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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - stitch


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(stitches, stitching, stitched) 1. If you stitch cloth, you use a needle and thread to join two pieces together or to make a decoration. Fold the fabric and stitch the two layers together... We stitched incessantly. ...those patient ladies who stitched the magnificent medieval tapestries. = sew VERB: V n adv/prep, V, V n 2. Stitches are the short pieces of thread that have been sewn in a piece of cloth. ...a row of straight stitches... N-COUNT 3. In knitting and crochet, a stitch is a loop made by one turn of wool around a knitting needle or crochet hook. Her mother counted the stitches on her knitting needles... N-COUNT 4. If you sew or knit something in a particular stitch, you sew or knit in a way that produces a particular pattern. The design can be worked in cross stitch. N-UNCOUNT: usu n N 5. When doctors stitch a wound, they use a special needle and thread to sew the skin together. Jill washed and stitched the wound. VERB: V n • Stitch up means the same as stitch. Dr Armonson stitched up her wrist wounds... They’ve taken him off to hospital to stitch him up. PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron), V n P 6. A stitch is a piece of thread that has been used to sew the skin of a wound together. He had six stitches in a head wound. N-COUNT 7. A stitch is a sharp pain in your side, usually caused by running or laughing a lot. N-SING 8. If you are in stitches, you cannot stop laughing. (INFORMAL) Here’s a book that will have you in stitches. PHRASE: PHR after v, v-link PHR
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   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English stiche, from Old English stice; akin to Old English stician to stick  Date: before 12th century  1. a local sharp and sudden pain especially in the side  2.  a. one in-and-out movement of a threaded needle in sewing, embroidering, or suturing  b. a portion of thread left in the material or suture left in the tissue after one ~  3. a least bit especially of clothing didn't have a ~ on  4. a single loop of thread or yarn around an implement (as a knitting needle or crochet hook)  5. a ~ or series of ~es formed in a particular way a basting ~  II. verb  Date: 13th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to fasten, join, or close with or as if with ~es ~ed a seam  b. to make, mend, or decorate with or as if with ~es  2. to unite by means of staples  intransitive verb sew  • ~er noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a (in sewing or knitting or crocheting etc.) a single pass of a needle or the thread or loop etc. resulting from this. b a particular method of sewing or knitting etc. (am learning a new stitch). 2 (usu. in pl.) Surgery each of the loops of material used in sewing up a wound. 3 the least bit of clothing (hadn't a stitch on). 4 an acute pain in the side of the body induced by running etc. --v.tr. 1 sew; make stitches (in). 2 join or close with stitches. Phrases and idioms in stitches colloq. laughing uncontrollably. a stitch in time a timely remedy. stitch up 1 join or mend by sewing or stitching. 2 sl. betray or cheat. Derivatives stitcher n. stitchery n. stitchless adj. Etymology: OE stice f. Gmc, rel. to STICK(2) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) швейн. стежок 2) стачивать; прострачивать, прокладывать строчку 3) петля (в трикотажном переплетении) 4) трикотажное переплетение 5) полигр. стежок, петля 6) полигр. шитьё шить, сшивать; брошюровать 7) резин. прикатывать to depress stitches — оттягивать петли (при вязании на трикотажной машине) - Alpine stitch - anchor stitch - arch horn stitch - back stitch - back-and-fore stitch - balloon stitch - barring stitch - basting stitch - blanket stitch - blind stitch - blind lap stitch - bold stitch - brier stitch - buttonhole stitch - catch stitch - chain stitch - chain lock stitch - chain-outline stitch - continuous return trip stitch - corded stitch - couching stitch - covering stitch - cover stitch - cover seaming chain stitch - crease stitch - creed stitch - cross stitch - damask stitch - darning stitch - decorative stitch - diagonal basting stitch - diamond stitch - double chain stitch - double-double locked stitch - double lock stitch - double-locked chain stitch - dropped stitch - drop stitch - edge felling stitch - embroidery stitch - embroidery darning stitch - fagotting stitch - fancy stitch - feather stitch - felling stitch - festoon stitch - flat lock stitch - half-back stitch - hemming stitch - hem stitch - Herakles stitch - herringbone stitch - interlock stitch - invisible stitch - lace stitch - ladder stitch - lapping stitch - large crown stitch - large wavy stitch - lock stitch - loop stitch - loose stitches - machine stitch with hand stitched look - missed stitch - ornamental stitch - ornamental mock stitch - outline stitch - overcasting stitch - overchain stitch - overedge stitch - overhanding stitch - overlaid stitch - overseam stitch - padding stitch - pick stitch - pillar stitch - plain stitch - plain jersey stitch - plaited stitch - plaiting stitch - purl stitch - ray stitch - relaxed stitch - rickrack...