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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - cock


Связанные словари


(cocks, cocking, cocked) 1. A cock is an adult male chicken. (mainly BRIT; in AM, use rooster) The cock was announcing the start of a new day. N-COUNT 2. You refer to a male bird, especially a male game bird, as a cock when you want to distinguish it from a female bird. (mainly BRIT) ...a cock pheasant. N-COUNT: oft N n 3. A man’s cock is his penis. (INFORMAL, VERY RUDE) N-COUNT 4. see also stopcock 5. to cock a snook at someone: see snook
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См. в других словарях

   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English cok, from Old English cocc, of imitative origin  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. the adult male of the domestic chicken (Gallus gallus)  b. the male of birds other than the domestic chicken  c. wood~  d. archaic the crowing of a ~; also ~crow  e. weather~  2. a device (as a faucet or valve) for regulating the flow of a liquid  3.  a. a chief person ; leader  b. a person of spirit and often of a certain swagger or arrogance  4.  a. the hammer in the lock of a firearm  b. the ~ed position of the hammer  5. usually vulgar penis  II. verb  Date: 1575  intransitive verb  1. strut, swagger  2. to turn, tip, or stick up  3. to position the hammer of a firearm for firing  transitive verb  1.  a. to draw the hammer of (a firearm) back and set for firing; also to set (the trigger) for firing  b. to draw or bend back in preparation for throwing or hitting a quarterback ~ing his arm ~ a bat  c. to set a mechanism (as a camera shutter) for tripping  2.  a. to set erect a dog with one ear ~ed  b. to turn, tip, or tilt usually to one side ~ one's head  3. to turn up (as a hat brim)  III. noun  Date: 1717 tilt, slant ~ of the head  IV. noun  Etymology: Middle English cok; akin to German dialect Kocke pile  Date: 14th century a small pile (as of hay)  V. transitive verb  Date: 14th century to put (as hay) into ~s ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a a male bird, esp. of a domestic fowl. b a male lobster, crab, or salmon. c = WOODCOCK. 2 Brit. sl. (usu. old cock as a form of address) a friend; a fellow. 3 coarse sl. the penis. 4 Brit. sl. nonsense. Usage In senses 3, 4 usually considered a taboo word. 5 a a firing lever in a gun which can be raised to be released by the trigger. b the cocked position of this (at full cock). 6 a tap or valve controlling flow. --v.tr. 1 raise or make upright or erect. 2 turn or move (the eye or ear) attentively or knowingly. 3 set aslant, or turn up the brim of (a hat). 4 raise the cock of (a gun). Phrases and idioms at half cock only partly ready. cock-a-doodle-doo a cock's crow. cock-and-bull story an absurd or incredible account. cock crow dawn. cocked hat a brimless triangular hat pointed at the front, back, and top. cock-fight a fight between cocks as sport. cock-fighting this sport. cock-of-the-rock a S. American bird, Rupicola rupicola, having a crest and bright orange plumage. cock-of-the-walk a dominant or arrogant person. cock-of-the-wood 1 a capercaillie. 2 US a red-crested woodpecker. cock-shy 1 a a target for throwing at with sticks, stones, etc. b a throw at this. 2 an object of ridicule or criticism. cock a snook see SNOOK(1). cock sparrow 1 a male sparrow. 2 a lively quarrelsome person. cock up Brit. sl. bungle; make a mess of. cock-up n. Brit. sl. a muddle or mistake. knock into a cocked hat defeat utterly. Etymology: OE cocc and OF coq prob. f. med.L coccus 2. n. & v. --n. a small pile of hay, straw, etc. with vertical sides and a rounded top. --v.tr. pile into cocks. Etymology: ME, perh. of Scand. orig. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) кран (напр. водопроводный); краник; вентиль 2) запускать механизм 3) взводить поглощающий стержень (ядерного реактора) 4) с.-х. стог; копна стоговать; складывать в копны cock discharges into return line — кран выпускает среду в отводную линию; cock discharges outside — кран выпускает среду наружу; cock galls — кран схватывает; cock teaks — кран пропускает среду, кран течёт; cocksticks — кран прикипает; to mount cock on line — присоединять кран к трубопроводу - air cock - angle cock - ball cock - bib cock - blowoff cock - corporation cock - coupler-joined cock - coupling cock - curb cock - cutout cock - discharge cock - draw cock - drip cock - emergency cock - fire cock - flanged cock - gage cock - gear-operated cock - gland cock - hose cock - Kelly stop cock - Kelly cock - lifting-plug cock - lubricating cock - nongland cock - oil-level cock - pet cock - plug cock - pressure-release cock - sampling cock - shutoff cock - sill cock - steam-jacketed cock - straight-through cock - stuffing cock - threaded-end cock - three-way cock - vent cock - water-gage cock - welding-end cock ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  водоразборный кран запорный кран; вентиль air cock воздушный (воздуховыпускной, деаэрационный) кран пневмовентиль air-relief cock angle cock balancing plug cock ball cock bib cock diverter cock drain cock draw cock draw-off cock fire cock gauge cock gland cock hose cock inspection cock pet cock plug cock radiator vent cock sill cock stop cock straight way cock test cock three-way cock through-way cock T-port cock ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) кран; краник; вентиль 2) взводить (спусковой механизм) 3) курок 4) куча сваливать в кучу 5) с.