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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - marry


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(marries, marrying, married) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. When two people get married or marry, they legally become husband and wife in a special ceremony. Get married is less formal and more commonly used than marry. I thought he would change after we got married... They married a month after they met... He wants to marry her... He got married to wife Beryl when he was 19... I am getting married on Monday... She ought to marry again, don’t you think? V-RECIP: pl-n get V-ed, pl-n V, V n, get V-ed to n, get V-ed (non-recip), V (non-recip) 2. When a priest or official marries two people, he or she conducts the ceremony in which the two people legally become husband and wife. The local vicar has agreed to marry us in the chapel on the estate... VERB: V n
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   I. verb  (married; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English marien, from Anglo-French marier, from Latin maritare, from maritus married  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to join in marriage according to law or custom  b. to give in marriage married his daughter to his partner's son  c. to take as spouse ; wed married the girl next door  d. to perform the ceremony of marriage for a priest will ~ them  e. to obtain by marriage ~ wealth  2. to unite in close and usually permanent relation  intransitive verb  1. to take a spouse ; wed  2. combine, unite seafood marries with other flavors  II. interjection  Etymology: Middle English marie, from Marie, the Virgin Mary  Date: 14th century archaic — used for emphasis and especially to express amused or surprised agreement ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. v. (-ies, -ied) 1 tr. a take as one's wife or husband in marriage. b (often foll. by to) (of a priest etc.) join (persons) in marriage. c (of a parent or guardian) give (a son, daughter, etc.) in marriage. 2 intr. a enter into marriage. b (foll. by into) become a member of (a family) by marriage. 3 tr. a unite intimately. b correlate (things) as a pair. c Naut. splice (rope-ends) together without increasing their girth. Phrases and idioms marry off find a wife or husband for. Etymology: ME f. OF marier f. L maritare f. maritus husband 2. int. archaic expressing surprise, asseveration, indignation, etc. Etymology: ME, = (the Virgin) Mary ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) соединять 2) вставлять (напр. инструмент в гнездо шпинделя) 3) сращивать (концы каната), мор. сплеснивать ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. жениться; выходить замуж to marry young —- жениться молодым; выйти замуж в молодом возрасте to marry late in life —- поздно жениться; поздно выйти замуж to marry again (a second time) —- еще раз (вторично) выйти замуж или жениться he never married —- он так и не женился they've been married for 10 years —- они уже десять лет как женаты to marry well —- сделать хорошую партию to marry beneath oneself —- вступить в неравный брак, совершить мезальянс to marry money —- выйти замуж за богатого или жениться на богатьй, жениться "на деньгах" to marry a soldier —- выйти замуж за военного to marry each other —- пожениться, сочетаться браком to marry into another village —- выйти замуж за человека из другой деревни 2. женить; выдавать замуж he has 3 daughters to marry —- ему нужно выдать замуж трех дочерей he married his daughter to his friend's son —- он выдал дочь (замуж) за сына своего друга 3. венчать, сочетать браком the priest married them —- священник обвенчал их 4. соединять, сочетать 5. соединяться, сочетаться where the waters of these two rivers marry —- где сливаются воды этих двух рек 6. увлекаться; быть преданным he was married to his work —- он был поглощен своей работой; для него самое главное была работа 7. мор. сплеснивать (канат, концы) Id: marry in haste and repent at leisure —- посл. жениться на скорую руку, да на долгую...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  v.  1) женить (to); выдавать замуж (to); жениться; выходить замуж; - marry into  2) соединять(ся); сочетать(ся) (тж. marry up); Scattered groups of soldiers tried to marry up with each other after the armys defeat.  3) naut. сплеснивать - marry off marry in haste and repent at leisure - жениться на скорую руку, да на долгую муку MARRY a fortune жениться на деньгах MARRY into присоединиться к какой-л. социальной группе или получить что-л., вступив в брак; What luck she had, marrying into money! Many parents want their daughters to marry into a good family. MARRY off женить; выдавать замуж; I shall be glad when the last of my daughters is married off, then I might have some peace of mind. MARRY beneath one вступить в неравный брак ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~ v marries, married, marrying 1 to become someone's husband or wife  (get married (to))  (I got married when I was 18. | Billy got married to the first girl he went out with. | marry sb)  (one of those romances about a rich tycoon who marries his secretary | marry money (=marry someone who is rich)) 2 to perform the ceremony at which two people get married  (The priest who married us was really nice.) 3 to find a husband or wife for one of your children  (marry sb to sb)  (She's determined to marry all her daughters to rich men.) 4 formal to combine two quite different ideas, designs, tastes etc together  (marry sth with sth)  (The design marries traditional styles with modern materials.) 5 not the marrying kind not the kind of person who wants to get married marry into sth phr v to join a family or social group by marrying someone who belongs to it  (She married into a very wealthy family.) marry sb off phr v to find a husband or wife for someone  (They married her off to the first young man who came along.)  ( USAGE NOTE: MARRY GRAMMAR You marry someone or get/are married to someone, not with them. But you can be married with four children. SPOKEN-WRITTEN Get married is more informal and more common in spoken English than marry Marti is getting married to Jeff next week (compare Marti is marrying Jeff next week). In spoken English, speakers often avoid to with married by saying, for example Jeff and Marti got married/are married. ) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1300, from O.Fr. marier, from L. maritare "wed, marry," from maritus "married man, husband," of uncertain origin, perhaps ult. from "provided with a *mari," a young woman. The obsolete oath (M.E.) is the name of the Virgin Mary. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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