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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - tongue


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(tongues) 1. Your tongue is the soft movable part inside your mouth which you use for tasting, eating, and speaking. I walked over to the mirror and stuck my tongue out... She ran her tongue around her lips. N-COUNT: usu poss N 2. You can use tongue to refer to the kind of things that a person says. She had a nasty tongue, but I liked her. N-COUNT: usu supp N 3. A tongue is a language. (LITERARY) The French feel passionately about their native tongue. = language N-COUNT see also mother tongue 4. Tongue is the cooked tongue of an ox or sheep. It is usually eaten cold. N-VAR 5. The tongue of a shoe or boot is the piece of leather which is underneath the laces. N-COUNT 6. A tongue of something such as fire or land is a long thin piece of it. (LITERARY) A yellow tongue of flame shot upwards. N-COUNT: N of n 7. A tongue-in-cheek remark or attitude is not serious, although it may seem to be. ...a lighthearted, tongue-in-cheek approach... PHRASE: PHR n, v-link PHR, PHR after v 8. If you hold your tongue, you do not say anything even though you might want to or be expected to, because it is the wrong time to say it. Douglas held his tongue, preferring not to speak out on a politically sensitive issue. PHRASE: V inflects 9. If you describe something you said as a slip of the tongue, you mean that you said it by mistake. At one stage he referred to Anna as John’s fiancee, but later said that was a slip of the tongue. PHRASE: slip inflects 10. to bite your tongue: see bite
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   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English tunge, from Old English; akin to Old High German zunga ~, Latin lingua  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a fleshy movable muscular process of the floor of the mouths of most vertebrates that bears sensory end organs and small glands and functions especially in taking and swallowing food and in humans as a speech organ  b. a part of various invertebrate animals that is analogous to the ~  2. the flesh of a ~ (as of the ox or sheep) used as food  3. the power of communication through speech  4.  a. language; especially a spoken language  b. manner or quality of utterance with respect to tone or sound, the sense of what is expressed, or the intention of the speaker she has a clever ~ a sharp ~  c. ecstatic usually unintelligible utterance usually accompanying religious excitation — usually used in plural  d. the cry of or as if of a hound pursuing or in sight of game — used especially in the phrase to give ~  5. a tapering flame ~s of fire  6. a long narrow strip of land projecting into a body of water  7. something resembling an animal's ~ in being elongated and fastened at one end only: as  a. a movable pin in a buckle  b. a metal ball suspended inside a bell so as to strike against the sides as the bell is swung  c. the pole of a vehicle  d. the flap under the lacing or buckles of a shoe at the throat of the vamp  8.  a. the rib on one edge of a board that fits into a corresponding groove in an edge of another board to make a flush joint  b. feather 4  • ~like adjective  II. verb  (~d; tonguing)  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. archaic scold  2. to touch or lick with or as if with the ~  3.  a. to cut a ~ on ~ a board  b. to join (as boards) by means of a ~ and groove ~ flooring together  4. to articulate (notes) by tonguing  intransitive verb  1. to project in a ~  2. to articulate notes on a wind instrument by successively interrupting the stream of wind with the action of the ~ TONGUE  geographical name river 246 miles...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 the fleshy muscular organ in the mouth used in tasting, licking, and swallowing, and (in man) for speech. 2 the tongue of an ox etc. as food. 3 the faculty of or a tendency in speech (a sharp tongue). 4 a particular language (the German tongue). 5 a thing like a tongue in shape or position, esp.: a a long low promontory. b a strip of leather etc., attached at one end only, under the laces in a shoe. c the clapper of a bell. d the pin of a buckle. e the projecting strip on a wooden etc. board fitting into the groove of another. f a vibrating slip in the reed of some musical instruments. g a jet of flame. --v. (tongues, tongued, tonguing) 1 tr. produce staccato etc. effects with (a flute etc.) by means of tonguing. 2 intr. use the tongue in this way. Phrases and idioms find (or lose) one's tongue be able (or unable) to express oneself after a shock etc. the gift of tongues the power of speaking in unknown languages, regarded as one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2). keep a civil tongue in one's head avoid rudeness. tongue-and-groove applied to boards in which a tongue along one edge fits into a groove along the edge of the next, each board having a tongue on one edge and a groove on the other. tongue-in-cheek adj. ironic; slyly humorous. --adv. insincerely or ironically. tongue-lashing a severe scolding or reprimand. tongue-tie a speech impediment due to a malformation of the tongue. tongue-tied 1 too shy or embarrassed to speak. 