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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - vessel


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(vessels) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A vessel is a ship or large boat. (FORMAL) ...a New Zealand navy vessel. N-COUNT 2. A vessel is a bowl or other container in which liquid is kept. (FORMAL) N-COUNT 3. see also blood vessel
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   noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin vascellum, diminutive of Latin vas vase, ~  Date: 14th century  1.  a. a container (as a cask, bottle, kettle, cup, or bowl) for holding something  b. a person into whom some quality (as grace) is infused a child of light, a true ~ of the Lord — H. J. Laski  2. a watercraft bigger than a rowboat; especially ship 1  3.  a. a tube or canal (as an artery) in which a body fluid is contained and conveyed or circulated  b. a conducting tube in the xylem of a vascular plant formed by the fusion and loss of end walls of a series of cells ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. 1 a hollow receptacle esp. for liquid, e.g. a cask, cup, pot, bottle, or dish. 2 a ship or boat, esp. a large one. 3 a Anat. a duct or canal etc. holding or conveying blood or other fluid, esp. = blood-vessel. b Bot. a woody duct carrying or containing sap etc. 4 Bibl. or joc. a person regarded as the recipient or exponent of a quality (a weak vessel). Etymology: ME f. AF vessel(e), OF vaissel(le) f. LL vascellum dimin. of vas vessel ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) сосуд; резервуар; баллон; контейнер (для жидкостей или газов) 2) судно (см. тж ship) 3) конвертерная груша; конвертер 4) реторта 5) ж.-д. цистерна 6) котёл 7) гидросамолёт to drain vessel — сливать остатки шлака из конвертера; to rock vessel — покачивать конвертер - absorption vessel - air vessel - air-support vessel - all-aft vessel - all-hatch vessel - alternate vessels - anion-exchange resin regeneration vessel - anion resin regeneration vessel - AOD vessel - arctic service vessel - arctic vessel - atomic vessel - basic Bessemer vessel - boiling vessel - buoyage vessel - buoy vessel - buoy-laying vessel - buoy-maintenance vessel - cargo vessel - cargo-and-passenger vessel - catamaran-type drilling vessel - cation-anion separation vessel - cation-exchange resin regeneration vessel - cation resin regeneration vessel - circulation-degassing vessel - coal vessel - coastal vessel - coasting vessel - coast-trade vessel - condensing vessel - containment vessel - cooking vessel - cylindrical rotor vessel - cylindrical tank vessel - Dewar vessel - displacement-type vessel - displacement vessel - dry-cargo vessel - drying vessel - dynamically anchored vessel - eccentric vessel - evacuated vessel - expedition vessel - fired pressure vessel - fish vessel - fishery protection vessel - fish-factory vessel - fishing vessel - freight vessel - ground-effect vessel - growing vessel - heavy-lift vessel - holding vessel - hollander vessel - hydrographic vessel - ice patrol vessel - infusion vessel - inland-navigation vessel - inland vessel - intermediate pouring vessel - large vessel - large crude carrying vessel - lay vessel - layered vessel - level vessel - lift-degassing vessel - lights servicing vessel - lumber vessel - mash mixing vessel - motor-driven vessel - motor vessel - newly relined vessel - nuclear-powered vessel - OBO vessel - oceanographic vessel - ocean station vessel -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  сосуд; резервуар, контейнер vessel for a wide range of duties air vessel cylindrical vessel displacement vessel expansion vessel flexible membrane vessel gas storage vessel membrane expansion vessel oil storage vessel pressure vessel sealed expansion vessel water displacement vessel ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) баллонный 2) бутыль 3) корабельный 4) корабль 5) резервуар 6) сосуд 7) судно circulation path of vessel — циркуляция судна conform to shape of vessel — принимать форму сосуда fisheries patrol vessel — рыбоохранное судно fishery research vessel — научно-промысловое судно place vessel in dock — ставить судно в док raise sunken vessel — поднимать