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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - paint


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(paints, painting, painted) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Paint is a coloured liquid that you put onto a surface with a brush in order to protect the surface or to make it look nice, or that you use to produce a picture. ...a pot of red paint... They saw some large letters in white paint. ...water-based artist’s paints. N-MASS 2. On a wall or object, the paint is the covering of dried paint on it. The paint was peeling on the window frames... N-SING: the N 3. If you paint a wall or an object, you cover it with paint. They started to mend the woodwork and paint the walls... I made a guitar and painted it red. ...painted furniture. VERB: V n, V n colour, V-ed, also V 4. If you paint something or paint a picture of it, you produce a picture of it using paint. He is painting a huge volcano... Why do people paint pictures?... I had come here to paint. VERB: V n, V n, V 5. When you paint a design or message on a surface, you put it on the surface using paint. ...a machine for painting white lines down roads... The recesses are decorated with gold stars, with smaller stars painted along the edges. VERB: V n prep, V-ed 6. If a woman paints her lips or nails, she puts a coloured cosmetic on them. She propped the mirror against her handbag and began to paint her lips... She painted her fingernails bright red. VERB: V n, V n colour 7. If you paint a grim or vivid picture of something, you give a description of it that is grim or vivid. The report paints a grim picture of life there... VERB: V n 8. see also painting, gloss paint, oil paint, poster paint, war paint
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   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ~, peint, past participle of peindre, from Latin pingere to tattoo, embroider, ~; akin to Old English fah variegated, Greek poikilos variegated, pikros sharp, bitter  Date: 13th century  transitive verb  1.  a.  (1) to apply color, pigment, or ~ to  (2) to color with a cosmetic  b.  (1) to apply with a movement resembling that used in ~ing  (2) to treat with a liquid by brushing or swabbing ~ the wound with iodine  2.  a.  (1) to produce in lines and colors on a surface by applying pigments  (2) to depict by such lines and colors  b. to decorate, adorn, or variegate by applying lines and colors  c. to produce or evoke as if by ~ing ~s glowing pictures of the farm  3. to touch up or cover over by or as if by ~ing  4. to depict as having specified or implied characteristics ~s them whiter than the evidence justifies — Oliver La Farge  intransitive verb  1. to practice the art of ~ing  2. to use cosmetics  II. noun  Date: 1602  1. the action of ~ing ; something produced by ~ing  2. makeup; especially a cosmetic to add color  3.  a.  (1) a mixture of a pigment and a suitable liquid to form a closely adherent coating when spread on a surface in a thin coat  (2) the pigment used in this mixture especially when in the form of a cake a box of ~s  b. an applied coating of ~  4. a powerful muscular pinto having quarter horse or Thoroughbred ancestry; broadly pinto — called also ~ horse  5. free throw lane  6. computer-generated color design a ~ program ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a colouring matter, esp. in liquid form for imparting colour to a surface. b this as a dried film or coating (the paint peeled off). 2 joc. or archaic cosmetic make-up, esp. rouge or nail varnish. --v.tr. 1 a cover the surface of (a wall, object, etc.) with paint. b apply paint of a specified colour to (paint the door green). 2 depict (an object, scene, etc.) with paint; produce (a picture) by painting. 3 describe vividly as if by painting (painted a gloomy picture of the future). 4 joc. or archaic a apply liquid or cosmetic to (the face, skin, etc.). b apply (a liquid to the skin etc.). Phrases and idioms painted lady an orange-red butterfly, esp. Cynthia cardui, with black and white spots. paint out efface with paint. paint shop the part of a factory where goods are painted, esp. by spraying. paint-stick a stick of water-soluble paint used like a crayon. paint the town red colloq. enjoy oneself flamboyantly. Derivatives paintable adj. Etymology: ME f. peint past part. of OF peindre f. L pingere pict- paint PAINTBOX n. a box holding dry paints for painting pictures. