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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - table


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(tables, tabling, tabled) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A table is a piece of furniture with a flat top that you put things on or sit at. She was sitting at the kitchen table eating a currant bun... I placed his drink on the small table at his elbow. N-COUNT 2. If someone tables a proposal, they say formally that they want it to be discussed at a meeting. (mainly BRIT) They’ve tabled a motion criticising the Government for doing nothing about the problem. = propose VERB: V n 3. If someone tables a proposal or plan which has been put forward, they decide to discuss it or deal with it at a later date, rather than straight away. (AM) We will table that for later. VERB: V n 4. A table is a written set of facts and figures arranged in columns and rows. Consult the table on page 104... Other research supports the figures in Table 3.3. N-COUNT: also N num 5. see also coffee table, dressing table, negotiating table, round table, tea table 6. If you put something on the table, you present it at a meeting for it to be discussed. This is one of the best packages we’ve put on the table in years... PHRASE: PHR after v, v-link PHR 7. If you turn the tables on someone, you change the situation completely, so that instead of them causing problems for you, you are causing problems for them. The only question is whether the President can use his extraordinary political skills to turn the tables on his opponents. PHRASE: V inflects, oft PHR on n 8. to put your cards on the table: see card
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   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English tabule & Anglo-French ~; both from Latin tabula board, ~t, list  Date: before 12th century  1. ~t 1a  2.  a. plural backgammon  b. one of the two leaves of a backgammon board or either half of a leaf  3.  a. a piece of furniture consisting of a smooth flat slab fixed on legs  b.  (1) a supply or source of food  (2) an act or instance of assembling to eat ; meal sit down to ~  c.  (1) a group of people assembled at or as if at a ~  (2) a legislative or negotiating session the bargaining ~  4. stringcourse  5.  a. a systematic arrangement of data usually in rows and columns for ready reference  b. a condensed enumeration ; list a ~ of contents  6. something that resembles a ~ especially in having a plane surface: as  a. the upper flat surface of a cut precious stone — see brilliant illustration  b.  (1) ~land  (2) a horizontal stratum  II. transitive verb  (~d; tabling)  Date: 15th century  1. to enter in a ~  2.  a. British to place on the agenda  b. to remove (as a parliamentary motion) from consideration indefinitely  c. to put on a ~  III. adjective  Date: 1547  1. sui~ for a ~ or for use at a ~ a ~ lamp  2. sui~ for serving at a ~ ~ grapes  3. proper for conduct at a ~ ~ manners ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a piece of furniture with a flat top and one or more legs, providing a level surface for eating, writing, or working at, playing games on, etc. 2 a flat surface serving a specified purpose (altar table; bird table). 3 a food provided in a household (keeps a good table). b a group seated at table for dinner etc. 4 a a set of facts or figures systematically displayed, esp. in columns (a table of contents). b matter contained in this. c = multiplication table. 5 a flat surface for working on or for machinery to operate on. 6 a a slab of wood or stone etc. for bearing an inscription. b matter inscribed on this. 7 = TABLELAND. 8 Archit. a a flat usu. rectangular vertical surface. b a horizontal moulding, esp. a cornice. 9 a a flat surface of a gem. b a cut gem with two flat faces. 10 each half or quarter of a folding board for backgammon. 11 (prec. by the) Bridge the dummy hand. --v.tr. 1 bring forward for discussion or consideration at a meeting. 2 postpone consideration of (a matter). 3 Naut. strengthen (a sail) with a wide hem. Phrases and idioms at table taking a meal at a table. lay on the table 1 submit for discussion. 2 postpone indefinitely. on the table offered for discussion. table knife a knife for use at meals, esp. in eating a main course. table licence a licence to serve alcoholic drinks only with meals. table linen tablecloths, napkins, etc. table manners decorum or correct behaviour while eating at table. table-mat a mat for protecting a tabletop from hot dishes, etc. table salt salt that is powdered or easy to powder for use at meals. table talk miscellaneous informal talk at table. table tennis an indoor game based on lawn tennis, played with small bats and a ball bounced on a table divided by a net. table wine ordinary wine for drinking with a meal. turn the tables (often foll. by on) reverse one's relations (with), esp. by turning an inferior into a superior position (orig. in backgammon). under the table colloq. drunken after a meal. Derivatives tableful n. (pl. -fuls). tabling n....
