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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - condition


Связанные словари


(conditions, conditioning, conditioned) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If you talk about the condition of a person or thing, you are talking about the state that they are in, especially how good or bad their physical state is. He remains in a critical condition in a California hospital... The two-bedroom chalet is in good condition... You can’t drive in that condition. N-SING: also no det, with supp 2. The conditions under which something is done or happens are all the factors or circumstances which directly affect it. This change has been timed under laboratory conditions... The mild winter has created the ideal conditions for an ant population explosion. N-PLURAL: usu with supp 3. The conditions in which people live or work are the factors which affect their comfort, safety, or health. People are living in appalling conditions... He could not work in these conditions any longer... N-PLURAL: usu with supp 4. A condition is something which must happen or be done in order for something else to be possible, especially when this is written into a contract or law. ...economic targets set as a condition for loan payments. ...terms and conditions of employment... Egypt had agreed to a summit subject to certain conditions. = requirement N-COUNT: with supp 5. If someone has a particular condition, they have an illness or other medical problem. Doctors suspect he may have a heart condition. = complaint, disorder N-COUNT: usu with supp 6. If someone is conditioned by their experiences or environment, they are influenced by them over a period of time so that they do certain things or think in a particular way. We are all conditioned by early impressions and experiences... You have been conditioned to believe that it is weak to be scared... I just feel women are conditioned into doing housework. ...a conditioned response. VERB: usu passive, be V-ed, be V-ed to-inf, be V-ed into -ing/n, V-ed • conditioning Because of social conditioning, men don’t expect themselves to be managed by women. N-UNCOUNT 7. To condition your hair or skin means to put something on it which will keep it in good condition. ...a protein which is excellent for conditioning dry and damaged hair. VERB: V n 8. If you say that someone is in no condition to do something, you mean that they are too ill, upset, or drunk to do it. She was clearly in no condition to see anyone. = unfit PHRASE: v-link PHR, usu PHR to-inf 9. When you agree to do something on condition that something else happens, you mean that you will only do it if this other thing also happens. He spoke to reporters on condition that he was not identified. PHRASE 10. If someone is out of condition, they are unhealthy and unfit, because they do not do enough exercise. He was too out of condition to clamber over the top. = unfit PHRASE: usu v-link PHR 11. in mint condition: see mint
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   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English condicion, from Anglo-French, from Latin condicion-, condicio terms of agreement, ~, from condicere to agree, from com- + dicere to say, determine — more at diction  Date: 14th century  1.  a. a premise upon which the fulfillment of an agreement depends ; stipulation  b. obsolete covenant  c. a provision making the effect of a legal instrument contingent upon an uncertain event; also the event itself  2. something essential to the appearance or occurrence of something else ; prerequisite: as  a. an environmental requirement available oxygen is an essential ~ for animal life  b. the subordinate clause of a ~al sentence  3.  a. a restricting or modifying factor ; qualification  b. an unsatisfactory academic grade that may be raised by doing additional work  4.  a. a state of being the human ~  b. social status ; rank  c. a usually defective state of health a serious heart ~  d. a state of physical fitness or readiness for use the car was in good ~ exercising to get into ~  e. plural attendant circumstances poor living ~s  5.  a. obsolete temper of mind  b. obsolete trait  c. plural, archaic manners, ways  II. verb  (~ed; ~ing)  Date: 15th century  intransitive verb archaic to make stipulations  transitive verb  1. to agree by stipulating  2. to make ~al  3.  a. to put into a proper state for work or use  b. air-~  4. to give a grade of ~ to  5.  a. to adapt, modify, or mold so as to conform to an environing culture traditional beliefs ~ing a child's attitude  b. to modify so that an act or response previously associated with one stimulus becomes associated with another  • ~able adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a stipulation; something upon the fulfilment of which something else depends. 2 a the state of being or fitness of a person or thing (arrived in bad condition; not in a condition to be used). b an ailment or abnormality (a heart condition). 3 (in pl.) circumstances, esp. those affecting the functioning or existence of something (working conditions are good). 4 archaic social rank (all sorts and conditions of men). 5 Gram. a clause expressing a condition. 6 US a subject in which a student must pass an examination within a stated time to maintain a provisionally granted status. --v.tr. 1 a bring into a good or desired state or condition. b make fit (esp. dogs or horses). 2 teach or accustom to adopt certain habits etc. (conditioned by society). 3 govern, determine (his behaviour was conditioned by his drunkenness). 4 a impose conditions on. b be essential to (the two things condition each other). 5 test the condition of (textiles etc.). 