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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - kiss


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(kisses, kissing, kissed) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If you kiss someone, you touch them with your lips to show affection or sexual desire, or to greet them or say goodbye. She leaned up and kissed him on the cheek... Her parents kissed her goodbye as she set off from their home... They kissed for almost half-a-minute... We kissed goodbye. V-RECIP: NON-RECIP: V n, V n n, RECIP: pl-n V, pl-n V n • Kiss is also a noun. I put my arms around her and gave her a kiss... N-COUNT 2. If you say that something kisses another thing, you mean that it touches that thing very gently. The wheels of the aircraft kissed the runway. VERB: V n 3. If you blow someone a kiss or blow a kiss, you touch the palm of your hand lightly with your lips, and then blow across your hand towards the person, in order to show them your affection. Maria blew him a kiss... PHRASE: V inflects 4. If you say that you kiss something goodbye or kiss goodbye to something, you accept the fact that you are going to lose it, although you do not want to. (INFORMAL) I felt sure I’d have to kiss my dancing career goodbye. PHRASE: V inflects
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См. в других словарях

   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English cyssan; akin to Old High German kussen to ~  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1. to touch with the lips especially as a mark of affection or greeting  2. to touch gently or lightly wind gently ~ing the trees  intransitive verb  1. to salute or caress one another with the lips  2. to come in gentle contact  • ~able adjective  II. noun  Date: before 12th century  1. a caress with the lips  2. a gentle touch or contact  3.  a. a small drop cookie made of meringue  b. a bite-size piece of candy often wrapped in paper or foil  4. an expression of affection sent him ~es in her letter ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v. 1 tr. touch with the lips, esp. as a sign of love, affection, greeting, or reverence. 2 tr. express (greeting or farewell) in this way. 3 absol. (of two persons) touch each others' lips in this way. 4 tr. (also absol.) (of a snooker ball etc. in motion) lightly touch (another ball). --n. 1 a touch with the lips in kissing. 2 the slight impact when one snooker ball etc. lightly touches another. 3 a small sweetmeat or piece of confectionery. Phrases and idioms kiss and tell recount one's sexual exploits. kiss a person's arse coarse sl. act obsequiously towards a person. kiss away remove (tears etc.) by kissing. kiss-curl a small curl of hair on the forehead, at the nape, or in front of the ear. kiss the dust submit abjectly; be overthrown. kiss goodbye to colloq. accept the loss of. kiss the ground prostrate oneself as a token of homage. kissing cousin (or kin or kind) a distant relative (given a formal kiss on occasional meetings). kissing-gate Brit. a gate hung in a V- or U-shaped enclosure, to let one person through at a time. kiss of death an apparently friendly act which causes ruin. kiss off sl. 1 dismiss, get rid of. 2 go away, die. kiss of life mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. kiss of peace Eccl. a ceremonial kiss, esp. during the Eucharist, as a sign of unity. kiss the rod accept chastisement submissively. Derivatives kissable adj. Etymology: OE cyssan f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  бирж., нем. сокр. от Kurs information Service System ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  этол. поцелуй (у приматов) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. поцелуй, лобзание chaste kiss —- целомудренный поцелуй kiss of peace —- церк. христосование to give a kiss —- поцеловать she got a kiss —- ее поцеловали he gave her a resounding kiss on the cheek —- он чмокнул ее в щеку to pluck a kiss —- сорвать поцелуй to bestow a kiss —- запечатлеть поцелуй to blow a kiss to smb. —- послать кому-л. воздушный поцелуй to stop smb.'s mouth with a kiss —- зажать кому-л. рот поцелуем to send kisses —- передавать поцелуй (в пиьме) with love and kisses —- люлблю и целую (в конце письма) 2. легкое, ласковое прикосновение (ветерка, волн) 3. легкий удар бильярдных шаров друг о друга 4. безе (пирожное) 5. дет. пена (на молоке); пузырьки (на чае) 6. конфетка 7. обыкн. pl. ист. брызги сургуча (рядом с печатью) 8. поцеловать, облобызать to kiss smb.'s mouth —- поцеловать кого-л. в губы to kiss one's hand to smb. —- послать кому-л. воздушный поцелуй to kiss good night —- поцеловать перед сном; пожелать спокойной ночи to kiss away tears —- осушить (чьи-л.) слезы поцелуями 9. поцеловаться, облобызаться kiss and be friends! —- поцелуйтесь и помиритесь! 