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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - practice


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(practices) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. You can refer to something that people do regularly as a practice. Some firms have cut workers’ pay below the level set in their contract, a practice that is illegal in Germany... Gordon Brown has demanded a public inquiry into bank practices. N-COUNT 2. Practice means doing something regularly in order to be able to do it better. A practice is one of these periods of doing something. She was taking all three of her daughters to basketball practice every day... The defending world racing champion recorded the fastest time in a final practice today. N-VAR: usu supp N 3. The work done by doctors and lawyers is referred to as the practice of medicine and law. People’s religious activities are referred to as the practice of a religion. ...the practice of internal medicine... I eventually realized I had to change my attitude toward medical practice. N-UNCOUNT: with supp 4. A doctor’s or lawyer’s practice is his or her business, often shared with other doctors or lawyers. The new doctor’s practice was miles away from where I lived... N-COUNT 5. see also practise 6. What happens in practice is what actually happens, in contrast to what is supposed to happen. ...the difference between foreign policy as presented to the public and foreign policy in actual practice... In practice, workers do not work to satisfy their needs. PHRASE: PHR with cl 7. If something such as a procedure is normal practice or standard practice, it is the usual thing that is done in a particular situation. It is normal practice not to reveal details of a patient’s condition... The transcript is full of codewords, which is standard practice in any army. PHRASE: v-link PHR 8. If you are out of practice at doing something, you have not had much experience of it recently, although you used to do it a lot or be quite good at it. ‘How’s your German?’—‘Not bad, but I’m out of practice.’ PHRASE: v-link PHR 9. If you put a belief or method into practice, you behave or act in accordance with it. Now that he is back, the prime minister has another chance to put his new ideas into practice... PHRASE: V inflects
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   I. verb  also practise  (~d; also practised; practicing; also practising)  Etymology: Middle English practisen, from Middle French practiser, from Medieval Latin practizare, alteration of practicare, from practica ~, noun, from Late Latin ~, from Greek praktike, from feminine of praktikos  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. carry out, apply ~ what you preach  b. to do or perform often, customarily, or habitually ~ politeness  c. to be professionally engaged in ~ medicine  2.  a. to perform or work at repeatedly so as to become proficient ~ the act  b. to train by repeated exercises ~ pupils in penmanship  3. obsolete plot  intransitive verb  1. to do repeated exercises for proficiency  2. to pursue a profession actively  3. archaic intrigue  4. to do something customarily  5. to take advantage of someone he practised on their credulity with huge success — Times Literary Supplement  • ~r noun  II. noun  also practise  Date: 15th century  1.  a. actual performance or application ready to carry out in ~ what they advocated in principle  b. a repeated or customary action had this irritating ~  c. the usual way of doing something local ~s  d. the form, manner, and order of conducting legal suits and prosecutions  2.  a. systematic exercise for proficiency ~ makes perfect  b. the condition of being proficient through systematic exercise get in ~  3.  a. the continuous exercise of a profession  b. a professional business; especially one constituting an incorporeal property  Synonyms: see habit ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 habitual action or performance (the practice of teaching; makes a practice of saving). 2 a habit or custom (has been my regular practice). 3 a repeated exercise in an activity requiring the development of skill (to sing well needs much practice). b a session of this (time for target practice). 4 action or execution as opposed to theory. 5 the professional work or business of a doctor, lawyer, etc. (has a practice in town). 6 an established method of legal procedure. 7 procedure generally, esp. of a specified kind (bad practice). --v.tr. & intr. US var. of PRACTISE. Phrases and idioms in practice 1 when actually applied; in reality. 2 skilful because of recent exercise in a particular pursuit. out of practice lacking a former skill from lack of recent practice. put into practice actually apply (an idea, method, etc.). Etymology: ME f. PRACTISE, after advice, device ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) технология; метод; способ 2) режим работы to specify drilling practices — задавать режим бурения - aircraft maintenance practice - banking practice - blasting practice - blowing-in practice - blowing-out practice - capping practice - checking practice - continuous continuous casting practice - drafting practice - drilling practice - fifty-fifty practice - flexible fuel practice - flush slag practice - flush practice - foundry practice - fuel practice - gating practice - high molten pig iron practice - ladle practice - melting practice - motion-picture practice - open-hearth practice - pit practice - pouring practice - recommended practices - recommended operating practices - refining practice - routine practice - safe practice - scrap practice - scrap-and-coke practice - scrap-and-hot metal practice - scrap-and-pig iron practice - scrap-and-pig practice - scrap-processing practice - semicontinuous casting practice - sequence casting practice - single-slag practice - slagging practice - slag practice - slag recovery practice - smelting practice - standard practice - steelmaking practice - teeming practice - two-slag practice - welding practice ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  практика; методика; (технологические) приёмы; система accepted engineering practice approved practice architectural practices building practice civil engineering practice concrete practice construction practice customary practice erection practice forming practice general practice good practice hot weather practice job practice jointing practice placing practice poor practice professional practice recommended practice safety practice shotcreting practice site practice site engineering practice slinging practice standard practice for curing concrete standard practice for making concrete traditional construction practice ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) действие 2) дело 3) навык 4) практика 5) практиковать 6) применение 7) способ 8) тренировочный 9) упражнение 10) учебно-имитационный blast-furnace operation practice — технология доменного производства make practice weld — сваривать пробный шов reduce an invention to practice — внедрять изобретение - foundry practice - fuel practice - improper practice - in practice - practice flight - practice for second-nature - practice hall - practice patent - practice routine - production practice - steelmaking practice - teeming practice - welding practice ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) а) эк. тр. практика, практическая деятельность (обычно о профессиональной деятельности адвоката, врача и т. п.) the practice of the law — юридическая практика б) эк. тр. практика, клиентура He has a large practice. — Он имеет большую практику клиентуру. 