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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - safety


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Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Safety is the state of being safe from harm or danger. The report goes on to make a number of recommendations to improve safety on aircraft. N-UNCOUNT 2. If you reach safety, you reach a place where you are safe from danger. He stumbled through smoke and fumes given off from her burning sofa to pull her to safety... Guests ran for safety as the device went off in a ground-floor men’s toilet... The refugees were groping their way through the dark, trying to reach safety. ...the safety of one’s own home. N-UNCOUNT: oft prep N 3. If you are concerned about the safety of something, you are concerned that it might be harmful or dangerous. ...consumers are showing growing concern about the safety of the food they buy... N-SING: with poss 4. If you are concerned for someone’s safety, you are concerned that they might be in danger. The two youths today declined to testify because they said they feared for their safety. N-SING: with poss 5. Safety features or measures are intended to make something less dangerous. The built-in safety device compensates for a fall in water pressure. ADJ: ADJ n 6. If you say that there is safety in numbers, you mean that you are safer doing something if there are a lot of people doing it rather than doing it alone. Many people still feel there is safety in numbers when belonging to a union. PHRASE: usu v-link PHR
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   I. noun  (plural safeties)  Etymology: Middle English saufte, from Anglo-French salvete, saufte, from salf safe  Date: 14th century  1. the condition of being safe from undergoing or causing hurt, injury, or loss  2. a device (as on a weapon or a machine) designed to prevent inadvertent or hazardous operation  3.  a.  (1) a situation in football in which a member of the offensive team is tackled behind its own goal line that counts two points for the defensive team — compare touchback  (2) a member of a defensive backfield in football who occupies the deepest position in order to receive a kick, defend against a forward pass, or stop a ballcarrier  b. a billiard shot made with no attempt to score or so as to leave the balls in an unfavorable position for the opponent  c. base hit  II. transitive verb  (safetied; ~ing)  Date: 1927 to protect against failure, breakage, or accident ~ a rifle ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. (pl. -ies) 1 the condition of being safe; freedom from danger or risks. 2 (attrib.) a designating any of various devices for preventing injury from machinery (safety bar; safety lock). b designating items of protective clothing (safety helmet). Phrases and idioms safety-belt 1 = seat-belt. 2 a belt or strap securing a person to prevent injury. safety-catch a contrivance for locking a gun-trigger or preventing the accidental operation of machinery. safety curtain a fireproof curtain that can be lowered to cut off the auditorium in a theatre from the stage. safety factor (or factor of safety) 1 the ratio of a material's strength to an expected strain. 2 a margin of security against risks. safety film a cinematographic film on a slow-burning or non-flammable base. safety first a motto advising caution. safety fuse 1 a fuse (see FUSE(2)) containing a slow-burning composition for firing detonators from a distance. 2 Electr. a protective fuse (see FUSE(1)). safety glass glass that will not splinter when broken. safety harness a system of belts or restraints to hold a person to prevent falling or injury. safety lamp a miner's lamp so protected as not to ignite firedamp. safety match a match igniting only on a specially prepared surface. safety net a net placed to catch an acrobat etc. in case of a fall. safety pin a pin with a point that is bent back to the head and is held in a guard when closed. safety razor a razor with a guard to reduce the risk of cutting the skin. safety-valve 1 (in a steam boiler) a valve opening automatically to relieve excessive pressure. 2 a means of giving harmless vent to excitement etc. safety zone US an area of a road marked off for pedestrians etc. to wait safely. Etymology: ME sauvete f. OF sauvet{eacute} f. med.L salvitas -tatis f. L salvus (as SAFE) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) надёжность; безопасность 2) предохранительное устройство предохранять предохранительный - electrical safety - environmental safety - explosive safety - fire safety - flight safety - food safety - grade crossing safety - mine safety - nuclear safety - operational safety - personal safety - processing safety - radiation safety - rail safety - reactor seismic safety - scorch safety - train driving safety - train operating safety ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  безопасность, надёжность safety against buckling safety against cracking safety against failure safety against overturning safety against rupture safety and health in the work place construction safety construction site safety elevator car safeties environmental safety explosive safety fire safety formwork safety instantaneous elevator safeties job site safety labor safety occupational safety and health occupational safety and health in building operational safety pedestrian safety quarry safety radiation safety site safety structural safety ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) аварийный 2) антигризутный 3) безопасность 4) безопасный 5) защитный 6) надежность 7) предохранительный 8) прочность 9) прочный 10) сохранность 11) целость pressurized safety door — защитно-герметическая дверь safety factor for dropout — компьют. коэффициент запаса при отпускании safety factor for pickup — компьют. коэффициент запаса при срабатывании safety regulator valve — машиностр. золотник регулятора безопасности - active car safety - industrial safety - margin of safety - maritime safety - operation safety - passive car safety - pedestrian safety - radiation safety - road safety - safety belt - safety bench - safety block - safety bolt - safety brake - safety catch - safety chain - safety circuit - safety clutch - safety code - safety door - safety engineering - safety explosive - safety factor - safety film - safety flap - safety fuel - safety funnel - safety fuse - safety glass - safety helmet - safety lamp - safety line - safety lock - safety margin - safety match - safety nut - safety pin - safety regulations - safety rod - safety spring - safety stirrup - safety switch - safety tool - safety valve - safety washer - safety wire ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. 