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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - class


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(classes, classing, classed) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. A class is a group of pupils or students who are taught together. He had to spend about six months in a class with younger students... Reducing class sizes should be a top priority. N-COUNT 2. A class is a course of teaching in a particular subject. He acquired a law degree by taking classes at night... I go to dance classes here in New York. = lesson N-COUNT: oft n N 3. If you do something in class, you do it during a lesson in school. There is lots of reading in class. N-UNCOUNT: in N 4. The students in a school or university who finish their course in a particular year are often referred to as the class of that year. These two members of Yale’s Class of ’57 never miss a reunion. N-SING: N of date 5. Class refers to the division of people in a society into groups according to their social status. ...the relationship between social classes... ...the characteristics of the British class structure. N-VAR see also chattering classes, middle class, upper class, working class 6. A class of things is a group of them with similar characteristics. ...the division of the stars into six classes of brightness. N-COUNT: usu N of n 7. If someone or something is classed as a particular thing, they are regarded as belonging to that group of things. Since the birds inter-breed they cannot be classed as different species... I class myself as an ordinary working person... I would class my garden as medium in size... Malaysia wants to send back refugees classed as economic migrants. VERB: be V-ed as n/adj, V pron-refl as n, V n as adj/n, V-ed 8. If you say that someone or something has class, you mean that they are elegant and sophisticated. (INFORMAL) He’s got the same style off the pitch as he has on it–sheer class. N-UNCOUNT c darkgreen]approval 9. see also business class, first-class, second-class, third-class, top-class, world-class 10. If someone is in a class of their own, they have more of a particular skill or quality than anyone else. If something is in a class of its own, it is better than any other similar thing. As a player, he was in a class of his own. PHRASE: usu v-link PHR
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   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: French ~e, from Latin ~is group called to military service, fleet, ~; perhaps akin to Latin calare to call — more at low  Date: 1602  1.  a. a body of students meeting regularly to study the same subject  b. the period during which such a body meets  c. a course of instruction  d. a body of students or alumni whose year of graduation is the same  2.  a. a group sharing the same economic or social status the working ~  b. social rank; especially high social rank  c. high quality ; elegance a hotel with ~  3. a group, set, or kind sharing common attributes: as  a. a major category in biological taxonomy ranking above the order and below the phylum or division  b. a collection of adjacent and discrete or continuous values of a random variable  c. set 21  4. a division or rating based on grade or quality  5. the best of its kind the ~ of the league  6. a data type in object-oriented programming that consists of a group of objects with the same properties and behaviors and that is arranged in a hierarchy with other such data types — compare object  II. transitive verb  Date: 1705 ~ify ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 any set of persons or things grouped together, or graded or differentiated from others esp. by quality (first class; economy class). 2 a a division or order of society (upper class; professional classes). b a caste system, a system of social classes. c (the classes) archaic the rich or educated. 3 colloq. distinction or high quality in appearance, behaviour, etc.; stylishness. 4 a a group of students or pupils taught together. b the occasion when they meet. c their course of instruction. 5 US all the college or school students of the same standing or graduating in a given year (the class of 1990). 6 (in conscripted armies) all the recruits of a given year (the 1950 class). 7 Brit. a division of candidates according to merit in an examination. 8 Biol. a grouping of organisms, the next major rank below a division or phylum. --v.tr. assign to a class or category. Phrases and idioms class-conscious aware of and reacting to social divisions or one's place in a system of social class. class-consciousness this awareness. class-list Brit. a list of candidates in an examination with the class achieved by each. class war conflict between social classes. in a class of (or on) its (or one's) own unequalled. no class colloq. lacking quality or distinction. Etymology: L classis assembly ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  класс; разряд; категория классифицировать - accuracy class - application class - chemical class - clean room class - constancy class - contamination class - cutting class - diesel class - dimming class - dyeing class - felling class - growth class - interrupt class - job class - train class - wear resistance classes - yield class ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  класс, разряд, категория class N. class of builders' plant class of buildings class of fire class of loading class of work grade class strength class ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) класс, ступень 2) категория обслуживания – class of service – adjacent class – emission class – office class – priority-access class – radio-center class – servicing class ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) класс; разряд; категория классифицировать 2) качеств; сорт 3) класс, группа (в учебном заведении) 4) курс лекций, курс обучения the senior class — последний год обучения - abstract class - abstraction class - adjoint class - almost universal class - ambiguous class - ambivalent class - approximation of function class - atomic class - attainable class - autodual class - autoequivalence class - axiomatizable class - basic elementary class - birational class - bordism class - canonical class - canonically enumerable clas - categorical class - central class - characteristic class - chromatic class - class of accuracy - class of classes - class of finite subclasses - class of game - class of ship - class of singularity - closed class - cobordism class - cohomology class - combinatorial class - compatible class - complete class - completely simple class - complex characteristic class - complex class - complexity class - compression of class - conceptual class - conditional class - conformal class - conjugacy class - consistent class - constructible class - contiguity class - continuous class - contraction of class - contradictory class - contrahomology class - convergence class - countable class - crystal class - cyclic class - cyclotomic class - deformation class - density class - denumerable class - development class - dichotomy class - directed class - discrete class - disjunctively valid class - divergence class - divisor class - elementarily closed class - elementary class - enumerably infinite class - equational class - equationally definable class - equationally defined class - ergodic class - essential class - essentially complete class - exceptional class - existential class - exponential class - extensional class - factor class - final class - finite class - finitely axiomatizable class - functional class - fundamental class - general recursive class - generalized inductive class - generalized orientation class -...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) (classification) классификация 2) класс, разряд; категория; классифицировать 3) раздел – class in the International Patent Classification – class of copyrightable material – class of goods – class of patentable subject-matter – class of uncopyrightable material – class of unpatentable subject-matter – amended class – auxiliary class – main class – patent class – Patent Office class – secondary class – statutory class of invention CLASS сущ. 1) а) обр. учебная группа, класс б) обр. занятие, урок; занятия; курс обучения лекций to take classes in cookery — учиться на курсах кулинарии When is class? — Когда начало занятий? 2) соц. класс (совокупность индивидов, занимающих определенное положение в социально-экономической системе (напр., средний класс, рабочий класс и т. п.)) Syn: "social class See: "working class, "middle class 3) а) общ. класс, разряд, категория ship's class — класс судна б) трансп. класс (на железной дороге, судах) to travel first class — ездить первым классом I travel economy class because it is cheaper. — Я езжу экономическим классом, поскольку это дешевле. в) общ. сорт, качество first-class wine — первоклассное вино, вино высшего качества г) фин. класс (ценных бумаг) (ценные бумаги со сходными характеристиками (напр., акции и облигации — основные классы, подклассы — обыкновенные и привилегированные акции, обеспеченные и необеспеченные облигации и т. д.))...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  класс; группа – class of events – age class – association class – codominant crown class – crown class – dominance class – frequency class – modal class – open-ended class – quality class – recombination class – site class – year class ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. (общественный) класс the working class —- рабочий класс the middle class —- полит-эк. буржуазия; среднее сословие; средний слой общества the upper class —- аристократия, дворянство; высшее сословие, высшие слои общества; крупная буржуазия lower middle class —- мелкая буржуазия; низы среднего класса; мещанство, мещане landed classes —- помещики, землевладельцы 2. редк. имущие классы the classes and masses —- все слои общества to back the masses against the classes —- поддерживать трудящихся в борьбе против имущих 3. классовый class society —- классовое общество class struggle —- классовая борьба class differences —- классовые различия class alien —- классово чуждый элемент 4. класс; разряд; группа; категория; вид, род ship's class —- класс судна classes of weight —- спорт. весовые категории open class —- спорт. свободный класс class of fit —- тех. тип посадки two classes of poets —- поэты двух родов different classes of intellect —- разный склад ума a good class of man —- порядочный человек a poor class of house —- плохой дой the best class of hotel —- первоклассная гостиница, гостиница высшего разряда in a class by itself —- единственный в своем роде; неподражаемый, неповторимый, незаменимый 5. класс (поезда, парохода) to travel first class —- ездить первым классом 6. мор. тип (корабля) 7. сорт, качество first class —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  alien классово чуждый элемент CLASS of problems круг вопросов CLASS I  1. noun (общественный) класс - working class - middle class - upper class - the classes  2. adj. классовый - class alien II  1. noun  1) класс; разряд; группа; категория - class of problems  2) сорт, качество in a class by itself - первоклассный - it is no class  3) biol. класс  4) класс (в школе) the top of the class - первый ученик (в классе)  5) время начала занятий (в школе) when is class? - когда начинаются занятия?  6) курс (обучения) - take classes in  7) amer. выпуск (студентов или учащихся такого-то года)  8) отличие - get a class - obtain a class  9) класс (на железной дороге, пароходе) to travel third class - ездить в третьем классе  10) mil. призывники одного и того же года рождения the 1957 class - призывники 1957 года (рождения)  11) naut. тип корабля Syn: caste, estate, order  2. adj. классный  3. v.  1) классифицировать  2) распределять отличия (в результате экзаменов) Tompkins obtained a degree, but was not classed - Томпкинс получил степень, но без отличия  3) составить себе мнение, оценить - class with CLASS with ставить наряду с чем-л. I would class Toms latest book with the best crime stories ever written. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 n 1 »IN A SOCIETY« a) one of the groups in a society that people can be divided into according to their jobs, income, the kind of family they have etc  (the professional classes | class differences/distinctions/privileges etc)  (Class divisions are as evident in Britain today as ever.)  (- see also lower-class, middle-class, upper-class, working-class) b) the system in which people are divided into such groups  (class system)  (The old class system is slowly disappearing.) 2 »GROUP OF STUDENTS« a group of pupils or students who are taught together  (We're in the same class in math. (also + plural v BrE))  (My class are going on an outing to the Lake District.) 3 »TEACHING PERIOD« a period of time during which someone teaches a group of people, especially in a school; lesson (2) BrE  (in class (=during the class))  (No talking in class! | take a class BrE (=teach a class) | geography/French/cooking class (=a period of time during which a particular subject is taught)) 4 »LESSONS« AmE a set of classes you attend in order to study a particular subject; course1 (3) BrE  (a class in photography at night school) 5 »COLLEGE« especially AmE a group of students who finished studying together in the same year  (I missed a semester and couldn't graduate with my class. | the class of 1965/1973 etc)  (The class of '69 spent almost as much time protesting as learning.) 6 »OF ANIMALS/PLANTS ETC« a group of people, animals, or other things that can be considered or studied together because they are similar in some way 7 »QUALITY« a group into which people or things are divided according to their quality  (You get a nicer class of people living in this area. | in a class of its own (=used to say someone or something is excellent))  (Your mother's cooking is in a class of its own. | not in the same class (=not as good as someone or something))  (He's not in the same class as her at tennis.)  (- see also business-class, cabin-class, club-class, economy-class, first-class, high-class, low-class, second-class,...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  st. & loc. abbr. Committee For Law Abiding State Senators mil. abbr. Closed Loop Artillery Simulation System ocean sc. abbr. cross-chain LORAN atmospheric sounding system telec. abbr. Custom Local Area Signaling Services telec. abbr. Cell Level Atm Services Simulator file ext. abbr. Java bytecode (compiled class - application) educ. abbr. Connecting Learning Assures Successful Students educ. abbr. Connecting Learning And Accountability For Students And Schools educ. abbr. Connected Learning Assures Student Success educ. abbr. Clustered Learning For Academic Student Success educ. abbr. Connected Learning Assures Students Success religion abbr. Christian Leaders Authors Speakers Services conf. abbr. Christian Leaders And Speakers Seminar ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 1602, from Fr. classe, from L. classis, one of the six orders into which Servius Tullius divided the Roman people for the purposes of taxation, traditionally originally "the people of Rome under arms," and thus akin to calare "to call (to arms)." School and university sense (1656) is from the notion of a form or lecture reserved to a certain level of scholars. Natural history sense is from 1753. Meaning "a division of society according to status" is from 1772. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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