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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - ready


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(readier, readiest, readies, readying, readied) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If someone is ready, they are properly prepared for something. If something is ready, it has been properly prepared and is now able to be used. It took her a long time to get ready for church... Are you ready to board, Mr. Daly?... Tomorrow he would tell his pilot to get the aircraft ready... ADJ: v-link ADJ, oft ADJ for n, ADJ to-inf 2. If you are ready for something or ready to do something, you have enough experience to do it or you are old enough and sensible enough to do it. She says she’s not ready for marriage... You’ll have no trouble getting him into a normal school when you feel he’s ready to go. ADJ: v-link ADJ, usu ADJ for n, ADJ to-inf 3. If you are ready to do something, you are willing to do it. They were ready to die for their beliefs... = willing ADJ: v-link ADJ to-inf 4. If you are ready for something, you need it or want it. I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for bed... ADJ: v-link ADJ for n 5. To be ready to do something means to be about to do it or likely to do it. She looked ready to cry... ADJ: v-link ADJ to-inf 6. You use ready to describe things that are able to be used very quickly and easily. Why does German industry enjoy such a ready supply of well-trained and well-motivated workers? ADJ: ADJ n 7. Ready money is in the form of notes and coins rather than cheques or credit cards, and so it can be used immediately. I’m afraid I don’t have enough ready cash. ADJ: ADJ n 8. When you ready something, you prepare it for a particular purpose. (FORMAL) John’s soldiers were readying themselves for the final assault... VERB: V n for n 9. Ready combines with past participles to indicate that something has already been done, and that therefore you do not have to do it yourself. You can buy ready-printed forms for wills at stationery shops... COMB in ADJ 10. If you have something at the ready, you have it in a position where it can be quickly and easily used. Soldiers came charging through the forest, guns at the ready. PHRASE: usu n PHR
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   I. adjective  (readier; -est)  Etymology: Middle English redy; akin to Old English ger?de ~, Gothic garaiths arranged  Date: 13th century  1.  a. prepared mentally or physically for some experience or action  b. prepared for immediate use dinner is ~  2.  a. willingly disposed ; inclined ~ to agree to his proposal  b. likely to do something indicated a house that looks ~ to collapse  3. displayed readily and spontaneously a ~ wit  4. immediately available had ~ cash  Synonyms: see quick  • readiness noun  II. transitive verb  (readied; ~ing)  Date: 14th century to make ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj., adv., n., & v. --adj. (readier, readiest) (usu. predic.) 1 with preparations complete (dinner is ready). 2 in a fit state (are you ready to go?). 3 willing, inclined, or resolved (he is always ready to complain; I am ready for anything). 4 within reach; easily secured (a ready source of income). 5 fit for immediate use (was ready to hand). 6 immediate, unqualified (found ready acceptance). 7 prompt, quick, facile (is always ready with excuses; has a ready wit). 8 (foll. by to + infin.) about to do something (a bud just ready to burst). 9 provided beforehand. --adv. 1 beforehand. 2 so as not to require doing when the time comes for use (the cases are ready packed). --n. (pl. -ies) sl. 1 (prec. by the) = ready money. 2 (in pl.) bank notes. --v.tr. (-ies, -ied) make ready; prepare. Phrases and idioms at the ready ready for action. make ready prepare. ready-made (or -to-wear) (esp. of clothes) made in a standard size, not to measure. ready-mix (or -mixed) (of concrete, paint, food, etc.) having some or all of the constituents already mixed together. ready money 1 actual coin or notes. 2 payment on the spot. ready reckoner a book or table listing standard numerical calculations as used esp. in commerce. ready, steady (or get set), go the usual formula for starting a race. Derivatives readiness n. Etymology: ME r{aelig}di(g), re(a)di, f. OE r{aelig}de f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  ready for use at any one time ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) быстрый 2) готовый 3) наготове 4) наличный - get ready - ready for use - ready for - ready list - ready status - receive ready ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  прил. 1) готовый, подготовленный 2) легкодоступный 3) наличный 4) легкий 5) быстрый • - be ready and willing - meet with a ready market - meet with a ready sale - pay ready money - ready assets - ready cash - ready for service - ready for use - ready market - ready money READY легкий ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. (обыкн. the ready) разг. наличные (деньги) stacks of the ready —- денег куры не клюют plank down the ready —- деньги на бочку 2. воен. изготовка at the ready —- на изготовку to have the gun at the ready —- держать оружие в положении для стрельбы 3. готовый; подготовленный, приготовленный ready for use —- готовый к употреблению ready for the press —- готовый к печати (о рукописи) dinner is ready —- обед готов the house is ready for occupancy —- дом готов к въезду жильцов the car is ready at the door —- автомобиль ждет у подъезда are you ready for the journey? —- вы готовы к поездке?, вы собрались в дорогу? to get (to make) ready —- готовить, подготавливать; собираться get the children ready for a walk —- соберите детей на прогулку make the room ready for dancing —- освободите комнату для танцев get ready quickly! —- собирайтесь скорее! he made ready to cross the street —- он собрался переходить улицу she is not ready for company —- она не готова к приему гостей, она не одета he is ready for you now —- он вас просит к себе, он может вас сейчас принять 4. проявляющий готовность, охоту; готовый, согласный to be ready to go anywhere —- готовый ехать куда угодно I stand ready for correction —- если я ошибаюсь, пусть меня поправят I'm only too ready to accept such a proposal —- я с большой охотой принимаю такое предложение 5. склонный (к чему-л.); щедрый (на что-л.) to be a ready tipper...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  money наличные деньги READY  1. adj.  1) готовый, приготовленный; to get/make ready - приготовлять  2) согласный, готовый (на что-л.); податливый, склонный; he gave a ready assent - он охотно согласился; he is ready to go anywhere - он готов пойти куда угодно  3) легкий, быстрый; проворный; to have a ready answer for any question - иметь на все готовый ответ; не лезть за словом в карман; to have a ready wit - быть находчивым; he is too ready to suspect - он страдает излишней подозрительностью; ready solubility in water - быстрая растворимость в воде  4) имеющийся под рукой; ready at hand, ready to hand(s) - находящийся под рукой; тут же, под рукой Syn: disposed, prepared, set, willing Ant: disorganized, inexperienced, unprepared, unwilling  2. noun  1) sl. наличные (деньги)  2) mil. положение винтовки наготове; to have the gun at the ready - держать оружие в положении для стрельбы  3. v. готовить, подготавливать READY reckoner (арифметические) таблицы (готовых расчетов) READY cash наличные (деньги) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 adj 1 »PREPARED« prepared for what you are going to do  (Come on. Aren't you ready yet? | ready to do sth)  (Everything's packed, and we're ready to leave.) + for  (I don't want to take the test yet; I'm not ready for it.) get ready  (I need about half an hour to get ready, so I'll see you at six. | make ready formal (=prepare to start doing something) | ready for anything)  (I felt strong, fit, and ready for anything. | ready and waiting)  (When the right opportunity came, she was ready and waiting. | ready for (the) off spoken (=ready to go somewhere))  (Right, I'm ready for the off. | when you're ready spoken (=used to tell someone that you are ready for them to start doing something) | ready when you are spoken (=used to tell someone that you are ready to do what you have arranged to do together) | ready to roll spoken (=ready to start an activity, journey etc)) 2 »FOR IMMEDIATE USE« something that is ready can be used or eaten immediately  (When will supper be ready? | The peaches are ripe and ready to eat.) + for  (Is everything ready for the exhibition?) get sth ready  (We must get the house ready for the new tenants. | have sth ready)  (Next time, I had my answer ready. | ready cooked/mixed etc (=already cooked or mixed, and ready to be eaten or used)) 3 be ready for a drink/meal/holiday etc spoken to need or want a drink, meal etc as soon as possible  (You must be ready for a drink after all that hard work.) 4 be ready to cry/drop etc informal to be so upset or tired that you feel you will cry, fall down etc  (By the end of that walk, we were ready to drop.) 5 »WILLING« willing and quick to do or give something  (She's always ready with an excuse.) ready to do sth  (You're too ready to criticize. | They were wonderful neighbours - always ready to help in a crisis.) 6 »QUICK« only before noun quick or without delay  (a ready answer | This system gives readier access to the data. | a ready wit (=the ability to think quickly of clever, amusing things to say)) 7 ready money/cash money that can be...
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  mil. abbr. Resources For Education About Deployment And You mil. abbr. Resources For Educating About Deployment And You gen. comp. abbr. Real-time Environmental Applications and Display sYstem ...
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  - O.E. rжde, gerжde, from P.Gmc. *garaidijaz "arranged." Lengthened in M.E. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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