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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - feed


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(feeds, feeding, fed) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you feed a person or animal, you give them food to eat and sometimes actually put it in their mouths. We brought along pieces of old bread and fed the birds... In that part of the world you can feed cattle on almost any green vegetable or fruit... He spooned the ice cream into a cup and fed it to her. VERB: V n, V n on/with n, V n to n, also V pron-refl • Feed is also a noun. (mainly BRIT) She’s had a good feed. N-COUNT • feeding The feeding of dairy cows has undergone a revolution. N-UNCOUNT 2. To feed a family or a community means to supply food for them. Feeding a hungry family can be expensive . ...a food reserve large enough to feed the Sudanese population for many months. VERB: V n, V n 3. When an animal feeds, it eats or drinks something. After a few days the caterpillars stopped feeding... Slugs feed on decaying plant and animal material. VERB: V, V on/off n 4. When a baby feeds, or when you feed it, it drinks breast milk or milk from a bottle. When a baby is thirsty, it feeds more often... I knew absolutely nothing about handling or feeding a baby. VERB: V, V n 5. Animal feed is food given to animals, especially farm animals. The grain just rotted and all they could use it for was animal feed. ...poultry feed. N-MASS: usu n N 6. To feed something to a place, means to supply it to that place in a steady flow. ...blood vessels that feed blood to the brain. ...gas fed through pipelines. VERB: V n prep, V n prep 7. If you feed something into a container or piece of equipment, you put it into it. She was feeding documents into a paper shredder. VERB: V n prep 8. If someone feeds you false or secret information, they deliberately tell it to you. He was surrounded by people who fed him ghastly lies... At least one British officer was feeding him with classified information. VERB: V n n, V n with n, also V n to n 9. If you feed a plant, you add substances to it to make it grow well. Feed plants to encourage steady growth. VERB: V n 10. If one thing feeds on another, it becomes stronger as a result of the other thing’s existence. The drinking and the guilt fed on each other. VERB: V on n 11. To feed information into a computer means to gradually put it into it. An automatic weather station feeds information on wind direction to the computer. VERB: V n into/to n 12. to bite the hand that feeds you: see bite mouths to feed: see mouth
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   I. verb  (fed; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English feden, from Old English fedan; akin to Old English foda food — more at food  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to give food to  b. to give as food  2.  a. to furnish something essential to the development, sustenance, maintenance, or operation of reading ~s the mind  b. to supply (material to be operated on) to a machine  3. to produce or provide food for  4.  a. satisfy, gratify  b. support, encourage  5.  a.  (1) to supply for use or consumption  (2) channel, route  b.  (1) to supply (a signal) to an electronic circuit  (2) to send (as by wire or satellite) to a transmitting station for broadcast  6. to supply (a fellow actor) with cues and situations that make a role more effective  7. to pass a ball or puck to (a teammate) especially for a shot at the goal  intransitive verb  1.  a. to consume food ; eat  b. prey — used with on, upon, or off  2. to become nourished or satisfied or sustained as if by food  3.  a. to become channeled or directed  b. to move into a machine or opening in order to be used or processed  II. noun  Date: 1576  1.  a. an act of eating  b. meal; especially a large meal  2.  a. food for livestock; specifically a mixture or preparation for ~ing livestock  b. the amount given at each ~ing  3.  a. material supplied (as to a furnace or machine)  b. a mechanism by which the action of ~ing is effected  c. the motion or process of carrying forward the material to be operated upon (as in a machine)  d. the act or process of ~ing a signal (as an audio or video transmission); also the signal being fed  4. the action of passing a ball or puck to a team member who is in position to score ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v. (past and past part. fed) 1 tr. a supply with food. b put food into the mouth of. 2 tr. a give as food, esp. to animals. b graze (cattle). 3 tr. serve as food for. 4 intr. (usu. foll. by on) (esp. of animals, or colloq. of people) take food; eat. 5 tr. nourish; make grow. 6 a tr. maintain supply of raw material, fuel, etc., to (a fire, machine, etc.). b tr. (foll. by into) supply (material) to a machine etc. c intr. (often foll. by into) (of a river etc.) flow into another body of water. d tr. insert further coins into (a meter) to continue its function, validity, etc. 7 intr. (foll. by on) a be nourished by. b derive benefit from. 8 tr. use (land) as pasture. 