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) краска красить, окрашивать; раскрашивать 2) (сухой) пигмент 3) красочное покрытие 4) изображение (на экране индикатора) выводить изображение (на экран индикатора) to break paint — размешивать краску (после длительного хранения); to formulate paint — составлять краску; подбирать колер; to take paint — держать краску (об окрашиваемой поверхности) - acidproof paint - acid-seal paint - acoustic paint - anticorrosive paint - antifouling paint - antirusting paint - aqueous paint - asbestos paint - bactericidal paint - bituminous paint - brick and concrete paint - building paint - cement paint - ceramic paint - concrete paint - deicing paint - distemper paint - dull paint - emulsion paint - enamel paint - exterior paint - fatty paint - finishing paint - fire-retardant paint - flat paint - fluorescent paint - fungicidal paint - glaze paint - gloss paint - graphite paint - ground-coat paint - hard gloss paint - heat-indicating paint - heavy-bodied paint - hiding paint - house paint - indoor paint - intumescent paint - latex paint - lead paint - luminous paint - mildew-resistant paint - mirror paint - mold paint - motor paint - nondrip paint - oil-base paint - oil paint - oil-resistant paint - opaque paint - outdoor paint - overglaze paint - painter's paint - paste paint - prepared paint - prime paint - protection paint - quick-drying paint - quick-setting paint - ready-mixed paint - red lead paint - reflectorized paint - road-line paint - road paint - silicate paint - size paint - slow-setting paint - solvent paint - sound-absorbing paint - sound-deadening paint - synthetic paint - thermosensitive paint - traffic paint - underglaze paint - underwater paint - varnish paint - water paint - water glass paint - waterproof paint - white lead paint - wood paint ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  краска, красящий состав paints mixed on the site absorbent paint acid-resistant paint acoustic paint aerosol paint alkali-resistant paint alkyd paint aluminum paint anechoic paint anticondensation paint anticorrosive paint antifouling paint antinoise paint antirust paint antislip paint asbest-base paint asphalt paint bactericidal paint bitumastic paint bitumen paint casein paint cement paint ceramic paint chlorinated rubber paint concrete paint emulsion paint enamel paint epoxy paint fast-to-light paint fatty paint fire-retardant paint flat paint floor paint fluorescent paint gloss paint glue water paint graphite paint gun-sprayed paint heat-resistant paint heavy-bodied paint latex emulsion paint linseed oil paint luminous paint marine paint metallic paint microporous paint neoprene paint oil paint paste paint phenolic paint quick-drying paint ready-mix paint red lead paint resin emulsion paint roof paint rubber-emulsion paint silicate paint size paint sound-absorbing paint traffic paint trim paint two-coat paint vinyl paint water paint water glass paint waterproof paint white paint white lead paint white lime paint wood paint zinc-rich paint ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) закрасить 2) закрашивать 3) замалевать 4) замалевывать 5) красильный 6) краска 7) красящий 8) малярить 9) малярничать 10) малярный 11) накраска 12) окраска 13) окрашивать 14) покрасить 15) прокрашивать 16) разрисовать 17) разрисовывать 18) расписывать aerosol spray-on paint — аэрозольная краска airless paint spraying — безвоздушное распыление краски enamel body paint — авто автоэмаль to break the paint — размешивать краску formulate a paint for — составлять краску paint and varnish industry — лакокрасочная промышленность paint drying test — испытание краски на высыхание paint settles out in layers — краска расслаивается thin a paint with — разбавлять краску - bactericidal paint - baffle paint - building paint - clear paint - decorative paint - dull paint - emulsion paint - enamel body paint - finishing paint - fluorescent paint - fungicidal paint - gloss paint - ground-coat paint - heat-sensitive paint - high-temperature paint - house paint - indelible paint - latex paint - luminous paint - mill paint - natural paint - oil paint - paint brush - paint coat - paint formulation - paint rub test - paint scum - paint spraying - paint store - peel the paint - refractory paint - road paint - ship paint - silicate paint - sublimating paint - synthetic paint - take paint - tube paint - varnish and paint - vitrifiable paint - water paint - water-glass paint - water-thinned paint - weather-proof paint - wood paint ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  окраска; масть ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. краска paste paint —- густотертая краска a fresh coat of paint —- новый слой краски wet paint! —- осторожно, окрашено! (объявление) 2. румяна; грим she has too much paint on —- она очень сильно накрасилась 3. краски a box of paints —- ящик с красками 4. украшательство, показуха, фальшь it is mere paint —- это все показное 5. мед. наружное лекарство, которое наносят