6 US subject (a student) to re-examination. Phrases and idioms conditioned reflex a reflex response to a non-natural stimulus, established by training. in (or out of) condition in good (or bad) condition. in no condition to certainly not fit to. on condition that with the stipulation that. Etymology: ME f. OF condicion (n.), condicionner (v.) or med.L condicionare f. L condicio -onis f. condicere (as com-, dicere say) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) условие обусловливать 2) состояние поддерживать (приводить в) определённое состояние 3) положение; ситуация 4) мн. ч. режим 5) мн. ч. параметры 6) кондиционировать 7) выдерживать (напр, древесину) 8) горн. подвергать обработке реагентами перед флотацией 9) текст. испытывать степень влажности 10) пищ. поддерживать свежее состояние или заданную влажность продукта conditions beyond the experience — условия (полёта), выходящие за рамки опыта (пилота); condition for continuity — условие непрерывности - condition of indeterminacy - condition of static equilibrium - abnormal operating conditions - accident condition - actual operating conditions - added-value condition - adjoint boundary condition - adverse conditions - airworthy condition - alert condition - ambient conditions - anticipated operating conditions - application conditions - as-cast condition - as-deposited condition - as-drawn condition - as-extruded condition - as-forged condition - as-received condition - as-rolled condition - as-welded condition - asymmetrical conditions - asynchronous condition - atmospheric conditions - average operating conditions - balanced conditions - beet cutting conditions - boundary condition - breaking conditions - burning conditions - busy condition - characteristic condition - chemistry conditions - close conditions - cold furnace condition - compatibility condition - conjugating boundary condition - consistency condition - contact conditions - continuity condition - continuous conditions - controlled conditions - controlled atmosphere conditions - cost optimum condition - crack arrest conditions - crack extension conditions - crew physical condition - criticality conditions - current yield condition -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  условие состояние in operating condition in traveling condition conditions of contract conditions of exposure condition of instability conditions of the bid conditions of the natural environment condition of tipping abnormal service conditions adiabatic conditions adverse conditions aggressive atmospheric conditions air conditions ambient conditions anticipated loading conditions applied bounding conditions as-is condition assumed loading conditions basic condition blocked condition boundary conditions comfort conditions compatibility conditions consistent condition continuity condition controlled condition controlled factory conditions design conditions edge condition ellipticity condition end conditions environmental conditions equilibrium conditions expected conditions exposure conditions external conditions failure condition field conditions fixed-end condition frozen ground condition general conditions general conditions of contract groundwater conditions health conditions indoor conditions initial conditions internal conditions loading conditions loading conditions on beams mobile condition no-slip condition occupational safety conditions operating condition original condition outdoor conditions outside weather conditions overconsolidated condition plane stress condition real conditions of end restraint reference conditions restraint conditions room air conditions safe operating conditions service conditions severe climatic conditions site conditions slum condition soil condition space air conditions special load conditions specific dangerous working conditions specified conditions stability condition standard rating conditions steady-state condition stress condition sufficient condition supplementary general conditions support conditions sustained loading conditions ultimate load conditions uniform ellipticity condition ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) условие 2) состояние – alarm condition – amplitude condition – bus condition – cold conditions – design conditions – disabled condition – initial condition – insignificant condition – limit conditions – modulation conditions – nonzero condition – overload condition – phase condition – reference reception conditions – search condition – service conditions – significant condition – stable condition – zero condition ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) обстановка; положение; ситуация 2) условие обусловливать, ставить условия 3) состояние приводить в определённое состояние 4) кондиция 5) кондиционировать condition for continuity — условие непрерывности condition for convergence — условие сходимости condition for maximum — условие максимума on condition that — при условии, что reduction to reference condition — приведение к заданным условиям split boundary condition — расщеплённое граничное условие test for engaged condition — проверка занятости this condition cannot be dispensed with — без этого условия обойтись нельзя this condition holds — это условие выполняется this condition is met — это условие выполняется this condition is ruled out — это условие не выполняется this condition is violated — это условие нарушается this condition works — это условие выполняется to condition pulp — корректировать пульпу to condition water — обрабатывать воду to establish a condition — задать условие - Chapman-Jouguet condition - Von Neumann condition - a priori condition - abnormal condition - admissibility condition - angular condition - annihilator condition - antipole condition - as-delivered condition - associativity condition - asymptotic condition - bichain condition - boiling condition - boundary condition - boundedness condition - characteristic condition - closure condition - coerciveness condition - compatible conditions - complementing condition - condition of adequacy - condition of boundedness - condition of cohesion - condition of equilibrium - condition of finitude - condition of indecomposability - condition of...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  I сущ. а)общ. условия (положение, состояние, условия: обстановка, в которой происходит, протекает что-либо; также социальное положение) See: living conditions - жилищные условия б) общ. условие (основа, предпосылка чего-либо) condition of the victory - условие победы в) общ. условие (требование, выдвигаемое кем-либо, от выполнения которого зависит какой-либо договор, соглашение с кем-либо) to accept a condition - принимать условия г) общ. условие (обязательство, соглашение между кем-либо, определяющее действия сторон) See: conditions of delivery conditions of sales д) юр., торг., брит. условие (также называется "существенное условие": согласно закону "О продаже товаров" 1979 г., регулирующему договор о продаже товаров в системе английского права, положение договора, нарушение которого дает право расторгнуть договор) See: Sale of Goods Act 1979 contract of sale of goods fundamental terms innominate terms warranty 4) CONDITION 1. сущ. 1) условие 2) состояние, положение 3) общественное положение • - Financial condition - acceptable conditions - additional condition - better the existing conditions - business conditions - condition of entry - condition of the market - condition precedent - condition subsequent - credit condition - economic conditions - error condition - general conditions - implied-in-fact condition - in good condition - in good condition - lay down conditions - living conditions - market condition - market conditions - meet the...