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) стол 2) горн. концентрационный стол 3) рольганг, стол прокатного стана 4) уровень (напр. подземных вод) 5) архит. карниз; пояс 6) опёртая горизонтальная плита 7) полка (таврового сечения) 8) планшайба 9) рбт планшет 10) позиция (на роботизированном участке производства) 11) координатный стол 12) графопостроитель 13) полигр. талер 14) таблица 15) матрица - table of natural cosines - table of cosines - table of natural sines - table of sines - table of weights and measures - accumulator table - address table - air-bearing table - air-bearing rotary table - air-cushion table - air navigation table - air transport movement table - altitude-conversion table - Ampere's table - antifriction ball table - approach table - approach extension table - attribute-value table - auxiliary rotary table - average standard table - back auxiliary table - back live table - back main table - back mill table - back tilting table - barometric reduction table - bar shear table - boiling table - buffet table - bundling table - bypass table - carry-over table - caster table - chain and grid cooling table - character count table - charging roller table - chart table - checking table - check table - classifying table - coal-washing table - code table - collecting roller table - color look-up table - compound table - configuration table - connectivity table - continuous table - contouring table - conversion table - cooling table - cooling bed run-in table - cooling bed run-out table - coordinate table - copyfitting table - correction table - correlation table - corrosion table - crossed motion table - cross-reference table - crucible table - cutting table - dead roller table - decision table - dedicated-position indexing table - 360-degree indexing table - delay table - delivery table - depressing table - derrick...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  стол рольганг таблица уровень (подземных вод) карниз; поясок плита automatic cutting-off table base table calculation table flow table frost table ground water table hydraulic table jolting table moment collection table perched water table permafrost table raised table stationary tilting table vibrating table ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) таблица 2) стол; стенд – address table – bouquet allocation table – code table – editing table – Erlang table – event information table – frequency allocation table – look-up table – polling table – router table – standard-testing table – state table – test table – truth table – virtual channel table – weight-code table – wire table ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) настольный 2) машиностр. планшет 3) плита 4) площадка 5) расписание 6) сводка 7) составлять таблицы 8) стенд 9) стол 10) столик 11) столовой 12) табель 13) таблица 14) табличный auger cutting table — шнековый хедер bivariate frequency table — таблица плотности двумерного распределения board of plane table — планшет мезуль censored contingency table — усеченная таблица сопряженности признаков color look up table — кодовая таблица цвета derived truth table — производная истинностная таблица double entry table — таблица с двумя входами fall of water table — понижение уровня воды frequency allocation table — таблица распределения частот full contingency table — полная таблица сопряженности признаков fundamental truth table — основная таблица истинности ground water table — уровень грунтовых вод interclass correlation table — таблица межгрупповой корреляции intraclass correlation table — таблица внутригрупповой корреляции isotropic contingency table — изотропная таблица сопряженности признаков look up quantity in table — отыскивать данные по таблице lot quality protection table — таблица объемов выборки обеспечивающих заданное качество партии multidimensional contingency table — многомерная таблица сопряженности признаков normal curve table — таблица нормального распределения pin of index table — шип поворотного стола rotary table...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. реестр, таблица, табель, расписание - actuarial life table - aggregate table of mortality - bargaining table - birth rate table - bridge table - computational table - conversion table - cost table - current table - decision table - direct input table - disability percentage table - infant life table - input-output table - life table - manning table - month-of-stock table - ordering table - production possibilities table - summary table - table form - table of contents - table of interest - table of quantities - table of ranks - table of rates - table of weights and measures - table of working life - time-service tables - transaction table Syn: register, registry, list, roll, file, schedule 2. гл. составлять таблицы, списки, расписание TABLE – table of contents – table of fees – classification table – main table ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) таблица 2) плоская (костная) пластинка 3) стол; столик – association table – casting table – contingency table – fourfold table – frequency table – generation table – life table – objective table – oscillating table – position-specific scoring table – water table ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. стол, столик dining-room table —- обеденный стол falling (folding, collapsible) table —- раскладной стол a table with leaves, drop leaf (gate-legged) table —- раздвижной стол