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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - front


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(fronts, fronting, fronted) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. The front of something is the part of it that faces you, or that faces forward, or that you normally see or use. One man sat in an armchair, and the other sat on the front of the desk... Stand at the front of the line... Her cotton dress had ripped down the front. ? back N-COUNT: usu sing, oft the N of n 2. The front of a building is the side or part of it that faces the street. Attached to the front of the house, there was a large veranda. N-COUNT: usu sing, oft the N of n 3. A person’s or animal’s front is the part of their body between their head and their legs that is on the opposite side to their back. If you lie your baby on his front, he’ll lift his head and chest up. ? back N-SING: poss N 4. Front is used to refer to the side or part of something that is towards the front or nearest to the front. I went out there on the front porch... She was only six and still missing her front teeth... Children may be tempted to climb into the front seat while the car is in motion. ? back ADJ: ADJ n 5. The front page of a newspaper is the outside of the first page, where the main news stories are printed. The Guardian’s front page carries a photograph of the two foreign ministers... The violence in the Gaza Strip makes the front page of most of the newspapers. ADJ: ADJ n see also front-page 6. The front is a road next to the sea in a seaside town. (BRIT) Amy went out for a last walk along the sea front. = promenade N-SING: the N 7. In a war, the front is a line where two opposing armies are facing each other. Sonja’s husband is fighting at the front. N-COUNT: usu the N in sing see also front line 8. If you say that something is happening on a particular front, you mean that it is happening with regard to a particular situation or field of activity. We’re moving forward on a variety of fronts. N-COUNT 9. If someone puts on a particular kind of front, they pretend to have a particular quality. Michael kept up a brave front both to the world and in his home... N-COUNT: usu adj N 10. An organization or activity that is a front for one that is illegal or secret is used to hide it. ...a firm later identified by the police as a front for crime syndicates... = cover N-COUNT: usu N for n 11. In relation to the weather, a front is a line where a mass of cold air meets a mass of warm air. A very active cold front brought dramatic weather changes to Kansas on Wednesday. N-COUNT 12. A building or an area of land that fronts a particular place or fronts onto it is next to it and faces it. ...real estate, which includes undeveloped land fronting the city convention center... There are some delightful Victorian houses fronting onto the pavement. ...quaint cottages fronted by lawns and flowerbeds. = face VERB: V n, V onto n, V-ed 13. The person who fronts an organization is the most senior person in it. (BRIT; in AM, use head) He fronted a formidable band of fighters... The commission, fronted by Sir Isaac Hayatali, was set up in June 1992. = head VERB: V n, V-ed 14. If a person or thing is in front, they are ahead of others in a moving group, or further forward than someone or something else. Officers will crack down on lunatic motorists who speed or drive too close to the car in front... ‘What’s with this guy?’ demanded an American voice in the row in front. PHRASE 15. Someone who is in front in a competition or contest at a particular point is winning at that point. Richard Dunwoody is in front in the jockeys’ title race... Some preliminary polls show him out in front. = leading PHRASE: PHR after v, v-link PHR 16. If someone or something is in front of a particular thing, they are facing it, ahead of it, or close to the front part of it. She sat down in front of her dressing-table mirror to look at herself... Something darted out in front of my car, and my car hit it... A police car was parked in front of the house. PREP-PHRASE 17. If you do or say something in front of someone else, you do or say it when they are present. They never argued in front of their children... He has been brought up not to swear in front of women. PREP-PHRASE 18. On the home front or on the domestic front means with regard to your own country rather than foreign countries. (JOURNALISM) Its present economic ills on the home front are largely the result of overspending... On the domestic front, the president got his way with his budget proposals. PHRASE: PHR with cl
