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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - master


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(masters, mastering, mastered) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A servant’s master is the man that he or she works for. My master ordered me not to deliver the message except in private... N-COUNT 2. A dog’s master is the man or boy who owns it. The dog yelped excitedly when his master opened a desk drawer and produced his leash. N-COUNT: usu poss N 3. If you say that someone is a master of a particular activity, you mean that they are extremely skilled at it. They appear masters in the art of making regulations work their way. N-COUNT: usu N of/at/in n/-ing see also past master • Master is also an adjective. ...a master craftsman. ...a master criminal. ADJ: ADJ n 4. If you are master of a situation, you have complete control over it. Jackson remained calm and always master of his passions... N-VAR: usu N of n 5. If you master something, you learn how to do it properly or you succeed in understanding it completely. Duff soon mastered the skills of radio production... Students are expected to master a second language. VERB: V n, V n 6. If you master a difficult situation, you succeed in controlling it. When you have mastered one situation you have to go on to the next... VERB: V n 7. A famous male painter of the past is often called a master. ...a portrait by the Dutch master, Vincent Van Gogh. N-COUNT see also old master 8. A master copy of something such as a film or a tape recording is an original copy that can be used to produce other copies. Keep one as a master copy for your own reference and circulate the others. ADJ: ADJ n 9. A master’s degree can be referred to as a master’s. I’ve a master’s in economics. N-SING
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   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English magister & Anglo-French meistre, both from Latin magister; akin to Latin magnus large — more at much  Date: before 12th century  1.  a.  (1) a male teacher  (2) a person holding an academic degree higher than a bachelor's but lower than a doctor's  b. often capitalized a revered religious leader  c. a worker or artisan qualified to teach apprentices  d.  (1) an artist, performer, or player of consummate skill  (2) a great figure of the past (as in science or art) whose work serves as a model or ideal  2.  a. one having authority over another ; ruler, governor  b. one that conquers or ~s ; victor, superior in the new challenger the champion found his ~  c. a person licensed to command a merchant ship  d.  (1) one having control  (2) an owner especially of a slave or animal  e. the employer especially of a servant  f.  (1) dialect husband  (2) the male head of a household  3.  a.  (1) archaic Mr.  (2) a youth or boy too young to be called mister — used as a title  b. the eldest son of a Scottish viscount or baron  4.  a. a presiding officer in an institution or society (as a college)  b. any of several officers of court appointed to assist (as by hearing and reporting) a judge  5.  a. a ~ mechanism or device  b. an original from which copies can be made; especially a ~ recording (as a magnetic tape)  • ~ship noun  II. adjective  Date: 12th century being or relating to a ~: as  a. having chief authority ; dominant  b. skilled, proficient a prosperous ~ builder — Current Biography  c. principal, predominant  d. superlative — often used in combination a ~-liar  e. being a device or mechanism that controls the operation of another mechanism or that establishes a standard (as a dimension or weight)  f. being or relating to a ~ from which duplicates are made  III. transitive verb  (~ed; ~ing)  Date: 13th century  1. to become ~ of ; overcome ~ed his fears  2.  a. to become skilled or proficient...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n., adj., & v. --n. 1 a a person having control of persons or things. b an employer. c a male head of a household (master of the house). d the owner of a dog, horse, etc. e the owner of a slave. f Naut. the captain of a merchant ship. g Hunting the person in control of a pack of hounds etc. 2 a male teacher or tutor, esp. a schoolmaster. 3 a the head of a college, school, etc. b the presiding officer of a livery company, Masonic lodge, etc. 4 a person who has or gets the upper hand (we shall see which of us is master). 5 a person skilled in a particular trade and able to teach others (often attrib.: master carpenter). 6 a holder of a university degree orig. giving authority to teach in the university (Master of Arts; Master of Science). 7 a a revered teacher in philosophy etc. b (the Master) Christ. 8 a great artist. 9 Chess etc. a player of proved ability at international level. 10 an original version (e.g. of a film or gramophone record) from which a series of copies can be made. 11 (Master) a a title prefixed to the name of a boy not old enough to be called Mr (Master T. Jones; Master Tom). b archaic a title for a man of high rank, learning, etc. 12 (in England and Wales) an official of the Supreme Court. 