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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - mercy


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(mercies) 1. If someone in authority shows mercy, they choose not to harm someone they have power over, or they forgive someone they have the right to punish. Neither side took prisoners or showed any mercy... They cried for mercy but their pleas were met with abuse and laughter... N-UNCOUNT 2. Mercy is used to describe a special journey to help someone in great need, such as people who are sick or made homeless by war. (JOURNALISM) She vanished nine months ago while on a mercy mission to West Africa... ADJ: ADJ n 3. If you refer to an event or situation as a mercy, you mean that it makes you feel happy or relieved, usually because it stops something unpleasant happening. It really was a mercy that he’d died so rapidly at the end... N-COUNT: usu a N 4. If one person or thing is at the mercy of another, the first person or thing is in a situation where they cannot prevent themselves being harmed or affected by the second. Buildings are left to decay at the mercy of vandals and the weather... PHRASE: with poss, usu PHR after v, v-link PHR 5. If you tell someone who is in an unpleasant situation that they should be grateful or thankful for small mercies, you mean that although their situation is bad, it could be even worse, and so they should be happy. But so low has morale sunk that the team and the fans would have been grateful for small mercies. PHRASE: usu v-link PHR
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   noun  (plural mercies)  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French merci, from Medieval Latin merced-, merces, from Latin, price paid, wages, from merc-, merx merchandise  Date: 13th century  1.  a. compassion or forbearance shown especially to an offender or to one subject to one's power; also lenient or compassionate treatment begged for ~  b. imprisonment rather than death imposed as penalty for first-degree murder  2.  a. a blessing that is an act of divine favor or compassion  b. a fortunate circumstance it was a ~ they found her before she froze  3. compassionate treatment of those in distress works of ~ among the poor  • ~ adjective Synonyms:  ~, charity, clemency, grace, leniency mean a disposition to show kindness or compassion. ~ implies compassion that forbears punishing even when justice demands it threw himself on the ~ of the court. charity stresses benevolence and goodwill shown in broad understanding and tolerance of others show a little charity for the less fortunate. clemency implies a mild or merciful disposition in one having the power or duty of punishing the judge refused to show clemency. grace implies a benign attitude and a willingness to grant favors or make concessions by the grace of God. leniency implies lack of severity in punishing criticized the courts for excessive leniency. ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & int. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 compassion or forbearance shown to enemies or offenders in one's power. 2 the quality of compassion. 3 an act of mercy. 4 (attrib.) administered or performed out of mercy or pity for a suffering person (mercy killing). 5 something to be thankful for (small mercies). --int. expressing surprise or fear. Phrases and idioms at the mercy of 1 wholly in the power of. 2 liable to danger or harm from. have mercy on (or upon) show mercy to. mercy flight the transporting by air of an injured or sick person from a remote area to a hospital. Etymology: ME f. OF merci f. L merces -edis reward, in LL pity, thanks ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1. милосердие, сострадание in mercy —- из сострадания, из милости without mercy —- безжалостно to show mercy to smb. —- проявлять милосердие к кому-л. to treat smb. with mercy —- обращаться с кем-л. мягко (снисходительно, с состраданием) there is no mercy in him, he has no mercy —- в нем нет ни капли жалости, он безжалостный человек at the mercy of smb., smth. —- во власти кого-л., чего-л. at the mercy of God —- во власти божьей I have him at my mercy —- он в моей власти, он в моих руках at sea they were at the mercy of wind and weather —- в (открытом) море они были во власти стихий to be left to the tender mercies of smb. —- ирон. быть оставленным (отданным) на милость или попечение кого-л. he was left to their tender mercies —- они должны были за ним ухаживать 2. прощение, помилование to beg for (to call for, —- уст. to cry for) mercy просить пощады (снисхождения) they were given no mercy —- им не было пощады to have mercy on (upon) smb., to take mercy on smb. —- щадить кого-л., сжалиться над кем-л. a recommendation to mercy —- юр. ходатайство о смягчении приговора to recommend smb. to mercy —- ходатайствовать о чьем-л. помиловании to throw oneself on smb.'s mercy —- сдаться на чью-л. милость Id: sisters of Mercy —- сестры милосердия Id: works of mercy —- благотворительность Id: mercy (me (on us))! —- господи, боже мой!, милосердный боже! Id: for mercy's sake! —- ради бога! Id: that's a mercy! —- это прямо...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  (личн. имена) - Мерси MERCY noun Мерси MERCY noun  1) милосердие; сострадание; to be left to the tender/mercies of smb. iron. - быть отданным на милость кого-л. (обыкн. жестокого человека)  2) милость; прощение, помилование; - beg for mercy - have mercy upon  3) удача, счастье; thats a mercy! - это прямо счастье! at the mercy of - во власти thankful for small mercies - довольный малым MERCY killing noun эйтаназия; умерщвление из милосердия; умерщвление неизлечимых больных; укол милосердия ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~ n 1 kindness, pity, and a willingness to forgive, which you show towards someone that you have power over  (show no mercy)  (The terrorists showed no mercy to the hostages. | have mercy (on))  (Oh Lord, have mercy on us sinners.) 2 it's a mercy spoken used to say that it is lucky that a worse situation was avoided  (It's a mercy the accident happened so near the hospital.) 3 at the mercy of unable to do anything to protect yourself from someone or something  (They were lost at sea, at the mercy of wind and weather. | a housing policy that leaves people at the mercy of unscrupulous landlords) 4 leave sb to sb's (tender) mercies often humorous to let someone be dealt with by another person, who may treat them very badly or strictly 5 be thankful/grateful for small mercies to be pleased that a bad situation is not even worse 6 mercy flight/mission etc a journey taken to bring help to people  (a mercy dash to rescue stranded tourists) 7 throw yourself on sb's mercy to beg someone to help you or not to punish you ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  See: AT THE MERCY OF. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 12c., from O.Fr. merci "reward, gift, kindness," from L. mercedem "reward, wages," from merx (gen. mercis) "wares, merchandise." In Church L. applied to the heavenly reward of those who show kindness to the helpless. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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