затонувшее судно shore vessel in dock — сажать судно на опоры дока vessel is in distress — судно терпит бедствие vessel ships water — судно черпает воду - bleaching vessel - cargo vessel - catching vessel - charter vessel - coasting vessel - converter vessel - discharge vessel - drilling vessel - experimental vessel - extraction vessel - fishing vessel - high-pressure vessel - hospital vessel - launch vessel - lay down vessel - lay up vessel - measuring vessel - nuclear-powered vessel - patrol vessel - raise vessel - reactor vessel - rescue vessel - screw vessel - seed vessel - separation vessel - settling vessel - shoulder of vessel - silica-lined vessel - sports vessel - steel-making vessel - surface vessel - vessel mouth ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. судно, корабль - average on a vessel - cargo engaged for the vessel - coast guard vessel - coasting vessel - combination vessel - construction-differential subsidy vessel - container vessel - detention of a vessel - enrolled vessel - flag vessel - foreign-going vessel - freight vessel - licensed vessel - motor vessel - operating-differential subsidy vessel - passenger vessel - registered vessel - single-line vessels - tank vessel - timber carrying vessel - tramp vessel - wood cargo vessel Syn: ship, boat ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) бот., анат. сосуд 2) сосуд, склянка 3) судно, корабль – absorbent vessel – annular vessel – bile vessel – blood vessel – calibrated vessel – chyliferous vessel – conical vessel – culture vessel – cutaneous vessel – Ebner's vessel – graduated vessel – ladder-shaped vessel – latex vessel – lymphatic vessel – Malpighian vessel – milk vessel – minute vessel – netted vessel – nutrient vessel – perforating blood vessel – peripheric vessel – pitted vessel – reticulate vessel – scalariform vessel – secondary vessel – seed vessel – spermatic vessel – spiral vessel – spiro-annular vessel – vitelline vessel – wood vessel ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сосуд, посудина measuring vessel —- мерный сосуд, мензурка pressure vessel —- сосуд высокого давления communicating vessels —- сообщающиеся сосуды 2. pl. посуда 3. судно, корабль fishing vessel —- рыболовное судно seine-net fishing vessel —- сейнер surveying vessel —- гидрографическое судно nuclear-powered vessel —- атомоход timber carrying vessel —- лесовоз foreign going vessel —- судно заграничного плавания vessel in distress —- судно, терпящее бедствие vessel documents (papers) —- мор. судовые документы vessel rating —- классификация судов vessel idleness —- простой судна vessel ton —- регистровая (объемная) тонна 4. летательный аппарат 5. анат. бот. сосуд vessel suture —- мед. сосудистый шов 6. спец. камера; бак settling vessel —- осадочная камера reactor vessel —- бак реактора mixing vessel —- смеситель 7. текст. барка dye vessel —- красильная барка Id: the weaker vessel —- библ. сосуд скудельный; бренное существо; слабый (ненадежный) человек Id: weaker vessel —- библ. немощнейший сосуд (о женщине); слабый пол; слабое (беззащитное) существо Id: chosen vessel —- библ. избранный сосуд; (божий) избранник Id: broken vessel —- библ. сосуд разбитый; конченый человек Id: vessels of wrath —- библ. сосуды гнева; тираны; злодеи; злобный люди Id: vessel of mercy —- библ. сосуд милосердия; милостивец Id: leaky vessel —- "решето", болтун (о человеке,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun  1) сосуд  2) судно, корабль  3) самолет  4) = blood-vessel - weak vessel - the weaker vessel Syn: boat, craft, ship ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~ n 1 formal a ship or large boat  (a fishing vessel) 2 old use or formal a container for holding liquids 3 technical a tube that carries blood through your body, such as a vein, or that carries liquid through a plant ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1303, "container," from O.Fr. vessel, from L. vascellum "small vase or urn," also "a ship," dim. of vasculum, itself a dim. of vas "vessel." Sense of "ship, boat" is found in Eng. early 14c. "The association between hollow utensils and boats appears in all languages." [Weekley]. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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