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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - wait


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(waits, waiting, waited) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. When you wait for something or someone, you spend some time doing very little, because you cannot act until that thing happens or that person arrives. I walk to a street corner and wait for the school bus... Stop waiting for things to happen. Make them happen... I waited to see how she responded... Angus got out of the car to wait... We will have to wait a week or so before we know whether the operation is a success... He told waiting journalists that he did not expect a referendum to be held for several months. VERB: no passive, V for n, V for n to-inf, V to-inf, V, V n, V-ing, also V n for n • waiting The waiting became almost unbearable. N-UNCOUNT 2. A wait is a period of time in which you do very little, before something happens or before you can do something. ...the four-hour wait for the organizers to declare the result. N-COUNT: usu sing 3. If something is waiting for you, it is ready for you to use, have, or do. There’ll be a car waiting for you... When we came home we had a meal waiting for us... Ships with unfurled sails wait to take them aboard... VERB: usu cont, V for n, have n V-ing for n, V to-inf 4. If you say that something can wait, you mean that it is not important or urgent and so you will deal with it or do it later. I want to talk to you, but it can wait... Any changes will have to wait until sponsors can be found. VERB: no cont, V, V 5. You can use wait when you are trying to make someone feel excited, or to encourage or threaten them. If you think this all sounds very exciting, just wait until you read the book... As soon as you get some food inside you, you’ll feel more cheerful. Just you wait. VERB: only imper, V until cl/n, V 6. Wait is used in expressions such as wait a minute, wait a second, and wait a moment to interrupt someone when they are speaking, for example because you object to what they are saying or because you want them to repeat something. (SPOKEN) ‘Wait a minute!’ he broke in. ‘This is not giving her a fair hearing!’ = hold on, hang on VERB: only imper, V n 7. If an employee waits on you, for example in a restaurant or hotel, they take orders from you and bring you what you want. There were plenty of servants to wait on her... Each student is expected to wait at table for one week each semester. VERB: V on n, V at n 8. If you say that you can’t wait to do something or can hardly wait to do it, you are emphasizing that you are very excited about it and eager to do it. (SPOKEN) We can’t wait to get started... It’s gonna be great. I can hardly wait... PHRASE: oft PHR to-inf c darkgreen]emphasis 9. If you tell someone to wait and see, you tell them that they must be patient or that they must not worry about what is going to happen in the future because they have no control over it. We’ll have to wait and see what happens. ...a wait-and-see attitude. PHRASE: oft PHR n, PHR wh
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   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ~er, guaiter to watch over, a~, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German wahta watch, Old English w?ccan to watch — more at wake  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to stay in place in expectation of ; a~ ~ed the result of the advertisement — W. M. Thackeray ~ your turn  2. to delay serving (a meal)  3. to serve as ~er for ~ tables  intransitive verb  1.  a. to remain stationary in readiness or expectation ~ for a train  b. to pause for another to catch up — usually used with up  2.  a. to look forward expectantly just ~ing to see his rival lose  b. to hold back expectantly ~ing for a chance to strike  3. to serve at meals — usually used in such phrases as ~ on tables or ~ on table  4.  a. to be ready and available slippers ~ing by the bed  b. to remain temporarily neglected or unrealized the chores can ~ Usage:  American dialectologists have evidence showing ~ on (sense 3) to be more a Southern than a Northern form in speech. Handbook writers universally denigrate ~ on and prescribe ~ for in writing. Our evidence from printed sources does not show a regional preference; it does show that the handbooks' advice is not based on current usage settlement of the big problems still ~ed on Russia — Time I couldn't make out…whether Harper was ~ing on me for approval — E. B. White the staggering bill that ~ed on them at the white commissary downtown — Maya Angelou. One reason for the continuing use of ~ on may lie in its being able to suggest protracted or irritating ~s better than ~ for for two days I've been ~ing on weather — Charles A. Lindbergh the boredom of black Africans sitting there, ~ing on the whims of a colonial bureaucracy — Vincent Canby doesn't care to sit around ~ing on a House that's virtually paralyzed — Glenn A. Briere. Wait on is less common than ~ for, but if it seems natural, there is no reason to avoid it.  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~e watchman, observation, from Anglo-French, of Germanic...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v. 1 intr. a defer action or departure for a specified time or until some expected event occurs (wait a minute; wait till I come; wait for a fine day). b be expectant or on the watch (waited to see what would happen). c (foll. by for) refrain from going so fast that (a person) is left behind (wait for me!). 2 tr. await (an opportunity, one's turn, etc.). 3 tr. defer (a meal etc.) until a person's arrival. 4 intr. (usu. as waiting n.) park a vehicle for a short time at the side of a road etc. (no waiting). 5 intr. a (in full wait at or US on table) act as a waiter or as a servant with similar functions. b act as an attendant. 6 intr. (foll. by on, upon) a await the convenience of. b serve as an attendant to. c pay a respectful visit to. --n. 1 a period of waiting (had a long wait for the train). 2 (usu. foll. by for) watching for an enemy; ambush (lie in wait; lay wait). 3 (in pl.) Brit. a archaic street singers of Christmas carols. b hist. official bands of musicians maintained by a city or town. Phrases and idioms cannot wait 1 is impatient. 2 needs to be dealt with immediately. can wait need not be dealt with immediately. wait-a-bit a plant with hooked thorns etc. that catch the clothing. wait and see await the progress of events. wait for it! colloq. 1 do not begin before the proper moment. 