he was afraid  b. that — used after a negative there is no doubt ~ he won  c. without the concomitant that it never rains ~ it pours  d. if not ; unless  e. than no sooner started ~ it stopped — not often in formal use  2.  a. on the contrary ; on the other hand ; notwithstanding — used to connect coordinate elements he was called ~ he did not answer not peace ~ a sword  b. yet poor ~ proud  c. with the exception of — used before a word often taken to be the subject of a clause none ~ the brave deserves the fair — John Dryden  II. preposition  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. with the exception of ; barring no one there ~ me — compare ~ I,2c  b. other than this letter is nothing ~ an insult  2. Scottish  a. without, lacking  b. outside  III. adverb  Date: 12th century  1. only, merely he is ~ a child  2. Scottish outside  3. to the contrary who knows ~ that she may succeed  4. — used as an intensive get there ~ fast  IV. pronoun  Date: 1556 that not ; who not nobody ~ has his fault — Shakespeare  V. noun  Etymology: Scots ~, adjective (outer)  Date: 1724 Scottish the kitchen or living quarters of a 2-room cottage ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. conj., prep., adv., pron., n., & v. --conj. 1 a nevertheless, however (tried hard but did not succeed; I am old, but I am not weak). b on the other hand; on the contrary (I am old but you are young). 2 (prec. by can etc.; in neg. or interrog.) except, other than, otherwise than (cannot choose but do it; what could we do but run?). 3 without the result that (it never rains but it pours). 4 prefixing an interruption to the speaker's train of thought (the weather is ideal - but is that a cloud on the horizon?). --prep. except; apart from; other than (everyone went but me; nothing but trouble). --adv. 1 only; no more than; only just (we can but try; is but a child; had but arrived; did it but once). 2 introducing emphatic repetition; definitely (wanted to see nobody, but nobody). 3 Austral. & NZ though, however (didn't like it, but). --rel.pron. who not; that not (there is not a man but feels pity). --n. an objection (ifs and buts). --v.tr. (in phr. but me no buts) do not raise objections. Phrases and idioms but for without the help or hindrance etc. of (but for you I'd be rich by now). but one (or two etc.) excluding one (or two etc.) from the number (next door but one; last but one). but that (prec. by neg.) that (I don't deny but that it's true). but that (or colloq. what) other than that; except that (who knows but that it is true?). but then (or yet) however, on the other hand (I won, but then the others were beginners). Etymology: OE be-utan, butan, buta outside, without 2. n. Sc. Phrases and idioms but and ben the outer and inner rooms of a two-roomed house (see BEN(2)). Etymology: BUT(1) = outside ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1. возражение your ifs and buts make me tired —- мне надоели ваши "если" и "но" (ваши сомнения и возражения) Id: but me no buts —- никаких "но", без возражений 2. только, лишь but now —- только что but yesterday —- только вчера he is (nothing) but a boy —- он еще совсем мальчик he is but fifteen —- ему только пятнадцать лет he called but once —- он зашел только один раз uor journey is but begun —- наше путешествие только началось you have but to tell me —- вы должны только сказать мне had I but known! —- если бы я только знал! 3. кто бы не, что бы не there is no one but has heard it —- нет такого человека, который бы не слыхал об этом 4. за исключением, кроме who will do it but me? —- кто, кроме меня, сделает это? all but he were present —- все, кроме него, присутствовали no one saw him, but I —- никто, кроме меня, не видел его he works all days but Sunday —- он работает каждый день, кроме воскресенья 5. вводит противоречащие или ограничивающие друг друга слова и предложения но, а, тем не менее, однако they returned tired, but happy —- они вернулись усталые, но счастливые not he, but his brother —- не он, а его брат that is the rule, but there are many exceptions —- это правило, но есть много исключений I am old, but you are young —- я стар, но (зато) вы молоды I agree with you, but yet we cannot accept your plan —- я согласен с вами, но все же мы не можем принять ваш план 6. в...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  then но с другой стороны BUT and ben первая и вторая комнаты, т.е. весь дом [ср. but II ] BUT I  1. adv. только, лишь I saw him but a moment - я видел его лишь мельком she is but nine years old - ей только девять лет but just - только что - all but he all but died of his wound он едва не умер от своей раны  2. prep. кроме, за исключением all but one passenger were drowned - утонули все, кроме одного пассажира the last but one - предпоследний - anything but  3. cj.  1) но, а, однако, тем не менее - but then  2) если (бы) не; как не; чтобы не I cannot but... - не могу не... I cannot but agree with you - не могу не согласиться с вами what could he do but confess? - что ему оставалось, как не сознаться? he would have fallen but that I caught him - он упал бы, если бы я его не подхватил he would have fallen but for me - он упал бы, если бы не я  4. pron.; relat. кто бы не there is no one but knows it - нет никого, кто бы этого не знал there are few men but would risk all for such a prize - мало найдется таких, кто не рискнул бы всем ради подобной награды  5. noun but me no buts - пожалуйста, без но, без возражений II noun scot. первая/рабочая комната в небольшом двухкомнатном доме ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - O.E. butan, buton "unless, without, outside," from W.Gmc. *be- "by" + *utana "from without." Not used as a conjunction in O.E. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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