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English abbreviation dictionary - brass


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U.S. gov. abbr.
Border Release Advanced Screening And Selectivity mil. abbr.
Breath, Relax, Aim, Sight, And Squeeze religion abbr.
Bernardino Riverside Area Sunday School law abbr.
Bullet Resistant Armor Security System account. abbr.
Bankruptcy Remote Access Server System
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См. в других словарях

  ~ n 1 »METAL« a very hard bright yellow metal that is a mixture of copper (1) and zinc (1)  (brass bed/knob/button etc)  (an old brass bedstead) 2 the brass (section) the people in an orchestra or band who play musical instruments made of brass, such as the trumpet1 (1), horn etc 3 have the brass informal to have the self-confidence and lack of respect to do something that is rude  (have the brass to do sth)  (I didn't think she'd have the brass to tell him to his face.) 4 »DECORATIONS« an object made of brass, usually with a design cut into it, or several brass objects 5 »IN CHURCH« a picture and writing on brass, placed on the wall or floor of a church in memory of someone who died 6 get down to brass tacks informal to start talking about the real business of a meeting 7 »PEOPLE IN TOP JOBS« the brass AmE informal people who hold the most important positions; top brass BrE 8 it's brass monkeys/brass monkey weather BrE spoken used to say that it is very cold  (It's brass monkeys out there today.) 9 »MONEY« BrE informal money 10 brass hat especially BrE slang a military officer with a high rank  (- see also as bold as brass bold (2)) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  1. Brass is a yellow-coloured metal made from copper and zinc. It is used especially for making ornaments and musical instruments. The instrument is beautifully made in brass. N-UNCOUNT 2. The brass is the section of an orchestra which consists of brass wind instruments such as trumpets and horns. N-SING 3. If you get down to brass tacks, you discuss the basic, most important facts of a situation. Angola’s ruling party was due to get down to brass tacks today with a debate on the party’s record. PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   noun  Etymology: Middle English bras, from Old English br?s; akin to Middle Low German bras metal  Date: before 12th century  1. an alloy consisting essentially of copper and zinc in variable proportions  2.  a. the ~ instruments of an orchestra or band — often used in plural  b. a usually ~ memorial tablet  c. bright metal fittings, utensils, or ornaments  d. empty cartridge shells  3. brazen self-assurance ; gall  4. singular or plural in construction  a. high-ranking members of the military  b. persons in high positions (as in a business or the government)  • ~ adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & adj. --n. 1 a yellow alloy of copper and zinc. 2 a an ornament or other decorated piece of brass. b brass objects collectively. 3 Mus. brass wind instruments (including trumpet, horn, trombone) forming a band or a section of an orchestra. 4 Brit. sl. money. 5 (in full horse-brass) a round flat brass ornament for the harness of a draught-horse. 6 (in full top brass) colloq. persons in authority or of high (esp. military) rank. 7 an inscribed or engraved memorial tablet of brass. 8 colloq. effrontery (then had the brass to demand money). 9 a brass block or die used for making a design on a book binding. --adj. made of brass. Phrases and idioms brass band a group of musicians playing brass instruments, sometimes also with percussion. brassed off sl. fed up. brass hat Brit. colloq. an officer of high rank, usu. one with gold braid on the cap. brass monkey coarse sl. used in various phrases to indicate extreme cold. brass-rubbing 1 the rubbing of heelball etc. over paper laid on an engraved brass to take an impression of its design. 2 the impression obtained by this. brass tacks sl. actual details; real business (get down to brass tacks). not a brass farthing colloq. no money or assets at all. Etymology: OE br{aelig}s, of unkn. orig. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  латунь, жёлтая медь - admiralty brass - alpha brass - aluminum brass - bearing brass - beta brass - brazing brass - crank brass - dipped brass - engraver's brass - eyelet brass - leaded brass - nonleaded brass - plater's brass - red brass - shim brass - white brass - yellow brass ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  латунь, жёлтая медь медная мемориальная или надгробная доска медные украшения; медные изделия beta brass ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  латунь латунный - alloy brass - cartridge brass - cast brass - clock brass - etching brass - free-cutting brass - high brass - high-tensile brass - leaded brass - naval brass - sheet brass - tin brass - wrought brass ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ.; разг. мелкие деньги, мелочь BRASS сущ. 1) общ. латунь, желтая медь (сплав меди и цинка) red brass — красная латунь, томпак to get come down to brass tacks nails — докапываться до сути дела, вникать в подробности 2) иск. медные духовые инструменты The trumpet and trombone are brass instruments. — Труба и тромбон — медные духовые инструменты. 