2 used to create an interval of suspense before saying something unexpected or amusing. wait on Austral., NZ, & N.Engl. be patient, wait. wait up (often foll. by for) not go to bed until a person arrives or an event happens. you wait! used to imply a threat, warning, or promise. Etymology: ME f. ONF waitier f. Gmc, rel. to WAKE(1) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  вчт. ожидание ожидать - busy wait - message wait - on-orbit wait - page wait - terminal I/O wait ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) дожидаться 2) ждать 3) ожидание 4) ожидать go into wait state — переходить в состояние ожидания - wait state ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. ожидание - least wait - limited wait - mean wait - wait in queue •• lie in wait — лежать в засаде (с целью выследить и поймать преступника) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. ожидание in wait for —- в ожидании to have a long wait for smth. —- долго ожидать чего-л. 2. театр. антракт; перерыв 3. засада to lie in wait —- быть (находиться) в засаде; подкарауливать кого-л. to lay wait for smb. —- устроить кому-л. засаду 4. pl. христославы (певцы, ходящие по домам в сочельник) 5. (часто for) ждать; ожидать; дожидаться to wait for a person —- ждать человека to wait for smth. to happen —- ожидать, когда что-л. произойдет I can't wait —- я не могу ждать; сл. жду не дождусь; сгораю от нетерпения to wait orders —- ждать распоряжений wait until he comes —- дождитесь его прихода to keep smb. waiting —- заставлять себя ждать 6. остановиться, чтобы подождать кого-л. I waited behind to see what had happened —- я задержался, чтобы посмотреть, что случилось 7. пережидать что-л. to wait out a storm —- переждать грозу 8. выжидать to wait one's opportunity (one's chance) —- выжидать удобного случая wait off —- спорт. приберегать силы к концу состязания 9. откладывать that work will have to wait —- эту работу придется отложить, с этой работой придется подождать 10. быть готовым your tea is waiting for you —- чай готов 11. разг. откладывать обед и т. п. don't wait dinner for me —- не ждите меня с обедом 12. обслуживание за столом to wait at (on) table —- работать официантом to wait tables —- обслуживать столики she will never learn to wait...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) ожидание; a long wait - долгое ожидание  2) засада; выжидание - lay wait - lie in wait  3) (the waits) pl. христославы (певцы, ходящие по домам в сочельник)  2. v.  1) ждать (for); wait until he comes - дождитесь его прихода; dont keep me waiting - не заставляйте меня ждать; to wait about/around - ждать некоторое время; to wait on - продолжать ждать  2) прислуживать (за столом и т.п.) (on, upon - кому-л.); быть официантом; They all wait on the king; to wait at table (амер. to wait on table) - обслуживать посетителей ресторана, прислуживать за столом  3) сопровождать, сопутствовать (upon); may success wait upon you! - да сопутствует вам успех!  4) coll. откладывать (о трапезе); we shall wait dinner for you - мы подождем вас с обедом - wait off - wait on - wait out - wait up - wait upon WAIT off sport приберегать силы к концу состязания WAIT on  а) являться результатом (чего-л.); His whole future waits on the results of the examinations. Success waits on effort;  б) obs. наносить визит, являться к кому-л.; Our representative will wait on you in the morning WAIT out переждать; We waited out the storm all night, and made our way into the harbour in the morning. WAIT up  а) coll. дожидаться; Hadnt we better wait up for the slower ones?;  б) coll. не ложиться спать (до чьего-л. прихода) (for); I may be late, but please dont wait up for me. WAIT upon = wait on ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 v 1 »DELAY/NOT START STH« to not do something or go somewhere until something else happens, someone arrives etc  (Hurry up! Everyone's waiting. | Wait right here until I come back. | wait for sth/sb)  (We had to wait over an hour for the bus. | wait until)  (They'll just have to wait until I'm ready. | wait for 3 hours/2 weeks etc)  (Where have you been? I've been waiting for ages. | wait to do sth)  (Are you waiting to use the phone? | keep sb waiting (=make someone wait, especially by arriving late))  (I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.) 2 »EXPECT STH TO HAPPEN« to expect something to happen that has not happened yet  ("Have you heard about the job?" "No, I'm still waiting." | wait for sth)  (I'm still waiting for my test results. | wait for sb to do sth/wait for sth to happen)  (I'm just waiting for him to realize how stupid he's been.) 3 wait a minute/second/moment etc spoken a) used to stop someone for a short time when they are leaving or starting to do something  (Wait a second, I'll get my coat and come with you.) b) used to interrupt someone, especially because you do not agree with what they are saying  (Wait a minute! That's not what we agreed!) c) used when you suddenly remember or notice something  (Wait a moment, I'm sure I know her name.) 4 I can't wait/I can hardly wait informal a) used when you feel excited and impatient about something that is going to happen soon  (We're going to Australia on Saturday - I can't wait! | sb can't wait to do sth)  (Tina can't wait to get home.) + for  (I can't wait for my vacation.) b) spoken humorous used to say that something seems likely to be very boring  (A lecture on transformational grammar? I can hardly wait.) 5 sth can/can't wait used to say that something is not, or is very urgent  ("What's so important? Can't it wait till tomorrow?" "No, it can't.") 6 wait and see especially spoken used to say that someone should be patient because they will find out about something later  (sb will have to wait and see)  (You'll have to wait and see what Father...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  U.S. gov. abbr. Work Accidents Investigation Technique comp. assem. abbr. Wait educ. abbr. Why Am I Talking religion abbr. Why Am I Tempted ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: LIE IN WAIT. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 12c., from O.N.Fr. waitier "to watch," from Frank. *wahton (cf. O.H.G. wahta "watch, guard;" wahhon "to watch, be awake"). General sense of "remain in some place" is from 1375; meaning "attend" is from 1509. Waiter is 14c., originally "attendant, watchman," sense of "servant who waits at tables" is from 1483. Waitress first recorded 1834. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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