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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - witness


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(witnesses, witnessing, witnessed) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A witness to an event such as an accident or crime is a person who saw it. Witnesses to the crash say they saw an explosion just before the disaster... No witnesses have come forward. N-COUNT: oft N to n 2. If you witness something, you see it happen. Anyone who witnessed the attack should call the police... = see VERB: V n 3. A witness is someone who appears in a court of law to say what they know about a crime or other event. In the next three or four days, eleven witnesses will be called to testify. N-COUNT: oft N for n 4. A witness is someone who writes their name on a document that you have signed, to confirm that it really is your signature. N-COUNT 5. If someone witnesses your signature on a document, they write their name after it, to confirm that it really is your signature. Ask a friend to witness your signature. VERB: V n 6. If you say that a place, period of time, or person witnessed a particular event or change, you mean that it happened in that place, during that period of time, or while that person was alive. India has witnessed many political changes in recent years... = see VERB: V n 7. If a person or thing bears witness to something, they show or say that it exists or happened. (FORMAL) Many of these poems bear witness to his years spent in India and China... PHRASE: V inflects, PHR n
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   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~e, from Old English witnes knowledge, testimony, ~, from 2wit  Date: before 12th century  1. attestation of a fact or event ; testimony  2. one that gives evidence; specifically one who testifies in a cause or before a judicial tribunal  3. one asked to be present at a transaction so as to be able to testify to its having taken place  4. one who has personal knowledge of something  5.  a. something serving as evidence or proof ; sign  b. public affirmation by word or example of usually religious faith or conviction the heroic ~ to divine life — Pilot  6. capitalized a member of the Jehovah's Witnesses  II. verb  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to testify to ; attest  2. to act as legal ~ of  3. to furnish proof of ; betoken  4.  a. to have personal or direct cognizance of ; see for oneself ~ed the historic event  b. to take note of our grammar— ~ our verb system—is a marvel of flexibility, variety, and exactitude — Charlton Laird  5. to constitute the scene or time of structures…which this striking Dorset hilltop once ~ed — Times Literary Supplement  intransitive verb  1. to bear ~ ; testify  2. to bear ~ to one's religious convictions opportunity to ~ for Christ — Billy Graham  Synonyms: see certify ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a person present at some event and able to give information about it (cf. EYEWITNESS). 2 a a person giving sworn testimony. b a person attesting another's signature to a document. 3 (foll. by to, of) a person or thing whose existence, condition, etc., attests or proves something (is a living witness to their generosity). 4 testimony, evidence, confirmation. --v. 1 tr. be a witness of (an event etc.) (did you witness the accident?). 2 tr. be witness to the authenticity of (a document or signature). 3 tr. serve as evidence or an indication of. 4 intr. (foll. by against, for, to) give or serve as evidence. Phrases and idioms bear witness to (or of) 1 attest the truth of. 2 state one's belief in. call to witness appeal to for confirmation etc. witness-box (US -stand) an enclosure in a lawcourt from which witnesses give evidence. Etymology: OE witnes (as WIT(1), -NESS) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  удостоверитель ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) свидетель 2) свидетельство 3) свидетельствовать см. false witness – adverse witness – competent witness WITNESS 1. сущ., юр. 1) очевидец, свидетель 2) доказательство 3) свидетельское показание • - adverse witness - call a witness - character witness - examination of witness - examine a witness - expert witness - hostile witness - in witness whereof - lay witness - material witness - ordinary witness - witness against - witness for the defendant - witness for the plaintiff - witness for the prosecution - witness for - witness to a signature 2. гл. 1) быть свидетелем, свидетельствовать 2) служить доказательством 3) заверять (подпись) - witness a will Syn: testify, certify ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  юр. свидетель Лицо, дающее показания или представляющее доказательства под присягой (например, свидетель-эксперт expert witness) в суде или на слушании. Свидетель должен быть правомочным competent давать показания, что, при прочих условиях, подразумевает способность понимать и помнить факты, по которым даются показания, а также понимать значение присяги. Шестая поправка к Конституции США Sixth Amendment дает обвиняемому право на очную ставку confrontation со свидетелями, показывающими против него hostile witness и на принудительный вызов в суд subpoena свидетелей, которые могут дать показания в его пользу. Верховный суд США Supreme Court своими решениями 1965 и 1967 расширил толкование этих прав, распространив их на суды штатов, сославшись на положение о надлежащем процессе due process clause, содержащееся в Четырнадцатой поправке Fourteenth Amendment. При этом Пятая поправка Fifth Amendment запрещает принуждать свидетеля давать показания против самого себя self-incrimination clause. Суды также обязаны защищать конфиденциальность сообщений privileged communication, сделанных клиентом адвокату, врачу, священнику, а также разговоров между супругами, и в некоторых случаях не могут привлекать этих лиц в...