2 having a tongue-tie. tongue-twister a sequence of words difficult to pronounce quickly and correctly. with one's tongue hanging out eagerly or expectantly. with one's tongue in one's cheek insincerely or ironically. Derivatives tongued adj. (also in comb.). tongueless adj. Etymology: OE tunge f. Gmc, rel. to L lingua ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) язык; язычок 2) гребень валка; рельефный калибр валка 3) шпунт; шип; гребень соединять в шпунт или в гребень; соединять на шипах 4) шпонка 5) цапфа (гидро- или пневмоцилиндра) 6) остряк (стрелочного перевода) 7) лапка 8) (однолапчатая) проушина 9) конец свинцовой оболочки (кабеля) 10) якорь (реле) 11) разделительная стена (стекловаренной печи) 12) стрелка (весов) 13) хвост (напр. напильника) - cleavage tongue - closed tongue - cross tongue - curved tongue - feather tongue - glacier tongue - iceberg tongue - movable tongue - open tongue ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  шпунт, гребень (на кромке доски); вставная рейка, плоский шип; пластинчатый нагель; язычок cross tongue false tongue feather tongue lamb's tongue loose tongue slip tongue straight tongue ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) гребень шпунтового соединения 2) язык 3) язычный inclined plane tongue — наклонный остряк - arnold tongue - cold tongue - guiding tongue - loose tongue - switch tongue - tongue of ice - warmth tongue ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  язык – Adder's tongue – forked tongue – lolling tongue ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. язык furred (dirty, foul, coated) tongue —- обложенный язык (больного) to put out (to stick out) one's tongue —- высовывать (показывать) язык (врачу или из озорства) to hang out one's tongue —- высовывать язык (о собаке) 2. язык, язычок (животного, рептилии и т. п.) the frong's tongue —- язычок лягушки cleft (bifid) tongue —- раздвоенный язычок 3. речь, язык; способность речи the mother (native) tongue —- родной язык the ancient tongues —- древние языки the gift of tongues —- способность к языкам the English tongue —- английский язык to speak a different tongue —- говорить на другом языке no poet in any tongue is greater than Dante —- ни одна литература не имеет поэта, который был бы выше Данте 4. манера говорить bad (biting, bitter, caustic, venomous, wicked) tongue —- злой (ядовитый) язык oily tongue —- елейность, льстивые речи ready tongue —- хорошо подвешенный язык rough tongue —- грубый язык, грубость sharp tongue —- острый язык silver (smooth) tongue —- красноречивость, льстивость glib tongue —- бойкая (развязная) речь 5. кул. язык smoked tongue —- копченый язык cold beef tongue —- холодный говяжий язык 6. что-л. имеющее форму языка; язык, язычок tongues of flame —- языки пламени tongue of a shoe —- язык ботинка tongue of a bell —- язык колокола tongue of sand —- песчаная коса 7. муз. язычок 8. тех. шпунт, шип, гребень 9. ж-д. остряк (стрелки) 10. хвостовик (инструмента) 11....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun  1) язык; furred/dirty/foul/coated tongue - обложенный язык (у больного); to put out ones tongue - показывать язык (врачу или из озорства); his tongue failed him - у него отнялся язык, он лишился дара речи  2) язык (речь); the mother tongue - родной язык  3) речь, манера говорить; glib tongue - бойкая речь  4) язык (как кушанье); smoked tongue - копченый язык  5) что-л., имеющее форму языка, напоминающее язык, напр., язык пламени, колокола; язычок (духового инструмента, обуви)  6) геогр. коса  7) стрелка весов  8) tech. шпунт, шип  9) дышло  10) railways остряк стрелки to give tongue -  а) говорить, высказываться;  б) подавать голос (о собаках на охоте) to have too much tongue - что на уме, то и на языке to speak with ones tongue in ones cheek, to put ones tongue in ones cheek -  а) говорить неискренне;  б) говорить с насмешкой, иронически he has a ready tongue - он за словом в карман не полезет to find ones tongue - снова заговорить; (снова) обрести дар речи to hold ones tongue, to keep a still tongue in ones head - молчать; держать язык за зубами his tongue is too long for his teeth - у него слишком длинный язык to oil ones tongue - льстить to have lost ones tongue - молчать, проглотить язык ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~ n 1 »MOUTH« the soft, moveable part inside your mouth that you use for tasting, eating, and speaking  (Joe ran his tongue over his dry lips. | The dog panted, his tongue hanging out in the heat. | stick your tongue out (=put your tongue outside your mouth as a rude gesture))  (Kim stuck her tongue out at the teacher.) 2 sharp/silver/eloquent etc tongue if you have a sharp, silver etc tongue, you speak in a way that shows your anger, use beautiful language etc  (Gina's sharp tongue will get her into trouble one day. | rough-tongued/sharp-tongued/silver-tongued etc (=speaking in an angry, beautiful etc way))  (He was clever and acid-tongued.) 3 tongue in cheek if you say something with your tongue in your cheek, you say it as a joke  (- see also tongue­in­cheek) 4 slip of the tongue a mistake in something you say  (Did I say $100? It must have been a slip of the tongue.) 5 bite your tongue to stop yourself saying something because it is better not to  (I wanted to argue but I had to bite my tongue. | bite your tongue! (=used to tell someone angrily that they should not say the type of thing they have just said)) 6 Cat got your tongue? also Lost your tongue? spoken used to ask someone why they are not talking 7 get your tongue around informal to be able to say a difficult word or phrase  (I can't get my tongue around the names of these Welsh towns.) 8 »LANGUAGE« literary a language  (Anton lapsed into his own tongue when he was excited.)  (- see also mother tongue, native tongue native1 (3)) 9 watch your tongue! spoken used to tell someone that they should not have said something rude 10 »FOOD« the tongue of a cow or sheep, cooked and eaten cold 11 trip/roll off the tongue humorous if a name, phrase etc trips or rolls off your tongue, it is easy or pleasant to say  (Agatha Boglewood)  (it doesn't exactly trip off the tongue does it?) 12 »SHAPE« something that has a long thin shape + of  (tongues of fire) 13 »SHOE« the part of a shoe that lies on top of your foot, under the part where you tie it 14 loosen sb's...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. tunge "organ of speech, speech, language," from P.Gmc. *tungon, from PIE *dnghwa-. Meaning "foreign language" is from 1535. Tongue-tied is first recorded 1529; tongue-in-cheek is modern, but the notion behind it is obscure. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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