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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - protection


Связанные словари


(protections) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. To give or be protection against something unpleasant means to prevent people or things from being harmed or damaged by it. Such a diet is widely believed to offer protection against a number of cancers... It is clear that the primary duty of parents is to provide protection for our children... N-VAR 2. If an insurance policy gives you protection against an event such as death, injury, fire, or theft, the insurance company will give you or your family money if that event happens. The new policy is believed to be the first scheme to offer protection against an illness. N-UNCOUNT: oft N against n 3. If a government has a policy of protection, it helps its own industries by putting a tax on imported goods or by restricting imports in some other way. (BUSINESS) Over the same period trade protection has increased in the rich countries. N-UNCOUNT
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См. в других словарях

   noun  Date: 14th century  1. the act of protecting ; the state of being protected  2.  a. one that protects  b. supervision or support of one that is smaller and weaker  c. a contraceptive device (as a condom)  3. the freeing of the producers of a country from foreign competition in their home market by restrictions (as high duties) on foreign competitive goods  4.  a. immunity from prosecution purchased by criminals through bribery  b. money extorted by racketeers posing as a protective association  5. coverage 1a  6. anchoring equipment placed in cracks for safety while rock climbing ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. 1 a the act or an instance of protecting. b the state of being protected; defence (affords protection against the weather). c a thing, person, or animal that provides protection (bought a dog as protection). 2 (also protectionism) Econ. the theory or practice of protecting home industries. 3 colloq. a immunity from molestation obtained by payment to gangsters etc. under threat of violence. b (in full protection money) the money so paid, esp. on a regular basis. 4 = safe conduct. 5 archaic the keeping of a woman as a mistress. Derivatives protectionist n. Etymology: ME f. OF protection or LL protectio (as PROTECT) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) защита; охрана; обеспечение безопасности 2) крепление; ограждение 3) гарантия protection against lightning — молниезащита - protection of labor - acoustic protection - aircraft hijack protection - anodic protection - arc protection - automatic overload protection - average quality protection - backup protection - balance protection - bank protection - bilge protection - boundary protection - built-in power-supply protection - built-in thermal protection - busbar protection - bus protection - cabin glare protection - carbon build-up protection - carrier-current protection - cathodic protection - circuit breaker protection - circulating-current pilot-wire differential protection - coating protection - collision protection - computer protection - contact protection - copyright protection - corrosion protection - crossing protection - cryptographic protection - current protection - damage protection - data protection - database protection - definite-time graded relay protection - definite-time graded protection - differential protection - digital distance protection - digital overvoltage protection - diode protection - directional protection - directional ground protection - discrimination protection - distance protection - dual protection - electrochemical protection - encryption protection - engine overspeed protection - environmental protection - error protection - excess-voltage protection - explosion protection - external field protection - falling voltage protection - fault protection - fetch protection - field-failure protection - field-winding protection - file protection - fire protection - flag protection - flood protection - foam fire protection - foam protection - frost-heave protection - galvanic protection - gas protection - ground fault protection - ground overcurrent protection - ground overvoltage protection - hail protection - head-on protection - highlight overload protection - high-speed protection - high-voltage protection - impedance protection -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  защита; защитные меры protection against falls protection against snow protection against the weather protection against vibration protection of concrete from freezing protection of concrete through construction asbestos protection avalanche protection bank protection cathodic protection of reinforcing steel coast protection earthquake protection of structures environmental protection fall protection fire protection flood protection freezing protection frost protection health protection leak protection lightning protection overpressure protection pedestrian protection relay protection scour protection shoreline protection slope protection smoke protection solar protection structural fire protection thermal protection tree and existing plant protection water protection weather protection work-site protection ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) защита 2) охрана, обеспечение безопасности – call-in-progress protection – cathode protection – communication protection – computer protection – cut-in protection – data protection – distance protection – double protection – electronic-shock protection – encryptic protection – error protection – external-field protection – falling-voltage protection – fault protection – file protection – frequency protection – jamming protection – lightning protection – limited protection – memory-overwrite protection – noise protection – overload protection – parole protection – relay protection – selective protection – software protection – storage protection – time protection – traffic-overload protection – voice-signal protection – wrong