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English abbreviation dictionary - alert


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U.S. gov. abbr.
Accelerated Licensure Evaluation And Review Techniques mil. abbr.
Attack Launch Early Reporting to Theater mil. abbr.
Air Land Emergency Rescue Team educ. abbr.
Actual Learning Environment Response Training educ. abbr.
Assisted Learning Environment Response Team educ. abbr.
Augmented Learning Environment For Renewable Teaching
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  ~1 adj 1 always watching and ready to notice anything strange or unusual 2 able to think quickly and clearly  (Despite her years, she still has a lively and alert mind. | Please remain alert and report any unattended luggage to the authorities.) 3 be ~ to to realize that you must be careful about something or that something is dangerous  (Tourists need to be alert to the dangers of travelling in the north of the country.) ~2 v 1 to officially warn someone of something, especially something dangerous, so that they can be ready to deal with it  (Alert air traffic control and tell them one engine isn't working.) + tha  (Police have been alerted that a second prisoner has escaped.) 2 to make someone notice something important or dangerous ~ sb to sth  (Montessori alerted teachers to the importance of observing children at play.) ~3 n 1 a warning to be ready for possible danger  (a full-scale flood alert)  (- see also red ~) 2 be on the ~ to be ready to notice and deal with a situation or problem  (Be on the alert for pickpockets in the crowds.) be on full ~ (=completely ready to deal with a dangerous situation)  (police on full alert against terrorist attacks) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (alerts, alerting, alerted) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If you are alert, you are paying full attention to things around you and are able to deal with anything that might happen. We all have to stay alert... He had been spotted by an alert neighbour. = attentive ADJ • alertness The drug improved mental alertness. N-UNCOUNT 2. If you are alert to something, you are fully aware of it. The bank is alert to the danger. ADJ: v-link ADJ to n 3. An alert is a situation in which people prepare themselves for something dangerous that might happen soon. Due to a security alert, this train will not be stopping at Oxford Circus. N-COUNT 4. If you alert someone to a situation, especially a dangerous or unpleasant situation, you tell them about it. He wanted to alert people to the activities of the group... I was hoping he’d alert the police. VERB: V n to n, V n 5. see also red alert 6. If soldiers or police are on alert, they are ready to deal with anything that may happen. Soldiers and police have been put on alert. PHRASE: PHR after v, v-link PHR 7. If you are on the alert for something, you are ready to deal with it if it happens. They want to be on the alert for similar buying opportunities. PHRASE: PHR after v, v-link PHR ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adjective  Etymology: Italian all'erta, on the watch, literally, on the height  Date: 1618  1.  a. watchful and prompt to meet danger or emergency  b. quick to perceive and act  2. active, brisk  Synonyms: see watchful, intelligent  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun  II. noun  Date: 1803  1. a state of careful watching and readiness especially for danger or opportunity on 24-hour ~  2.  a. an alarm or other signal of danger  b. an urgent notice an ~ to parents…about new immunization requirements — Ann Schrader  3. the period during which an ~ is in effect  III. transitive verb  Date: circa 1868  1. to call to a state of readiness ; warn  2. to make aware of ~ed the public to the dangers of pesticides ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj., n., & v. --adj. 1 watchful or vigilant; ready to take action. 2 nimble (esp. of mental faculties); attentive. --n. 1 a warning call or alarm. 2 a warning of an air raid. b the duration of this. --v.tr. (often foll. by to) make alert; warn (were alerted to the danger). Phrases and idioms on the alert on the lookout against danger or attack. Derivatives alertly adv. alertness n. Etymology: F alerte f. It. all' erta to the watch-tower ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) предупреждение об опасности предупреждать об опасности; приводить в готовность 2) сигнал опасности - diagnostic alert - distress alert - leakalert - pollution alert - public alert - storm alert ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) сигнал тревоги; сигнализировать об опасности 2) предупреждение; предупреждать 3) сигнал о приеме сообщения (факсимильного аппарата) – mailbox alert – message alert – recording message alert – vibra-call alert ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1. сущ. 1) общ. тревога, сигнал тревоги to call an alert — сыграть тревогу to call off (cancel) an alert — сыграть отбой тревоги In case of an alert, every battalion, every company, and every man know their stations. — В случае тревоги каждый батальон, каждый отряд и каждый отдельно взятый человек знают свое место. 2) воен. состояние боевой готовности full alert — полная боевая готовность red alert — воздушная тревога "красная"; боевая готовность on the alert — (быть) настороже, наготове to keep on the alert — тревожить, не давать покоя to put (troops) on alert — поднять (войска) по тревоге 3) бирж. уведомление, предупреждение; сигнал (уведомление, производимое механической торговой системой в форме сигнала, подаваемого с торгового терминала, установленного на компьютере, о каком-либо событии, произошедшем на рынке напр., о достижении целевой цены) See: terminal 2. прил. 1) общ. бдительный, внимательный, настороженный Syn: vigilant, watchful, observant 2) общ. живой, проворный amazingly alert — удивительно живой A tall, alert-looking young man entered the room. — В комнату вошел высокий, с виду проворный человек. 3. гл. 1) общ. привести в состояние готовности 2) общ. предупреждать (об опасности и т. п.) We must alert the public to the danger. — Мы должны предупредить людей об опасности. Syn: awaken 3)...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) тревога; сигнал тревоги 2) настороженный 3) живой, проворный ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. воен. состояние боевой готовности; боевое дежурство high digree of alert —- высокая степень боеготовности alert crew —- дежурный экипаж alert position —- положение готовности alert station —- позиция, занимаемая по тревоге alert weapons —- дежурные боевые средства on the alert —- в боевой готовности on the alert —- начеку, настороже to put smb. on the alert —- насторожить кого-л 2. тревога, сигнал тревоги 3. воздушная тревога blue alert —- воздушная тревога "синяя" white alert —- отбой воздушной тревоги 4. бдительный, настороже, осторожный suspiciously alert —- подозрительно-настороженный alert to the opportunity —- ожидающий удобного случая a good hunting dog is alert to every sound —- хорошая охотничья собака всегда чутко реагирует на любой звук 5. живой, проворный, скорый; резвый amazingly alert —- удивительно живой alert sparrow —- юркий воробей 6. сметливый, понятливый mentally alert —- с живым умом he's an alert boy —- он парень бойкий 7. полный (чего-л); живущий (чем-л) alert with hope —- полный надежд 8. объявлять тревогу. поднимать по тревоге 9. предупреждать (об опасности) the doctor alerted me to the danger of not getting enough sleep —- врач предупредил меня об опасных последствиях недосыпания 10. приводить в готовность ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) тревога, сигнал тревоги  2) mil. состояние боевой готовности (to be) on the alert - (быть) настороже, наготове to keep on the alert - тревожить, не давать покоя  2. adj.  1) бдительный, настороженный  2) живой, проворный amaringly alert - удивительно живой Syn: see observant  3. v.  1) привести в состояние готовности  2) предупреждать об опасности  3) mil. объявлять тревогу, поднимать по тревоге ...
Англо-русский словарь
  See: ON THE ALERT. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 1618, from Fr. alerte "vigilant," from phrase а l'erte "on the watch," from It. all'erta "to the height," from erta "lookout, high tower," orig. fem. of erto, pp. of ergere "raise up," from L. erigere "raise." The adv. is the oldest form in Eng.; adj. is from 1712, noun from 1803. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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