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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - brake


Связанные словари


(brakes, braking, braked) 1. Brakes are devices in a vehicle that make it go slower or stop. The brakes began locking... A seagull swooped down in front of her car, causing her to slam on the brakes. N-COUNT 2. When a vehicle or its driver brakes, or when a driver brakes a vehicle, the driver makes it slow down or stop by using the brakes. She braked sharply to avoid another car... He lit a cigarette and braked the car slightly... She braked to a halt and switched off. VERB: V, V n, V to n, also V n to n 3. You can use brake in a number of expressions to indicate that something has slowed down or stopped. Illness had put a brake on his progress... N-COUNT
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См. в других словарях

   I. archaic past of break  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English, fern, probably back-formation from ~n bracken  Date: 14th century the common bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum)  III. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Middle Low German; akin to Old English brecan to break  Date: 15th century  1. a toothed instrument or machine for separating out the fiber of flax or hemp by breaking up the woody parts  2. a machine for bending, flanging, folding, and forming sheet metal  IV. noun  Etymology: Middle English -~  Date: 1562 rough or marshy land overgrown usually with one kind of plant  • braky adjective  V. noun  Etymology: perhaps from obsolete ~ bridle  Date: circa 1782  1. a device for arresting or preventing the motion of a mechanism usually by means of friction  2. something used to slow down or stop movement or activity use interest rates as a ~ on spending  • ~less adjective  VI. verb  (~d; braking)  Date: 1868  transitive verb to retard or stop by or as if by a ~  intransitive verb  1. to operate or manage a ~; especially to apply the ~ on a vehicle  2. to become checked by a ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 (often in pl.) a device for checking the motion of a mechanism, esp. a wheel or vehicle, or for keeping it at rest. 2 anything that has the effect of hindering or impeding (shortage of money was a brake on their enthusiasm). --v. 1 intr. apply a brake. 2 tr. retard or stop with a brake. Phrases and idioms brake block a block used to hold a brake shoe. brake drum a cylinder attached to a wheel on which the brake shoe presses to brake. brake fluid fluid used in a hydraulic brake system. brake horsepower the power of an engine reckoned in terms of the force needed to brake it. brake lining a strip of fabric which increases the friction of the brake shoe. brake shoe a long curved block which presses on the brake drum to brake. brake van Brit. a railway coach or vehicle from which the train's brakes can be controlled. Derivatives brakeless adj. Etymology: prob. obs. brake in sense 'machine-handle, bridle' 2. n. a large estate car. Etymology: var. of BREAK(2) 3. n. & v. --n. 1 a toothed instrument used for crushing flax and hemp. 2 (in full brake harrow) a heavy kind of harrow for breaking up large lumps of earth. --v.tr. crush (flax or hemp) by beating it. Etymology: ME, rel. to BREAK(1) 4. n. 1 a thicket. 2 brushwood. Etymology: ME f. OF bracu, MLG brake branch, stump 5. n. bracken. Etymology: ME, perh. shortened f. BRACKEN, -en being taken as a pl. ending 6. archaic past of BREAK(1). ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) тормоз, тормозное устройство; мн. ч. тормозная система тормозить 2) тестовальцовочная машина, тесто-вальцовка 3) вальцевание (теста) 4) тяжёлая борона 5) мялка для лубяных культур мять, трепать (лубяные культуры) - adjustment-free brake - aerodynamic brake - air-actuated brake - air-cooled brake - aircraft brake - air-over-oil actuated brake - arm brake - articulated shoe brake - automatic vacuum brake - automotive brake - auxiliary brake - axle-mounted disk brake - band brake - belt brake - block brake - boosted brake - cable brakes - calliper brake - calliper disk brake - calliper-type disk brake - cam-actuated brake - cam brake - cam-operated brake - cam-operating brake - centrifugal brake - clasp brake - clip brake - clutch brake - clutch-type disk brake - compressed-air brake - cone brake - constantly pumped cooled oil brake - contracting brake - deadweight brake - differential brake - differential band brake - direct-acting brake - direct-release brake - disk brake - drive line parking brake - drum brake - dry-type band brake - dual primary brake - duo-servo