connection protection ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) защита 2) защитный 3) ограждение 4) охрана 5) предохранение fish protection structure — рыбозащитное устройство ground fault protection — земляная защита hybrid protection device — гибридное СВЧ защитное устройство locking protection system — защита с блокировкой lot quality protection table — таблица объемов выборки обеспечивающих заданное качество партии protection broadband channel — резервный ствол reactor protection system — физ. защита аварийная sprout protection paper — всходозащитная бумага waveguide protection device — волноводное защитное устройство zero phase-sequence protection — защита нулевой последовательности - carrier-current protection - directional protection - discriminating protection - fire protection - flood protection - full protection - granularity of protection - labor protection - line protection - loss-of-synchronism protection - main protection - memory protection - mix protection - mutual protection - open-phase protection - out-of-step protection - over-voltage protection - overcurrent protection - overvoltage protection - protection cascade - protection circuit - protection domain - protection forest - protection sleeve - radiation protection - respiratory protection - rust protection - sectionalizing protection - under-voltage protection - undercurrent protection ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  средства защиты ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  сущ. 1) защита, охрана, предохранение 2) покровительство, протекционизм 3) покровительственная система в торговле 4) акцептование 5) пропуск 6) паспорт • - call protection - coastal protection - debtor protection - depositor protection - design protection - equal protection of law - equal protection of the law - high protection - insurance protection - labour protection - protection of discoveries - protection of intellectual property rights PROTECTION охрана; защита см. protection of labels – protection against importation – protection at exhibitions – protection by patent – protection for designs – protection from unfair competition – protection under the patent law – protection of algorithms – protection of chemically obtained substances – protection of computer programs and data bases – protection of designs – protection of discoveries – protection of exposed trade secrets – protection of geographical denominations – protection of indications of source – protection of industrial designs – protection of industrial property – protection of intellectual property – protection of inventions – protection of inventor's rights – protection of know-how – protection of licensor – protection of marks – protection of new varieties of plants – protection of patent – protection of scientific discoveries – protection of scientific property – protection of semi-conductor topographies layout designs for integrated circuit chips – protection of technical data – protection of topographies of integrated circuits – ad interim protection – common law protection – copyright protection – design protection – international protection – legal protection – long-term protection – patent protection – product protection – property protection – provisional protection – quality protection – sample protection – short-term protection – temporary...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) защита, предохранение, охрана 2) иммунитет – bank protection – cross protection – environmental protection – forest protection – nature protection ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. защита, охрана, предохранение; ограждение; прикрытие labour protection —- охрана труда under the protection of law —- под защитой закона 2. покровительство to extend one's protection to a young author —- оказывать покровительство молодому писателю 3. охранная грамота; пропуск; паспорт writ of protection —- юр. охранное письмо 4. ам. свидетельство об американском гражданстве, выдаваемое морякам 5. разг. выкуп, откупные деньги, (регулярно) выплачиваемые рэкетирам торговцами, коммерсантами protection racket —- вымогательство, рэкет (за защиту от якобы возможных нападений, ограблений магазина) 6. деньги, даваемые гангстерами полиции, политическим деятелям или должностным лицам за покровительство 7. полит-эк. протекционизм, покровительственная система в торговле protection of home industries —- защита отечественной промышленности 8. ком. фин. акцептование (тратты через известный промежуток времени); оплата to give protection to the bill —- акцептовать тратту; оплатить тратту Id: to live under the protection of smb. —- быть чьей-либо содержанкой ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun  1) защита, охрана; ограждение; прикрытие  2) покровительство  3) охранная грамота; пропуск; паспорт  4) econ. протекционизм to live under the protection of smb. - быть чьей-л. содержанкой Syn: asylum, cover, refuge, sanctuary, shelter Ant: aggression, danger, distress, harm, hurt, injury PROTECTIONISM noun econ. протекционизм ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~ n 1 the act of protecting or state of being protected  (You're guaranteed police protection if you testify in court.) + agains  (Take these vitamins daily for protection against minor infections.) give/offer/provide protection (=protect)  (Helen's thin coat gave little protection against the cold.) 2 the promise of payment from an insurance company if something bad happens  (Our Five-Star Policy offers complete protection in case of fire.) 3 something that protects + agains  (Wear a bullet-proof vest as a protection against snipers.) 4 protection money ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1350, from O.Fr. proteccion, from L. protectionem "a covering over," from protectus, pp. of protegere "protect, cover in front," from pro- "in front" + tegere "to cover." The O.E. word for "protect" was beorgan. Protectionist in the economics sense is first recorded 1844, from Fr. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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