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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - keen


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(keener, keenest) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If you are keen on doing something, you very much want to do it. If you are keen that something should happen, you very much want it to happen. (mainly BRIT) You’re not keen on going, are you?... I’m very keen that the European Union should be as open as possible to trade from Russia... She’s still keen to keep in touch... I am not keen for her to have a bicycle. ADJ: v-link ADJ, ADJ on -ing/n, ADJ that, ADJ to-inf • keenness ...Doyle’s keenness to please. ...a keenness for the idea of a co-ordinated approach to development. = enthusiasm N-UNCOUNT: oft N to-inf 2. If you are keen on something, you like it a lot and are very enthusiastic about it. (mainly BRIT) I got quite keen on the idea... ADJ: v-link ADJ on n • keenness ...his keenness for the arts. N-UNCOUNT 3. You use keen to indicate that someone has a lot of enthusiasm for a particular activity and spends a lot of time doing it. She was a keen amateur photographer. ADJ: ADJ n, v-link ADJ on n/-ing 4. If you describe someone as keen, you mean that they have an enthusiastic nature and are interested in everything that they do. He’s a very keen student and works very hard... = enthusiastic ADJ • keenness ...the keenness of the students. N-UNCOUNT 5. A keen interest or emotion is one that is very intense. He had retained a keen interest in the progress of the work. ADJ: usu ADJ n • keenly She remained keenly interested in international affairs... This is a keenly awaited project. ADV: ADV adj, ADV with v 6. If you are a keen supporter of a cause, movement, or idea, you support it enthusiastically. He’s been a keen supporter of the Labour Party all his life... ADJ: ADJ n 7. If you say that someone has a keen mind, you mean that they are very clever and aware of what is happening around them. They described him as a man of keen intellect... ADJ: ADJ n • keenly They’re keenly aware that whatever they decide will set a precedent. ADV: ADV adj, ADV with v 8. If you have a keen eye or ear, you are able to notice things that are difficult to detect. ...an amateur artist with a keen eye for detail... = sharp ADJ: usu ADJ n • keenly Charles listened keenly. ADV: ADV with v 9. A keen fight or competition is one in which the competitors are all trying very hard to win, and it is not easy to predict who will win. There is expected to be a keen fight in the local elections. ADJ • keenly The contest should be very keenly fought. ADV 10. Keen prices are low and competitive. (mainly BRIT) The company negotiates very keen prices with their suppliers. ADJ • keenly The shops also offer a keenly priced curtain-making service. ADV: ADV -ed 11. If you say that someone is mad keen on something, you are emphasizing that they are very enthusiastic about it. (BRIT INFORMAL) So you’re not mad keen on science then?... PHRASE: v-link PHR, PHR n c darkgreen]emphasis
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   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English kene brave, sharp, from Old English cene brave; akin to Old High German kuoni brave  Date: 13th century  1.  a. having a fine edge or point ; sharp  b. affecting one as if by cutting ~ sarcasm  c. pungent to the sense a ~ scent  2.  a.  (1) showing a quick and ardent responsiveness ; enthusiastic a ~ swimmer  (2) eager was ~ to begin  b. of emotion or feeling intense the ~ delight in the chase — F. W. Maitland  3.  a. intellectually alert ; having or characteristic of a quick penetrating mind a ~ student a ~ awareness of the problem; also shrewdly astute  b. sharply contested ~ debate  c. extremely sensitive in perception ~ eyes  4. wonderful, excellent  Synonyms: see sharp, eager  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun  II. noun  Date: 1830 a lamentation for the dead uttered in a loud wailing voice or sometimes in a wordless cry  III. verb  Etymology: Irish caoinim I lament, weep  Date: 1845  intransitive verb  1.  a. to lament with a ~  b. to make a sound suggestive of a ~  2. to lament, mourn, or complain loudly  transitive verb to utter by ~ing  • ~er noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. adj. 1 (of a person, desire, or interest) eager, ardent (a keen sportsman). 2 (foll. by on) much attracted by; fond of or enthusiastic about. 3 (of the senses) sharp; highly sensitive. 4 intellectually acute. 5 a having a sharp edge or point. b (of an edge etc.) sharp. 