-х. стог стоговать (сено) - angle cock - balance cock - pallet cock - pressure-release cock - shut-off cock - water-gauge cock ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) петух; самец у птиц 2) самец у некоторых рыб или крупных ракообразных – cock of the wood – heath cock – snow cock – water cock ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. петух fighting cock —- бойцовый петух 2. самец (преим. птицы) the cock bird of this species —- самец этого вида птиц cock turkey —- индюк cock lobster —- самец омара cock duck —- селезень 3. петушиный крик 4. флюгер 5. разг. драчун, забияка; заводила; вожак cock of the school —- первый драчун в школе 6. курок at full cock —- взведенный (о курке) at half cock —- на предохранительном взводе 7. выразительный жест, движение with a knowing cock of his eye to his neighbour —- многозначительно взглянув на соседа 8. кран 9. спец. зажим для трубки (лабораторный) 10. сторожок (весов) 11. стрелка (солнечных часов) 12. ав. сиденье летчика 13. затычка 14. деревянный шип, нагель 15. шпонка 16. груб. половой член 17. груб. друг (обращение мужчины к мужчине) listen, cock —- послушай друг old cock —- дружище, старина 18. (-cock) как компонент сложных слов со значением: самец птицы woodcock —- тетерев peacock —- павлин Id: red cock —- "красный петух", пожар Id: cock of the walk, cock of the dunghill —- важная персона, местный заправила; хозяин положения Id: to live like a fighting cock —- жить в роскоши Id: to knock into a cock —- избить, изуродовать; разбить в пух и прах Id: that cock won't fight! —- этот номер не пройдет! Id: a cock is valiant on his own dunghill —- на своей навозной куче и петух храбрец; всяк кулик на своем болоте велик Id: as the old cock...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  sparrow noun  1) воробей-самец  2) забияка, задира COCK ones pistol взводить курок пистолета COCK ones hat заламывать шляпу набекрень COCK of the wood тетерев, глухарь COCK up sl. портить, напортачить He really cocked it up that time. to cock ones eye подмигнуть; взглянуть многозначительно to cock ones nose задирать нос, важничать II  1. noun стог  2. v. складывать сено в стога COCK suf. в сложных словах означает самца птиц COCK of the school первый коновод и драчун в школе COCK I  1. noun  1) петух - cock of the wood  2) самец (птицы)  3) петушиный крик (на заре) we sat till the second cock - мы сидели до вторых петухов  4) кран  5) флюгер  6) курок - at full cock  7) сторожок (весов); стрелка (солнечных часов)  8) aeron. сиденье летчика  9) вожак, коновод - cock of the school  10) rude половой член cock of the walk coll. -  а) хозяин положения;  б) важная персона, местный заправила to live like a fighting cock - жить припеваючи - old cock that cock wont fight этот номер не пройдет  2. v. поднимать to cock (up) ones ears - настораживать уши (о животном); навострить уши, насторожиться - cock ones hat - cock ones pistol - cock up ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 n 1 »CHICKEN« especially BrE an adult male chicken; rooster AmE  (- see also cock-a-doodle-doo) 2 »SEX ORGAN« taboo a penis 3 cock and bull story a story or excuse that is silly and unlikely but is told as if it were true  (She gave me some cock and bull story about the dog eating her homework.) 4 »CONTROL FLOW« something that controls the flow of liquid out of a pipe or container; tap1 (1)  (- see also ballcock, stopcock) 5 »MALE BIRD« an adult male bird of any kind  (a cock robin) 6 »MAN« BrE old-fashioned a word used by a man when talking to another man he knows well. 7 cock of the walk old-fashioned if you describe someone as behaving like the cock of the walk, they are behaving as if they were better or more important than other people  (- see also half cocked half2 (11)) ~2 v 1 to lift a part of your body so that it is upright, or hold a part of your body at an angle  (Paul cocked his head to one side as he considered my idea. | The little dog cocked a leg against the lamppost and urinated.) 2 to pull back the hammer1 (5) of a gun so that it is ready to be fired 3 to put your hat on at an angle; tilt1 (1) 4 keep an ear cocked informal to pay close attention because you want to be sure you hear something you expect or think may happen  (She kept an ear cocked for the sound of Joe's key in the front door.) 5 cock a snook BrE informal to show clearly that you do not respect someone or something + a  (The artist cocked a snook at the critics by exhibiting an empty frame.) cock sth up phr v BrE informal to spoil something such as an arrangement or plans, especially by making a stupid mistake  (His secretary really cocked up his travelling schedule and he's furious about it.)  (- see also cock-up) cock fight ~ n a sport, illegal in many countries, in which two male chickens are made to fight - cockfighting n ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  funny abbr. Chamber Of Clark Kent ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом


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