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English abbreviation dictionary - attach


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  ~ v 1 »CONNECT« to connect one thing to another  (attach sth to)  (Attach a recent photograph to your application form. | be attached to)  (a small battery attached to a little loudspeaker | The web was only attached to the leaf by one thread.) 2 »LIKE« be attached to to like someone or something very much, because you have known them or had them for a long time  (It's easy to become attached to the children you work with.)  (Too attached, sometimes.) 3 attach importance/significance etc to believe that something is important  (People attach too much importance to economic forecasts.) 4 attach blame to say that someone has done something wrong  (No blame can be attached to Remy for the incident.) 5 »FEELING/QUALITY« be attached to if a quality, feeling, idea etc is attached a person, thing or event, it is connected with them  (It's easy to let the emotions attached to one situation spill over into others.) 6 »ORGANIZATION/COMPANY« be attached to sth a) to work for part of a particular organization, especially for a short period of time  (He was attached to the foreign affairs department of a Japanese newspaper.) b) to be part of a bigger organization  (the Food Ministry is attached to the Ministry of Agriculture) attachment ~ n 1 a feeling that you like or love someone or something and that you would be unhappy without them + to/for  (I did feel a certain sense of attachment for the strange old guy.) 2 belief in and loyalty towards a particular idea + to/for  (old people's attachment to traditional customs and ways) 3 a part that you can put onto a machine to make it do different things  (a versatile food mixer that comes with a range of attachments) 4 on attachment working for a particular organization, especially for a short period of time  (He was sent on attachment to their offices in Hong Kong.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (attaches, attaching, attached) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If you attach something to an object, you join it or fasten it to the object. The gadget can be attached to any vertical surface... The astronauts will attach a motor that will boost the satellite into its proper orbit... For further information, please contact us on the attached form. VERB: V n to n, V n, V-ed 2. If someone attaches himself or herself to you, they join you and stay with you, often without being invited to do so. Natasha attached herself to the film crew filming at her orphanage. VERB: V pron-refl to n 3. If people attach a quality to someone or something, or if it attaches to them, people consider that they have that quality. The authorities attached much significance to his visit. ...the magic that still attaches to the word ‘spy’. ...the stigma attached to mental illness. VERB: V n to n, V to n, V-ed 4. If you attach conditions to something such as an agreement, you state that specific things must be done before the agreement is valid. Activists are pressing the banks to attach political conditions to the signing of any new agreement... VERB: V n to n 5. In computing, if you attach a file to a message that you send to someone, you send it with the message but separate from it. It is possible to attach executable program files to e-mail. VERB: V n to n 6. no strings attached: see string see also attached ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ~er, alteration of Old French estachier, from estache stake, of Germanic origin; akin to Old English staca stake  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to take by legal authority especially under a writ ~ed the property  2.  a. to bring (oneself) into an association ~ed herself to their cause  b. to assign (an individual or unit in the military) temporarily  3. to bind by personal ties (as of affection or sympathy) was strongly ~ed to his family  4. to make fast (as by tying or gluing) ~ a label to a package  5. to associate especially as a property or an attribute ; ascribe ~ed great importance to public opinion polls  intransitive verb to become ~ed ; adhere  Synonyms: see fasten  • ~able adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. 1 tr. fasten, affix, join. 2 tr. (in passive; foll. by to) be very fond of or devoted to (am deeply attached to her). 3 tr. attribute, assign (some function, quality, or characteristic) (can you attach a name to it?; attaches great importance to it). 4 a tr. accompany; form part of (no conditions are attached). b intr. (foll. by to) be an attribute or characteristic (great prestige attaches to the job). 5 refl. (usu. foll. by to) take part in; join (attached themselves to the expedition). 6 tr. appoint for special or temporary duties. 7 tr. Law seize (a person or property) by legal authority. Derivatives attachable adj. attacher n. Etymology: ME f. OF estachier fasten f. Gmc: in Law sense thr. OF atachier ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  прикреплять(ся); присоединять(ся) ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) прикреплять; прикладывать; присоединять 2) прикрепляться, прилипать 3) придавать, приписывать to attach a cell — топ. приклеивать клетку to attach a cross-cap — топ. заклеивать отверстие листом Мебиуса to attach a handle — топ. приклеивать ручку to attach sling to load — крепить строп на грузе to attach fixedly — закреплять неподвижно ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) приписывать; придавать 2) налагать арест; конфисковывать 3) скреплять печатью 4) быть действительным, иметь силу 5) прилагать; присоединять; прикреплять – to attach a seal to a patent – to attach a special meaning to a term ATTACH гл. 1) прикреплять, присоединять, скреплять 2) прилагать 3) налагать арест 4) привязывать, располагать к себе 5) приписывать 6) придавать (значение) 7) иметь силу • - attach goods - attach importance - attach importance to - attach value Syn: fix, secure, connect ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  прикреплять; прикрепляться ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. прикреплять, присоединять; скреплять, связывать to attach a label to a parcel —- прикрепить (приклеить) ярлык к пакету to attach a stamp —- наклеить марку to attach a seal to a document —- ставить на документе печать; скреплять документ печатью to attach one's name to a document —- подписать документ; поставить свою подпись под документом the boy attached a rope to his sled —- мальчик привязал к санкам веревку I attached a trailer to the car —- я прицепил трейлер к машине 2. прикладывать to attach documents to a letter —- приложить к письму документы copies attached to the document —- экземпляры, приложенные к документу attached you will find, attached please find —- канц. при сем прилагается you will find attached to this letter —- канц. в приложении к настоящему письму посылаем вам 3. пристраивать a house with a garage attached —- дом с гаражем; дом с пристроенным к нему гаражем 4. (to) присоединяться he attached himself to a society —- он вступил в общество the lost dog attached itself to a boy —- потерявшая хозяина собака пристала к мальчику the boy's attached themselves to a travelling circus —- мальчики увязались за бродячим цирком 5. прикомандировывать, прикреплять he was attached to a regiment —- он был прикомандирован к полку the new firm attached him to the sales division —- новая фирма передала (назначила) его в торговый отдел 6. (to) привязывать, располагать к...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  v.  1) прикреплять, прикладывать to attach a seal to a document - ставить печать на документе; скреплять документ печатью to attach a stamp - приклеивать марку the responsibility that attaches to that position - ответственность, связанная с этим положением  2) присоединяться to attach oneself to - присоединяться he attached himself to the new arrivals - он присоединился к вновь прибывшим  3) прикомандировывать; назначать to attach a teacher to a class - прикрепить преподавателя к классу  4) привязывать, располагать к себе they are deeply attached to her - они очень к ней привязаны  5) приписывать, придавать he attached the blame to me - он свалил вину на меня  6) leg. арестовывать, задерживать; описывать (имущество), накладывать арест (на имущество) Syn: see add ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - early 14c., from O.Fr. estachier "to attach," perhaps from Frank. *stakon "a post, stake." Began in Eng. as a legal term meaning "to take or seize by law." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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