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) брошировать 2) брошюровать 3) застрочить 4) колотье 5) настрачивать 6) натачать 7) стегать 8) стежок 9) строчечный 10) строчка 11) точечно-роликовый 12) шов saddle stitch machine — машина для шитья внакидку stitch welding machine — точечно-роликовая сварочная машина - idle stitch - rib stitch - saddle stitch ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. стежок button-hole stitch —- петельный стежок to make long (big) stitches —- делать большие стежки 2. шов (в вышивании); строчка fancy (ornamental) stitch —- декоративный шов; декоративная строчка feather stitch —- строчка елочкой damask stitch —- гладь 3. петля (в вязанье) to drop a stitch —- спустить петлю 4. вязка, род ручного вязанья stockinette stitch —- чулочная вязка 5. текст. переплетение (машинного трикотажа) 6. разг. малость, немножко not to do a stitch of work —- ничего не делать, бездельничать, сидеть сложа руки 7. разг. минимум одежды every stitch —- вся одежда; все паруса (до последнего; также every stitch of canvas) not to have a stitch on, to be without a stitch of clothing (of clothes) —- быть совершенно голым; ходить в чем мать родила he has not a stitch to his back —- у него ничего нет; он гол как сокол he has not a dry stitch on him (on his back) —- он промок до нитки 8. мед. шов to put stitches in a wound —- наложить швы на рану 9. острая боль, колотье в боку (также a stitch in the side) to laugh oneself into stitches —- смеяться до колик; животики надорвать I ran so fast that I have a stitch in the side —- я так быстро бежал, что у меня закололо в боку he had us in stitches —- он нас просто уморил (со смеху) Id: a stitch in time saves nine —- посл. один стежок, сделанный вовремя, стоит девяти; меры надо принимать своевременно 10. шить 11. стегать 12. вышивать...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  up  а) зашивать; Take your coal off, and Ill stitch up that tear;  б) typ. брошюровать STITCH  1. noun  1) стежок, стежка; шов  2) med. шов; to put stitches into a wound - наложить швы на рану; to take stitches out of a wound - снять швы с раны  3) петля (в вязанье); to drop (to take up) a stitch - спустить (поднять) петлю  4) coll. малость, немножко; he has not done a stitch of work - он не сделал ровно ничего  5) острая боль, колотье в боку without a stitch of clothing, not a stitch on - совершенно голый he has not a dry stitch on - он промок до нитки he has not a stitch to his back - он гол как сокол a stitch in time saves nine prov. - один стежок, сделанный вовремя, стоит девяти Syn: see pain  2. v. шить, стегать; вышивать - stitch up ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 n 1 »SEWING« one of the short pieces of thread that you can see in a piece of cloth where it has been sewn  (Some of the stitches have come out of this shirt sleeve.) 2 »WITH WOOL« one of the small circles that join together to make a sweater etc, formed when you are knitting (knit1 (1)) with wool  (drop a stitch (=lose a stitch because the wool has come off the needle)) 3 »STYLE« a particular way of sewing or knitting (knit1 (2)) that makes a particular pattern  (Purl and plain are the two main stitches in knitting.) 4 »FOR WOUND« a piece of thread that fastens the edges of a wound together  (The cut needed 15 stitches. | He had three stitches in it..) 5 »PAIN« a sharp pain in the side of your body, that you can get by running or laughing very hard  (I can't go any faster - I have a stitch.) 6 in stitches laughing uncontrollably  (have sb in stitches (=make sb laugh))  (Her jokes had us all in stitches.) 7 not have a stitch on informal to be wearing no clothes 8 not have a stitch to wear to not have any clothing that is suitable for a particular occasion 9 a stitch in time (saves nine) spoken used to say that it is better to deal with problems early than to wait until they get worse ~2 v to sew two pieces of cloth together, or to sew a decoration onto a piece of cloth  (She stitches the pieces together to make a quilt. | stitch sth onto)  (Nina stitched a flower onto the skirt.) stitch up phr v 1 (stitch something up) to put stitches in cloth or a wound in order to fasten parts of it together  (She stitched up the cut and left it to heal.) 2 (stitch something up) to get a deal or agreement completed satisfactorily so that it cannot be changed  (The deal was stitched up in minutes.) 3 (stitch someone up) BrE informal to make someone seem guilty of a crime by providing false information; frame2 (3)  (George said he'd been stitched up.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  See: IN STITCHES. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. stice "a prick, puncture," from P.Gmc. *stikiz. The sense of "sudden, stabbing pain in the side" was in O.E.; sense of "amusing person or thing" is 1968, from notion of laughing so much one gets stitches. Senses in sewing and shoemaking first recorded c.1300. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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