3) общ., брит., разг., устар. мелочь, монеты 4) общ., разг. смелость, наглость, бесстыдство, уверенность в себе as bold as brass — бесстыдный, наглый; напористый I don't know how she has the brass to do it. — Даже не знаю, как ей хватило смелости сделать это. 5) упр., разг. "шишки", начальство, руководящая верхушка (должностные лица, крупные военные и гражданские чины; от медных украшений на мундирах и фуражках) The Pentagon top brass hates the idea of getting embroiled in Kosovo peacekeeping. — Высокопоставленных начальников в Пентагоне совершенно не радует идея ввязываться в миротворческую операцию в Косово. ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. полит. разг. "шишка" 2. начальство Высший генералитет Пентагона Pentagon. Тж. big B, big brass ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. латунь, желтая медь red brass —- красная латунь, томпак 2. (the brass (es) собир. медные духовые инструменты 3. медная (мемориальная) доска 4. что-л. сделанное из меди; медная посуда, медные украшения и т. п. 5. твердость; живучесть 6. нечувствительность 7. сл. деньги 8. разг. наглость, бесстыдство he had the brass to go to the party uninvited —- он набрался наглости пойти на вечеринку без приглашения 9. сл. воен. старший офицер; штабной офицер 10. сл. pl. начальство, руководство top brass —- руководящая верхушка police brass —- полицейское начальство TV network brass —- заправилы телевидения 11. воен. разг. стреляные гильзы 12. геол. пирит в угле 13. тех. вкладыши (подшипника) Id: as bold as brass —- бесстыдный, наглый 14. латунный brass plate —- медная дощечка (на двери); мемориальная доска Id: brass farthing —- медный грош Id: not to care a brass farthing —- быть совершенно безразличным Id: to come (to get) down to brass nails (tacks) —- докапываться до сути дела, вникать в подробности Id: after the exchange of a few pleasantries we got down to brass tacks —- после обмена любезностями мы сразу приступили к делу Id: to part brass rags with smb. —- мор. жарг. порвать дружбу с кем-л.; расплеваться с кем-л. 15. покрывать латунью, медью 16. разг. нагло вести себя (обыкн. to brass it) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  hat noun mil.; jargon штабной офицер; высокий чин BRASS knuckles noun кастет BRASS plate дощечка на двери BRASS works noun медеплавильный завод BRASS up  а) надевать кожаные ремни и металлические украшения (на лошадь) The boys are in the yard, brassing up the horses for the show. Come on boys, lets get brassing up, we must be ready to leave for the horse show in an hour.  б) платить свою долю If everyone brasses up, well soon have enough. Each member is asked to brass up his share of the cost. BRASS  1. noun  1) латунь, желтая медь - red brass  2) медная мемориальная доска  3) (the brass) духовые инструменты, медь - double in brass  4) coll. медяки, деньги  5) coll. бесстыдство  6) mil.; jargon начальство; высший военный чин, старший офицер  7) coll. военщина  8) tech. вкладыш  2. adj. медный, латунный - brass plate  3. v.  1) покрывать латунью, медью  2) coll. нагло вести себя (обыкн. to brass it) - brass off - brass up to come/get down to (the) brass tacks/nails - добраться до сути дела to part brass rags with smb. naut.; sl. - порвать дружбу с кем-л. BRASS band noun духовой оркестр BRASS off mil. подавать рапорт, жаловаться The young soldiers are all brassing off again, theyre never satisfied. Were all brassed off with this terrible food. ...
Англо-русский словарь
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. brжs, originally an alloy of copper and tin (now bronze), in modern use an alloy of two parts copper, one part zinc. A mystery word, with no known cognates beyond Eng. Perhaps akin to Fr. brasser "to brew," since it is an alloy. The meaning "effrontery, impudence" is from 1624. Slang sense of "high officials" is first recorded 1899. Brassy "debased yet pretentious" is from 1586; in the sense of "strident and artificial" it is from 1865. The brass tacks that you get down to (1897) are probably the ones used to measure cloth on the counter of a dry goods store, suggesting precision. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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