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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - last


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(lasts, lasting, lasted) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. You use last in expressions such as last Friday, last night, and last year to refer, for example, to the most recent Friday, night, or year. I got married last July... He never made it home at all last night... It is not surprising they did so badly in last year’s elections. DET 2. The last event, person, thing, or period of time is the most recent one. Much has changed since my last visit... At the last count inflation was 10.9 per cent... I split up with my last boyfriend three years ago... The last few weeks have been hectic. ADJ: det ADJ • Last is also a pronoun. The next tide, it was announced, would be even higher than the last. PRON 3. If something last happened on a particular occasion, that is the most recent occasion on which it happened. When were you there last?... The house is a little more dilapidated than when I last saw it... Hunting on the trust’s 625,000 acres was last debated two years ago. ADV: ADV with v 4. The last thing, person, event, or period of time is the one that happens or comes after all the others of the same kind. This is his last chance as prime minister. ...the last three pages of the chapter... She said it was the very last house on the road... They didn’t come last in their league. ? first ORD • Last is also a pronoun. It wasn’t the first time that this particular difference had divided them and it wouldn’t be the last... The trickiest bits are the last on the list. PRON 5. If you do something last, you do it after everyone else does, or after you do everything else. I testified last... I was always picked last for the football team at school... The foreground, nearest the viewer, is painted last. ADV: ADV after v 6. If you are the last to do or know something, everyone else does or knows it before you. She was the last to go to bed... Riccardo and I are always the last to know what’s going on. PRON: PRON to-inf 7. Last is used to refer to the only thing, person, or part of something that remains. Jed nodded, finishing off the last piece of pizza. ...the freeing of the last hostage. ADJ: det ADJ • Last is also a noun. He finished off the last of the wine... The last of the ten inmates gave themselves up after twenty eight hours on the roof of the prison. N-SING: the N of n 8. You use last before numbers to refer to a position that someone has reached in a competition after other competitors have been knocked out. Sampras reached the last four at Wimbledon. ...the only woman among the authors making it through to the last six. ADJ: det ADJ 9. You can use last to indicate that something is extremely undesirable or unlikely. The last thing I wanted to do was teach... He would be the last person who would do such a thing. ADJ: det ADJ c darkgreen]emphasis • Last is also a pronoun. I would be the last to say that science has explained everything. PRON: PRON to-inf 10. The last you see of someone or the last you hear of them is the final time that you see them or talk to them. She disappeared shouting, ‘To the river, to the river!’ And that was the last we saw of her... I had a feeling it would be the last I heard of him. ? first PRON: the PRON that 11. If an event, situation, or problem lasts for a particular length of time, it continues to exist or happen for that length of time. The marriage had lasted for less than two years... The games lasted only half the normal time... Enjoy it because it won’t last. VERB: V for n, V n, V, also V adv 12. If something lasts for a particular length of time, it continues to be able to be used for that time, for example because there is some of it left or because it is in good enough condition. You only need a very small blob of glue, so one tube lasts for ages... The repaired sail lasted less than 24 hours... The implication is that this battery lasts twice as long as other batteries... VERB: V for n, V n, V adv, also V 13. see also lasting 14. If you say that something has happened at last or at long last you mean it has happened after you have been hoping for it for a long time. I’m so glad that we’ve found you at last!... Here, at long last, was the moment he had waited for... At last the train arrived in the station... = finally PHRASE: PHR with cl 15. You use expressions such as the night before last, the election before last and the leader before last to refer to the period of time, event, or person that came immediately before the most recent one in a series. It was the dog he’d heard the night before last... In the budget before last a tax penalty on the mobile phone was introduced. PHRASE 16. You can use phrases such as the last but one, the last but two, or the last but three, to refer to the thing or person that is, for example, one, two, or three before the final person