9 tr. Theatr. sl. supply (an actor etc.) with cues. 10 tr. Sport send passes to (a player) in a ball-game. 11 tr. gratify (vanity etc.). 12 tr. provide (advice, information, etc.) to. --n. 1 an amount of food, esp. for animals or infants. 2 the act or an instance of feeding; the giving of food. 3 colloq. a meal. 4 pasturage; green crops. 5 a a supply of raw material to a machine etc. b the provision of this or a device for it. 6 the charge of a gun. 7 Theatr. sl. an actor who supplies another with cues. Phrases and idioms feed back produce feedback. feed the fishes 1 meet one's death by drowning. 2 be seasick. feeding-bottle a bottle with a teat for feeding infants. feed up 1 fatten. 2 satiate (cf. fed up (see FED)). Derivatives feedable adj. Etymology: OE fedan f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) подача; питание; снабжение; подвод подавать; питать; снабжать; подводить 2) загрузка загружать 3) загрузочный материал; сырьё, исходный материал; хим. исходная реакционная смесь 4) заготовка, раскат (в прокатке) 5) питатель; подающий механизм; устройство подачу; оргтех., полигр. самонаклад 6) возбуждение; питание; подача (энергии) 7) система возбуждения, питания или подачи (энергии); связь возбудитель 8) облучатель (антенны) облучать 9) фидер, питающая линия; линия передачи 10) пищ. корм кормить(ся) 11) кормление 12) порция корма 13) петлеобразующая система (трикотажной машины) 14) швейн. продвижение, подача ткани продвигать, подавать (ткань) 15) швейн. двигатель ткани 16) загустевать (о лакокрасочных материалах) to feed back — 1. отводить назад, направлять в обратную сторону 2. передавать (сигналы) по каналу обратной связи 3. пищ. заворачивать продукт на одну из предшествующих операций; to feed into — вводить; to feed off — 1. сматывать (канат с барабана) 2. подавать бурильную компоновку (за счёт массы бурильной колонны) 3. электрон. подпитывать - advanced perfotape feed - all-in-one feed - antenna feed - array feed - automatic feed - back separation feed - bar feed - bar-mill feed - belt feed - blended feed - bottom feed - car feed - card feed -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  подача (материала, рабочего органа и т. п.) механизм подачи cold feed drill feed forced feed gravity feed hot feed pneumatic feed pressure feed water feed ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) (электро)питание; (электро)снабжение 2) возбуждение (антенны) 3) облучатель (антенны) 4) протягивание (бумаги или магнитной ленты) 5) лентопротяжный механизм, ЛПМ – antenna feed – commercial satellite-dish feed – conicoid feed – double-end feed – dual-beam retrofit multisatellite feed – form feed – line feed – loop feed – main feed – paper feed – parallel feed – point feed – pure-mode feed – serial feed – tape feed – two-way feed – waveguide feed ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) барабанный 2) загрузочный 3) задающий 4) корм 5) с.-х. кормовой 6) кормораздаточный 7) котловой 8) механизм подачи 9) питание 10) питательный 11) питать 12) питающий 13) подавать 14) подача 15) подающий 16) подвод 17) поддув 18) раскат 19) расходный 20) сырьевой automatic feed mechanism — механизм автоматической подачи clean cracking feed — дистиллятное сырье для крекинга control feed cylinder — загрузочный цилиндр depth feed motion — движение подачи на глубину feed control valve — питательный клапан feed drive cylinder — цилиндр привода питателя feed index plate — таблица установки подач feed punch cards — подавать перфокарты feed water heater — водонагреватель paper-machine feed vat — машинный бассейн pressurized fuel feed — вытеснительная подача топлива pump fuel feed — подача топлива насосом slurry feed for thickener — пульпа для сгустителя - agitator feed - antenna feed - automatic feed - call feed - cup feed - feed a line - feed box - feed chamber - feed control - feed cook-house - feed cup - feed current - feed cylinder - feed distributor - feed drill - feed elevator - feed fuel - feed gear-box - feed hopper - feed mix problem - feed naphtha - feed opening - feed pellet - feed pipe-line - feed plate - feed pulp - feed pump - feed rate - feed reversal - feed roll - feed roller - feed shaft - feed slurry - feed spool - feed sprocket - feed tank - feed tray - feed unit - feed water - feed wheel - feed wire - formula feed - fuel feed - gravity feed - hand feed - line feed - magazine feed - overfire feed - parallel feed - pelletized feed - power feed - pressure feed - process...