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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - tell


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(tells, telling, told) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If you tell someone something, you give them information. In the evening I returned to tell Phyllis our relationship was over... I called Andie to tell her how spectacular the stuff looked... Claire had made me promise to tell her the truth... I only told the truth to the press when the single was released as it seemed the perfect time to do it... Tell us about your moment on the summit... Her voice breaking with emotion, she told him: ‘It doesn’t seem fair’. VERB: V n that, V n wh, V n n, V n to n, V n about n, V with quote 2. If you tell something such as a joke, a story, or your personal experiences, you communicate it to other people using speech. His friends say he was always quick to tell a joke... He told his story to The Sunday Times and produced photographs... Will you tell me a story? VERB: V n, V n to n, V n n 3. If you tell someone to do something, you order or advise them to do it. A passer-by told the driver to move his car so that it was not causing an obstruction... VERB: V n to-inf 4. If you tell yourself something, you put it into words in your own mind because you need to encourage or persuade yourself about something. ‘Come on’, she told herself... I told myself I would be satisfied with whatever I could get. VERB: V pron-refl with quote, V pron-refl that 5. If you can tell what is happening or what is true, you are able to judge correctly what is happening or what is true. It was already impossible to tell where the bullet had entered... You can tell he’s joking. VERB: no cont, oft with brd-neg, V wh, V that 6. If you can tell one thing from another, you are able to recognize the difference between it and other similar things. I can’t really tell the difference between their policies and ours... How do you tell one from another?... I had to look twice to tell which was Martinez; they all looked alike. VERB: no cont, oft with brd-neg, V n between pl-n, V n from n, V wh 7. If you tell, you reveal or give away a secret. (INFORMAL) Many of the children know who they are but are not telling. VERB: V 8. If facts or events tell you something, they reveal certain information to you through ways other than speech. The facts tell us that this is not true... I don’t think the unemployment rate ever tells us much about the future... The evidence of our eyes tells us a different story... While most of us feel fairly complacent about the nutrients we’re getting from our diets, the facts tell a very different story. VERB: V n that, V n amount, V n n, V n 9. If an unpleasant or tiring experience begins to tell, it begins to have a serious effect. The pressure began to tell as rain closed in after 20 laps... VERB: V 10. see also telling, kiss and tell 11. You use as far as I can tell or so far as I could tell to indicate that what you are saying is based on the information you have, but that there may be things you do not know. As far as I can tell, Jason is basically a nice guy... PHRASE c darkgreen]vagueness 12. You can say ‘I tell you’, ‘I can tell you’, or ‘I can’t tell you’ to add emphasis to what you are saying. (INFORMAL) I tell you this, I will not rest until that day has come... This little letter gave us a few chuckles, I can tell you... CONVENTION c darkgreen]emphasis 13. If you say ‘You never can tell’, you mean that the future is always uncertain and it is never possible to know exactly what will happen. You never can tell what life is going to bring you. CONVENTION 14. If someone disagrees with you or refuses to do what you suggest and you are eventually proved to be right, you can say ‘I told you so’. (INFORMAL) Her parents did not approve of her decision and, if she failed, her mother would say, ‘I told you so.’ CONVENTION 15. You use I’ll tell you what or I tell you what to introduce a suggestion or a new topic of conversation. (SPOKEN) I tell you what, I’ll bring the water in a separate glass. CONVENTION 16. to tell the time: see time time will tell: see time
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   I. verb  (told; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ~an; akin to Old High German zellen to count, ~, Old English talu tale  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1. count, enumerate ~ the stars, if thou be able to number them — Genesis 15:5(Authorized Version)  2.  a. to relate in detail ; narrate told the whole story to us  b. to give utterance to ; say could never ~ a lie  3.  a. to make known ; divulge, reveal don't ~ your password  b. to express in words she never told her love — Shakespeare  4.  