pedestal table, table on pillar and claw —- круглый стол на одной ножке high (head, top) table —- стол для почетных гостей to clear the table —- убрать со стола to take the head of the table —- сесть во главе стола the table groans (is abundantly spread) with good things —- стол ломится от яств 2. обеденный стол a cloth for table use —- обеденная скатерть table manners —- умение вести себя за столом where are your table manners? —- как ты себя ведешь за столом?; ты не умеешь вести себя за столом to set (to lay) the table —- сервировать стол, накрыть на стол to set (to lay) the table for two —- накрыть на двоих 3. стол переговоров (также conference, negotiating или peace table) to bring opposing sides to the conference table —- усадить противников за стол переговоров, заставить противников начать переговоры 4. операционный стол (также surgeon's или operating table) 5. (тк. в ед. ч.) общество или компания за столом; застолье; сотрапезники to set the table in a roar —- развеселить гостей to keep the table amused —- развлекать гостей за столом the whole table joined in the conversation —- разговор за столом стал общим 6. (тк. в ед. ч.) стол, пища, еда, кухня for (the) table —- предназначенный в пищу table poultry —- птица, откормленная для стола good...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  dhote fr. табльдот TABLE beet bot. свёкла столовая (Beta vulgaris) TABLE chair (комбинированный) стол-стул (стол с откидывающейся в вертикальное положение крышкой, которая служит спинкой стула) TABLE diamond плоскогранный алмаз TABLE  1. noun  1) стол; to be/sit at table - быть за столом, обедать и т.п.  2) пища, стол; еда, кухня; to keep a good table - иметь хорошую кухню; хорошо готовить; unfit for table - несъедобный  3) общество за столом; to keep the table amused - развлекать гостей за столом  4) доска (тж. для настольных игр)  5) плита; дощечка; надпись на плите, дощечке; скрижаль - the ten tables  6) таблица; расписание; табель - table of contents  7) плоская поверхность  8) горное плато, плоскогорье (тж. tableland)  9) грань (драгоценного камня)  10) tech. стол (станка); планшайба; рольганг  11) archit. карниз  12) attr. столовый to lay on the table parl. - отложить обсуждение (законопроекта) to lie (up) on the table parl. - быть отложенным, не обсуждаться (о законопроекте) upon the table - публично обсуждаемый; общеизвестный to take from the table amer. - вернуться к обсуждению (законопроекта) to turn the tables on/upon smb. - бить противника его же оружием; поменяться ролями under the table - под столом, пьяный  2. v.  1) класть на стол  2) предлагать, выносить на обсуждение  3) составлять таблицы,...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 n 1 »FURNITURE« a piece of furniture with a flat top supported by legs  (a kitchen table | table lamp (=made to be put on a small table) | book a table (=ask a restaurant to keep a table available for you))  (I've booked a table for two for 8:00. | lay the table BrE set the table especially AmE (=put knives, forks etc on a table before a meal) | clear the table (=take all the empty plates, dishes etc off a table after eating) | at table BrE formal (=sitting around a table having a meal))  (- see also coffee table, high table) 2 »LIST« a list of numbers, facts, or information arranged in rows across and down a page  (table of contents)  (The table of contents at the front will tell you which page it's on.) 3 »MATHS« a list that young children learn, in which all the numbers between 1 and 12 are multiplied by each other  (three/four etc times table)  (He's 12 years old and still doesn't know his three times table.) 4 on the table a) an offer, idea etc that is on the table has been officially suggested and you are considering it  (The offer on the table at the moment is a 10% wage increase.) b) AmE an offer, idea etc that is on the table is no longer being considered at the moment but will be dealt with in the future 5 turn the tables (on sb) to suddenly become stronger than the opponent who used to be stronger than you  (Suddenly Harry felt that the tables had somehow been turned and that he was now the victim.) 6 under the table informal money that is paid under the table is paid secretly and illegally to get what you want  (payments made under the table to local officials) 7 »GROUP« the group of people sitting around a table  (His stories kept the whole table amused.)  (- see also drink sb under the table drink2 (2)) ~2 v 1 BrE table a proposal/question/demand etc to suggest a proposal etc for other people to consider 2 AmE table a bill/measure/proposal etc to leave an offer, idea etc to be dealt with in the future ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - c.1175, "board, slab, plate," from O.Fr. table and late O.E. tabele, both from L. tabula "a board, plank, table," originally "small flat slab or piece" usually for inscriptions or for games. The sense of "piece of furniture with the flat top and legs" first recorded 13c. (the L. word for this was mensa), as is the meaning "arrangement of numbers or other figures for convenience." The verb, in a parliamentary sense, is first recorded 1718. Tablecloth is from 1467; tablespoon is 1763; tableware first recorded 1852. Phrase turn the tables is from backgammon (1483; the game was originally called tables). To table-hop is first recorded 1956. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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