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. свидетель, очевидец the witnesses of the accident —- очевидцы аварии 2. свидетель (особ. в суде) to call as a witness —- вызывать в качестве свидетеля to call to witness —- призывать в свидетели god is my witness that —- видит Бог, что... swearing of a witness —- приведение свидетеля к присяге witness for the defence —- свидетель защиты witness for the crown (for the prosecution, against the accused) —- свидетель обвинения hostile witness —- свидетель противной стороны false witness —- лжесвидетель to hear (to examine) a witness —- допрашивать свидетеля to challenge a witness —- отводить свидетеля 3. юр. лицо, присутствующее при оформлении сделки, завещания, подписания брачного контракта и т. п. attesting (subscribing) witness,witness to a signature —- лицо, заверяющее чью-л. подпись; свидетель подписи (на завещании, обязательстве) 4. свидетельское показание; свидетельство to give witness —- давать свидетельские показания; свидетельствовать to bear witness (of, to) —- свидетельствовать; давать свидетельские показания he bore witness in the murder case —- он давал показания по делу об убийстве to bear smb. witness —- подтвердить чьи-л. слова; засвидетельствовать чей-л. поступок in witness of (whereof)... —- юр. в удостоверение чего... 5. признак, подтверждение, свидетельство, доказательство my clothes are a witness to my poverty —- моя одежда...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) свидетель (особ. в суде); to call to witness - ссылаться на; призывать в свидетели  2) очевидец  3) понятой  4) доказательство, свидетельство (to, of); to bear witness to/of - свидетельствовать, удостоверять; in witness of smth. - в доказательство чего-л. Syn: see spectator  2. v.  1) быть свидетелем (чего-л.); видеть; Europe witnessed many wars - Европа не раз была ареной войн  2) давать показания (against, for)  3) заверять (подпись и т.п.); to witness a document - заверить документ  4) свидетельствовать; служить уликой, доказательством Syn: see see ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 n 1 someone who sees a crime or an accident and can describe what happened  (Police have appealed for witnesses to come forward.) 2 someone in a court of law who tells what they saw or what they know about a crime  (One witness claimed to have seen the gun.) 3 bear witness formal to show or prove that something is true or that something happened in the past  (The temples and theatres all bear witness to the city's former greatness.) 4 someone who is present when an official paper is signed and who signs it to prove this  (witness to)  (a witness to a will) 5 be witness to formal to be present when something happens, and watch it happening  (We were witness to the worst excesses of the military.) 6 AmE a public statement of strong Christian belief, or someone who makes such a statement ~2 v 1 to see something happen, especially a crime or accident, because you are present when it happens  (Police are appealing to any driver who may have witnessed the accident.) 2 a) to experience important events or changes because you are there when they are happening  (We are now witnessing the break-up of the Soviet empire.) b) if a time or place witnesses an event, the event happens during that time or in that place  (The 1980s witnessed increasing unemployment throughout Europe.) 3 to be present when someone signs an official document, and sign it yourself to show this  (Will you witness my signature?) 4 a) to be a sign or proof of something  (the rise in crime, as witnessed by our overcrowded prisons) b) used to give an example that proves something you have just mentioned  (Poor school grades don't prove much - witness Dana's amazing success in business.) 5 AmE to speak publicly about your strong Christian beliefs witness to sth phr v to formally state that something is true or happened  (Her principal was called to witness to her good character. | witness to doing sth)  (The driver witnessed to having seen the man enter the building.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - O.E. witnes "attestation of fact, event, etc., from personal knowledge;" also "one who so testifies;" originally "knowledge, wit," formed from wit (n.). The verb is c.1300, from the noun. Christian use is as a lit. translation of Gk. martys (see martyr). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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