a. to give information to ; inform ~ us about your job  b. to assure emphatically they did not do it, I ~ you  5. order, direct told me to wait  6. to find out by observing ; recognize you can ~ it's a masterpiece  intransitive verb  1. to give an account an article ~ing of her experience  2. to act as an informer — often used with on I'll get even with you if you ever ~ on me — Inside Detective  3. to have a marked effect the pressure was beginning to ~ on him  4. to serve as evidence or indication  Synonyms: see reveal  II. noun  Etymology: Arabic tall  Date: 1864 hill, mound; specifically an ancient mound in the Middle East composed of remains of successive settlements ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  сказываться ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. рассказывать to tell a story —- рассказать историю to tell the tale of smth. —- рассказать историю о чем-л. to tell one's own tale —- красноречиво свидетельствовать; не нуждаться в пояснениях; говорить за себья to tell (smb.) the truth —- сказать (кому-л.) правду he told us his adventures —- он рассказал нам о своих приключениях I'll tell you everything —- я все тебе расскажу I'll tell you what happened —- я расскажу тебе, что произошло to tell smb. about smth. —- рассказать кому-л. о чем-л tell me something about yourself —- расскажите мне что-нибудь о себе to tell of an incident —- рассказать о случившемся I am told, I hear it told —- говорят, рассказывают; я слышал 2. говориться,рассказываться as the story tells —- как говорится в этой истории the story tells beautifully —- эта история словно создана для пересказа 3. говорить; сообщать to tell smb. smth. —- говорить кому-л. что-л. to tell the time —- сказать, который час to tell smb. the facts, to tell the facts to smb. —- сообщить кому-л. факты to tell smb. the shortest way —- указать кому-л. кратчайшую дорогу to tell smb. good-bye —- ам. попрощаться с кем-л. tell me your name —- как вас зовут? I tell you no! —- я сказал нет! you told me (that) you loved music —- ты сказал мне, что любишь музыку to tell smb. when to come —- сказать кому-л., когда прийти I can't tell you how happy I am —- не могу сказать вам, как я счастлив you can't tell me anything...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  by определять; узнавать; you can always tell him by his voice его всегда можно узнать по голосу TELL v.  1) рассказывать; to tell a lie/falsehood - говорить неправду; this fact tells its own tale/story - этот факт говорит сам за себя  2) говорить, сказать; I am told - мне сказали, я слышал; to tell goodbye amer. - прощаться  3) указывать, показывать; свидетельствовать; to tell the time - показывать время (о часах)  4) уверять; заверять  5) сообщать, выдавать (тайну), выбалтывать  6) приказывать; tell the driver to wait for me - пусть шофер меня подождет; I was told to show my passport - у меня потребовали паспорт  7) отличать, различать; he can be told by his dress - его можно отличить или узнать по одежде; to tell apart - понимать разницу, различать; to tell one thing from another - отличать одну вещь от другой  8) выделяться; her voice tells remarkably in the choir - ее голос удивительно выделяется в хоре  9) сказываться, отзываться (on); the strain begins to tell on her - напряжение начинает сказываться на ней  10) делать сообщение, докладывать (of)  11) obs. считать; подсчитывать; пересчитывать; to tell ones beads - читать молитвы, перебирая четки; all told - в общей сложности, в общем; включая всех или все - tell about - tell against - tell apart - tell by - tell from - tell of - tell off - tell on - tell over dont/never tell me - не рассказывайте сказок to tell smb. where to get off...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~ v past tense and past participle told 1 »SAY/INFORMATION« to give someone facts or information about something  (tell sb (that))  (She wrote to tell me she couldn't come. | Don't tell me you've forgotten my birthday again. | Police will not name the body until the relatives have been told. | tell sb who/why/what etc)  (There is a sign telling you where the emergency exits are. | tell sb about sth)  (Harry's been telling me all about his last vacation. | tell sb sth)  (Tell me your name and address. | Can you tell me the quickest way to Manchester? | tell a story/joke/secret/lie)  (When I was young my father told me stories about the war. | tell the truth)  (If Dan is telling the truth, the others are in danger. | tell sb straight (=tell someone the true facts or your true feelings))  (I told her straight I wasn't coming.)  (- see say1) 2 »ORDER« to say that someone must do something; order  (tell sb to do sth)  (The teacher told all the children to sit down quietly. | tell sb what/how etc)  (Don't tell me how to behave in public! | Stop trying to tell me what to do all the time. | tell sb (that))  (All the hostages were told that they had to lie on the floor. | do as you are told (=obey))  (These kids will never do as they're told.) 3 tell yourself to remind yourself of the facts of a situation because it is difficult to accept or because it worries you  (I keep telling myself there is nothing I could have done to save him.) 4 »RECOGNIZE THE SIGNS« T not in progressive to know something or be able to recognize something because of certain signs that show this  (Yes I do dye my hair. How can you tell? | tell (that))  (Even though it was so dark I could still tell it was you. | tell when/how etc)  (It's hard to tell how long the job will take. | tell by/from)  (You can tell by the way it walks that the dog has been injured. | tell a mile off (=know very easily))  (You could tell a mile off that he was lying.) 5 »RECOGNIZE DIFFERENCE« to be able to see how one person or thing is different from another...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. tellan, from P.Gmc. *taljanan "to mention in order." Teller "person who keeps accounts" first recorded 1475, from secondary sense of "count, enumerate," which is the primary sense of cognate words in many Gmc. languages. Telling "having effect or force" is from 1852; telltale is 1548. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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