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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - seat


Связанные словари


(seats, seating, seated) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A seat is an object that you can sit on, for example a chair. Stephen returned to his seat... Ann could remember sitting in the back seat of their car. N-COUNT 2. The seat of a chair is the part that you sit on. The stool had a torn, red plastic seat. N-COUNT 3. If you seat yourself somewhere, you sit down. (WRITTEN) He waved towards a chair, and seated himself at the desk. ...a portrait of one of his favourite models seated on an elegant sofa. VERB: V pron-refl, V-ed 4. A building or vehicle that seats a particular number of people has enough seats for that number. The Theatre seats 570. VERB: V amount 5. The seat of a piece of clothing is the part that covers your bottom. Then he got up and brushed off the seat of his jeans. N-SING: usu the N of n 6. When someone is elected to a parliament, congress, or senate, you can say that they, or their party, have won a seat. Independent candidates won the majority of seats on the local council. ...a Maryland Republican who lost his seat. N-COUNT 7. If someone has a seat on the board of a company or on a committee, they are a member of it. He has been unsuccessful in his attempt to win a seat on the board of the company. N-COUNT 8. The seat of an organization, a wealthy family, or an activity is its base. Gunfire broke out early this morning around the seat of government in Lagos. N-COUNT: with supp 9. see also deep-seated, hot seat 10. If you take a back seat, you allow other people to have all the power and to make all the decisions. You need to take a back seat and think about both past and future... PHRASE: V inflects 11. If you take a seat, you sit down. (FORMAL) ‘Take a seat,’ he said in a bored tone... Rachel smiled at him as they took their seats on opposite sides of the table. PHRASE: V and N inflect 12. in the driving seat: see driving seat by the seat of your pants: see pants
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   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English sete, from Old Norse s?ti; akin to Old English gesete ~, sittan to sit  Date: 13th century  1.  a. a special chair of one in eminence; also the status represented by it  b. a chair, stool, or bench intended to be sat in or on  c. the particular part of something on which one rests in sitting the ~ of a chair trouser ~  d. buttocks  2.  a. a ~ing accommodation a ~ for the game a 200-~ restaurant  b. a right of sitting lost his ~ in Congress  c. membership on an exchange  3.  a. a place where something specified is prevalent ; center a ~ of learning  b. a place from which authority is exercised the county ~  c. a bodily part in which some function or condition is centered the brain as the ~ of the mind  4. posture in or way of sitting on horseback  5.  a. a part at or forming the base of something  b. a part (as a socket) or surface on or in which another part or surface rests  II. verb  Date: 1586  transitive verb  1.  a. to install in a ~ of dignity or office  b.  (1) to cause to sit or assist in finding a ~  (2) to provide ~s for a theater ~ing 1000 persons  c. to put in a sitting position  2. to repair the ~ of or provide a new ~ for  3. to fit to or with a ~ ~ a valve  intransitive verb  1. archaic to take one's ~ or place  2. to fit correctly on a ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a thing made or used for sitting on; a chair, stool, saddle, etc. 2 the buttocks. 3 the part of the trousers etc. covering the buttocks. 4 the part of a chair etc. on which the sitter's weight directly rests. 5 a place for one person in a theatre, vehicle, etc. 6 the occupation of a seat. 7 esp. Brit. a the right to occupy a seat, esp. as a Member of the House of Commons. b a member's constituency. 8 the part of a machine that supports or guides another part. 9 a site or location of something specified (a seat of learning; the seat of the emotions). 10 a country mansion, esp. with large grounds. 11 the manner of sitting on a horse etc. --v.tr. 1 cause to sit. 2 a provide sitting accommodation for (the cinema seats 500). b provide with seats. 3 (as seated adj.) sitting. 4 put or fit in position. Phrases and idioms be seated sit down. by the seat of one's pants colloq. by instinct rather than logic or knowledge. seat-belt a belt securing a person in the seat of a car or aircraft. take a (or one's) seat sit down. Derivatives seatless adj. Etymology: ME f. ON s{aelig}ti (= OE gesete f. Gmc) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) сиденье 2) стул; кресло 3) опорная поверхность; опора 4) гнездо 5) седло (клапана) 6) упорный башмак 7) горн. забой 8) верхняя задняя часть (брюк) - seat of settlement - adjustable suspension seat - adjustable-tilt seat - angle seat - angled seat - axle seat - backrest-adjustable seat - back single-cross seat - bead seat - bench seat - boom seat - bridge seat - bucket seat - cementing plug seat - conical seat - core seat - dust guard seat - extending seat - fishplate seat - fixed seat - fold-back seat - gasket seat - high-back seat - molded fiberglass seat - motorman's seat - nozzle seat - reclining seat - revolving seat - screened seat - spring seat - track frame roller seat - upholstered seat - valve seat - wall packer bottom seat - wheel seat ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  сиденье; стул; кресло опора; опорная поверхность; опорная деталь гнездо; седло (клапана) angle seat beam seat boom seat bridge seat deep seat extending seat valve seat ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) зона (оптимального стереоэффекта) 2) гнездо; разъем 3) место установки; посадочное место; устанавливать; сажать на место – stereo seat ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) вмещать 2) гнездо 3) кресельный 4) кресло 5) место 6) очаг 7) седло 8) сиденье tire bead seat — машиностр. кольцо посадочное - boom seat - driver seat - gasket seat - heel seat - rim seat - seat angle - seat key - seat lay-out - seat pad - seat pan - seat slide - seat upholstery - spring seat - valve seat ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) общ. сидение 2) общ. местонахождение, местопребывание 3) эк. должность, место, пост (в частности, в выборных органах ) 