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   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French frunt, ~, from Latin ~-, frons  Date: 13th century  1.  a. forehead; also the whole face  b. external and often feigned appearance especially in the face of danger or adversity  2.  a.  (1) vanguard  (2) a line of battle  (3) a zone of conflict between armies  b.  (1) a stand on an issue ; policy  (2) an area of activity or interest progress on the educational ~  (3) a movement linking divergent elements to achieve common objectives; especially a political coalition  3. a side of a building; especially the side that contains the principal entrance  4.  a. the forward part or surface  b.  (1) ~age  (2) a beach promenade at a seaside resort  c. dickey 1a  d. the boundary between two dissimilar air masses  5. archaic beginning  6.  a.  (1) a position ahead of a person or of the foremost part of a thing  (2) — used as a call by a hotel desk clerk in summoning a bellhop  b. a position of leadership or superiority  7.  a. a person, group, or thing used to mask the identity or true character or activity of the actual controlling agent  b. a person who serves as the nominal head or spokesman of an enterprise or group to lend it prestige  II. verb  Date: 1523  intransitive verb  1. to have the ~ or principal side adjacent to something; also to have ~age on something a ten-acre plot ~ing on a lake — Current Biography  2. to serve as a ~ ~ing for special interests  transitive verb  1.  a. con~ went to the woods because I wished…to ~ only the essential facts of life — H. D. Thoreau  b. to appear before daily ~ed him in some fresh splendor — Alfred Tennyson  2.  a. to be in ~ of a lawn ~ing the house  b. to be the leader of (a musical group) appeared as a soloist and ~ed bands  3. to face toward or have ~age on the house ~s the street  4. to supply a ~ to ~ed the building with bricks  5.  a. to articulate (a sound) with the tongue farther forward  b. to move (a word or phrase) to the...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n., adj., & v. --n. 1 the side or part normally nearer or towards the spectator or the direction of motion (the front of the car; the front of the chair; the front of the mouth). 2 any face of a building, esp. that of the main entrance. 3 Mil. a the foremost line or part of an army etc. b line of battle. c the part of the ground towards a real or imaginary enemy. d a scene of actual fighting (go to the front). e the direction in which a formed line faces (change front). 4 a a sector of activity regarded as resembling a military front. b an organized political group. 5 a demeanour, bearing (show a bold front). b outward appearance. 6 a forward or conspicuous position (come to the front). 7 a a bluff. b a pretext. 8 a person etc. serving to cover subversive or illegal activities. 9 (prec. by the) the promenade of a seaside resort. 10 Meteorol. the forward edge of an advancing mass of cold or warm air. 11 (prec. by the) the auditorium of a theatre. 12 a a face. b poet. or rhet. a forehead. 13 a the breast of a man's shirt. b a false shirt-front. 14 impudence. --attrib.adj. 1 of the front. 2 situated in front. 3 Phonet. formed at the front of the mouth. --v. 1 intr. (foll. by on, to, towards, upon) have the front facing or directed. 2 intr. (foll. by for) sl. act as a front or cover for. 3 tr. furnish with a front (fronted with stone). 4 tr. lead (a band). 5 tr. a stand opposite to, front towards. b have its front on the side of (a street etc.). 6 tr. archaic confront, meet, oppose. Phrases and idioms front bench Brit. the foremost seats in Parliament, occupied by leading members of the government and opposition. front-bencher Brit. such a member. front door 1 the chief entrance of a house. 2 a chief means of approach or access to a place, situation, etc. front line Mil. = sense 3 of n. front-line States countries in Southern Africa bordering on and opposed to South Africa. front man a person acting as a front or cover. front matter Printing the title-page, preface, etc. preceding the text proper. front office a main...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) фасад; лицевая сторона; передняя сторона выходить фасадом (на что-л.) 2) фронт работ 3) горн. забой 4) метео фронт фронтальный 5) фронт (импульса) 6) швейн. полочка, передняя деталь - front of mobile phase - front of neck - front of tooth - front of train - active front - boiler front - climatological front - cold front - condensation front - connector front - crack front - crystallization front - density front - depolarization front - detonation front - diffused front - diffuse front - false front - flame front - flank front - fly front - fully fused front - gust front - high front - ice front - impulse front - incident wave front - occluded front - phase front - plane detonation front - principal front - prop-free front - pseudocold front - quasi-stationary front - quench front - ragged dryout front - reflected wave front - secondary front - shelf water front - shock front - solidification front - solvent front - squall front - static flame front - steam front - subsurface front - suction front - surface front - surface temperature front - thermal front - thundery front - upper front - upwelling front - warm front - wave front - winter front ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  фасад; лицевая сторона забой фронт (напр. волны) freezing front ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  фронт (импульса) – unobstructed wave front ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) носочный 2) передний 3) передняя часть 4) передок 5) титульный 6) торцевой 7) торцовый 8) фас 9) фасад 10) фронт 11) фронтальный at the right front — справа спереди front of acting benches — фронт работ действующих уступов front of strip mine — фронт работ карьера front of working face — очистный фронт uniform-phase wave front — волновой фронт с постоянной фазой - Mach front - cold front - compression front - flame front - from the front - front axle - front effect - front entrance - front face - front lens - front matter - front on - front page - front projection - front side - front view - in front of - ionization front - polar front - pressure