brake - dynamometer brake - eddy current brake - eddy-current rail brake - electromagnetic brake - electromagnetic track brake - electromechanical brake - electronic-controlled brake - electro-pneumatic brake - emergency brake - engine exhaust brake - exhaust brake - expander tube brake - expansion-type brake - external brake - external expanding drum brake - fade-resistant brake - final rail brake - fixed calliper disk brake - fixing brake - floating calliper disk brake - fluid brake - foot brake - four piston calliper disk brake - friction brake - front wheel brake - full energizing brake - gripper brake - guide brake - hand brake - heavy duty brake - high-speed brake - hoisting gear brake - hump rail brake - hydraulic brake - hydraulic boost brake - hydrokinetic brake - hydromatic brake - hydromechanical...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  тормоз brake with locking device air brake all-wheel brake boom brake foot-operated brake hand-operated brake jib brake pneumatic brake slewing brake swing brake ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  тормоз, тормозное устройство – electromagnetic brake – friction brake – reel brake ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) тормоз brake drags — тормоз прихватывает brake fades — тормоз теряет эффективность release of a brake — освобождение тормоза brake squeaks — тормоз визжит to apply brake — включить тормоз to release a brake — отпустить тормоз 2) арретировочное приспособление, арретир 3) мяло, мялица, трепалка, трепало мять, трепать 4) машиностр. листогибочная машина 5) чаща, заросли кустарника 6) тормозить, притормаживать, замедлять, задерживать - ABS brakes - aerodynamic brake - automatic brake - belt brake - block brake - cable brake - cam brake - chain brake - compressed-air brake - disk brake - double-acting brake - drum brake - dynamometric brake - emergency brake - engine brake - foot brake - friction brake - lever brake - needle brake - overrunning brake - parking brake - quick-acting brake - ratchet brake - rudder brake - safety brake - speed brake - transmission brake - two-shoe brake - wedge brake - wheel brake ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. тормоз - put the brakes on the economy 2. гл. тормозить ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) чаща; заросли кустарника 2) бот. орляк обыкновенный (Pteridium aquilinum) – cliff brake – hog brake – rock brake – stone brake – Arctic brake – five-leaf brake ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. тормоз brake action —- торможение to put on (to slam on, to apply) the brake —- затормозить to act as a brake on progress —- тормозить прогресс 2. рукоятка (насоса) 3. тормозить 4. бот. папоротник (Pteris gen.) 5. чаща; заросли кустарника 6. трепало (для льна, пеньки) 7. тестомешалка 8. большая борона 9. мять, трепать (лен) 10. месить тестомешалкой 11. разбивать комья (бороной) 12. станок для ковки лошадей 13. ист. дыба 14. уст. p. от break ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I  1. noun тормоз  2. v. тормозить II  1. noun  1) трепало (для льна, пеньки)  2) тестомешалка  3) большая борона  2. v.  1) мять, трепать (лен, пеньку)  2) месить (тесто)  3) разбивать комья (бороной) III noun чаща, кустарник ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 n 1 a piece of equipment that makes a vehicle go more slowly or stop, usually operated by pressing on a bar with your foot or hand  (Remember to test your brakes regularly)  (put/slam on the brakes also apply the brakes formal)  (Moira slammed on the brakes and skidded to a halt.)  (- see also emergency brake, handbrake) 2 act/serve as a brake on sth to make something slow or difficult  (Rises in interest rates usually act as a brake on expenditure.) 3 put the brakes on sth to stop something that is happening  (Well, that pretty much puts the brakes on our plans.) ~2 v to make a vehicle or bicycle go more slowly or stop by using its brake  (brake sharply/hard (=brake quickly))  (He braked sharply to avoid the dog.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  See: RIDE THE BRAKE. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - M.E., from O.Du. braeke "flax brake," applied to many crushing implements, and the ring through the nose of a draught ox; from breken "to break," infl. by O.Fr. brac, a form of bras "an arm," thus "a lever or handle," in Eng. from 1380. Applied to "a bridle or curb" from 1430. Modern meaning of "stopping device" congealed out of all these, first attested 1772. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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