or thing in a group or series. It’s the last but one day in the athletics programme... The British team finished last but one. PHRASE: PHR n, PHR after v 17. You can use expressions such as the last I heard and the last she heard to introduce a piece of information that is the most recent that you have on a particular subject. The last I heard, Joe and Irene were still happily married. PHRASE: PHR with cl 18. If you leave something or someone until last, you delay using, choosing, or dealing with them until you have used, chosen, or dealt with all the others. I have left my best wine until last... I picked first all the people who usually were left till last. PHRASE: V inflects 19. to have the last laugh: see laugh last-minute: see minute the last straw: see straw last thing: see thing
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   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English l?stan to ~, follow; akin to Old English last footprint  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1. to continue in time  2.  a. to remain fresh or unimpaired ; endure  b. to manage to continue (as in a course of action)  c. to continue to live  transitive verb  1. to continue in existence or action as long as or longer than — often used with out couldn't ~ out the training program  2. to be enough for the needs of the supplies will ~ them a week  Synonyms: see continue  • ~er noun  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English l?ste, from last footprint; akin to Old High German leist shoemaker's ~, Latin lira furrow — more at learn  Date: before 12th century a form (as of metal or p~ic) which is shaped like the human foot and over which a shoe is shaped or repaired  III. transitive verb  Date: circa 1859 to shape with a ~  • ~er noun  IV. adverb  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English latost, superlative of l?t late  Date: before 12th century  1. after all others ; at the end came ~ and left first  2. most lately saw him ~ in Rome  3. in conclusion ~, let's consider the social aspect  V. adjective  Date: 13th century  1.  a. following all the rest he was the ~ one out  b. being the only remaining our ~ dollar  2. belonging to the final stage (as of life) his ~ hours on earth  3.  a. next before the present ; most recent ~ week his ~ book was a failure  b. most up-to-date ; latest it's the ~ thing in fashion  4.  a. lowest in rank or standing; also worst  b. farthest from a specified quality, attitude, or likelihood would be the ~ person to fall for flattery  5.  a. conclusive there is no ~ answer to the problem  b. highest in degree ; supreme, ultimate  c. distinct, separate — used as an intensive ate every ~ piece of food  • ~ly adverb Synonyms:  ~, final, terminal, ultimate mean following all others (as in time, order, or importance). ~ applies to something that comes at the...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. adj., adv., & n. --adj. 1 after all others; coming at or belonging to the end. 2 a most recent; next before a specified time (last Christmas; last week). b preceding; previous in a sequence (got on at the last station). 3 only remaining (the last biscuit; our last chance). 4 (prec. by the) least likely or suitable (the last person I'd want; the last thing I'd have expected). 5 the lowest in rank (the last place). --adv. 1 after all others (esp. in comb.: last-mentioned). 2 on the last occasion before the present (when did you last see him?). 3 (esp. in enumerating) lastly. --n. 1 a person or thing that is last, last-mentioned, most recent, etc. 2 (prec. by the) the last mention or sight etc. (shall never hear the last of it). 3 the last performance of certain acts (breathed his last). 4 (prec. by the) a the end or last moment. b death. Phrases and idioms at last (or long last) in the end; after much delay. last agony the pangs of death. last ditch a place of final desperate defence (often (with hyphen) attrib.). Last Judgement see JUDGEMENT. last minute (or moment) the time just before an important event (often (with hyphen) attrib.). last name surname. last post see POST(3). last rites sacred rites for a person about to die. the last straw a slight addition to a burden or difficulty that makes it finally unbearable. the Last Supper that of Christ and his disciples on the eve of the Crucifixion, as recorded in the New Testament. last thing adv. very late, esp. as a final act before going to bed. the last word 1 a final or definitive statement (always has the last word; is the last word on this subject). 2 (often foll. by in) the latest fashion. on one's last legs see LEG. pay one's last respects see RESPECT. to (or till) the last till the end; esp. till death. Etymology: OE latost superl.: see LATE 2. v.intr. 1 remain unexhausted or adequate or alive for a specified or considerable time; suffice (enough food to last us a week; the battery lasts and lasts). 2 continue for a specified time (the journey lasts an hour)....