1) безопасность 2) невредимость 3) сохранность • - farm safety - industrial safety - play for safety - safety aids - safety arrangement and precautions - safety facilities - safety factor - safety of principal - safety requirements - safety standards - safety stock - safety techniques - workplace safety Syn: security SAFETY сущ. 1) общ. безопасность; невредимость, сохранность to play for safety — не рисковать, избегать риска рискованных действий, поступать наверняка, вести себя осторожно drug safety — безвредность лекарственного средства environmental safety — экологическая безопасность, безопасность для окружающей среды handling safety — меры предосторожности при обращении job safety analysis — изучение безопасности профессии safety in operation — безопасность в работе safety consultant — консультант по технике безопасности safety regulations — правила техники безопасности; нормы безопасности, требования к безопасности safety measures precautions — меры безопасности предосторожности, меры по обеспечению безопасности Syn: "security See: occupational safety, Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission, Mine Safety and Health Administration, Health and Safety Commission, National Occupational Health and Safety Commission, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission, Health and Safety at Work Act, Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, Occupational Safety and Health Act, health and safety officer, occupational-safety-and-health inspector, safety inspector, safety manager, safety...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  – environmental safety ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. безопасность public safety —- общественная безопасность with safety —- без риска, не подвергая(сь) риску (опасности) road (traffic) safety —- безопасность уличного движения safety first! —- соблюдайте осторожность! (на улице и т. п.); безопасность прежде всего! the children were given lessons in "safety first" —- детей обучали правилам уличного движения safety for life and property —- неприкосновенность личности и собственности in safety from fire —- вне опасности от пожара safety arrangements and precautions —- охрана труда; техника безопасности to do smth. with safety —- делать что-л. спокойно (уверенно, не подвергаясь опасности) to endanger (to menace, to threaten) safety —- грозить чьей-л. безопасности, ставить безопасность под угрозу to flee for safety —- спасаться бегством is the safety of the experiment certain? —- обеспечена ли безопасность (проведения) эксперимента? deposit money in the bank for safety —- храните деньги в банке 2. невредимость; сохранность to travel in safety —- путешествовать благополучно to keep smth. in safety —- хранить что-л. в надежном месте 3. уст. средство обеспечения безопасности; гарантия 4. предохранитель (огнестрельного оружия) a gun at safety —- пистолет на предохранителе to put one's rifle to safety —- поставить винтовку на предохранитель 5. разг. сокр. от safety-bolt тех....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  curtain theatr. противопожарный асбестовый занавес SAFETY film безопасная, невоспламеняющаяся кинопленка SAFETY first! соблюдайте осторожность! SAFETY fuse  1) mining огнепроводный шнур  2) electr. плавкий предохранитель SAFETY glass небьющееся, безосколочное стекло SAFETY island островок безопасности (для пешеходов) SAFETY lamp безопасная лампа, рудничная лампа SAFETY match (безопасная) спичка SAFETY noun безопасность; сохранность; with safety - безопасно, без риска; in safety - в безопасности - play for safety избегать риска - safety first! - road safety there is safety in numbers prov. - безопаснее действовать сообща; один в поле не воин SAFETY razor безопасная бритва SAFETY strip полоса безопасности (вырубка для предупреждения распространения лесного пожара) SAFETY net noun  1) сетка безопасности (в цирке)  2) страховка, подстраховка; гарантия, обеспечение (против потерь и т.п.) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~ n 1 »NOT IN DANGER« the state of being safe from danger or harm  (The company seemed totally unconcerned about the safety of its workers. | in safety (=without any danger))  (Spectators could watch the launch in complete safety. | for safety's sake (=in order to be safe))  (We travelled in pairs, for safety's sake.) 2 sb's safety how safe someone is in a particular situation  (The boy has now been missing for 5 days and there are fears for his safety. | for sb's own safety)  (For your own safety please do not smoke inside the plane.) 3 »NOT DANGEROUS« the state of not being dangerous or likely to cause harm or injury  (Some scientists expressed concern over the safety of the test. | safety measures/precautions/checks (=things that are done in order to make sure that something is safe))  (The accident would never have happened if the correct safety procedures had been followed. | road safety (=safety of people using the roads))  (Police are visiting schools as part of their latest road safety campaign.) 4 »SAFE PLACE« a place where you are safe from danger  (the safety of)  (When the shelling began people fled to the safety of the city. | lead/take sb to safety)  (Fire fighters led the children to safety. | reach safety)  (We were relieved to reach dry land and safety.) 5 safety in numbers spoken used to say that a dangerous or unpleasant situation is better if there are a lot of people with you 6 »SPORT« technical a way of getting two points in American football by making the other team put the ball down in its own goal (3) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  educ. abbr. Sun Awareness For Educating Today's Youth ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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