4) пол. мандат, место в законодательном органе 5) бирж. место (членство на бирже, дающее право совершать сделки) See: exchange 6) общ. центр, средоточие 2. гл. 1) общ. усаживать(ся); снабжать стульями 2) общ. вмещать 3) общ. предоставлять место, пост, назначать на должность; вводить в должность 4) общ. избирать, проводить (лицо в какой-л. выборный орган) 5) общ. располагаться, находиться, пребывать, быть расположенным, помещаться, быть локализованным ( где-л.) 6) общ. поселять(ся); жить, пребывать SEAT 1. сущ. 1) бирж. место 2) местонахождение, местопребывание 3) членство, должность - chief seat of commerce - reserved seat - seat of the company - seat on the board of directors - seat on the exchange 2. гл. 1) сажать 2) сидеть 3) вмещать, помещаться ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  местонахождение; месторасположение ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  фин. место (на бирже) Членство на фондовой бирже при ограничении числа членов. На Нью-Йоркской фондовой бирже New York Stock Exchange число мест с 1953 ограничено 1366. Места могут свободно продаваться и покупаться ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. место (для сидения) driver's seat —- место водителя a car with four seats —- четырехместная машина please, take a seat —- садитесь, пожалуйста tell me what seat to take —- скажите, куда мне сесть to take one's seat —- занять свое место to keep one's seat —- не вставать с места to rise from one's seat —- подняться со своего места, встать he lost his seat —- его место заняли to provide a seat for smb. —- достать для кого-л. стул to use a box as a seat —- использовать ящик вместо стула the seat of honour —- почетное место; зад a 200 seat restaurant —- ресторан на 200 посадочных мест to offer (to give up) one's seat to a lady —- уступить свое место даме have your seats, gentlemen! —- рассаживайтесь, господа! 2. стул, скамья, кресло folding seat —- складной стул garden seat —- садовая скамейка 3. спорт. банка (сиденье для гребца) fixed seat —- неподвижная банка 4. юр. место или кресло судьи 5. читательское место (в библиотеке) 6. сиденье the seat of a chair —- сиденье стула cane seat —- сиденье из тростника hard seat —- жесткое сиденье 7. зад, седалище 8. задняя сторона the seat of smb.'s trousers —- зад брюк 9. местонахождение count seat —- административный центр графства (в Великобритании) или округа (в США) London is the seat of government —- правительство находится в Лондоне Geneva was the seat of the League of Nations —- местопребыванием Лиги Наций была Женева the...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) место для сидения; сиденье; to have/take a/ones seat - садиться; garden seat - садовая скамейка; to keep ones seat - остаться сидеть - jump seat  2) место (в театре, на стадионе и т.п.); билет; he has taken two seats for the theatre - он взял два билета в театр; to secure/book seats - заказать билеты  3) место, должность, пост; to have a seat in Parliament - быть членом парламента; to lose ones seat - не быть переизбранным в парламент; he has a seat on the Board - он член правления - win a seat - a seat on the bench - keep a seat warm  4) седалище; зад; the seat of smb. s trousers - зад брюк  5) посадка (на лошади)  6) местонахождение; the liver is the seat of the disease, the disease has its seat in the liver - болезнь локализована в печени; the seat of the Government - местопребывание правительства - the seat of war - the seat of the trouble  7) усадьба  8) tech. гнездо или седло клапана  9) tech. опорная поверхность, основание, подставка; подкладка  10) mining подстилающая порода  2. v.  1) усаживать; to seat oneself - сесть, усесться; please be seat ed - прошу садиться, садитесь, пожалуйста  2) предоставлять место; назначать на должность; проводить (кандидата в парламент и т.п.)  3) снабжать стульями  4) вмещать; this hall will seat 5000 - в этом зале 5000 мест  5) чинить сиденье  6) быть расположенным, помещаться  7) поселять ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 n 1 »PLACE TO SIT« a place where you can sit, for example a chair  (Excuse me, can you tell us where our seats are? | a 150-seat airliner | have/take a seat spoken (=used to politely invite someone to sit down))  (If you'd like to take a seat, the doctor will see you shortly. | back/front seat (=the seats in the back or front of a car etc) | passenger seat (=the seat next to the driver in a car) | take your seat (=sit down in your seat))  (The judge hurried in and took his seat. | reserve a seat (=pay for a theatre seat before you go)) 2 »PART OF A CHAIR« C usually singular the flat part of a chair etc that you sit on  (Don't put your feet on the seat!) 3 seat of your trousers/pants the part of your trousers that you sit on 4 two-seater/three-seater etc a vehicle or piece of furniture with two seats, three seats etc 5 »OFFICIAL POSITION« a position as a member of a government or a group that makes official decisions  (a seat on the board of directors | win/lose a seat)  (The Tories won 419 seats in the last election. | a safe seat (=a position held by a political party that is not likely to be lost in an election)) 6 seat of learning/government etc formal a place, usually a city, where a university or government is based 7 take a back seat to let someone else make the important decisions 8 be on the edge of your seat to be waiting excitedly to see what happens next 9 do sth by the seat of your pants to do something by using only your own skill and experience, without any help from anyone or anything else 10 be in the driving seat BrE also be in the driver's seat especially AmE to control everything that happens in an organization, relationship, or situation 11 be in the hot seat to be in a position in which you have to make important decisions or answer a lot of difficult questions 12 »ON A HORSE« technical the way someone sits on a horse  (Sally's got a good seat.) 13 »HOUSE« a home of a rich, important family in the countryside family/country seat  (- see also back-seat driver driver (2), loveseat, window...
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  mil. abbr. Single Engine Air Tanker univ. abbr. The School Of Engineering And Advanced Technology funny abbr. Society For Enlightenment And Transformation educ. abbr. Special Education Assistive Technology ...
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