front - rarefaction front - steep front - thundery front - warm front - wave front ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  передний; лицевой; перед ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  см. frons ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. перед; передняя сторона look to your front —- смотри вперед the table of contents is in the front of the book —- оглавление находится в начале книги front armour —- воен. лобовая броня 2. передний план to come to the front —- выйти на передний план, выдвинуться; обратить на себя внимание. занять ведущее место; бросаться в глаза to bring to the front —- выявлять; делать очевидным; способствовать развитию, продвижению 3. фасад; (лицевая) сторона the fine front of a house —- красивый фасад дома 4. что-л, служащее фасадом, прикрытием (для нелегальной организации); "крыша" front man —- подставное лицо front organization —- организация, служащая вывеской (для нелегальной деятельности) 5. ритор. лоб, чело; лик 6. разг. лицо front to front —- лицом к лицу 7. воен. фронт at the front —- на фронте to go to the front —- идти на фронт to be invalided back from the front —- вернуться с фронта инвалидом front line —- линия фронта, передний край 8. фронт, объединение, сплоченность the people's front —- народный фронт united front —- единый фронт 9. прибрежная полоса 10. набережная; приморский бульвар to walk on the front —- прогуливаться по набережной 11. накрахмаленная манишка 12. накладка из волос false front —- челка-накладка из чужих волос 13. грудь и передние лапы (у животного) 14. зрительный зал;...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  vowels гласные переднего ряда FRONT  1. noun  1) фасад; передняя сторона чего-л. to come to the front - выдвинуться a car stopped in front of the house - перед домом остановилась машина in front of smb. s eyes - на чьих-л. глазах dont say it in front of the children - не говори об этом при детях - in front of  2) mil. фронт; передовые позиции  3) фронт, сплоченность (перед лицом врага) united front - единый фронт popular (the peoples) front - народный фронт  4) poet. лицо, лик; чело  5) накладка из волос  6) накрахмаленная манишка  7) набережная; приморский бульвар to have the front to do smth. - иметь наглость сделать что-л. to present/show a bold front - не падать духом to put a bold front on it - проявить мужество  2. adj.  1) передний  2) phon. переднеязычный - front vowels - front bench  3. v.  1) выходить на; быть обращенным к the house fronts on/towards the sea - дом выходит на море  2) противостоять FRONT bench министерская скамья в английском парламенте или скамья, занимаемая лидерами оппозиции в парламенте [см. front-bencher ] FRONT door парадный вход FRONT elevation фасад; вид спереди (на чертеже) FRONT page noun  1) титульный лист  2) первая полоса (в газете) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 n 1 »GROUP/LINE« the front the front of a group or line of people or things is the position that is furthest forward in the direction that they are facing or moving + of  (She always sits at the front of the class. ) in/at the front  (I think I can see them, they're right at the front. | the front of the line/queue/crowd)  (TV reporters shoved their way to the front of the crowd.) 2 »FORWARD SIDE/SURFACE« the front the side or surface of something that is in the direction that it faces or moves + of  (Where did that scratch on the front of my car come from?)  (- compare rear1 (1)) 3 the front the most important side or surface of something, that you look at first  (on the front)  (Get a postcard with a picture of our hotel on the front of it.) + of  (She's on the front of the Radio Times.)  (- opposite back1 (2), -compare rear1 (1)) 4 »BUILDINGS« the front the most important side, where you go in 5 »BOOK« the front the first pages 6 in front of sth a) near the side of something that is in the direction that it faces or moves  (right in front of the car)  (- opposite behind1 (1)) b) near the side of a building where you go in  (She parked in front of the office.) 7 in front of sb a) ahead of someone, in the direction that they are facing or moving  (Come out here in front of the class.) b) if you say or do something in front of someone you do it where they can see or hear you  (Don't swear in front of the children!) c) if you have problems or difficulties in front of you, you will soon need to deal with them 8 in front a) in the most forward or leading position; ahead  (Mrs Ramsay's horse was well in front. | He drove straight into the car in front.)  (- compare behind1 (1)) b) in the area nearest the most forward part of something, or the entrance to a building 9 out front also out the front/out in front BrE the area near the entrance to a building  (Hurry up! The taxi is out front.) 10 in/up front also in the front especially BrE in the part of a car where the driver sits  ("Get in the car, kids." "Can I...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  See: IN FRONT OF. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - c.1300, from O.Fr. front "forehead, brow," from L. frontem (nom. frons) "forehead." Sense of "foremost part of anything" developed in L.; military sense was in M.E.; sense of "public facade" is from 1891; meteorological sense first recorded 1921. Front-runner is 1914, a metaphor from racing. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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