6 (of a sound, light, etc.) penetrating, vivid, strong. 7 (of a wind, frost, etc.) piercingly cold. 8 (of a pain etc.) acute, bitter. 9 Brit. (of a price) competitive. 10 colloq. excellent. Derivatives keenly adv. keenness n. Etymology: OE cene f. Gmc 2. n. & v. --n. an Irish funeral song accompanied with wailing. --v. 1 intr. utter the keen. 2 tr. bewail (a person) in this way. 3 tr. utter in a wailing tone. Derivatives keener n. Etymology: Ir. caoine f. caoinim wail ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) интенсивный 2) острый 3) резкий 4) чувствительный ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  прил. 1) сильный, интенсивный 2) острый, резкий - keen competition - keen criticism - keen hunger ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. причитание по покойнику (в Ирландии) to set up a keen for smb. —- причитать по покойнику 2. причитать по покойнику (в Ирландии); вопить; голосить the women were keening —- женщины голосили 3. оплакивать покойника с причитаниями (по ирландским обычаям) 4. острый, остро отточенный, с острым лезвием, краем, концом keen knife —- острый нож keen edge —- острый край; острое лезвие; спец. хорошо режущая кромка keen as a razor —- острый как бритва 5. острый (на вкус); пикантный; пряный dishes with a keen relish —- острые блюда 6. резкий, пронизывающий keen wind —- резкий ветер keen cold —- пронизывающий холод keen frost —- жестокий мороз 7. сильный, острый keen pain —- обстрая боль keen hunger —- мучительный голод keen appetite —- хороший аппетит 8. острый, тонко, остро воспринимающий; обостренный keen sight —- острое зрение keen glance —- проницательный взгляд keen hearing —- тонкий слух keen intellect —- живой ум keen sensibilities —- тонкая чувствительность 9. острый, глубокий keen sorrow —- глубокое горе keen pleasure —- огромное удовольствие keen delight —- пылкий восторг astoundingly keen —- изумительно тонкий 10. напряженный, острый, интенсивный keen fight —- острая борьба keen intellectual exertion —- напряженное умственное усилие keen contest —- трудное состязание 11. едкий, острый,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  pleasure большое удовольствие KEEN pain острая боль KEEN interest живой интерес KEEN hunger сильный голод KEEN I adj.  1) острый  2) резкий, пронзительный; сильный a keen wind - резкий ветер  3) жестокий, трескучий (мороз)  4) проницательный (ум, взгляд)  5) тонкий, острый (слух и т.п.)  6) сильный, глубокий (о чувствах) - keen pleasure  7) сильный, интенсивный - keen pain - keen hunger - keen appetite - keen interest  8) ревностный, энергичный a keen man of business - энергичный деловой человек, способный делец a keen sportsman - страстный спортсмен  9) сильно желающий (чего-л.), стремящийся (к чему-л.) to be (dead) keen on smth. coll. - сильно желать чего-л.; (очень) любить что-л., (страстно) увлекаться чем-л. he is keen on opera - он увлекается оперой I am not very keen on cricket - я не особенный любитель крикета  10) строгий, резкий (о критике и т.п.)  11) трудный, напряженный keen contest - трудное состязание - keen competition  12) низкий, сниженный (о ценах) Syn: acute, astute, penetrating, perspicacious, sharp, shrewd see eager Ant: bland, languid, slow, stupid II irish  1. noun плач, причитание по покойнику  2. v. причитать KEEN appetite хороший аппетит KEEN competition econ. сильная конкуренция ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 adj 1 »INTERESTED/EAGER« especially BrE someone who is keen is very interested in something or is eager to do it  (a keen photographer) + on  (Daniel's very keen on tennis.) keen to do something  (She's out of hospital and keen to get back to work.) 2 »ATTRACTED« especially BrE be keen on sb to be very attracted to someone  (He must be pretty keen on her - they've been dancing all night.) 3 »CLEVER« someone with a keen mind is quick to understand things 4 »COMPETITION« keen competition a situation in which people compete strongly  (We won the contest in the face of keen competition.) 5 »SIGHT/SMELL/HEARING« a keen sense of smell or keen sight or hearing is an extremely good ability to smell etc  (Dogs have a very keen sense of smell.) 6 »SHARP« literary a keen knife or blade is extremely sharp 7 »WIND« old-fashioned a keen wind is cold and strong 8 keen as mustard BrE informal a) extremely eager b) very quick to understand things - keenly adj - keenness n ~2 v old use to sing a loud, sad song for someone who has died ...
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  educ. abbr. Kids Enjoy Exercise Now ...
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