кисточкой или лопаткой Id: to take smb.'s paint off —- чуть не погубить 6. красить, раскрашивать; расписывать to paint a fence —- покрасить забор to paint a wall —- расписать стену to paint a door green —- выкрасить дверь в зеленый цвет 7. писать красками, заниматься живописью to paint a portrait in oils —- написать портрет масляными красками to paint from nature —- рисовать (писать) с натуры to paint scenery for a play —- написать декорации к пьесе 8. описывать, изображать to paint in bright colours —- изображать яркими красками to paint smth. black —- изображать что-либо в мрачном свете tp paint smth. in rosy colours —- представлять что-либо в розовом свете he is not so (as) black aas he is painted —- не так уж он плох, как его изображают 9. разг. приукрашивать 10. румяниться, краситься; гримироваться 11. разг. пьянствовать 12. мед. смазывать to paint with iodine —- намазать йодом Id: to paint the lily —- заниматься бесплодным делом Id: to paint the town red —- кутить,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) краска; окраска; They saw some large letters in white paint. The paint was peeling on the window frames.  2) pl. краски; a box of paints - набор красок  3) румяна  2. v.  1) писать красками, заниматься живописью; to paint a portrait in oils - написать портрет масляными красками; - paint from nature  2) красить, окрашивать; расписывать (стену и т.п.); to paint a fence - покрасить забор; to paint a wall - расписать стену  3) описывать, изображать; to paint in bright colours - описывать яркими красками; представить в розовом свете; приукрасить; The report paints a grim picture of life there.  4) краситься, румяниться; She propped the mirror against her handbag and began to paint her lips.  5) med. смазывать; to paint with iodine - намазать йодом - paint in - paint out - paint the lily to paint the town red устроить попойку, загулять to paint oneself into a corner загнать самого себя в угол; поставить себя в безвыходное положение Syn: see colour PAINT brush noun кисть PAINT from nature рисовать/писать с натуры PAINT in вписывать красками; They painted the whole wall yellow, and then painted in a false door to balance the effect. The trees in the background were painted in later by a different artist. PAINT out закрашивать (надпись и т.п.); The ships name has been painted out and replaced with a new one. PAINT stripper noun жидкость для снятия краски (с дверей, мебели и т.п.) PAINT the lily заниматься бесплодным делом ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 n 1 a liquid that you put on a surface to make it a particular colour  (a can of blue paint | a coat of paint (=a layer of paint))  (The whole house could do with a fresh coat of paint. | wet paint (=used as a warning on a sign)) 2 paints a set of small tubes or dry blocks of coloured substance, used for painting pictures  (oil paints) 3 old-fashioned make­up ~2 v 1 to put paint on a surface  (I wear old clothes when I'm painting. | The ceiling needs painting. | paint sth blue/red/green etc)  (We painted the door blue.) 2 a) to make a picture, design etc using paint  (paint a picture/portrait etc)  (Turner is famous for painting landscapes.) b) to use paint to make pictures or designs  (paint in oils/watercolours etc (=using a particular kind of paint))  (Jana likes to paint in watercolours.) c) to make a picture of someone or something using paint  (I'll paint the view from the window.) 3 to put a coloured substance on part of your face or body to make it more attractive  (paint your lips/fingernails etc)  (Her lips and fingernails were painted bright red.) 4 paint a picture of sth to describe something in a particular way  (paint a grim/rosy/gloomy picture of sth)  (Dickens painted a grim picture of Victorian factory conditions.) 5 paint sth with a broad brush to describe something without giving many details  (- see also broadbrush) 6 paint the town (red) informal to go out to bars, clubs etc to enjoy yourself 7 to put medicine on a part of your body with a brush  (- see also not be as black as you are painted black1 (7)) paint sth in phr v to fill a space in a picture or add more to it using paint  (The additional figures were painted in at a later date.) paint sth out phr v to remove a design, figure etc from a picture or surface by covering it with more paint  (On the side of the van the company name had been painted out.) paint sth over phr v to cover a picture or surface with new paint ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  file ext. abbr. Apple Macintosh Black & White MacPaint file Bitmap graphics educ. abbr. Programs And Activities Inspire New Thinking ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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