2) общ. практика, тренировка Practice makes perfect. — Навык мастера ставит. 3) соц. обычай, обыкновение, привычка, традиция, система, установившийся порядок It is not the local practice to wear shorts to dinner. — Здесь не принято выходить к обеду в шортах. It is their practice to give annual raises. — У них принято ежегодно повышать зарплату сотрудникам. See: "consumer practice, "trade practice 4) общ. деятельность, применение на практике to put into practice — применить на практике 2. гл. общ., амер. = practise PRACTICE 1) практика; практическая деятельность; клиентура 2) процессуальная норма 3) обычай 4) применение; действие 5) см. practise см. copyright practice c gray1) – to practice the invention – practice of law – practice of license trade – practice of rejecting – antitrust practice – business practice – casual practice – claiming practice – clandestine practice – conventional practice – domestic patent practice – international patent practice – patent practice – patent office practice – professional practice – restrictive trade practices – tie-in practice – trademark practice – unfair competition practice – world practice of license trade PRACTICE 1. сущ. 1) практика, практическая деятельность 2)...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. практика; применение, осуществление на практике in practice —- на практике, на деле, фактически; на поверку to put in(to) practice —- осуществлять, проводить в жизнь theory without practice is useless —- теория без практики бессмысленна (мертва) 2. обычай; обыкновение; привычка; установившийся порядок international practice —- международная практика established diplomatic practice —- установившаяся (общепринятая) дипломатическая практика usual (routine) practice —- обычная (установившаяся) практика; обычное дело practice of trade —- торговый обычай, торговая практика to make a practice of daily exercise —- взять себе за правило ежедневно делать физзарядку my usual practice is to tip the waiter —- я имею обыкновение давать чаевые it was then the practice —- тогда это было принято the practice of going to bed late —- привычка поздно ложиться спать 3. ритуал; церемониал 4. тренировка, упражнение choir practice —- репетиция хора dry rowing practice —- спорт. "сухой" курс гребли practice ground —- воен. учебный плац; с-х. опытное поле practice jump —- спорт. учебный прыжок; пробный прыжок to be out of practice —- разучиться, давно не заниматься (чем-л.) to keep in practice —- держать себя в форме, не прекращать тренировок (занятий) she's doing her practice at the piano —- она упражняется в игре на рояле I haven't done much practice —- я мало...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  march учебный марш PRACTICE  1. noun  1) практика; применение; осуществление на практике; established practice - установившаяся практика; in practice -  а) на практике, на деле;  б) на поверку; to put in(to) practice - осуществлять  2) практика, упражнение, тренировка; to be out of practice - не упражняться, не иметь практики  3) привычка, обычай; установленный порядок; it was then the practice - это было тогда принято; to put into practice - ввести в обиход, в обращение  4) практика, деятельность (юриста, врача)  5) usu. pl. происки, интриги; - corrupt practices - discreditable practices - sharp practice  6) mil. учебная боевая стрельба  7) attr. учебный, практический; опытный; - practice ground - practice march practice makes perfect prov. - навык мастера ставит Syn: see training see tradition  2. v.; = practise PRACTICE ground  а) mil. учебный плац;  б) agric. опытное поле ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~ n 1 »A SKILL« a) regular activity that you do in order to improve a skill  (It takes hours of practice to learn to play the guitar. | With a little more practice you should be able to pass your test.) b) a period of time you spend training to improve your skill in doing something  (choir practice | We have two rugby practices a week.) 2 in practice used when saying what really happens rather than what should happen or what people think happens  (In practice women receive much lower wages than their male colleagues.) 3 »CUSTOM« something that you do often because of your religion or your society's tradition  (religious beliefs and practices | the practice of doing sth)  (The Navy has abandoned the practice of serving rum to the men.)  (- see habit) 4 sth done often something that people do often, especially a particular way of doing something  (the widespread practice of under-declaring taxable income | unsafe sexual practices | dangerous working practices) 5 »DOCTOR/LAWYER« the work of a doctor or lawyer or the place where they work  (medical/legal practice)  (Mary Beth had a busy legal practice in Los Angeles.)  (- see also general practice, private practice) 6 common/standard/general/normal practice the usual and accepted way of doing something  (In Scandinavian countries it is common practice for the husband to stay at home to look after the baby.) 7 good/bad practice an example of a good or very bad way of doing something, especially in a particular job  (It's not considered good practice to reveal clients' names.) 8 be out of practice to have not done something for a long time so that you are unable to do it well 9 be in practice if you are in practice you have practised something regularly and are able to do it well 10 put sth into practice if you put an idea, plan etc into practice, you start to use it and see if it is effective  (The hard part is putting it all into practice.) 11 practice makes perfect used to say that if you do an activity regularly, you will become very good at it ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 1392, "to do, act, or perform habitually," from O.Fr. practiser "to practice," from M.L. practicare "to do, perform, practice," from L.L. practicus "practical," from Gk. praktikos "practical." The noun is from 1421, as practise, also practik, which survived in parallel into 19c. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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