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) питание, кормление 2) пища, корм 3) фураж 4) пастбище - be at feed 2. гл. 1) питать(ся), кормить(ся) 2) пасти(сь) 3) задавать корм FEED 1) подача; питание; подавать; питать 2) подающий механизм ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) корм; кормить 2) см. feeding – combined feed – dry feed – pelleted feed ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. питание, кормление let the horse have a feed —- покормите лошадь 2. корм; фураж feed for pigs —- корм для свиней feed bunk —- кормушка feed crop —- кормовая культура feed grinder —- дробилка для кормов, кормодробилка feed meal —- кормовая мука feed mill —- кормодробилка; комбикормовый завод feed oats —- фуражный (кормовой) овес feed processing room —- кормоприготовительное помещение, кормокухня, кормоцех feed steaming plant —- кормозапарник 3. порция, дача (корма) how many feeds a day does a dog get? —- сколько раз в день кормят собаку? 4. разг. пища, еда to have a good feed —- наесться до отвала that certainly was a swell feed! —- вот это было угощение так угощение! 5. выгон, пастбище to be out at feed —- быть на подножном корму 6. тех. питание, загрузка feed box —- загрузочная воронка, загрузочный ковш 7. подача материала feed box —- коробка подач (станка) feed mark —- след от подачи, "рябь" feed spool —- кин. подающая или верхняя бобина 8. подаваемый материал Id: to be off one's feed —- лишиться аппетита; быть в подавленном настроении (в унынии); плохо себя чувствовать, прихворнуть Id: on the feed —- в поисках пищи (о рыбе) 9. кормить, давать пищу (кому-л.) to feed a baby at the breast —- кормить ребенка грудью to feed oneself —- есть (самостоятельно) the invalid is too weak to feed himself —- больной слишком слаб,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) питание, кормление  2) пища; обильная еда  3) корм, фураж  4) порция, дача (корма)  5) obs. пастбище, выгон - out at feed  6) tech. подача материала, питание; поданный материал  7) attr. кормовойComb - feed crop  8) attr. загрузочный feed box tech. - коробка подач to be off ones feed - не иметь аппетита  2. v.; past and past part. fed  1) питать(ся); кормить(ся) (тж. feed off) The animals can easily feed off the floor. These little bears feed off the leaves of this special tree.  2) пасти(сь); задавать корм  3) поддерживать; снабжать топливом, водой, сырьем (машину и т.п.) (into, to) - feed back - feed down - feed on - feed upon - feed up - feed suspicions to feed on the fat of ones memory использовать ресурсы своей памяти FEED back возвращать The salesmen feed back information to the firm about its sales. FEED crop agric. кормовая культура FEED down использовать (землю как пастбище) FEED on  а) питать(ся) чем-л. These bears feed on the leaves of this special tree.  б) принимать, получать удовлетворение от чего-л. The singer feeds on admiration from the public. FEED suspicions подогревать подозрения FEED up откармливать, усиленно питать The farmer is feeding up the chickens for Christmas. FEED upon питать(ся) чем-л. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 past tense and past participle fed ~ v 1 »GIVE FOOD« a) to give food to a person or animal  (Have you fed the cat? | He's so old and ill he can't feed himself any more. | feed sth to sb)  (Feed the food to the baby in small pieces. | feed sb on sth)  (Most people feed parrots on nuts.) b) to provide enough food for a group of people  (You can't feed a family of five on $100 a week.) 2 »PLANT« to give a special substance to a plant which makes it grow  (Feed the tomatoes once a week.) 3 »ANIMAL/BABY« if a baby or an animal feeds, they eat  (Frogs generally feed at night.)  (- see also feed on sth feed1) 4 »SUPPLY STH« to supply something such as fuel1 (1) or information to someone or something  (feed sth with)  (The carburettor has to keep feeding the cylinders with petrol. | feed sth into)  (The data is then fed into a computer. | feed sth to sb)  (US intelligence had been feeding false information to a KGB agent.) 5 »PUSH STH THROUGH« to gradually push or put something such as a tube or a wire through a small hole  (feed sth into/through)  (The tube was fed down through the patient's throat into her stomach.) 6 feed sb's guilt/vanity/paranoia etc to do something that makes someone feel more guilty etc  (You shouldn't say that, you'll only feed his paranoia.) 7 feed lines/jokes to sb to say things to another performer so that they can make jokes 8 well-fed/under-fed/poorly-fed having plenty of food or not enough food  (exhausted, under-fed children) 9 feed your face informal to eat a lot of food 10 feed sb a line informal to tell someone something which is not true so that they will do what you want  (She tried to feed him a line about unexpected expenses.) 11 feed a meter to keep putting money into a machine so that you can have electricity, park your car etc  (- see also breast­feed, force­feed, spoon­feed, mouth to feed mouth1 (9)) feed off sth phr v 1 if an animal feeds off something, it gets food from it  (The pigeons feed off our neighbour's crops.) 2 an insulting way of saying that someone...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  media abbr. Fast Electronic Entertainment Distribution educ. abbr. Food Education Every Day ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом


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