13 a machine or device directly controlling another (cf. SLAVE). 14 (Master) a courtesy title of the eldest son of a Scottish viscount or baron (the Master of Falkland). --adj. 1 commanding, superior (a master spirit). 2 main, principal (master bedroom). 3 controlling others (master plan). --v.tr. 1 overcome, defeat. 2 reduce to subjection. 3 acquire complete knowledge of (a subject) or facility in using (an instrument etc.). 4 rule as a master. Phrases and idioms be master of 1 have at one's disposal. 2 know how to control. be one's own master be independent or free to do as one wishes. make oneself master of acquire a thorough knowledge of or facility in using. Master Aircrew an RAF rank equivalent to warrant-officer. master-at-arms (pl. masters-at-arms) the chief police officer on a man-of-war or a merchant ship. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) мастер; квалифицированный рабочий 2) мастер-станок; станок особо высокой точности 3) контрольный калибр; эталонный калибр 4) метал. мастер-модель, промодель 5) рбт ведущий механизм 6) задатчик манипулятора 7) ведущая станция 8) оригинал фотошаблона, фотооригинал, эталонный фотошаблон 9) металлический оригинал (фонограммы) 10) смонтированная видеофонограмма-оригинал; магнитная запись 11) полигр. оригинал; эталон 12) полигр. матрица 13) шрифтоноситель 14) форма для множительного процесса 15) промежуточный носитель ленточного типа (в электрофотографии) 16) главный; ведущий; задающий - air release master - artwork master - character master - duplicating master - fine grain master - hard-surface master - human master - inspection master - metal master - paper master - photographic typeface master - production master - separation master - shunting master - slide typeface master - station master ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) мастер 2) главное устройство; основной ЭРЭ – digital video master – Web master ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) машиностр. ведущий 2) главный 3) задатчик 4) задающий 5) мультиплицируемый 6) образцовый 7) овладевать чем-либо 8) оригинал матрицы 9) осваивать 10) основной 11) руководить 12) управлять 13) управляющий brake master cylinder — главный тормозной цилиндр channel master group — третичная канальная группа master control board — щит управления главный master packing slip — сводная упаковочная ведомость master proving ring — образцовый динамометр master switch control — контроллерное управление master vertical gyro — центральная гировертикаль paper master plate — бумажная формная пластина - master bank - master beacon - master can - master clock - master code - master control - master controller - master equation - master file - master forest - master formless - master frequency - master hologram - master index - master lever - master mode - master multivibrator - master negative - master node - master oscillator - master phase - master plan - master plate - master problem - master program - master relay - master sample - master scheduler - master spindle - master station - master switch - master tap - master template - master timer - master variable - master vector ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  контролировать (изделие) калибром ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) основной 2) образец; оригинал (при тиражировании) 3) хозяин, владелец 4) магистр 5) квалифицированный рабочий MASTER сущ. 1) общ. хозяин, владелец, господин The dog obeyed his master. — Собака слушала своего хозяина. Syn: owner, "boss, lord, conqueror, ruler, "governor 2) общ. победитель, лучший In this young, obscure challenger the champion found his master. — Этот юный и малоизвестный соперник победил чемпиона. Syn: victor, superior 3) общ. рабовладелец, землевладелец 4) общ., ист. мастер (квалифицированный ремесленник) 5) общ. специалист master of style — стилист Syn: "expert 6) общ. мастер (квалифицированный рабочий) 7) юр. головной контракт 8) тех. мастер-станок; станок особо высокой точности Syn: "foreman, "boss 9) обр. магистр (ученая степень) See: "master’s degree "Master of Arts "Master of Science 10) общ. великий художник, мастер the pictures of the Tuscan and Venetian masters — полотна тосканских и венецианских великих мастеров Syn: master hand, skilled artist, "craftsman 11) обр. школьный учитель (обычно о мужчинах учителях) Syn: "teacher 12) обр., брит. глава колледжа (в Оксфорде и Кембридже) Syn: "tutor, preceptor 13) эк., юр. хозяин а) (работодатель) Syn: "employer б) амер. (в американском праве: в рамках юридической формы предпринимательства "поручение" — разновидность доверителя; разновидности доверителей выделяются...