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) длиться 2) крайний 3) последний 4) продолжаться 5) прошлый 6) сохраняться Fermat's last theorem — Ферма великая теорема, последняя теорема Ферма in the last analysis — в конце концов last quarter of the moon — последняя четверть луны stock will last — запасов хватит - last but one - last described - last element - last figure - last number - next to last ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) последний; прошлый 2) окончательный; крайний 3) продолжаться; длиться ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. последний, последнее the last Stuart Kings —- последний король династии Стюартов the (this) last —- последний из упомянутых as we said in our last —- как мы указывали в нашем последнем письме her last —- ее младьший (ребенок) 2. остаток the last of wine —- остатки вина these are the last of our apples —- вот все что осталось от наших яблок 3. конец the last of —- конец (года, месяца, недели и т. п.) to see the last of smb., smth. —- видеть кого-л., что-л. в последний раз we have seen the last of him —- мы его больше не увидим 4. конец, смерть; последний час to be faithful to the last —- быть верным до последнего часа (до гроба) he remained impenitent to the last —- он не раскаялся до самого конца (до последнего вздоха) 5. шутка, выдумка, каламбур, оставленные под конец Id: at last —- наконец Id: at (the) long last —- в конце концов Id: till the last —- до конца Id: to hold on to the last —- держаться до конца Id: to fight to the last —- сражаться до конца Id: we shall never hear the last of it —- этому никогда не будет конца Id: to breathe one's last —- испустить последний вздох, умереть 6. последний the last page of book —- последняя страница книги the last carriage of a train —- последний вагон поезда 7. последний (по времени) last but one —- предпоследний last but two —- третий с конца the last day of the year —- последний день в году to see smb. fo the last time —- видеть кого-л....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  night вчера вечером LAST resting-place могила LAST I  1. adj.  1) superl. of late  1.  2) последний; last but not least -  а) хотя и последний, но не менее важный;  б) не самый худший; last but one - предпоследний  3) окончательный  4) прошлый; last year - прошлый год; в прошлом году  5) крайний, чрезвычайный; of the last importance - чрезвычайной важности  6) самый современный; the last word in science - последнее слово в науке; the last thing in hats - самая модная шляпа  7) самый неподходящий, нежелательный; he is the last person I want to see - его я меньше всего хотел бы видеть on ones last legs coll. - при последнем издыхании; в полном изнеможении Syn: see final  2. adv.  1) superl. of late  2.  2) после всех; he came last - он пришел последним  3) в последний раз; when did you see him last? - когда вы его видели в последний раз?  4) на последнем месте, в конце (при перечислении и т.п.)  3. noun  1) что-л. последнее по времени; as I said in my last - как я сообщал в последнем письме; when my last was born - когда родился мой младший (сын); to breathe ones last - испустить последний вздох, умереть  2) конец; the last of amer. - конец (года, месяца и т.п.); at last - наконец; at long last - в конце концов; to the last - до конца; to hold on to the last - держаться до конца; I shall never hear the last of it - это никогда не кончится; to see the last of smb., smth. -  а) видеть...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 determiner 1 most recent; the nearest one to the present time  (I haven't seen you since the last meeting. | last night/week/year etc)  (Did you watch the game on TV last night? | Fashion has changed in the last twenty years. | (the) last time (=the most recentoccasion))  (The last time I spoke to Bob he seemed happy enough.)  (- compare next1 (2)) 2 happening or existing at the end, with no others after  (I didn't read the last chapter of the book. | Anna was the last person to see him alive.) 3 remaining after all others have gone, been used etc  (Is this your last cigarette? | These are the last four birds of their kind still in existence.) 4 the last person/thing a) one that you did not expect at all  (She's the last person I'd expect to meet in a disco.) b) one that you do not want at all, that is most unsuitable etc  (The last thing we wanted was for the newspapers to find out what was going on.) 5 last thing (at night) at the very end of the day  (Take a couple of these pills last thing at night to help you get to sleep.) 6 on your last legs informal a) very tired  (Sarah looks as if she's on her last legs.) b) very ill and likely to die soon 7 on its last legs informal old or in bad condition, and likely to stop working soon  (We'll have to get a new lawn mower this year - the old one is really on its last legs.) 8 have the last word a) to make the last statement in an argument, which gives you an advantage b) to be the person who makes the final decision on something  (The finance committee always has the last word on expenditure.) 9 be the last word in to be the best, most modern, or most comfortable example of something  (It's the last word in luxury holidays.) ~2 adv 1 most recently before now  (When I last saw her, she was working in New York.) 2 after everything or everyone else  (They told me I'd be interviewed last. | Mix together flour, butter, and sugar, and add the eggs last. | last of all (=used when giving a final point or piece of information))  (Last of all, I'd like to thank the catering staff...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом


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