10. легко и ласково коснуться (чего-л); ласкаь (что-л) the wind gently kissed the tress —- легкий ветерок пробежал по деревьям the moonbeams kissed the sea —- полоса лунного света легла на море; слегка коснуться один другого (о бильярдных шарах) Id: to kiss...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  of life способ искусственного дыхания (вдувание воздуха изо рта в рот) KISS the book целовать библию при принесении присяги в суде KISS the cup пригубить (чашу); пить, выпивать KISS the dust  а) быть поверженным во прах; пасть ниц; потерпеть поражение  б) быть убитым  в) унижаться, пресмыкаться KISS the ground  а) быть поверженным во прах; пасть ниц; потерпеть поражение  б) быть убитым  в) унижаться, пресмыкаться KISS goodbye  а) поцеловать на прощание  б) примириться с потерей KISS  1. noun  1) поцелуй; лобзание to give a kiss on the cheek - поцеловать в щеку - steal a kiss - snatch a kiss - blow a kiss  2) легкое прикосновение, легкий удар друг о друга (бильярдных шаров)  3) безе (пирожное) - kiss of life  2. v.  1) целовать(ся), поцеловать(ся) to kiss away tears - поцелуями осушить слезы to kiss ones hand to smb. - послать кому-л. воздушный поцелуй  2) слегка коснуться один другого (о бильярдных шарах) - kiss the book - kiss the cup - kiss the dust - kiss the ground - kiss goodbye ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 v 1 to touch someone with your lips as a greeting or to show them love  (They kissed again, passionately. | kiss sb on)  (Did he kiss you on the cheek or on the mouth? | kiss sb goodbye/goodnight etc)  (Kiss Daddy goodnight.) 2 to touch something with your lips as a sign of respect  (She raised the Crucifix to her lips and kissed it.) 3 sb can kiss goodbye to sth/kiss sth goodbye informal used when you think it is certain that someone will lose their chance of getting or doing something  (If you don't work harder you can kiss goodbye to your chances of going to university.) 4 kiss sth away/better spoken an expression meaning to take away the pain of something by kissing someone, used especially with children  (Here, let Mommy kiss it better.) 5 kiss my ass AmE taboo slang an insulting expression used to show that you do not respect someone 6 kiss (sb's) ass AmE taboo slang to be too nice to someone who can give you something you want  (- compare kiss-ass) 7 literary if the wind, sun etc kisses something, it gently moves or touches it kiss up to sb phr v AmE informal to try to please someone in order to get them to do something for you  (That guy got his promotion by kissing up to the boss.) ~2 n 1 an act of kissing  (Do you remember your first kiss? | give sb a kiss)  (Come and give your old Grandma a kiss.) 2 the kiss of death informal something that spoils or ruins a plan, activity etc  (- see also French kiss, kiss of life, blow sb a kiss blow1 (16)) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  hosp. abbr. Keep It Simple And Sequential NASA abbr. Keep It Super Simple transport. abbr. Kids In Safer Seats mil. abbr. Korean Intelligence Support System physics abbr. Keep It Simple Solutions univ. abbr. Keep It Simple Students mathem. abbr. Keep It Simple Series funny abbr. Keep It Simple Sweetie funny abbr. Keep It Simple, Students funny abbr. Keep It Simple Stupid funny abbr. Keep It Simple Stamper adult abbr. Keep It Short Stupid adult abbr. Keep It Sexy Sweetheart adult abbr. Keep It Secure Stupid adult abbr. Keep It Simple, Students adult abbr. Keep It Stupid Simple adult abbr. Keep It Stock Stupid educ. abbr. Keep It Simple Smarty educ. abbr. Kids Inspiring Selfless Service sport abbr. Keep In Swimsuit Shape religion abbr. Knights In Satan's Service religion abbr. Knights In Satans Sevrvice gen. bus. abbr. Keep It Simple And Safe gen. bus. abbr. Keep It Simply Simple gen. bus. abbr. Keep it simple salesman gen. bus. abbr. Keep It Short And Simple gen. bus. abbr. Keep It Simple System gen. bus. abbr. Kurs Information Service System gen. bus. abbr. Keep It Simple For Success bus. prod. abbr. Keep It Small And Simple firm name abbr. Kawaii Ippon Sailor Senshi chat abbr. Kibitz Inquire Surf Steal chat abbr. Keeping It Short And Simple chat abbr. Keep It Simple And Short chat abbr. Keep It Simple Silly ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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