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  хозяин – beach master – bush master ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  см. master's degree ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. хозяин, владелец; господин master of a shor —- хозяин (владелец) мастерской master of a large fortune —- обладатель большого состояния master and man —- хозяин и рабочий; господин и слуга the master of the house —- глава семьи; хозяин дома is the master in? —- дома хозяин? to be master in one's own house —- быть хозяином в собственном доме; не допускать вмешательства посторонних в свои дела to play the master —- хозяйничать, распоряжаться to be one's own master —- быть самостоятельным (независимым), свободно распоряжаться собой to be (the) master of one's fate —- самому вершить свою судьбу; быть кузнецом своего счастья he is his own master —- он сам себе хозяин I am not my own master —- я не волен поступать, как хочу, я собой не распоряжаюсь to be master of one's time —- свободно распоряжаться своим временем to be master of oneself —- владеть собой, держать себя в руках to be master of the situation —- быть хозяином положения we will see which of us is master —- посмотрим, кто из нас (здесь) хозяин положения (кто из нас главный) after hard fighting, the defenders were still masters of the city —- после тяжелых боев город оставался в руках его защитников master printer —- хозяин типографии master workman —- подрядчик 2. учитель maths master —- учитель математики form master —- классный наставник; классный руководитель 3. глава колледжа (в...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  the house вести дом MASTER station radio ведущая/задающая радиопеленгаторная станция MASTER  1. noun  1) хозяин, владелец; господин; master of the house - глава семьи; to be master of smth. - владеть, обладать чем-л.; to be ones own master - быть самостоятельным, независимым; to be master of oneself - прекрасно владеть собой, держать себя в руках  2) великий художник, мастер; - old masters  3) мастер; квалифицированный рабочий  4) специалист, знаток своего дела; to make oneself master of smth. - добиться совершенства в чем-л., овладеть чем-л. - master of sports - master of fence  5) (школьный) учитель  6) глава колледжа (в Оксфорде и Кембридже)  7) капитан торгового судна (тж. master mariner)  8) магистр (ученая степень); напр.: - Master of Arts  9) мастер, господин (в обращении к юноше; ставится перед именем или перед фамилией старшего сына, напр.: Master John, Master Jones)  10) (The Master) Христос  11) оригинал; образец  12) первый оригинал (в звукозаписи)  13) attr. главный, ведущий; руководящий; основной; контрольный; - master form - master station Syn: see boss  2. v.  1) одолеть; подчинить себе; справиться  2) владеть, овладевать (языком, музыкальным инструментом и т.п.)  3) преодолевать (трудности)  4) руководить, управлять; - master the house MASTER form tech. копир; шаблон; MASTER mariner капитан торгового...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 n 1 »OWNER/LEADER« old-fashioned a man who has control or authority over other people, for example servants or workers  (His staff were always very loyal to their master. | be your own master (=control your own work or life))  (I started this business because I wanted to be my own master.)  (- compare mistress) 2 be master of to be in complete control of a situation  (Without these changes, Africa cannot be master of its own economic destiny.) 3 »SKILLED« someone who is very skilled at something  (Runyon was a master of the short story. | learning from an acknowledged master) 4 be a past master to be very good at doing something because you have done it a lot + at/in/of  (He's a past master at getting free drinks out of people.) 5 »ORIGINAL« a document, record etc from which copies are made  (I gave him the master to copy.) 6 »TEACHER« BrE old-fashioned a male teacher  (the maths master)  (- see also headmaster) 7 »DOG OWNER« the male owner of a dog  (a dog and its master) 8 »SHIP« someone who commands a ship  (- see also grand master, old master, quiz­master) ~2 v 1 to learn a skill or a language so well that you understand it completely and have no difficulty with it  (that well-known difficulty of mastering the Chinese writing system) 2 master your fear/weakness etc to manage to control a strong emotion ~3 adj only before noun 1 master copy/list/tape etc the original thing from which copies are made  (the master list of telephone numbers) 2 most important or main  (the master control center at NASA) 3 master craftsman/chef/plumber etc someone who is very skilled at a particular job, especially a job that involves working with your hands Master ~ n 1 old-fashioned a way of addressing or referring to young boys  (How's young Master Toby today?) 2 a religious leader in some religions  (a Sufi Master) 3 the person who is in charge of some British university colleges  (the Master of Trinity College, Cambridge) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  univ. abbr. Meeting Achievement And Success Through Effective Retention pos. abbr. Multiple Access System For Televised Educational Resources ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - O.E. mжgester, from L. magister "chief, head, director, teacher," infl. in M.E. by O.Fr. maistre, from L. magister, contrastive adj. from magis (adv.) "more," comp. of magnus "great." Masterpiece is 1605, borrowed from Du. meesterstuk "work by which a craftsman attains the rank of master." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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