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) условие 2) состояние 3) кондиционировать – adverse conditions – ambient conditions – anoxic conditions – boundary conditions – climatic conditions – controlled conditions – culture conditions – environmental conditions – favorable conditions – initial conditions – light conditions – living conditions – morbid condition – nonpermissive conditions – outdoor conditions – palmella condition – permissive conditions – selective conditions – starting conditions – stationary conditions – unfavorable conditions ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. состояние, положение condition of the track —- спорт. состояние дорожки in good condition —- годный к употреблению (о пище) to be in condition —- быть в хорошем состоянии the house is in a terrible condition —- дом в ужасном состоянии the goods arrived in good condition —- товары доставлены в хорошем состоянии the patient is in a critical condition —- сщстояние больного критическое he is in no condition to travel —- он не в состоянии путешествовать 2. преим. с-х. кондиция to lose condition —- терять кондицию 3. pl. обстоятельства, условия climatic conditions —- климатические условия conditions of flight —- метеор. условия полета conditions of life, living conditions —- условия жизни under existing conditions —- при существующих обстоятельствах to better conditions —- улучшить условия труда и т. п. 4. обыкн. pl. тех. режим (работы) 5. условие, оговорка to meet the conditions —- выполнять условия to lay down conditions —- формулировать условия conditions of sales —- условия продажи on condition (that)... —- при условии, что... on what condition will you agree? —- при каких условиях вы согласитесь? to make it a condition that... —- ставить условием, что... 6. юр. условие, клаузула, оговорка в документе estate upon condition —- условное владение 7. общественное положение to live beyond one's condition —- жить не по средствам men of all conditions, people of every condition of life —- люди всякого звания 8....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  the team sport подготавливать, тренировать команду CONDITION to приспосабливать A child born in the far north is soon conditioned to the long cold dark winters. CONDITION  1. noun  1) условие - on condition - upon condition  2) состояние, положение in (out of) condition - в хорошем (плохом) состоянии (тж. о здоровье) - in good condition  3) pl. обстоятельства; обстановка under such conditions - при таких обстоятельствах - international conditions  4) общественное положение humble condition of life - скромное положение men of all conditions - люди всякого звания - change ones condition  5) amer. переэкзаменовка; зачет/экзамен, не сданный в срок, хвост  2. v.  1) ставить условия, обусловливать choice is conditioned by supply - выбор обусловлен предложением  2) испытывать (напр., степень влажности шелка, шерсти и т.п.)  3) улучшать состояние - condition the team  4) улучшать (породу скота)  5) кондиционировать (воздух)  6) принимать меры к сохранению чего-л. в свежем состоянии  7) amer. сдавать переэкзаменовку  8) amer. принимать или переводить с переэкзаменовкой - condition to ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 n 1 »STATE« the state that something is in + in  (What sort of condition is your new house in?) + of  (The garden was in a condition of total neglect.) be in good/bad/perfect/awful etc condition  (The car has been well maintained and is in excellent condition. | in that condition spoken (=in a bad state))  (You can't wear a jacket in that condition!) 2 conditions plural a) the situation in which people live or work, especially the physical things such as pay or food that affect the quality of their lives  (working/driving/living etc conditions)  (Poor working conditions lead to demoralized and unproductive employees. | under excellent/terrible etc conditions)  (The people are living in makeshift tents under the most appalling conditions.) b) the weather at a particular time, especially when you are considering how this will affect you  (Police are advising people to stay at home until weather conditions improve. | freezing/stormy/icy conditions)  (Blizzard conditions are making the roads extremely hazardous.) c) all the things that affect the way something happens  (The experiment must be done under laboratory conditions.) 3 »AGREEMENT/CONTRACT« something that is stated in a contract or agreement that must be done  (Have you read the conditions of employment carefully?) + for  (There were strict conditions for letting us use their information.) lay down/impose conditions (=state what must be done)  (The allies laid down several conditions for their continued support. | meet/satisfy a condition (=obey what is demanded by a condition))  (The bank agreed to extend the loan if certain conditions were met. | under the conditions of sth)  (Under the conditions of the agreement the work must be completed by the end of the month. | on condition that/on one condition (=only if a particular thing happens))  (Ron lent me the money on condition that I pay it back next month.) 4 »STH THAT MUST BE DONE« something that must happen first before something else can happen + for/of  (Finance ministers claimed that all the...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - early 14c., from O.Fr. condition, from L. condicionem (nom. condicio) "agreement, situation," from condicere "to speak with, talk together," from com- "together" + dicere "to speak." Evolution of meaning through "stipulation, condition," to "situation, mode of being." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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