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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - compensation


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(compensations) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Compensation is money that someone who has experienced loss or suffering claims from the person or organization responsible, or from the state. He received one year’s salary as compensation for loss of office... The Court ordered Dr Williams to pay ?300 compensation and ?100 costs after admitting assault. N-UNCOUNT 2. If something is some compensation for something bad that has happened, it makes you feel better. Helen gained some compensation for her earlier defeat by winning the final open class... Despite a reduction in earnings there are compensations in moving to the north-east where the quality of life is excellent... N-VAR: oft N for n/-ing
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См. в других словарях

   noun  Date: 14th century  1.  a. the act of compensating ; the state of being compensated  b. correction of an organic defect or loss by hypertrophy or by increased functioning of another organ or unimpaired parts of the same organ  c. a psychological mechanism by which feelings of inferiority, frustration, or failure in one field are counterbalanced by achievement in another  2.  a.  (1) something that constitutes an equivalent or recompense age has its ~s  (2) payment to unemployed or injured workers or their dependents  b. payment, remuneration working without ~  • ~al adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. 1 a the act of compensating. b the process of being compensated. 2 something, esp. money, given as a recompense. 3 Psychol. a an act of compensating. b the result of compensating. 4 US a salary or wages. Phrases and idioms compensation pendulum Physics a pendulum designed to neutralize the effects of temperature variation. Derivatives compensational adj. Etymology: ME f. OF f. L compensatio (as COMPENSATE) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) компенсация 2) коррекция 3) выравнивание; уравнивание 4) превосходство факторов выживания (организма) над факторами гибели - air speed compensation - automatic level compensation - automatic servo compensation - automatic tool compensation - axis compensation - backlash compensation - bass compensation - bias compensation - capacitive compensation - character compensation - charge compensation - color compensation - common-mode compensation - compass compensation - correct compensation - cutter compensation - dispersion compensation - distortion compensation - doping compensation - Doppler compensation - drift compensation - exposure compensation - fading compensation - feedback compensation - frequency compensation - high-frequency compensation - image-motion compensation - impurity compensation - inductive compensation - inherent compensation - lag compensation - lead compensation - look-ahead cutter compensation - low-frequency compensation - mirror compensation - motion blur compensation - numerical compensation - offset temperature compensation - optical compensation - parallax compensation - phase compensation - power factor compensation - pressure compensation - reactive power compensation - reactive shunt compensation - rotary-head compensation - series compensation - stack compensation - taper compensation - tone compensation - tool compensation - tool diameter compensation - tool length compensation - tool nose radius compensation - tool position compensation - tool radius compensation - tool-tip feedback compensation - tool-tip-radius compensation - tool-wear compensation - treble compensation - velocity error compensation - velocity compensation - work measurement/automatic compensation ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  компенсация, коррекция – adaptive compensation – automatic bass compensation – bass compensation – cascade compensation – correct compensation – Doppler-shift compensation – drop-out compensation – feedback compensation – gamma compensation – high-frequency compensation – low-frequency compensation – motion compensation – tandem compensation ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) вознаграждение 2) компенсация 3) компенсационная выплата 4) компенсирование, уравнивание - band compensation - barometric compensation - color compensation - compass compensation - compensation of loss - high-frequency compensation - inductive drop compensation - low-frequency compensation ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) компенсация; коррекция; выравнивание; возмещение (убытков, ущерба) 2) вознаграждение – compensation for damages – just compensation COMPENSATION сущ. 1) вознаграждение, возмещение, компенсация 2) амер. жалование, заработная плата • - adequate compensation - amount of compensation - average compensation - basis for compensation - claim compensation - claim for compensation - claim for compensation for damages - commission compensation commission - compensation award - compensation claim - compensation for damage - compensation for injury - compensation for loss of earnings - compensation for loss or damage - compensation for losses - compensation for travelling expenses - compensation fund - compensation in the amount of... - compensation in the sum of... - compensation insurance - compensation of employees - compensation of expenditure - compensation of - compensation on a claim - compensation order - compensation paid - compensation payments - compensation to employees - cost of compensation - deferred compensation - just compensation - payment of compensation - unemployment compensation Syn: consideration, remuneration, smart money, indemnification, quid pro quo COMPENSATION сущ. сокр. comp 1) а) эк., юр. возмещение, компенсация, вознаграждение (денежная сумма или иной актив, передаваемые лицу, права которого были нарушены, пострадавшему лицу и т. д.) payment of compensation — выплата компенсации compensation for damage — компенсация ущерба compensation for losses — компенсация убытков compensation for travelling expenses — возмещение транспортных расходов compensation in the amount sum of… — компенсация вознаграждение в сумме … compensation...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  компенсация – ambient-temperature compensation – dosage compensation ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. возмещение, компенсация to make compensation for smth. —- заплатить компенсацию за что-л claim for compensation —- иск о возмещении убытков by way of compensation —- в качестве компенсации compensation for injury —- компенсация за увечье his hearing has became acute in compensation for loss of sight —- потеря зрения у него компенсируется слухом 2. вознаграждение; жалование, денежное вознаграждение the compensation of employees —- выплаты служащим 3. спец. балансирование; уравновешивание 4. спец. уравнивание; компенсация compensation gear —- авт. дифференциал, дифференциальная передача compensation winding —- эл. уравнительная обмотка 5. физиол. мед. восстановление, уравновешивание, компенсация compensation disturbance —- мед. расстройство (нарушение) компенсации 6. психол. компенсирующее поведение his hearty manner was a compensation for his feeling of insecurity —- за его непринужденным поведением скрывалось чувство неуверенности 7. рад. коррекция, компенсация ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun  1) вознаграждение  2) возмещение, компенсация - make compensation for  3) tech. уравновешивание; уравнивание; компенсация ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~ n 1 money that someone pays you because they have harmed or hurt you in some way + for  (compensation for injuries at work) in compensation  (The plane was cancelled, and all we got in compensation was a free meal. | as compensation)  (The workers were given 30 days' pay as compensation. | pay sb compensation)  (The idea is that criminals should pay compensation to their victims. | seek/claim compensation (=ask officially for compensation) | award/grant compensation (=pay compensation))  (The court awarded Jamieson $30,000 compensation.) 2 something that makes a sad or an unpleasant situation better or happier  (One of the few compensations of being unemployed was seeing more of the family. | by way of compensation (=in order to make a situation better))  (By way of compensation he offered to take her out for a meal.) 3 actions, behaviour etc that replace or balance something that is lacking + for  (Linda's aggressiveness is really just a compensation for her feelings of insecurity.) as compensation  (Lip reading can act as compensation for loss of hearing.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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